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Do I Buy Combat Mission or Wait For Barbarossa?

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Hi Roxy,

About the guys... They're really not a bad crowd, for the most part, although it's probably a good thing that the internet doesn't have Smellovision™ yet. They are, however, as shown by M.D., socially and sexually inept, though I don't doubt that you are capable of making your own arrangements in those regards.

I think you will enjoy whipping their butts as those masochistic little creeps enjoy getting whipped. In fact, if you have any fishnet stockings or black patent leather dainties, I'm sure you will be a great hit. Dorosh will probably be begging to show you Panzer Pete, but don't say yes right away. You may want a stiff drink or two first.

Well, have fun and don't say I didn't warn you.



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Originally posted by Mike:

... get CMBB when it comes out in about 6 weeks and play the CMBO demo to death in the mean time.

Isn't that a real contradiction in terms.

If she's to play the demo to death, by playing several hours a day seven days a week, she'll be done just in time for CM3!

Roxy, don't play the demo to death, but get yourself any full version whenever you feel like it!

Keep the demo though, as it can be used to introduce others to the game. smile.gif



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Originally posted by Roxy:

Michael Dorosh can't spell 'testicles' correctly. There is more I would like to say to him, but it would be against the rules I just read to do so. I thank the rest of you for being gentlemen and scolding him. I am a lady, not a chickadeewhatever. I conduct myself as a lady would, and I expect to be treated like a lady. Being a lady has some real advantages. Gloria Steinem is a misguided foolish woman.

Because of his ungentlemanly comments and attitude, Michael Dorosh will be my first human victim with the Combat Mission demo. That is, if he's man enough to take on a lady. smile.gif I will play the Allies because Ike was better looking than Adolph. How about it Mr. Dorosh? Post here if you have a pair. I know you can't spell it, but you do have a couple don't you? smile.gif

I do have a thing for chicks that can spell. ;)

Ugh, I noticed the typo yesterday but never bothered to fix it.

Well, knowing how sexually ept Michael Emrys is, I feel like I stand in his shadow already, but of course we know how irrelevant that is to CM so I'm not sure why he and Seanachai bring it up - as they say, those who talk about it the most...

If you're seriously challenging me to a duel, my email addy is madorosh@shaw.ca - I note however that you don't have the cahones (did I get that right?) to post your email address.

You're probably Maximus anyway, (I mean seriously, the odds of any new poster being the dearly departed Maximus are about 1:30 in favour) but what the hell. Send a photo along with your measurements to validate your identity and we'll talk turkey. At the least I can expect a photo that came with your wallet... But you have to promise that any defeat you inflicton me gets reported in the Cesspool exclusively....

(In all seriousness - if you are indeed the genuine article - we do offer our condolences over your divorce, nothing like that is ever fun. Sounds like you have good brothers. In time perhaps you will look on some of the assorted cretins on this board in the same way - I'm almost at that point myself.)

[ August 06, 2002, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Commissar:

For me, it's the Eastern Front hands down. World War II was lost and won in the East no matter what the History Channel or Stephan Ambrose may say. Also, all the neat toys were on the Eastern Front.

And as a Finn I would like to add that while the best toys were found in the German-Soviet front, the best soldiers fought in the Finnish front (especially in the western participant) ;)
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CM:BO is great, esp. if you have a thing for the Western front..the replayability & realism are a blast, though that will only be (greatly) improved on w/ CM:BB.

I thought that Maximus/ Cubbies Phan/ StarFleet Captain/ etc. were permanently banned, on the IP address level?

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Dear Roxy

Welcome to the world of Combat Mission.

I've been playing CMBO ever since I first came across the demo when it was included free on a CD-ROM on a UK Mac magazine.

I then ordered the real thing from Battlefront.com.

The best thing I've ever done with regard to a computer game.

I usually play first person shooters: Quake II, Quake III, Aliens vs Predator and most recently Medal of Honor.

In spite of their outstanding graphics and everything, I always find myself drawn back to CMBO. Nothing compares to the feelings you get when you say "F@ÂŁ*!"as your last available Sherman or Panzer IV gets knocked out.

Beg, borrow or steal the money to get CMBO. It'll be good practice for CMBB.

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IMHO 'Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin' is definitely going to be worth the wait if that's the only $45 you have in the world. But deciding on CMBB over CMBO comes with a price, and that's the month+ wait (theoretically) before the game finally sees the light of day.

