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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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Oh {sarcasm}Master Dalem.{/sarcasm}

Please make it upside down. You know us dwellers downunder get nauseated when turn us up the wrong way, just like we do every time you post puerile pratlings as is your wont. Feh !, a pox on you and your "I'm in command" (If I could be bothered to change the typset to 'miniscule' to remind me of your IQ; I would)


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The UberGnome's possessions, chattels and fixtures are mine.
And his body parts belong to a long queue of people. Stand in line for the leftovers, if any. That would include his wordly possesions, which may - or may not - survive his deminse.


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Hmm back from a week away at work and 190 posts to plough through .

Goodbye Texas Hello Doodads

A Trial... no Trial....Hohum

No pictures......shame

A departure......?

An Infestation.....eradicated


Boo this is going my way

Noba this is not quite going my way

Lars awaiting a turn

A J awaiting a turn as well

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R_Leete drooled this out:

Welcome to the Real Cess, Harv (may I call you Harv?). Yes, I read that other forum, too. Whatsamatta? You get tired of drilling foxholes from 20,000 feet? Or is this the only way to keep Lorak in your sights?

Salad! monsignor. As you are of the other forum you should be of the knowledge that the easiest (and only) way to keep Lorak in your sights is to simply wait for him to flip over on takeoff and watch him squirm like a worm on a hook. And I (me) never once drilled in from 20k, as me (I) never lived long enough to get to that altitude. Or you may call me Hoover, although this is only temporary.
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Originally spit out by Lurkur:

Well Harv , if you are really interested in taking the pool to new lows then the path lies through me. I am the newest, and therefore by extension the lowest, scummiest of the SSNs. I am so low on the food chain here I have to step aside for the krill. This is bad, but I give myself cold comfort in the fact that I made it out of Ohio with my brain intact, unlike some poor bastiches. Therefore, I stand at the threshold of the dark way down. None may pass but by me. Well, unless an even newer SSN comes along, but what are the odds of that happening?

So let us start here. I challenge you to a duel. Pikes at 5 paces, not the pole arms, the fish. Don't laugh, they're vicious! If that doesn't suit you then perhaps a small skirmish of some sort. You stiff-armed CMPlayer much better than I did when I first arrived, which reminds me, did you know that if you re-arrange the letters of your name and add some you can spell Le Havre? Anyway, that makes you the enemy of my enemy, which means you are the person I will hide behind if CMPlayer ever comes after me.

I resent and despise you for the way you so blatantly used your connections to make squire without having to suffer torment or torture of any kind or even get a good sodding. Why, there are still unstained spots on your clothing! How will anyone respect your squirrelship without a test of any sort?

I realize that your new-found status makes you supposedly untouchable to me, but I will commit the faux pas of going straight to the triple-dog-dare-ya and say, "Have at you!" Come on, you prancing kept-woman of the Justickitoher ! Give me satisfaction in this. Let me strike a blow for the down-trodden algae and mites that I live with or I will expose you to be, in fact, nothing more than the invisible figment of Joe Shaw's imagination!


Did you eat a large bowl of stupid for breakfast? Why are you are still here? Why? Some of the worst and ugliest have told you to Sod Off and yet you return, and even have the nerve and gallbladder to challenge me (I), the self-proclaimed saviour of something, or nothing as the case may be.

You despise me (me) eh? You resent that Joe looks upon me (moi) the way that Mace looks upon sheep? Hmmm, perhaps not quite like that, but either way it does seem to suck to be ignored as much as you have.

I (me) shall take this challenge under consideration simply because I (I) really have nothing better to do and you appear to be even more useless than lips on a chicken so I (we) stand a chance of actually winning a battle.

If you are not here at 3pm CST today you may send me (us) a setup from this place, but if you are, then you may not. Understand? No? Good.

Continue Sodding Off you worthless git.


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Did you eat a large bowl of stupid for breakfast? Why are you are still here? Why? Some of the worst and ugliest have told you to Sod Off and yet you return, and even have the nerve and gallbladder to challenge me (I), the self-proclaimed saviour of something, or nothing as the case may be.
Oh I say, well played Harv, kept your stick on the ice and everything, though that last curl was a bit ... oh to hell with it, I can't talk Canadian and wouldn't want to if I could. In any case, I heartily approve of your (YOUR) providing a thrashing good lesson to Furker or whatever his name is. It's a GOOD thing when SSNs are shown the door ... preferably with a boot up the backside.

If you need a scenario I've a dandy for you called Jabo! that might be just the ticket for the SSN. Let me know soonest as I'm off to LA tomorrow.


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If you need a scenario I've a dandy for you called Jabo! that might be just the ticket for the SSN. Let me know soonest as I'm off to LA tomorrow.

Jabo!? Hmmm, me likes the sound of that. I trust it shall be rigged in my favor so as to have said Lurker take to dig a hole, crawl in and then pull it in after himself afterwards so that we may never have to see/hear/smell him ever again.

Make is so Joe at your speediest so that we may be rid of it at last, and forever.


