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Need a sales pitch

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I've been trying to hook my friends on this game but so far it's a no go. All I hear is "I don't get it" or "Am I missing something".

All I can do is stare dumbfounded at them because to me it's obvious why this is one of the best wargames on the market. I need some help to convince the unenlightened that they are truly missing out on this great game. Suggestions? :confused:

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Are you just telling them about it or have you had them over to the house to show them what it's all about? You need to remember that visual aids are good! You know, " A picture is worth...blah, blah, blah."

If you can't actually show them the game while it's running, print out some screen captures of some devastating arty hits, or maybe a Sherman bursting into flames.

Visual carnage is always a strong selling tool.

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So far I've run afoul of the dreaded SEE (Spousal Evil Eye). "don't you dare hook my husband on this game, I don't see enough of him as it is". So you see it's a touchy thing but when I get my chance I will walk them through a few turns, stealth and secrecy is called for here. Hopefully I wont need a combat bonus. smile.gif

I like the idea of sending a screenshot or two, got plenty of AFVs blowing up to choose from, mostly mine though. :(

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Depends on what your friends like in games - if they're micromanagers and control freaks, show them the QB generator, setup phase, orders, and so forth. If they're impatient with that stuff, show them a replay of a particularly intense turn from one of your games.

And if all else fails, show them one of the racetrack scenarios.

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Originally posted by Brewmeister:

So you see it's a touchy thing but when I get my chance I will walk them through a few turns, stealth and secrecy is called for here.(

Don't do it from the beginning of a scenario. Most scenarios take five to ten turns for combat to really start developing. Either pick a scenario involving action from moment one or pre-fight through the opening phases of the scenario and save just as the action heats up. Then, your friends can see the game in all its glory.

You are using mods, aren't you? That will help too.

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Use the map builder to its full potential! One of the best ways to attracts non-wargamers or those that simply doubt the fun to be had in this game is to show them lots of sh*t blowing to hell. The best way to do this is as follows:

1. Go into the map builder and set parameters to have a large map and an early date.

2. Buy a battalion or two of German infantry and a couple of Ami 14inch spotters. If you dont want to wait too long, you might want to buy the Amis some TRPs so the shells come down faster.

3. Set the Ami spotters in a clump of woods so they wont be detected. Dont bother giving cover to the Germans, it just hinders in the butchery.

4. Unleash all heck!!! If the sight of massive explosions and lots of death does not capture their interest, get some new friends! tongue.gif

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

Use the map builder to its full potential! One of the best ways to attracts non-wargamers or those that simply doubt the fun to be had in this game is to show them lots of sh*t blowing to hell. The best way to do this is as follows:

1. Go into the map builder and set parameters to have a large map and an early date.

2. Buy a battalion or two of German infantry and a couple of Ami 14inch spotters. If you dont want to wait too long, you might want to buy the Amis some TRPs so the shells come down faster.

3. Set the Ami spotters in a clump of woods so they wont be detected. Dont bother giving cover to the Germans, it just hinders in the butchery.

4. Unleash all heck!!! If the sight of massive explosions and lots of death does not capture their interest, get some new friends! tongue.gif

For fairness (and to show off vehicles blowing up), give the Germans half a dozen 88mm FLAK guns dug in and place seven or eight shermans and stuarts in the open about 350m out.

[ April 05, 2002, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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I recently got a chance to show the game to my supervisor at work (unintentionally... ahem). He thought it was a hoot BUT he considered himself as too ignorant history-wise to play a historically-based game. Questions like "So, this is taking place in France?"

Maybe your friends don't consider themselves WORTHY to play CM! tongue.gif

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Unfortunately, wargaming will always be a niche market, played by a small percentage of the general population. While we can certainly aspire to have every single person in that small percentage playing CMBO, it's too much to hope for sales approaching the more popular RTS or FPS games.

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