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Will CMBB Properly Model the Peng Challenge Thread?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Idjit Neckthudder...are ye tae taill mae tha' ye gettin' ye fly-bitten arse kacked aboot every bleedin' map ye playin' on? Well done lad, keep oop tha guid worrk!

[Feckin' UBB]

Liege, I aim to please

Liege, I knew that as a Scot yer appreciate the hopeless, futile struggles of obstinate, unsocial, gritty, overwhelmed and under-resourced fighters on the field of honour. Needless to say, me Leige, Idjit Yeknod will put the "D" back into Doom.

Idjit Yeknod

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Who is this Yeknod and why can't I scrape it off of my shoe?

Game Updates:

I now have undeniable proof that Marlow is a gamey, code-hacking, cheating bastard. The proof you ask? A fecking PzIVG that stood on a hill and killed four Shermans including two 76 types in less than two turns. Now we all know that is impossible to do to the heroic American forces so he's obviously hkacked the code to allow for this.

As for the other victims Elvis has discovered that rushing a gamey Glider platoon into an ambush results in a lot of dead troops. In addition this game should be renamed "He stepped on his big 14 inch......artillery and the blues." The ijiot forgot to move the impact point and landed all 10 shells in the same place. While really neat to see the 'spody stuff, it was a bit of an overkill. He will pay.

Speedy and I have ONE MORE TURN, so send it already. You've lost and I want to see of I can kill that Croc. Plus I want to be able to see and gloat over the carnage.

Sir Justicar and I have started. Our seconds are evil, sadistic hellspawn who have given us a night battle on a large map on a town placed on the top of Mt. Fuji. We have Sound Contact and the fusilade of bullets will soon follow I'm sure.

For the rest of you, who cares?

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Semi Hungover Game Updates:

Berli: Does not like Panthers on his flank. Busy wishing that his halftracks had highway gears and smoke projectors.

Iskander: I hates him. Should be transported to Oz land, but apparently I’ll have to settle for a slow boat to Shanghai.

Agua Perdido: No files. Evidently he’s trying to find out whether or not a e-mail file can actually gather dust.

OGSF: Sending out for another Stuart. Meanwhile, I’m demonstrating proper fire safety techniques by firing ‘shrecks indoors.

MrSpkr: No files. Bound and gagged by law clerks as a pre-emptive measure?

Hanns: Will be writing a little tome titled “The Lost Platoon”. Has rather ruined a nice M4 with a faust. I’ll do him for that.

Noba: His Ubertots are bravely running away. Is about to find out if 105 VT really is better than sex.

AussieJeff: Beaten like a red-headed stepchild caught stealing your beer money. Really, Seanachai, you lose to these people? For shame. They even tag “kaput” on to the end of the file to help you keep them straight. Will be sending him another setup because I enjoy kicking a man when he’s down.

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Getting near the bottom, bottom-feeders. So some game updates.

Speedbump: Too early to tell.

Terence: I have contact reports from my right flank. Heavy contact apparently.

OGSF: Strange as it may seem, we are somehow not currently involved in a game. I shall rectify that today by picking a Byte Battle.

Croda: Setup coming your way. I hate having to write all of my dog's commands on a chalkboard for him.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Getting near the bottom, bottom-feeders. So some game updates.

Speedbump: Too early to tell.

It wasn't too early to cry like a girl in turn two when I started dropping 'splodey things on your head! Are you sure it was ears you lost to Croda or something...let's say more substantive? Hmmmmm?


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Allright, SpeedyBumpy, your propensity for mentioning me has become irksome and has drawn my ire into a very big ball of agitated ire and stuff.

As such I'm sure you can manage to do one of the following:

1) Stop it.

2) Send a setup to the email accurately portrayed by a hyperlink in my profile.

Without one of those two things I will most decidedly NOT share with you the soup I am planning on making from the next piece I lop off of Dalem's dog.

[Edited to note that I do not currently have any turns in my Inbox. Hint Hint]

[ February 01, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Croda ]

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Originally posted by Croda:

Allright, SpeedyBumpy, your propensity for mentioning me has become irksome and has drawn my ire into a very big ball of agitated ire and stuff.

As such I'm sure you can manage to do one of the following:

1) Stop it.

2) Send a setup to the email accurately portrayed by a hyperlink in my profile.

Without one of those two things I will most decidedly NOT share with you the soup I am planning on making from the next piece I lop off of Dalem's dog.

[Edited to note that I do not currently have any turns in my Inbox. Hint Hint]

This, a challenge? As a former squire of Good Sir Joe I should require you to follow the forms etc. Then again, Joe suckered me in a recent match acting as my second, so I won't pursue the drivel that he normally posts requiring proper etiquette.

You sir, shall receive a set-up soonest. I suggest you sit on the edge of your chair, wait with baited breath, for your doom approaches!


P.S. As I am not sure exactly which body parts you are stewing, I shall pass on your courteous offer of dinner.

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Originally posted by Croda:


After slaughtering Dalem like the family pig...