Are you an 'immediated gratification' guy? If you think a month is too much torture, remember there are guys in this group that have been waiting for months and months and months!

By the way, the game wasn't named after a Jane Fonda movie character, it was named after an obscure cowboy movie starring Willie Nelson.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Mabe i'm reading into this wrong, but does Mr.Dorosh have a crush on Maximus?

Anyway, lets not let this forum degenerate into Aol esque chatroom flirting just because some random lady likes wargames.

Judging from the amount of mail I got from Dave, I'd say it was the other way around. ;)
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Originally posted by Roxy:

Michael Dorosh can't spell 'testicles' correctly. There is more I would like to say to him, but it would be against the rules I just read to do so. smile.gif

Stop by the Peng Challenge Thread and you can call him pretty much anything you want, with the cheers of the denizens echoing in your ears.

If you run short of things to call him, others there will be happy to make suggestions. We know Dorosh quite well, so we can even tailor insults to his known dysfunctions.

Welcome aboard. Trust no one. Well, except probably Persephone.

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You should own CMBO and CMBB. But if money's really tight, you might want to wait for CMBB, just because of the forum.

That is, if you buy CMBO now, you'll probably get it 4 weeks before CMBB comes out. After 4 weeks of playing, you'll be at a level where you can really appreciate how good CMBO is, and you'll want to go on the forum and talk about different things you've learned - but 95% of the people on the forum will be talking about things they've discovered from playing CMBB.

If you can buy both, though, I would highly recommend it - I didn't buy or play another computer game for a year after I bought CMBO, which was surprisingly common for a lot of people on the forum.

But people will still be playing cmbo, too - for some people, that is their favorite theater. (I think it's much less interesting than the East Front, but that's just me).

I don't think that you can really make a wrong decision, though.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Nice to see Seanachai's got his muff radar tuned.

Crude, Soddball, and beneath your dignity.

Okay, maybe not beneath YOUR dignity, but certainly crude and unnecessary.

Stop worrying about everyone else and send me a frickin' turn.


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Mr Spkr sez:

Crude, Soddball, and beneath your dignity.

Okay, maybe not beneath YOUR dignity, but certainly crude and unnecessary.

Stop worrying about everyone else and send me a frickin' turn.


Yer turn's on its way back, although why someone who is playing like such a nonce is so desperate to receive another 60 seconds of butchery is quite beyond me.

Seanachai said:

You are a low fellow.

And I agree with MrSpkr. This is beneath you.

You cess buggers start circling like sharks every time someone female ventures onto the board. And people wonder why girls don't play wargames. Its you lot scaring them off.
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Soddball, you should apologize to Seanachai. That was a mean thing to say to a man who appears to be a gentleman's gentleman. You're right about one thing though. I don't want to see this forum turn into an AOL chat room because of me. I love the attention, but now that Mr. Dorosh has agreed to play, my questions answered, and the ice broken; I think you guys should let this topic sink.

Looking over the topics on this board, I don't think I will have much to contribute. I'm just a strategy gamer. I know very little about WWII. What I do know I learned from playing Steel Panthers. Combat Mission is just an extremely interesting strategy game to me. I'll admit I find Combat Mission fans interesting too. ;)

I suspect most of my posting will revolve around finding human opponents. I assume that abomination called the Peng Challenge is the place to do that? If so, I will post there to combat the AOL effect Soddball speaks of, and I agree with.

If it wasn't for Seanachai's presence in the Peng thing, I don't think I could handle it. Seanachai, I'm counting on you to protect me in there. Really I am.

Now, Mr. Dorosh, much to my surprise has the guts to play me. Check your mailbox, Mr. Dorosh; and thank you for the game. You will be my first. I will always remember you for that. ;)

I'm glad Mr. Dorosh was only kidding about the picture and measurements. Beauty really is only skin deep. I will say that I keep in shape, and could probably outrun most of you except in short distance sprints. A girl's anatomy keeps her from getting off to a quick start.

Oh, and Dorosh, please respect my privacy regarding my email address for the time being. With a forum full of guys, I consider it like my phone number. I don't need any more crap in my mailbox than I already have.

With that, I will now limit my posting to that ridiculous Peng thing, unless I have a question about the game requiring a serious reply.

Bye, bye, for now, boys.

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