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The Peng Challenge Demo - Download at Your Own Risk

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Don't ya just love it when the combined sickening weight of 2 {count 'em}, two {that's right}, DEUX {now ya got it!} Peng Challenge MBT's rests on <U>top</U> of the forum, crushing the intelligence out of the rest of the outerboard rabble??

Ahh! Pool-life is good.......


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Interesting read in yesterday's newspaper:

South Australia has finally recognised that WW2 is over by terminating a 1939 emergency powers bill.

Does that mean we'll see more of Speedy until he goes off to fight the Korean War?


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Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

I actually sent out all of my turns last night. It was good to have an hour to myself. After calling up the King of South Philly, I realized that all that really matters is to send out turns. Here is what is happening with my games.

Speedbump This one is tailored to be a win for him. I’m American and attacking while he is cowering in his foxholes. Since I got a draw against this sorry excuse for a personage in our last game, he thought that it would be best for him to defend. Plenty of bocage in this one and it’s a nice little map.

The Old Firm “All I ever want to see, is bodies, burning bodies…” Sorry, had a formation run flashback there. Still remember those cadences. This PBEM has buildings and smashed armor thingies. We are going tit for tat somehow and I’m almost tempted to demolish the buildings just to find where the hell he is.

Goanna He isn’t all that “uber” after all. I am laying the pimp slap upon him for being a mouthy trollop. Hopefully, this will be a draw because I know how that drives many of you crazy. Hehe

Seanachai I’m Polish (just for a challenge) and he is a wussy. I mean, he is defending. I’m so twitchy in my games since I’m still playing Fionn that I’m seeing troops hiding behind every bush. Since there is a chance that he might be German and defending, then I might not get a draw. But, I do know that we will be playing this game this time next year.

Elvis He took my flag. It was the only flag on the board and he took it. I will gather up both of the troops I have left and chase him around that flag until I tire him out. His technique is interesting compared to:

JDMorse His tanks cower before my awesomeness. Is that a word? Okay, you caught me being duplicitous. He is also beating me in the same scenario. I do hate this scenario because my side didn’t get arty and his side did. Waaah!!

Fionn Oh, the humanity!! I’ve never experienced such slaughter before. Oh, and he is killing a couple of my troopies too. I’ll share my technique at a later time when the role is called up yonder. I admit that he is the only opponent that is making me jumpy and waste time in actually caring where I send my troops and armor.

Croda & Slapdragon Not sure if I should list them as opponents any more. I abhor one and am ambiguous about the other one. I was hoping to learn from Slapdragon so I could use some of that knowledge against Fionn while gleaning info from Fionn so I could really wallop Goanna and Geier but it’s obvious that I don’t need to know much to beat Speedbump.

I was supposed to send a setup to Dalem but I’m entirely too lazy any more. Oh, well.

[ August 22, 2002, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

I am officially old.

This from a lout whose first words to me on my moving in day last December was "you and your buddies need to keep off this new grass the city just laid", whose second words to me weeks later was a suggestion that I not use my fireplace at all, and if I did, to keep the smoke away from his house? And whose third words to me were just this last Sunday whining about how "this house", being mine, causes him no end of water problems in his basement?

Grownups suck.

I now lean back and let the soothing froth of the Cesspool Healing Baths take me away like a low-rent Calgon......

dalem, if I might give several suggestions for the situation.

pi) Use your fireplace whenever the temperature drops below 72 degrees (farenheit for you international gits) or when the prevailing winds would push the smoke in his direction.

last but not least) On Sunday, invite Joe and all the other Minneapolis Pooligans over for a cookout. Make sure that you set up the lawnchairs on the grass the city laid. And while you are at it, fire up the fireplace.

firstly) Water your yard...a lot. Oh yeah, and light your fireplace.

I am sure these friendly suggestions should put you on the path to reconciliation with your "neighbor"!


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Originally posted by dalem:

My neighbor is an arse.

Ever thought of having a bonfire? How about setting out bowls of tuna at the side of your house (guaranteed to attract every feline in the neighborhood)?

If I didn't have a pretrial conference this morning, I could find the link to a neat neighborly site -- look for it this afternoon.

Just trying to help -- really.


