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Can You See The Taunt? Peng, I Challenge You To See The Taunt!


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Lars: And now, this week's sermon is from our despis.. er, beloved Justicar, Joe Shaw.

Joe Shaw: And now people. And now people. When I woke up this morning, I heard a disturbing sound. I said, when I woke up this morning I heard a disturbing sound. What I heard was the jingle-jangle of a thousand lost SSNs. And I'm talking about the souls of modern men and women, forsaken from this Challenge. Wait a minute, those lost jangle SSNs roamin' unseen over the earth, seek the divine Taunt, they'll not find. Because it's too late... too late yeah, too late for them to ever see again, the Taunt they once chose not to follow! Alright, alright, don't be lost when the time comes. For the day of the Mother Beautiful Thread cometh, as a thief in the night. Sod Off.

Kniggets: Sod Off.

Joe Shaw: Do you see the Taunt?

Kniggets: Challenge someone specific!

Joe Shaw: Do you see the TAUNT?!

Kniggets: Sound off like you have a pair!!

Joe Shaw: DO you SEE the TAUNT?!!

Kniggets: Do not sound off about your pair!!!


Ted: What taunt?


The rest of the SSNs: Yes, yes! Jesus H. tapdancin' Christ, We have seen the Taunt!

Joe Shaw: Praise Berli.

Kniggets: And SOD OFF!!!!!

{edited on a first ssn come, first ssn served basis}

[ December 20, 2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Seanachai's in the outerboards mixing up the newbies

I'm on the MBT thinking 'bout the Olde Ones

Gaylord in a trench coat,hands out,

says he's got two movie tickets

Wants to go with a REAL Knight

Look out Gnome, it's something you did

Fred knows when but yer doing it again

You better duck back in the cess pool

Round up some new SSNs

'Cause Berli's in a coon-skin

He wants 11 new squires

But you only got 10

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hey! MrPeng, my old friend, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And it's no surprise to anyone that Seanachai's rendition runs longer than the original.

Sweet, fancy Moses, that man do so like to go on.

I'm off to do a bit of Christmas shopping.

Hold down the fort.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's line for line the same, you pillock.

Mea Culpa. Yours just seemed longer.
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What?? Oh, ok, one more:

Lay, arty lay,

Lay across Berli's MLR

Stay, arty Stay,

Stay with another salvo next turn

Whatever fleshy bits things you've wrought in those Trees

I'll flush them out and you'll be pleased

Lay, rickets lay,

Lay across Berli's MLR

Stay, rickets Stay,

Stay with another salvo next turn

Until the Break of the Army of Berli

His clothes are dirty and his hands are worse

Fell his 'splodey things with shiny air-bursts

Lay, arty lay,

Lay across Berli's MLR

Stay, arty Stay,

Stay with another salvo next turn

I long to See Army of Berli's Demise

I long to breach Berli's indefatigable lines

Stay rickets stay, stay and watch as Berli dies

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hey! MrPeng, my old friend, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And it's no surprise to anyone that Seanachai's rendition runs longer than the original.

Sweet, fancy Moses, that man do so like to go on.

I'm off to do a bit of Christmas shopping.

Hold down the fort.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's line for line the same, you pillock.

Mea Culpa. Yours just seemed longer.</font>
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Originally posted by Snarker:

Betcha say that to all the boys.

S' funny, I was going to put in a disclaimer that I was speaking about Seanachai's song and only his song, but I stopped myself, thinking, "Why not let the puerile-minded have a little alleged fun?" And once again, Snacker, ya didn't let me down.

I got to thinking about your hill-billy self after the last round of inbreds went off roading behind my house at O dark thirty. I despise you because you use lawyer speak for no sensible reason. I despise you for living farther from New Jersey than we do.

But then I count my blessings - you're closer to that verbose Chai fellow.

A). I don't use "lawyer-speak". Never have I said "retainer", unless I was talking about your orthodontic appliance.

LSMFT). I think I live close to equidistant from both Noo Joizy and Minnesnowduh. Which means you all revolve around me, which is as it should be.

R2D2). It says in your profile that you live in "Pennsyltucky"? The fact that you think I'm a hillbilly just shows how unravelled your DNA truly is. I imagine it looks like a strand of uncooked spaghetti.

