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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

And Berli isn't being at all helpful, he just keeps chuckling and mumbling something about 'power'. Never share an administrative slot with someone who, at the Beginning of Time, sought to overthrow the Supreme Creator. They tend not to be 'team players', and their personal agenda is scary as hell.<hr></blockquote>

Christ on a bloody crutch! Who ever said I was a [retch]team player[/retch]. The only team worth playing on is MY team. The only help you'll get from me is help getting a dirk all the way through your heart.

Enough of your talk! We are now one Olde One to many. Draw steel, gnome, and join me on the field of battle!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Christ on a bloody crutch! Who ever said I was a [retch]team player[/retch]. The only team worth playing on is MY team. The only help you'll get from me is help getting a dirk all the way through your heart.

Enough of your talk! We are now one Olde One to many. Draw steel, gnome, and join me on the field of battle!<hr></blockquote>

You lot can see what he's like. Peng and I deal with his alternations between 'brooding silence' and 'megalomaniac aggression'.

Of course, we both enjoy a quiet chuckle over the following vision:

Berli: Damnation, damnation to them all! They shall be rent, they shall be torn asunder!"

Persephone: Yes, dear, and so they shall. I think xxx(one of Berli's large hellhounds, who's name escapes me just now) wants his tummy rubbed.

Berli, brooding, leans over to rub the dog's tummy.

Berli: I was once His favourite angel, you know.

Persephone: Of course, dear. Just as you're my favourite Devil now.

Berli: Peng! Peng is weak! He let them take his name. Seanachai is worse. He actually likes them!

Persephone: Weak as water, beloved. But such nice people. We should have them over some time.

Berli(glowering): Should we?

Persephone: Of course, Sweetness.

Berli: But the Gnome will sing! And Peng will drink up all the liquor!

Persephone: Of course they will, Love. It's what they do. But Seanachai will bring extra liquor for Peng, and Peng will tackle Seanachai when he begins that song about 'Maidens Bereft'. It'll be fine.

Berli: Well, if you're sure.

Persephone: Of course I am, Love. Now take the garbage out, there's a good Lord of Damnation.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

As you were dropped unceremoniously in the death throes of a behemoth, I will offer you a haven: to wit, you are hereby promoted to squire to Panzer Leader, the true rapscallion knight, brandishing his silvery rapier against the thick-edged Bastard swords of wrongfullness.<hr></blockquote>

Egads, I AM going to barf. Pansie flee-er taking D. to squire is like Brian taking Jesus to squire. Sure, D. is just an SSN, and he should SODD-OFF-A-Bunch, but he nevertheless makes Mouse look like a plankton.

Pardon me, as the Porcelain God beckons...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Dee you are simply too much, and should not be here.

...I will offer you a haven: to wit, you are hereby promoted to squire to Panzer Leader, the true rapscallion knight, brandishing his silvery rapier against the thick-edged Bastard swords of wrongfullness.


I am almost goddamn sure that when we allowed you to be raised to Knighthood, we had you neutered. In fact, I believe Berli made it a particular point: "Alright, he can be a Knight. But no more like him! No Serfs, no Squires!"

And Peng and I agreed that it was good.

You are here as the Knight Alone. No Squires for you.

[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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These are strange times, strange times indeed: Berli focuses his wrath on Seanachai; Peng off in a besodden stupour somewhere (wait that's normal) the justicariate resigning in a huff because no one would play planes with him.

Slapdraggin' unceremoniusly thrown the sash of kaniggettness... freaks and weirdos showing up outta the blue (wait -- normal) and now, NOW Seanachai, obviously peeved at my bumbling victory (notice how he didn't even mention it, sore loser I tell ya -- a real surprise, that)now, Seanachai decides (wink wink nudge nudge) that some random regulation ((scoff)) was put upon my Knighthood!?!?!

(was that really one sentence? Wow, time for another slippery nipple)

I could really use the Justicariate's infallible knowledge of Peng Law right now. Ah well, a slight inconvenience for a world of freedom.

