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Will CMBB Properly Model the Peng Challenge Thread?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

we'll form an encounter group to discuss in an open and frank way our toils and troubles... share ways to deal with twinges yes, do a spot of bonding. GA - Gonads Annoymous.... first meeting, Paddock 10:30 for 11:00. Bring yer own thistles.

Idjit Yenkod

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

(as the sun toils through the mist to start another day, something is standing in Paddock and on its forhead is a carfully placed marigold and some very red ketchup smeered across its lips. It seems to be waiting with heightened sense of anticipation)

....oh, it's a YES, it's a YES.... oooooh, he's soooo MASTERFUL... do I look good, what will we say?

Idjit Yeknod

the horror, the horror...exterminate the brute...
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

(as the sun toils through the mist to start another day, something is standing in Paddock and on its forhead is a carfully placed marigold and some very red ketchup smeered across its lips. It seems to be waiting with heightened sense of anticipation)

....oh, it's a YES, it's a YES.... oooooh, he's soooo MASTERFUL... do I look good, what will we say?

Idjit Yeknod

the horror, the horror...exterminate the brute...</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Yer mean just YOU and ME, together, alone? Seanachai may I share me feelings mano-a-burro... yer know, being like I am, knackered, I get me strange twinges... and did I ever say that me twinges move me, Seanachai move in ways that make feel closer to yer... Seanachai... and, and... dearest Seanachai me estimation of yer and the woodchipper is, well, exciting (wink)... Seanachai... oh, gawd, oh bleedin 'ell, I can't help meself.

Idjit Yeknod


Persephone, Goddess, please return his nadgers to him, as this Yeknod creature is clearly a donkey on the edge.

I'm for bed – YOU, YEKNOD, THAT'S NO CUE FOR YOU, YOU CONFLICTED CREATURE! YOU STAY THERE WHERE I CAN SEE YOU! – and tomorrow will be a better day. Or at least, another day.

A man does his best, brings song and story to a lot of benighted toads, opens a whole world of mythology and magic to halfwits who think knock-knock jokes are the height of sodding humour, and what's he get? Followed around and nattered at by some sort of smitten mule whose dangly bits are in the keeping of the Queen of the Underworld...I just don't know what the 'Pool is coming to, I really don't. Time was when one of the Olde Ones could wander out into the Wasteland, have a bit of a song, and not have to deal with this sort of thing. Bugger, I'm knackered. Me for bed.</font>

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Guest PondScum

[Looking upon the sight of a red-lipped donkey chasing a singing figure around a thistle patch]

Partly I blame myself - I left Idjit Boy without a turn on a Friday night, and his attentions... wandered. But mostly, I blame his Knigget OGSF, ye Scots bastaaaard. Ye've left yon squire with nae Quest, ye greet pillock. An' him wi' nae 'nads, either. Hurry oop and gi' yer mad wee beastie a raisin' to live, afore he gets Sweaty With The Old Ones, an' it'll be nae like Richard Simmons, either.

[suddenly there is a loud, excited braying from the paddock]

Oh Croda, it's too late. Pierre! Pierre! Goddamit, where's my FO... Pierre, we must... obliterate... the evidence. Take out that paddock... what do you mean, "quel"?? THAT ONE, WITH THE OFFENSE AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY IN IT. Damn your eyes, Dalem, but I will have your knigget's knackers for saddling me with these garlic-chewing fools.

Right. Graves detail! Graves detai... where's my dictionary... oh, sod it. Pierre, give me the whisky bottle you're hiding, and hand me that shovel. That... [picks up shovel]... THWACK... that shovel. Now [unholsters .45] I'm ready for all eventualities [stalks off in direction of the paddock]. Best hide the evidence, because if the other Old Ones find out what this squire has done there'll be...

Originally posted by Berlichtingen

Do we hear wedding bells in the future for Seanachai?

...Hell to pay.

[ February 02, 2002, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

we'll form an encounter group to discuss in an open and frank way our toils and troubles... share ways to deal with twinges yes, do a spot of bonding. GA - Gonads Annoymous.... first meeting, Paddock 10:30 for 11:00. Bring yer own thistles.

Idjit Yenkod

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:


(to the tune of Falco's Rock Me Amadeus)

Seanachai Seanachai... Seanachai

Seanachai Seanachai... Seanachai

Seanachai Seanachai... S - S - S - Seanachai

...lots of German stuff here...

Mon petite general, might I suggest a spot of... quiet? To cease your singing, in fact? It's not that I don't like the blood pouring from my ears, or the fact that this whisky bottle just shattered in front of me: as your squire I am used to these things. It's just that, well, as Seanachi has found to his cost, singing appears to... attract the donkeys.