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Good God, Panzer Leader, desist!

Every one of your efforts was awful in a way that was uniquely unbearable.

Let me show you how it's done. With, of course, the usual apologies to Bob Dylan*:

Seanachai's 115th Combat Mission Dream

I was riding an assault boat

When I thought I spied some land

I yelled for Mr. Peng

I have yuh understand

Who came running to the deck

Said, "Boys, forget the game

Look on over yonder

We’ll find good times

And I’ll find fame

Haul on the bowline"

We sang a jolly melody

Like all folk tend to do

When they’re around old Seanachai

"I think I'll call it the Cesspool"

I said as we hit land

I took a deep breath

I fell down, I could not stand

Mister Peng he started

Writing out some screeds

He said, "Let's set up a Schloss

And start committing gross misdeeds"

Just then Joe Shaw comes down the street

Crazy as a loon

He threw us all in jail

For singing out of tune

In jail I started singin’

They quickly set me free

I went to get some help

I walked by a strange donkey

Who directed me down

To the Outer Board slums

Where people carried signs around

Saying, "Ban the Peng bums"

I jumped right into line

Sayin', "I hope that I'm not late"

When I realized I hadn't posted

For five days straight

I went into a thread

Lookin' for Berli

I said ‘has anyone seen the devil?’

tell him it’s Seanachai

The Moderator he was quite bald

and carried a huge padlock

he told me you lot get back to your hole

or we’ll have your accounts all blocked

Just then the whole thread

Exploded in flaming crap

Abuse was flying everywhere

And I left without my red hat

Now, I didn't mean to be pushy

But I went up to a Finn

To get some bail for MrPeng

And the Knights I left with him

He asked me for some collateral

And I offered him Panzer Leader

He threw me in the alley

When up comes this foreign bleeder

Who invited me to the his thread

I went, but it was full of grogs

Who roughed me up

And mocked my knowledge

And ripped off all of my mods

Well, I knocked upon a thread

With the U.S. flag upon display

I said, "Could you please help me out

I got some friends down the way"

And Echo says, "Get out of here

I'll tear you limb from limb"

I said, "You know they refused Redwolf, too"

He said, "You're not Him

Get out of here before I break your bones

I ain't your pop"

I decided to have him banned

And I went looking for the Padlock

I ran right outside

And I hopped inside a halftrack

I went out the other door

This Scotsman shouted, "Crap"

As I tripped over his wee spaniel

And an SSN that stood

drooling across from a Forum

Advertising brotherhood

I ran right through the front door

Like a good Cesspooler does

But it was just the General Forum

And Slapdragon asked me who I was

I repeated that my friends

Were all in jail, with a sigh

He looked around all paranoid

And said, “the Aussies all want me to die"

I shook his hand and said goodbye

Ran out to the street

When an Australian came down the road

And knocked me off my feet

A pay phone was ringing

It just about blew my mind

When I picked it up and said hello

I heard sheep bleating on the line

Well, by this time I was fed up

At tryin' to do a thing

About bringin' back any help

For my friends and MrPeng

I decided to flip a coin

Like either heads or tails

Would let me know if I should go

To the Cesspool or back to jail

So I hocked my Squires

And I got a coin for the fools

It came up tails

Which rhymed with fail

So I made it back to the Pool

Well, I got back and took

The Board Warning off the trash

I was ripping it to shreds

When this Moderator strolled past

He asked me my name

And I said, "Elijah Meeks"

He believed me but

He wanted to know

Why I hung out with all the freaks

I said that to do so, by BFC

I was employed

He let me go right away

He was very paranoid

Well, the last I heard of MrPeng

He was looking rather pale

And was married to a deputy

Inspector of the jail

But the funniest thing was

When I was leavin' the place

I saw three tanks immobilized

With guns all pointed my way

I asked the commander what his name was

And how come he didn't drive a truck

He said his name was Gaylord

I just said, "Good luck."

Berli, should I have Lagavulin on hand for your post-Homicide tipple?

*Dylan is now telling me not to bother with apologies anymore, and that I'll be hearing from his attorneys.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good God, Panzer Leader, desist!

Every one of your efforts was awful in a way that was uniquely unbearable.