I will wait until Lorak (If he can be torn from Deadly Dozen or whatever twitch-fest he's involved in) Lorak who bestowed my laurels upon me, makes his judgement.

As it stands, Seanachai that is two slights tonight spat from your bee-stung lips towards me. I claim Casus Belli against you, you sodden pasta slurper (no idea). I will see you on the field of battle, where once again I can coerce the AI (my only ally) to make all your bullets miss, while my hastily targeting warriors will throw smoke and fire, FIRE, down upon your head. Check your inbox, mate.

Dee my ignoble SQUIRE hang in there and find a rock or something to hide under for a bit, these curmudgeons, though they may stumble and brood, may be easily tamed.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]</p>

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At least tha place as livenin' oop a bit! Scum Sucking Newbies crawlin' oot o' near every crack an' orifice. Ah'm beginnin' tae thank tha OopaDonkeysAss ainly posts fraim work! Plenty o' rancid meat here fer haim tae cut hais squirish teeth on an' hae nae tae bae seen!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The old ways are, it appears, gone for good.

Why the time was when an SSN would leap at the chance to be made squire to ANY Knight of the CessPool, let along to the First Among the Seniour Knights.

The time was when the Olde Ones could be counted upon for their sage counsel and wise advice, when they could be counted upon to uphold the right regardless of personal gain or ego.

The time was when the CessPool MEANT something. But now we have SSNs setting conditions for matches with Seniour Knights, we have SSNs trampling upon the office of the Justicariate and we have Olde Ones, who should be upholding the honor and tradition of the CessPool, instead flaunting it and twisting those same traditions to their own dishonorable ends.

Some might say that it's due to the Justicar being an overbearing, pompous and self-absorbed, self-appointed guardian of the CessPool. In that they are entitled to their opinion of course, but self-appointed I was not. I was appointed by the Olde Ones to safeguard and protect the traditions of the CessPool and I have done that to the best of my ability.

Stixx, if you want a game you may have it upon the conditions I set forth, if not you may attempt to find another here who will accomodate you.

D, you are hereby released from the honorable office of Squire to myself, best of luck lad.

OGSF, if upon the vote of the Olde Ones you are confirmed as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... good luck, you'll need it.

And to the rest of you ... as the days of my life grow shorter, as the dusk gathers about me and the wind whispers through the pines outside my window I'll hear, as if from far off, the rattle of the keyboards, I'll see the posts and emails of long departed, though not forgotten friends and the glow of my monitor will illuminate a face grown old in the service of the CessPool. And, eventually, the glow from the monitor will simply fade away. And so, like that monitor, I too now simply ... fade away ... an old Justicar who tried to do his duty as Gawd gave him the light to see that duty ... Goodbye.


Shaw goddamnit, isn't that a rough re-working of MacArthur's 'farewell speech'? Don't do that, I never liked that pillock. He used to cheat at cards, did you know that?

Now, what have we here? Yet another attack on the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. Perhaps we should characterize that as the continuing attack.

Now, for all those not of the Cesspool, your attacks are noted, and we will step around them like the rain-wet dog ****e they are. Joe Shaw, Old Foul Joe, is indeed the Justicar of the Thread, and it was nothing the poor, sorry bastard chose, it chose him. Or rather, we chose him; we, the Olde Ones. Oh, I know, Joe, that Berli has been tasking you of late, but remember, this is an Anarchic Being of Chaos and Arrogance who contested the rule of creation with the Creator. In most cases, it's not like he's going to jump on board and 'do the right thing', now is it?

In any case, I see that we, the Olde Ones, have left Shaw hanging out there to dry as a 'target of opportunity' for folk that couldn't find their arse with both hands if it was on fire, and the Society For Annoying Daft Arseholes was on scene to send in retrained halfwits to help guide their hands to their bums.

The position of Justicar, quite frankly, was never intended as one dedicated to ferreting out human stupidity. Frankly, there's seldom any need to ferret out the stupidity of SSNs here; it's so bloody up front that even Bauhaus merely waves a vague hand at it and goes on telling his beads.

