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The Peng Challenge Demo - Download at Your Own Risk

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Originally posted by Mace:

Persephone, sorry but I just don't think niceness works here.

Doesn't match the decor.


Says who?

Obviously Mace you are in a different side of the Cesspool than us females are or you would see that Persephones niceness compliments our side just as much as the bright red curtains Roxy stol..I mean bought.

I myself preferred the natural look we had before Roxy paid that visit to Walmart. Still a change is as good as a rest.

Oh yea..... Leave Persephone alone she can be as nice as she wants... tongue.gif

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Guest PondScum

Didja notice that when the MBT isn't near the top of the list, we don't get overrun with outerboarders?

Anyhoo. OGSF, you pathetic excuse for a Celtic warrior, I'm callin' you out. That's right, Jimmy, on September 1st I'm comin' after those last 11 points. We'll pretend that the UK shipped all of Scotland off to the motherland as part of Lend-Lease (and a fine thing it would have been, too), there to be butchered to the last wee spaniel by all things Prussian and Sturmtigerish.

This is assuming that the demo is actually PBEM'able, of course. If it isn't, good luck getting more than those 11 points against the AI.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

That's right, Jimmy, on September 1st I'm comin' after those last 11 points. We'll pretend that the UK shipped all of Scotland off to the motherland as part of Lend-Lease (and a fine thing it would have been, too), there to be butchered to the last wee spaniel by all things Prussian and Sturmtigerish.

Ye're on, ye gamey balanced force buyin' bastarrrd. Ah'll bae seein' hoo ye like a King Stalin Bastarrrd T-123456 Kalishnikov tank thingy oop ye!!
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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Boo I see you are spending time posting so that means you should have time to send the setup you promised . If you still have too many games on the go I'll wait and bid my time .

Good Lord, would you cease your pathetic whinging, "Ohh Boo, you promised me a rematch, you promised, you promised, you promised!" you annoying little lick-spittle! You'll get your rematch as soon as CMBB comes out or at least the demo. My Gawd, you tore me a new one in our last match, are you hoping to relive your one shining moment of glory? Have you been losing every other match left and right? Do you think that lightning will strike twice?

Think again, Simonize.

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Turns are OUT! Well except for AussieJeff, Mace and Noba who are all Australian and deserve nothing but the back of my hand ... also I show that they owe ME a turn so that's another reason. If they dispute this, and you know how they are, none of them with a shred of honor to their name, they can bloody well send their last again because I don't have it!

Here are some highlights!

Hakko Ichiu and I are groping through the woods in the night. He has so far managed to spook some of my pickets and shell the hell out of some empty tree lines. I expected no better from him.

Agua Perdido - I swear to Gawd that if Berli didn't include some reinforcements in this monstrosity he's inflicted upon us I'll just take my ball and go home. You CAN'T attack an area the size of Texas with a handful of tanks and a company of infantry and I don't care if they defenders are Cub Scouts.

Marlow and I are about to duke it out mano a mano (opps my mistake) mano (ME) a ... well whatever the hell it is that he is. Stug against TD ... since it's one of my brilliant QB ME 300 point tourney matches this will just about tell the tale. The beauty of it is that if he wins I can claim it was just luck whereas if I win it was pure skill.

Moriarty has placed a bunker on a map edge ... I mean can you GET more gamey than that?

MrSpkr ... I don't remember ... but it's probably not good for the guy from Utah.

Panzer Leader has lost TWO tank ... things, I'm not sure what yet, to my valiant ATG which is still alive. I've lost a squad. I am, therefore, WINNING!

Papa Khann is desperately trying to escape from the wrath of my forces. The fact that it's an exit scenario has nothing to do with his inherent cowardice.

I'm off to Minneapolis tommorrow for a week so NO TURNS FOR YOU! Someone had better be bringing a couple of laptops since the IT Nazis of my company won't let me load anything but stuff THEY say is good ... like they know.


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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Fool! I would never attack with two water techniques in the same series. That would be far too predictable.

Yes! But knowing that it would be too predictable, would make its usage quite unpredictable. Unless you knew that I knew it's sheer predictability would make it unpredictable to the point where it would once again become predictable.

Pffft! You are indeed slow witted.

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

Persephone, sorry but I just don't think niceness works here.

Doesn't match the decor.


Says who?

Obviously Mace you are in a different side of the Cesspool than us females are or you would see that Persephones niceness compliments our side just as much as the bright red curtains Roxy stol..I mean bought.

I myself preferred the natural look we had before Roxy paid that visit to Walmart. Still a change is as good as a rest.

Oh yea..... Leave Persephone alone she can be as nice as she wants... tongue.gif </font>

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Great I'll go throw them on the bonfire with all that other male stuff those guys keep leaving around here.

Ohhhhh keep that nice big space for my Nic Cage poster, it will look perfect just there.

*Pop* cracks open another bottle

Sheesh Persephone you sure can knock it back, I thought Roxy could drink, but you make her look like a novice..

Go girl go......

Fancy some p-nuts?

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Originally posted by YK2:

Says who?

Obviously Mace you are in a different side of the Cesspool than us females are or you would see that Persephones niceness compliments our side just as much as the bright red curtains Roxy stol..I mean bought.

I myself preferred the natural look we had before Roxy paid that visit to Walmart. Still a change is as good as a rest.

Oh yea..... Leave Persephone alone she can be as nice as she wants... tongue.gif

*thwack* Ouch.

*thwack* Ouch!

*thwack* OUCH!!!!

I have now learnt that it's a lot more safer and prudent to be chained firmly to a rail track than it is to comment about the cesspool decor.

Won't happen again.


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Originally posted by Mace:

*thwack* Ouch!

*thwack* OUCH!!!!

I have now learnt that it's a lot more safer and prudent to be chained firmly to a rail track than it is to comment about the cesspool decor.

Won't happen again.

Well, we could use some help hanging the Nic Cage poster.

...Then when you are all finished with that you can go paint the paddock gate. I bought some special pink paint just for that.

...After you are finished with that...maybe you can join us in a glass of wine....*hic* ...that is, if there is any left.

[ August 24, 2002, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Well, we could use some help hanging the Nic Cage poster.

...Then when you are all finished with that you can go paint the paddock gate. I bought some special pink paint just for that.

...After you are finished with that...maybe you can join us in a glass of wine....*hic* ...that is, if there is any left.

Errr Squire Simon, where are you lad?!!

We have a most important job for you.

I'll be with the ladies helping them out with the wine if you need any advice.


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Yeah Mace and while you have those overalls on you can empty the Pool of all that nasty slimy stuff, I have some NICE pink bath salts to make it all bubbly and fragrant.

Then maybe just maybe if you are really Nice you can test the water for us Ladies just incase it's too cold.

Pass the wine Persephone

*Hic Hic Hic*

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