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Originally posted by Harv:

Jabo!? Hmmm, me likes the sound of that. I trust it shall be rigged in my favor so as to have said Lurker take to dig a hole, crawl in and then pull it in after himself afterwards so that we may never have to see/hear/smell him ever again.

Since Joe obviously isn't around I'll have to settle this myself. How DARE you *boot* insinuate *boot* that *boot* your LIEGE *slap* *boot* deals in rigged scenarios?

In these parts we're perfectly capable of dying in WMD proportions with the plain old setups anyone gets.

No get back up and let's not hear any more of that kind of talk about your betters.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Harv:

Jabo!? Hmmm, me likes the sound of that. I trust it shall be rigged in my favor so as to have said Lurker take to dig a hole, crawl in and then pull it in after himself afterwards so that we may never have to see/hear/smell him ever again.

Since Joe obviously isn't around I'll have to settle this myself. How DARE you *boot* insinuate *boot* that *boot* your LIEGE *slap* *boot* deals in rigged scenarios?

In these parts we're perfectly capable of dying in WMD proportions with the plain old setups anyone gets.

No get back up and let's not hear any more of that kind of talk about your betters.</font>

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Originally posted by Lorak:

This last outburst might make me sad.. If it wasn't for the fact that Ohio exist. No matter how bad things get, no matter the pains that life and Berli throw my way. I can hold my head up with pride and hope with just one thought:

" At least I am not in Ohio."


Ah, once again jealosy rears it's Lorak, er I mean, ugly head.

It's known the world over, or at least in my neighborhood that all people of southern persuasion wish in their heart of hearts that they had the gumption, the intestinal fortitude, the sheer chutzpah to be northerners.

For what can we say about southerners?

They gave us the premise for not only Smokey and the Bandit, but also TWO SEQUALS!

Areas where IQ points are roughly equal to that person's remaining teeth.

Being an only child means that it's tough to get a date.

And watching a southerner attempt to drive in a half inch of snow is, how can I put this, as terrifying as watching Paverotti doing squat-thrusts in a Speedo.

But, at least you're not Canadian.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If you need a scenario I've a dandy for you called Jabo! that might be just the ticket for the SSN. Let me know soonest as I'm off to LA tomorrow.



All I can say is, be sure to bring along alot of Dramamine.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw along with CMplayer:

blah blah How DARE you *boot* insinuate *boot* that *boot* your LIEGE *slap* *boot* deals in rigged scenarios blah blah blah

No no no, I did not insinuate any such thing dammit!!

I blatantly stated it as a matter of fact. There is a difference you know.


The Knights you get these days.


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Originally posted by dalem:

My second action is to dub Noba a severe poopy-doopy-head. All excess mucous, toejam, methane, eye crusties, and navel lint will be flung at him while I consider whether his night in The Box will be spent upside down or rightside up.

You forgot ear wax.
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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Well Harv , if you are really interested in taking the pool to new lows then the path lies through me. I am the newest, and therefore by extension the lowest, scummiest of the SSNs. I am so low on the food chain here I have to step aside for the krill. This is bad, but I give myself cold comfort in the fact that I made it out of Ohio with my brain intact, unlike some poor bastiches. Therefore, I stand at the threshold of the dark way down. None may pass but by me. Lurk

[Darth Vader Breathing sounds]<big>This new one shows promise.</big>

[/Darth Vader breathing sounds]

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It's nice that Dalek has risen to the occassion and is attempting to fill the void left by the mysterious dissapearence of our elders.

Let's give him the same level of support we gave our elders... ie. Ignore him!


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Originally posted by Mace:

It's nice that Dalek has risen to the occassion and is attempting to fill the void left by the mysterious dissapearence of our elders.

Let's give him the same level of support we gave our elders... ie. Ignore him!


Ignore him? I was under the impression we were supposed to heap more abuse on him. Question his alleged hygiene...that sort of thing.
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Speakin' o' fish slappin's.... Ah jes' handed oot a wee fish slappin' tae Dalem.

An' an e'en bigger cod smack tae Leeo.

Lars as cowerin' somewhere, afeared o' tha further savagery tae bae haddock slapped aintae haim wi' mah naixt turn.

Moraiarty as seein' tha writin' on tha wall.

Poo Badley as flingin' haes wee laddies along wi' lobbin' freight cars at mae stout sodjers...tae early tae taill...

StukaNukaPukaPants as ainjoyin' a wee scenario Ah threw taegaither...we didnae care who wins, at's tae much fun....

Speedy as hidin' where Ah can see haim....whuch asnae guid fer haim....

Marlow as saindin' a turn a month, fortunately at's ainly a 25 turrrn game!

Aussie Jeff as waitin' fer tha naixt setoop tae bae saint tae haim. At'll bae along shortly....

Bastables as gwin AWOL agin.

Seeya Berli, thanks fer comin' laddie. Say "och aye" tae Seanachai fer mae.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Fourth Decree of House Persiflage:

Kgts. Mace and Boo shall perform the Fish Slapping Dance for our amusement.