No, the position of Justicar is that of Judgement. It has long been clear that here in the Peng Challenge Thread, the Absolute Correctness of the Olde Ones had to be met with a Counsel of the Ruled, which provided a forum for what are popularly called: the Little People.

And so we, the Olde Ones, gave the nod to a 'Counsel of Six', to counter-balance the Triumvirate of Olde Ones. They were/are the Lorak, Herald of the Cesspool. The Consigliori, or 'Whore' of the Peng Challenge Thread (this position is currently occupied by Lawyer), the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, our own Old Foul Joe. The title of Official Grog of the Peng Challenge Thread currently occupied, however poorly, by Simon Fox, the title of Eldest Australian, gamily fulfilled by Goanna, and the 'Official Lawyer' of the Peng Challenge Thread, filled by the largely absent, but occassionaly attentive JD Morse. (Yes, I know we have two slots in there for sodding attorneys, but you try and short change, or even give correct change to the bastards, and see how far you get)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Ok Joe.

Send me a map. stix243@iprimus.com.au

What about a little wager on the battle too?

If you win: I won't post in the MBT for a month

If I win: YOU don't post in the MBT for a month

Sounds fair to me but i'm sure you will come up with a excuse.


Bah! You were given a game, and a game far beyond your station!

It's not up to you to set conditions, unless, like the average two year old, you're doing it to test your boundaries.

I've no true opposition to you, Stix, but you seem to have a chip on your shoulder over the Chosen of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Play the goddamn game, and wear the outcome, Lost or Won, like a man.

Do you really think that the Peng Challenge Thread is a forum to sort out your issues with your father, or your own insecurities, or do you understand that we are here to play The Game, and, like honourable warriours, confront each other in combat?

You've been given a game by a Man that I name 'An Honorouble Opponent'. Are you so lost to the reality of the 'Peng Challenge Thread' that you want to fight him over how his existence differs from yours?

Stixx, you've been offered an Honourable Challenge, and, in my personal opinion, a better one than your behaviour has deserved.

Accept, or depart. The choice is yours. But don't go making conditions and demanding concessions like a bloody used car salesman.

Shaw is a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread, and has given me several games of note. Play, or piss off. He's a damn good opponent, and shouldn't be subjected to pissant 'bets' by those of 'No Reputation Worth Noting'.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am almost goddamn sure that when we allowed you to be raised to Knighthood, we had you neutered. In fact, I believe Berli made it a particular point: "Alright, he can be a Knight. But no more like him! No Serfs, no Squires!"<hr></blockquote>

Yeah, we left the jar with his yarbles with you... er... Sean, old boy... when you put your false teeth in this morning... I think you took them from the wrong jar...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You lot can see what he's like. Peng and I deal with his alternations between 'brooding silence' and 'megalomaniac aggression'.

Of course, we both enjoy a quiet chuckle over the following vision:

Berli: Damnation, damnation to them all! They shall be rent, they shall be torn asunder!"

Persephone: Yes, dear, and so they shall. I think xxx(one of Berli's large hellhounds, who's name escapes me just now) wants his tummy rubbed.

Berli, brooding, leans over to rub the dog's tummy.

Berli: I was once His favourite angel, you know.

Persephone: Of course, dear. Just as you're my favourite Devil now.

Berli: Peng! Peng is weak! He let them take his name. Seanachai is worse. He actually likes them!

Persephone: Weak as water, beloved. But such nice people. We should have them over some time.

Berli(glowering): Should we?

Persephone: Of course, Sweetness.

Berli: But the Gnome will sing! And Peng will drink up all the liquor!

Persephone: Of course they will, Love. It's what they do. But Seanachai will bring extra liquor for Peng, and Peng will tackle Seanachai when he begins that song about 'Maidens Bereft'. It'll be fine.

Berli: Well, if you're sure.