Let me show you how it's done. With, of course, the usual apologies to Bob Dylan*:

Seanachai's 115th Combat Mission Dream

I was riding an assault boat

When I thought I spied some land

I yelled for Mr. Peng

I have yuh understand

Who came running to the deck

Said, "Boys, forget the game

Look on over yonder

We’ll find good times

And I’ll find fame

Haul on the bowline"

We sang a jolly melody

Like all folk tend to do

When they’re around old Seanachai

"I think I'll call it the Cesspool"

I said as we hit land

I took a deep breath

I fell down, I could not stand

Mister Peng he started

Writing out some screeds

He said, "Let's set up a Schloss

And start committing gross misdeeds"

Just then Joe Shaw comes down the street

Crazy as a loon

He threw us all in jail

For singing out of tune

In jail I started singin’

They quickly set me free

I went to get some help

I walked by a strange donkey

Who directed me down

To the Outer Board slums

Where people carried signs around

Saying, "Ban the Peng bums"

I jumped right into line

Sayin', "I hope that I'm not late"

When I realized I hadn't posted

For five days straight

I went into a thread

Lookin' for Berli

I said ‘has anyone seen the devil?’

tell him it’s Seanachai

The Moderator he was quite bald

and carried a huge padlock

he told me you lot get back to your hole

or we’ll have your accounts all blocked

Just then the whole thread

Exploded in flaming crap

Abuse was flying everywhere

And I left without my red hat

Now, I didn't mean to be pushy

But I went up to a Finn

To get some bail for MrPeng

And the Knights I left with him

He asked me for some collateral

And I offered him Panzer Leader

He threw me in the alley

When up comes this foreign bleeder

Who invited me to the his thread

I went, but it was full of grogs

Who roughed me up

And mocked my knowledge

And ripped off all of my mods

Well, I knocked upon a thread

With the U.S. flag upon display

I said, "Could you please help me out

I got some friends down the way"

And Echo says, "Get out of here

I'll tear you limb from limb"

I said, "You know they refused Redwolf, too"

He said, "You're not Him

Get out of here before I break your bones

I ain't your pop"

I decided to have him banned

And I went looking for the Padlock

I ran right outside

And I hopped inside a halftrack

I went out the other door

This Scotsman shouted, "Crap"

As I tripped over his wee spaniel

And an SSN that stood

drooling across from a Forum

Advertising brotherhood

I ran right through the front door

Like a good Cesspooler does

But it was just the General Forum

And Slapdragon asked me who I was

I repeated that my friends

Were all in jail, with a sigh

He looked around all paranoid

And said, “the Aussies all want me to die"

I shook his hand and said goodbye

Ran out to the street

When an Australian came down the road

And knocked me off my feet

A pay phone was ringing

It just about blew my mind

When I picked it up and said hello

I heard sheep bleating on the line

Well, by this time I was fed up

At tryin' to do a thing

About bringin' back any help

For my friends and MrPeng

I decided to flip a coin

Like either heads or tails

Would let me know if I should go

To the Cesspool or back to jail

So I hocked my Squires

And I got a coin for the fools

It came up tails

Which rhymed with fail

So I made it back to the Pool

Well, I got back and took

The Board Warning off the trash

I was ripping it to shreds

When this Moderator strolled past

He asked me my name

And I said, "Elijah Meeks"

He believed me but

He wanted to know

Why I hung out with all the freaks

I said that to do so, by BFC

I was employed

He let me go right away

He was very paranoid

Well, the last I heard of MrPeng

He was looking rather pale

And was married to a deputy

Inspector of the jail

But the funniest thing was

When I was leavin' the place

I saw three tanks immobilized

With guns all pointed my way

I asked the commander what his name was

And how come he didn't drive a truck

He said his name was Gaylord

I just said, "Good luck."

Berli, should I have Lagavulin on hand for your post-Homicide tipple?

*Dylan is now telling me not to bother with apologies anymore, and that I'll be hearing from his attorneys.

Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mea Culpa. Yours just seemed longer.

Originally posted by Seanacoochie:

Actually, I hear that a lot.

*Gets out her tape measure*

Yep the Gnome wins hands down. His is definately longer and much more impressive than most.

Sorry Mace but you're Post fell short by at least a dozen verses.... :D

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