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Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Cesspool, I call upon you in your official capacity as guardian of the rules and all propriety in the MBT, to hereby designate Treeburst155 as Squire to myself, i.e., Moriarty, Senior Knight and Defender of Hopeless Causes.
Hmmm, another interesting conumdrum (or condiment ... I get those mixed up all the time, it's a real problem). Moriarty (who STILL hasn't said anything nice about me and therefore will NOT be getting his turn) has claimed first right of refusal on Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded). Yet I see on the previous incarnation of the MBT that I responded to him as follows:
I will say that should the Serf Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded) wish to reenter the CessPool in that status and under that name then the Justicariate would take into account his postings to date and would likely grant your plea and make him Squire to you ... on the other hand he might wish to kill himself first.
So you can see my concern ... do I just call Moriarty a complete idiot for not reading my first post or shall I call him an utter simpleton for not remembering? Difficult decisions my friends.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

Speedbump This one is tailored to be a win for him. I’m American and attacking while he is cowering in his foxholes. Since I got a draw against this sorry excuse for a personage in our last game, he thought that it would be best for him to defend. Plenty of bocage in this one and it’s a nice little map.

... but it’s obvious that I don’t need to know much to beat Speedbump.

Well, Hiram, I find it interesting to hear you complain of my choice of defender. Our last game had you whining about having conscripts, so as a result, you bought a flak division's worth of 88's while your infantry huddled in the bottom of their foxholes! Your game skills were limited to hitting the "Go" button and complaining as I overran your crunchies...the only time you perked up was when 8 or 10 of your flak guns decided to play tag with my tanks.

Now promise me to send more than one turn a month. Croda sends turns more often...


edit: {fargin' UBB}

[ August 22, 2002, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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Originally posted by Speedbump:

Now promise me to send more than one turn a month. Croda sends turns more often...


edit: {fargin' UBB}

Speedbump you toilet bowl dweller. I see you clinging to the side as I flush furiously. I will not promise to send turns more often because I find it to be much more fun and fulfilling to spend time with my three year old neices. They have more stimulating conversation and we relate whereas you are boring and your prose is stagnant. I spend much of my freetime baby-fricken-sitting to help out someone who does not give a rat's patootie about Combat Mission.

When that person is in remission, (that day will arrive some time soon I hope) I will send you turns quickly and they will be good turns that will make you weep. You will lose quickly even though you are a cheating harlot with a quick tongue and shifty eyes. I will be your pimp and you will make me money by selling your wares on the street. Bump better have my money!! Not some of my money. Not most of my money. Bump better have all my damn money!

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

Now promise me to send more than one turn a month. Croda sends turns more often...


edit: {fargin' UBB}

I spend much of my freetime baby-fricken-sitting to help out someone who does not give a rat's patootie about Combat Mission. </font>
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dalem, just fertilize the Creeping Charlie.

A little midnight seeding expedition on his side of the fence would be even better. You might also want to inquire if he has hayfever or other allergies you can exploit.

You do have Creeping Charlie, don't you?

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Originally posted by Jev.Dk:

Dont mind me. Im just scouting for the forthcomming invasion of the Pool.



Fluffy The Sheep

I wouldn't recommend scouting in a sheep costume here, although I think Mace is probably asleep at the moment.
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Originally posted by dalem:

But tonight I actually had an argument with my neighbor

For shame, dalem, for shame!

Here is this kindly older gentleman who no doubt, has put oodles of time and effort into beautifying his home, his castle, the extension of his ID and YOU have to move in with your bumpkin-like ways, much like the Clampets did to their poor neighbors in Beverly Hills. Do you also pee in your cee-ment pond?

And after you've cheapen his property values by just being in the vicinity, you hire Alf and Ralph to come over, strew their tools willy-nilly all over hell and back and gouge huge divots out of his lawn with their scaffolding. They were probably drunk, too.

I hope you'r proud of yourself, turning this man's life into a Fellini-esque nightmare, whilst you stand there grinning your vacuous gap-toothed grin doing your best Jr. Samples impersonation.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

But tonight I actually had an argument with my neighbor

For shame, dalem, for shame!

Here is this kindly older gentleman who no doubt, has put oodles of time and effort into beautifying his home, his castle, the extension of his ID and YOU have to move in with your bumpkin-like ways, much like the Clampets did to their poor neighbors in Beverly Hills. Do you also pee in your cee-ment pond?

And after you've cheapen his property values by just being in the vicinity, you hire Alf and Ralph to come over, strew their tools willy-nilly all over hell and back and gouge huge divots out of his lawn with their scaffolding. They were probably drunk, too.

I hope you'r proud of yourself, turning this man's life into a Fellini-esque nightmare, whilst you stand there grinning your vacuous gap-toothed grin doing your best Jr. Samples impersonation.


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Boo_Radley, Speedbump is quite correct ... no big surprise there, he IS a product of the Shavian House after all, class will show you know. But I've seen dalem and can assure you that there is no way he could be mistaken for a redneck. Most rednecks, after all, are at least vaugely humanoid.


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Originally posted by Jev.Dk:

Dont mind me. Im just scouting for the forthcomming invasion of the Pool.



Fluffy The Sheep

You lot! Drag that idjit over here and help me stuff him into the Lord General MB mascot costume.

That should take the brass off him.

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