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Peng west of the Pecos: The Challenge goes to Texas

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

A bunch of monkeys get together to fling sh*t at one another, and then set up some kind of pecking order for how much and what kind they are allowed to fling.

Please, I cannot possibly be bothered.

Not those kind of rules, nitwit. No 75mm Rule/No SMG Squads/No artillery over 2mm/etc players here. Contact Moriarty for the true No Rules rule
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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

A bunch of monkeys get together to fling sh*t at one another, and then set up some kind of pecking order for how much and what kind they are allowed to fling.

Please, I cannot possibly be bothered.

Not those kind of rules, nitwit. No 75mm Rule/No SMG Squads/No artillery over 2mm/etc players here. Contact Moriarty for the true No Rules rule
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.

Hey, I'm just trying to fulfill the quota. As it so happens, the village from whence you came is also missing a poncey, drooling, "stick-a-finger-in-'is-own-bum-and-he'll-be-shocked-it-don't-smell-like-roses" carnival freak as well. Go figure. Or was that, "Go Finger?"


He's the man, the man with the stinky touch,

I'm talkin',

Go-finger, (Wa Wwahhhh-Wa),

He's the guy, who thinks that he stinks too much..."

Aw, hell, you're not worth the effort. Sit and spin, Boo, sit and spin.</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.

Hey, I'm just trying to fulfill the quota. As it so happens, the village from whence you came is also missing a poncey, drooling, "stick-a-finger-in-'is-own-bum-and-he'll-be-shocked-it-don't-smell-like-roses" carnival freak as well. Go figure. Or was that, "Go Finger?"


He's the man, the man with the stinky touch,

I'm talkin',

Go-finger, (Wa Wwahhhh-Wa),

He's the guy, who thinks that he stinks too much..."

Aw, hell, you're not worth the effort. Sit and spin, Boo, sit and spin.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mean, why don't you throw in an "up yours" while you're at it and then I can always counter with an "I'll get you at recess!"

I attribute it to the recent infestation of SSN's in the 'pool. They must be collectively sapping us of Our Precious Essence. It's as bad as fluoridation.


(I hate to dissappoint. Not as much as I hate all of you, but still...)

Of course, you're quite right(gack). This SSN biz is not the high point of our dear, beloved MBT. It really drains the will to hate in complicated ways, you know? Rest assured, Boo, I hate you in all ways. It's good some things are constant, even in the presence of SSN's, eh?

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Anybody here seen a monkey?

He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy.

If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that.

Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt.

Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...

I told you this guy would work out. If he sticks I have a new Squire, and House Persiflage is made stronger. If he doesn't stick, then it's all Seanachai's fault and he has to drop and give me twenty laps around the pool.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mean, why don't you throw in an "up yours" while you're at it and then I can always counter with an "I'll get you at recess!"

I attribute it to the recent infestation of SSN's in the 'pool. They must be collectively sapping us of Our Precious Essence. It's as bad as fluoridation.


(I hate to dissappoint. Not as much as I hate all of you, but still...)

Of course, you're quite right(gack). This SSN biz is not the high point of our dear, beloved MBT. It really drains the will to hate in complicated ways, you know? Rest assured, Boo, I hate you in all ways. It's good some things are constant, even in the presence of SSN's, eh?

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Anybody here seen a monkey?

He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy.

If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that.

Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt.

Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...

I told you this guy would work out. If he sticks I have a new Squire, and House Persiflage is made stronger. If he doesn't stick, then it's all Seanachai's fault and he has to drop and give me twenty laps around the pool.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

This SSN biz is not the high point of our dear, beloved MBT. It really drains the will to hate in complicated ways, you know?

It is as if there are just too many people to hate that you start hating in a general way rather than the more satisfying personal way
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Originally posted by Leeo:

This SSN biz is not the high point of our dear, beloved MBT. It really drains the will to hate in complicated ways, you know?

It is as if there are just too many people to hate that you start hating in a general way rather than the more satisfying personal way
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mean, why don't you throw in an "up yours" while you're at it and then I can always counter with an "I'll get you at recess!"

I attribute it to the recent infestation of SSN's in the 'pool. They must be collectively sapping us of Our Precious Essence. It's as bad as fluoridation.