[ February 02, 2002, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, 3 AM early Saturday morning, local time. Everywhere else, folk are asleep, except for the Australians, who are already too drunk to post.

I'm not!

In fact, I was sitting pondering life, the universe etc when I had a nagging doubt about something missing from my life today.

Then it hit me.

I forgot to have my daily ration of beer.

Go figure.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Hmmmmm...maybe I should take back my offer of returning Idjit Yeknod's dangly bits. I don't know if I really want to interfere with the loving relationship between Seanachai and Yeknod.

Dear Persephone

After much pondering, and me growing twinges, and me excitement at Seany getting masterful... I'm in no hurry for me conkers. After a while one gets used to the phantom swaying and raging mood swings. And besides, what is a conker collection without these highly prized items? Exactly.

No me real problem, Dark Lady is how do yer get an Ubergnome into position? I mean, do we use pulleys and ropes? Perhaps a makeshift catapult? Hmmm, no, me Lady, I need your help in a the choice of a non-slip step-ladder and relevant attire. This would be the cheapest option and should cause no harm to all parties if Seany removes all footwear. A firm purchase in these matters is essential... I wouldn't want him slipping at the wrong moment.

I await a photo brochure for all future equipment, fixings and associated sundries

Idjit Yeknod

[ February 02, 2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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PS, received a setup file from Seany's squire, BodgedInBehind... now, well, hey... all the merrier, I say. Want a piece of the action? No problem... I mean, I didn't know Minnesota was such a racey place... oh, what the heck, as long as there are orderly queues, and I'm in the mood... I just don't want domestic disputes spoiling things

Idjit Yeknod

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Oh my God Seanachai! You can't say I didn't try to help you out of this "thistly" situation. My advice is to just go along with it. If it becomes unbearable, you can always resort to the traditional Minnesotan clubbing and woodchipping. That brings up a serious question: Do all Minnesotan's own woodchippers?


P.S. Berli wants to know if we're going to be invited to the wedding.

P.P.S. Now for some wisdom: Don't ever assume your alone in the Cesspool. You never know who or what may be lurking around in the sludge.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

the horror, the horror...exterminate the brute...

Not to worry, Sire. He who brays a lot is all talk and no action. I've sent to him a torture rack fitted especially for the insubordinate pillock. His fate is sealed.

Mark my words: This pitiful creature will beg for mercy before the battle is done. In order to open his files, he'll be forced to watch the worst all time episode of "Hee Haw" in its entirety, a pain worse than death!

Your faithful Squire,


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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

the horror, the horror...exterminate the brute...

Not to worry, Sire. He who brays a lot is all talk and no action. I've sent to him a torture rack fitted especially for the insubordinate pillock. His fate is sealed.

Mark my words: This pitiful creature will beg for mercy before the battle is done. In order to open his files, he'll be forced to watch the worst all time episode of "Hee Haw" in its entirety, a pain worse than death!

Your faithful Squire,


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

I'm in no hurry for me conkers.


Since you don't seem to want your yarbles back...I am throwing them into the deep mucky waters of the Cesspool. And if you ever get the desire to have them again...you will just have to put on your scuba gear and search for them.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Madmatt

Ya got 20 minutes. Someone better send me a new thread title quick.

Blast your pustulent and befogged eyes, you ancient Kniggets, the Mother-Beautiful Thread has been in need of a new name for almost six hours! What, are you all afraid of a DONKEY*? Someone do the honors, before the Mad Bald One (may his cranium be everlastingly shiny) locks us down.

*We know Seanachai is, but post-traumatic stress disorder will do that to you.

[ February 02, 2002, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Game Updates:

Played one game against the AI. Didn't do so well. All of my cute little soldier guys died except for one. I had one tank that kept going back and forth trying to get through a hedge and couldn't seem to get through...but it was a very determined little tank...it never gave up. All of my other tanks died. (I did win one flag.) I quit the game to put the remaining survivors out of their misery...it seemed to be the humane thing to do.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Game Updates:

Played one game against the AI. Didn't do so well. All of my cute little soldier guys died except for one. I had one tank that kept going back and forth trying to get through a hedge and couldn't seem to get through...but it was a very determined little tank...it never gave up. All of my other tanks died. (I did win one flag.) I quit the game to put the remaining survivors out of their misery...it seemed to be the humane thing to do.


Did you concentrate on hating Croda? That usually helps.
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I never thought I would say this ... well that's not exactly true, I've frequently thought of and indeed HAVE said "this". "This" is unacceptable, for example. Or perhaps, "This" thread has gone to hell in a handbasket. Maybe "This" new collection of Squires is sick, sick, sick.

I am, for once, thrilled that "This" thread will soon be put out of it's misery. I never thought I would say THAT about a Joe Shaw hosted thread. 'twas no fault of mine.


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