Persephone: Of course I am, Love. Now take the garbage out, there's a good Lord of Damnation.<hr></blockquote>

Two Hellhounds and one... dog (Persephone's). damned things are always demanding attention... FROM ME! They can spend the entire day with Persephone, and not one peep out of them... I get home after a long day of tormenting lawyers (did I mention that this job has some fine fringe benefits?) and they attack!...

Got sidetracked before I even started...

Nice try at changing the subject Sean, but I'm on to you. We are at hazard, and I await your terms

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Two Hellhounds and one... dog (Persephone's). damned things are always demanding attention... FROM ME! They can spend the entire day with Persephone, and not one peep out of them... I get home after a long day of tormenting lawyers (did I mention that this job has some fine fringe benefits?) and they attack!...

Got sidetracked before I even started...

Nice try at changing the subject Sean, but I'm on to you. We are at hazard, and I await your terms<hr></blockquote>

Bugger, was worried about the lack of respect being shown towards the Justicar, don't you know.

I'd say, not more than 1500 points, if you know of a good scenario that you haven't played, around this level, it's your choice. Otherwise, I'm a Great Admirer of QBs.

What shall we do, Berli? There's a general lack of Warriour Spirit here, on the Thread of threads.

I remember, as a child, being rousted out of bed, around 5 AM, my gear already packed, to drive 350 miles to the Canadian Border, to camp, fish, sing songs, drink, and carry on as though life had meaning.

All of you would be lucky to claim the same dispensation.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bugger, was worried about the lack of respect being shown towards the Justicar, don't you know.<hr></blockquote>

As if he deserves any... bringing that Il/2ness into the thread

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I'd say, not more than 1500 points, if you know of a good scenario that you haven't played, around this level, it's your choice. Otherwise, I'm a Great Admirer of QBs.<hr></blockquote>

I have a couple of Der Kessel battles I haven't looked at yet... I'll grab one of them

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What shall we do, Berli? There's a general lack of Warriour Spirit here, on the Thread of threads.<hr></blockquote>

Hmmm... kill things of course. We need more battles going on. Perhaps we need to relax one of the rules... I will begin...

Notice to Squires, Serfs and SSNs

I will accept the next 10 challenges leveled by anyone against me here in the Mutha Beautiful Thread

Perhaps Seanachai will follow suit

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Sire Slapdragon

That neuteredupstartkanniggett - PanzerLeader has cast a nasturtium upon your good name !

Slapdraggin' unceremoniusly thrown the sash of kaniggettness...

I shall defend your honour and and send the pillock to the bottom of the 'pool along with Lars.

PantzerLeaker, a set up will be in your mail...unless you are indisposed in the dunny as usual. No doubt your feebleness will find a way to worm out of a challenge.

There really is a shortage of good opponents around here. May be Berli can offer a good fight. If so, put me on your list to lose too.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Fight Lars and fetch me a can of Boag's Beer.<hr></blockquote>

Can? A fecking Can?

You sniffer of an incontenant feral goat, 'Boags'(name un-bolded because, after all, it is a Tasmanian beer) is only available in bottles.

Cans are for poor people, or for export. (same thing really)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

Sire Slapdragon

That neuteredupstartkanniggett - PanzerLeader has cast a nasturtium upon your good name !

Slapdraggin' unceremoniusly thrown the sash of kaniggettness...

I shall defend your honour and and send the pillock to the bottom of the 'pool along with Lars.

PantzerLeaker, a set up will be in your mail...unless you are indisposed in the dunny as usual. No doubt your feebleness will find a way to worm out of a challenge.

There really is a shortage of good opponents around here. May be Berli can offer a good fight. If so, put me on your list to lose too.


Please do good squire [Noba. Besides, I am feeling a bit peckish today, since I discovered that all right thinking Australians support the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and feel the US had it coming. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=001858&p=10

Heck fire Noba, you and Mace (because of Mace's involvement with the more furry Australian citizens) seem to be the only Aussies who like us. Maybe Stuka, but I forgot to send his I like the US payment last month.