(I hate to dissappoint. Not as much as I hate all of you, but still...)

Rest assured, Boo, I hate you in all ways. It's good some things are constant, even in the presence of SSN's, eh?</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mean, why don't you throw in an "up yours" while you're at it and then I can always counter with an "I'll get you at recess!"

I attribute it to the recent infestation of SSN's in the 'pool. They must be collectively sapping us of Our Precious Essence. It's as bad as fluoridation.


(I hate to dissappoint. Not as much as I hate all of you, but still...)

Rest assured, Boo, I hate you in all ways. It's good some things are constant, even in the presence of SSN's, eh?</font>

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What the Hell is this crap?

These past 10 pages of electrons could have been put to better use running a toaster.

Methinks perhaps the Ubergnome is the one who should be put on trial for Treason Against the State of Cess.

Jeff Heidman even? For crying out loud...

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What the Hell is this crap?

These past 10 pages of electrons could have been put to better use running a toaster.

Methinks perhaps the Ubergnome is the one who should be put on trial for Treason Against the State of Cess.

Jeff Heidman even? For crying out loud...

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

Anyone want to talk about German optics?


The only discourse you need concerning German optics is that you had better put yours back on your wart-ridden, sniveling, hooked little nose and re-read the first page, specifically the post pertaining to the Rules!

So SOD OFF you noob!

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

Anyone want to talk about German optics?


The only discourse you need concerning German optics is that you had better put yours back on your wart-ridden, sniveling, hooked little nose and re-read the first page, specifically the post pertaining to the Rules!

So SOD OFF you noob!

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Now I just read throught his tripe.

It's worse than I thought.

What a pathetic lot of square ball-bearings you are.

'Slapdragon is stoopid.'

'That is a strawman argument'

'Slapdragon picks his nose.'

'That is a half truth.'

'Slapdragon had sex with his sister.'

'You cannot use a one-time occurence to illustrate the norm.'


And, alas, our friendly neighborhood Hamster-man has returned to blow snot-rockets in the water.

Is is conincidence that his return coincides with the arrival of the Ass-Over-Tea-Kettle Battalion? Well, if you're wise enough to understand that coincidence is derived from it's root conincide, then of course it is you ninny!

...by slow prudence to make mild

A rugged people... Even Ulysses would have his work cut out for him with this lot of grog-swillers.

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Now I just read throught his tripe.

It's worse than I thought.

What a pathetic lot of square ball-bearings you are.

'Slapdragon is stoopid.'

'That is a strawman argument'

'Slapdragon picks his nose.'

'That is a half truth.'

'Slapdragon had sex with his sister.'

'You cannot use a one-time occurence to illustrate the norm.'


And, alas, our friendly neighborhood Hamster-man has returned to blow snot-rockets in the water.

Is is conincidence that his return coincides with the arrival of the Ass-Over-Tea-Kettle Battalion? Well, if you're wise enough to understand that coincidence is derived from it's root conincide, then of course it is you ninny!

...by slow prudence to make mild

A rugged people... Even Ulysses would have his work cut out for him with this lot of grog-swillers.

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Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker.

Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy.

MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices.

Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption.

AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure.

I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker.

Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy.

MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices.

Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption.

AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure.

I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker.

Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy.

MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices.

Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption.

AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure.

I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

Boy, you sure do talk funny. Can I call you Donkey-Kong? That was a fun game from way-back. Not sure if you have a way-back period in your country, Mister Donkey-dude. I guess you have the middle ages to ruminate over and all. How about them rats? Bring out yer dead!! Good times, then. Huh, Mister Burro de Chico! You go ahead and continue being esoteric and I'll keep on scratching my balding scalp while striving to figure out your fancy speak.
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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker.

Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy.

MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices.

Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption.

AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure.

I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

Boy, you sure do talk funny. Can I call you Donkey-Kong? That was a fun game from way-back. Not sure if you have a way-back period in your country, Mister Donkey-dude. I guess you have the middle ages to ruminate over and all. How about them rats? Bring out yer dead!! Good times, then. Huh, Mister Burro de Chico! You go ahead and continue being esoteric and I'll keep on scratching my balding scalp while striving to figure out your fancy speak.
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