OK. Fun's fun, but this guy's getting to the point where he makes Caligula look like this year's Prozac Poster Boy.

Can't we somehow entice Seananchai and Berli to come back, much like Arthur was supposed to from Avalon, and rescue us in our hour of need? (My analogies need work, I admit. I mean, Arthur was Arhur, after all and Seananchai and Berli are...well...you know.)

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Originally posted by dalem:

Fourth Decree of House Persiflage:

Kgts. Mace and Boo shall perform the Fish Slapping Dance for our amusement.

Ah Dalem dear lad that you are (not really but you have to say something at times) apparently we haven't made ourselves clear enough. We did try to ignore you but, like a bad penny, you DO keep showing up don't you. Well fair enough, allow me the honor then:

Despite the fact that you were present at the last gathering of two of the Olde Ones and the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread you should not ... allow me to repeat for emphasis, NOT make any sort of assumption as to the order of succession in this, the Mutha Beautiful Thread a.k.a. the CessPool.

You have, apparently, decided that by flying next to the sun as you did in Minneapolis recently, that you have somehow gained some of the luminescent qualities afforded by the dwellers of that higher realm. Allow me the pleasure of correcting you. I've met the Olde Ones, one and all and you sir are NO Olde One. Nor can you, by decree alone, take upon yourself the mantle of leadership here. In short ... SOD OFF!.

Thank you for your kind attention to this important matter.


[ May 18, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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I'd just like to say, or illustrate, or postulate, or expectorate, or...

Well, it really doesn't matter, but in any event, I would like to take this opportunity to piss in each and every boot that formerly belonged to "The Olde Ones." I may even find room for something more substantial to excrete into Berli's boot.

Let the Wilde Ones run free!!!!!!

"Oo, ooo, I now declare myself <big>Lord of the Flies!</big> Into whom should my sharpened stick first plunge? I ask of thee, Into Whom?"

{obligatory M.L. edit}

[ May 18, 2002, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah Dalem dear lad that you are (not really but you have to say something at times) apparently we haven't made ourselves clear enough. We did try to ignore you but, like a bad penny, you DO keep showing up don't you. Well fair enough, allow me the honor then:

Despite the fact that you were present at the last gathering of two of the Olde Ones and the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread you should not ... allow me to repeat for emphasis, NOT make any sort of assumption as to the order of succession in this, the Mutha Beautiful Thread a.k.a. the CessPool.

You have, apparently, decided that by flying next to the sun as you did in Minneapolis recently, that you have somehow gained some of the luminescent qualities afforded by the dwellers of that higher realm. Allow me the pleasure of correcting you. I've met the Olde Ones, one and all and you sir are NO Olde One. Nor can you, by decree alone, take upon yourself the mantle of leadership here. In short ... SOD OFF!.

Thank you for your kind attention to this important matter.


Ahh, Joe old bean. I make no bones about lines of succession and so forth - merely Al Haiging around and staying on top of things for a bit. A few decrees here, a few action items there, the occasional restructuring and so forth. It'll all be done in a minute or two here in House Persiflage - kid tested and mother approved.

Decree 5: Must remember to hide Joe's walker and oxygen tank.....

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Originally posted by OGSF:

StukaNukaPukaPants as ainjoyin' a wee scenario Ah threw taegaither...we didnae care who wins, at's tae much fun....

Indeed I am, yes folks, line up and beg OGSF for a copy of this fine little scenario.

No time for thinking in this one, just run everyone up to the line where they all get shot. At the same time send all your armour up the only road to the crossroad VL where they'll also get shot, then in come another 3-odd thousand reinforcements...what to do...what to dooo... I know! Run them all up to the line so they can get shot too...

War...Its a hoot!

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah Dalem dear lad that you are (not really but you have to say something at times) apparently we haven't made ourselves clear enough. We did try to ignore you but, like a bad penny, you DO keep showing up don't you. Well fair enough, allow me the honor then:

Despite the fact that you were present at the last gathering of two of the Olde Ones and the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread you should not ... allow me to repeat for emphasis, NOT make any sort of assumption as to the order of succession in this, the Mutha Beautiful Thread a.k.a. the CessPool.

You have, apparently, decided that by flying next to the sun as you did in Minneapolis recently, that you have somehow gained some of the luminescent qualities afforded by the dwellers of that higher realm. Allow me the pleasure of correcting you. I've met the Olde Ones, one and all and you sir are NO Olde One. Nor can you, by decree alone, take upon yourself the mantle of leadership here. In short ... SOD OFF!.

Thank you for your kind attention to this important matter.


Ahh, Joe old bean. I make no bones about lines of succession and so forth - merely Al Haiging around and staying on top of things for a bit. A few decrees here, a few action items there, the occasional restructuring and so forth. It'll all be done in a minute or two here in House Persiflage - kid tested and mother approved.

Decree 5: Must remember to hide Joe's walker and oxygen tank.....</font>

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