How reassuring to find that Croda lives in a place where families have 'pigs'. Here I know people who have dogs, and cats, and sometimes rodents or reptiles, but none who keep hogs in their home.

But there, Croda lives in some primitive portion of Pennsylvania, does he not? Some rural hamlet near Peng himself?

Doubtless Hiram sends occassional Red Cross relief packages over to him from New Jersey, with the latest magazines from civilization, and forms to fill out asking UNICEF to send relief workers.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Semi Hungover Game Updates:

AussieJeff: Beaten like a red-headed stepchild caught stealing your beer money. Really, Seanachai, you lose to these people? For shame.

The Gary Shandling of the Cesspool bounces in to commment on a yet to be completed game against one Australian, and suddenly he's the Terror of the Marsupials.

I've no doubt, Lars, that they're all climbing inside their own pouches for fear of confronting you. Although whether that's because of your putative CM abilities, or the fear that you might once again be so drunk on some liquor that you cannot even pronounce, that you might get maudlin with them, and begin hugging, and weeping, and slobbering all over them, calling them 'buddy' and 'brother', and attempting to borrow money.

Currently, I am doing fairly well against AussieJeff. And I defeated Speedy. Some of the other Aussies have been a bit more troublesome. And some, like yourself, are posturing and preening over a possibly 'imminent' single victory against the UberGnome.

For many of them, of course, just the opportunity to play an individual such as myself is a rare treat, so we cannot blame them if even a single victory quite goes to their head and they imagine themselves to be Alexander himself, with one furry paw pressed against the throat of the world, and as puffed up with pride as though they'd knocked off a whole two-four of their nation's hops and barley holy water.

[ February 01, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Seanachai, Seanachai, Seanachai.


A thought has been sizzling in my grey matter as of late. We have never duelled, you and I. I have been beaten by He Who Was (And May Be Again) Peng, may his codpiece ever tighten uncomfortably, and have trounced The Horned One so many times that it's not even really fun anymore. You however, have so far escaped my concern.

Is it fear on my part? Fear of losing? Fear of winning? Fear of having to exchange regular emails with a prancing coffee house journal scriber such as yourself?

Is it pride? Is it disgust? Is it pity? Or is it merely the fact that I never bothered? That I never thought you worth the effort?

Whatever the facts, whatever the fantasy, the time has come to address this. Know now that I wish to meet you on the CM field of battle. I make no claim to any parameters except that it not be snow. We hates snow, we hates it forever!

I seek to detroy you. To ruin you. To drag your lifeless corpse by the heels from my chariot around the Pool until... until... well, until I get tired of that part, anyway. I will hammer you so far into the ground that wells will spoil for miles around.

I will persiflage you.

What say you?

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Haha! It's like old home week around this page lads! Not only am I here (technically) but ALL of my Squires are here as well!

Agua Perdido, Speedbump and Lars all together in one place ... brings a tear to the eye it does. Now where is that Grandsquire of mine?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:


After slaughtering Dalem like the family pig...

How reassuring to find that Croda lives in a place where families have 'pigs'. Here I know people who have dogs, and cats, and sometimes rodents or reptiles, but none who keep hogs in their home.

But there, Croda lives in some primitive portion of Pennsylvania, does he not? Some rural hamlet near Peng himself?

Doubtless Hiram sends occassional Red Cross relief packages over to him from New Jersey, with the latest magazines from civilization, and forms to fill out asking UNICEF to send relief workers.</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And some, like yourself, are posturing and preening over a possibly 'imminent' single victory against the UberGnome.

And then there is us. Check your inbox and weep. Feel free to curse us and damn us. We feel we've earned it. And it's the second time.

... as though they'd knocked off a whole two-four of their nation's hops and barley holy water.

We knocked off a two-four of a nations bishops and bailiffs once. Tuscany, mid-sixteenth century I think it was. Those were the days. Now there just aren't any days, not any real days like we had back then.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:


I wish you, Sledge59, to offer combat as the French, in order to make this Bilgerat fellow come forward and play a game. Also, just so that the amenities are observed, and so that he has no room to hem and haw, I wish you to taunt him in a right Froggy fashion, in order to heat his blood and stir him to the utmost willingness to combat.





What I mean to say is...

Consider it done.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Fellow Cess Poolers, as the esteemed Dalem said, he is indeed a weiner. Now we get to hear that poor criminals are mentally impaired and only get shot when they call the "bluff" of police.


Well, hard to say. What are you on about?

Oh, is this perhaps yet another slap at the endlessly opinionated 'Brian'? You might make some such indication in your post, you pillock.

In a Thread filled with people abusing each other, unattributed abuse is simply confusing.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Fellow Cess Poolers, as the esteemed Dalem said, he is indeed a weiner. Now we get to hear that poor criminals are mentally impaired and only get shot when they call the "bluff" of police.


Well, hard to say. What are you on about?

Oh, is this perhaps yet another slap at the endlessly opinionated 'Brian'? You might make some such indication in your post, you pillock.

In a Thread filled with people abusing each other, unattributed abuse is simply confusing.</font>

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