[Edited by me because my Boags spilled while I was typing]

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]</p>

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Ah've gi abot twenty-tae thoosand gams gwin at tha moment.....but prolly ainly aboot six tae ten tha actually sind turns sae ye'd notice. Berli, Ah'd bae happy tae slap ye shtyupid agin, Ah'll saind a wee setoop tae ye... sae 800 points, Ah'll attack ye, default QB settings, Brits attackin' (Heeland Regimaints o' course).

Noba, ye widnae knoo a good opponaint af'n hae taped haimsailf tae ye forehaid an' kicked ye ain each eye repeatedly! Ye stankin', festerin, soiled G-string bastarrrd. Ye kin saind mae a setoop af'n ye like. Ah'll show ye wah misey an' humiliation feels leek (although Ah'm sure ye familiar wi' thaim both already). Noo tae big a scenario laddie, an' waill reviewed. Pillock.



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There really is a shortage of good opponents around here. May be Berli can offer a good fight. If so, put me on your list to lose too.


Berlichtingen you have stooped very low indeed in order to accept such a limp challenge as this one. The ignoble Noba has cast such a weak challenge at your feet that I am shocked at your easy acceptance. Even so your tolerant acceptance is somehow understood since the door was left hanging wide open.

Once there was a disturbance in The Force. George Lucas then sold his soul to the highest bidders and lost all true vision of the archetypal hero. Joseph Campbell must be spinning in his grave. Now there are ripples in The Pool. Will we all stand by to watch the paragon of Combat Mission challenge forums suffer a similar fate? This warrior will not allow that to happen!

From the depths of my soul I offer thee a challenge, Berlichtingen. Your gauntlet has been tossed and, picking it up, I thrust it into your face. *SQUISH* What are the terms? You set them, Jester of Darkness.

I have two reasons to fight you: Joe Shaw is being drained of color and MrPeng has not the support of an Olde One. The choice is difficult, yet clear. Should I win our contest you will give your full support to the reinstatement of MrPeng’s proper name. chrisl’s puny victory will not stand a chance against a unified front. If you best me in battle (as if that were even possible), I will smash Noba for you, and grant a wish.

In other news, as Leeo has already stated, I have wiped a map with his forces. He is coming back for more! Unfortunately this doesn’t count for much, for I am a lowly SSN.

Your friendly neighborhood SSN (Shell Slinging Nemesis)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

[qb]Besides, I am feeling a bit peckish today, since I discovered that all right thinking Australians support the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and feel the US had it coming. <hr></blockquote>

Slapdragon, if you haven't figured it out yet, Brian is one of the biggest idiots on the board... remember, he brought us Bren Tripods

[ Message edited because that was a bloody long URL ]

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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dum-de-dum-de-dum-de-da, ho-hum

ooh, ooh, what's this?Slow Bore aka Rentavan gone a bit twitchy? No, no as a mere SSN I propose that Rentavan is doing a thoroughly splendid job and just the slightest proclivity towards issuing parking lot tickets should be appreciated... yes, yes, prancing around the MBT like a mincing, over-strained trollope is a tad bit unedifying, but hey its the only thing that keeps me coming back (aside: that should do it)

... now that me passages are clear, despite me better judgement, methinks a tussle with yonder Crates-Mutt is in order... but it's always best to delay gratification... ooh, ooh, which reminds me... where's me Elvis turn...

OGSF (swoon).... ahhhh, something tugs bossom again (sigh)... oooh, those gruff, grating, dolcid tones make me go (shudder).. ahem, right, new meat eh? Hmmmm, this Berli fellow (weight moved to release pressure point off left buttock)... any good?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sledge59:

Berlichtingen you have stooped very low indeed in order to accept such a limp challenge as this one. The ignoble Noba has cast such a weak challenge at your feet that I am shocked at your easy acceptance. Even so your tolerant acceptance is somehow understood since the door was left hanging wide open.<hr></blockquote>

I didn't set any requirements on the challenges... if I expected quality, it would be 10 years before I got 10 challenges.

Setup shortly

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