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for those new to gunny bunny, he has currently been banned a number of times, spread false rumors that one of the members of bts had an std, spammed people with his email messages, tried to encourage the pirating of bfc software, told potential customers cmbo had too much gore and blood to buy for his son, called quite a few people names, and currently resides under dozens of different names in the killfiles of dozens of usenet users.

i'm sure i missed many things he did but a search or two in the archives will deliver much...well, it'll deliver stuff at least.

and then madmatt waves his magic padlock and...

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[_] Clueless Newbie

[_] Lamer

[_] Flamer

[_] Pervert

[_] Geek

[x] Spammer

[_] Racist

[_] Jackass

[x] Troller

[_] Fundamentalist

[_] Satanist

[_] "Expert"

[_] Wannabe

[_] Dumbass

[x] Waste of Skin/Gray matter/Blood

[x] Other:Waster of Time

You Are Receiving This Response Because:

[_] You imported another debate into this post

[_] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand

[_] You posted a 'Top 10' post.

[_] You posted a 'Relgion' post

[_] You started a long, stupid thread

[_] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread

[_] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it

[_] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting

[_] You posted a 'Lord of the Rings' post

[_] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[_] You posted low-IQ flamebait

[_] You posted a blatantly obvious troll

[_] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

[_] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement

[_] You make no sense

[_] You made a post yet failed to say anything

[_] Your sig/alias/avatar is dreadful

[_] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.

[_] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.

[_] Your awful markup made the post unreadable

[_] You made a baseless assertion


[_] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS

[_] You say your 'L33t liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.

[x] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway

[_] Your complete lack of any and all grammar makes your post physically painful to read

To Repent, You Must:

[x] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing

[_] Stop masturbating for a week

[_] Read every group you posted to for a week

[_] Give up your AOL account

[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it

[_] Tell your Mommy to up your medication

[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)

[_] Actually post something relevant

[_] Read and memorize the FAQ

[_] Print your home phone number in your ads

[_] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[_] Blow me

[_] Get a clue

[_] Get a life

[_] Go away

[_] Grow up

[_] Never post again

[_] You need to seek psychiatric help

[_] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...

[_] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[_] Go back to school and actually learn something

[_] Learn how to post or get off the site

[_] I don't like you

[x] All of the above

Have a nice day

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Dear: Gunny bunny

[x] Clueless Newbie

[x] Lamer

[_] Flamer

[_] Pervert

[_] Geek

[x] Spammer

[_] Racist

[x] Jackass

[x] Troller

[_] Fundamentalist

[_] Satanist

[_] "Expert"

[_] Wannabe

[x] Dumbass

[x] Waste of Skin/Gray matter/Blood

[_] Other:Waster of Time

You Are Receiving This Response Because:

[_] You imported another debate into this post

[_] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand

[_] You posted a 'Top 10' post.

[_] You posted a 'Relgion' post

[_] You started a long, stupid thread

[_] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread

[_] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it

[_] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting

[_] You posted a 'Lord of the Rings' post

[_] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[_] You posted low-IQ flamebait

[_] You posted a blatantly obvious troll

[_] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

[_] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement

[_] You make no sense

[_] You made a post yet failed to say anything

[_] Your sig/alias/avatar is dreadful

[_] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.

[_] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.

[_] Your awful markup made the post unreadable

[_] You made a baseless assertion


[_] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS

[_] You say your 'L33t liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.

[x] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway

[_] Your complete lack of any and all grammar makes your post physically painful to read

[x] You spammed me with worthless e-mail that listed a worthless web site that does not work

[x] Your worthless spam e-mail wasted my time

[x] What the Hell! replying to you now is wasting my time!

To Repent, You Must:

[x] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing (No Just refrain from posting!)

[_] Stop masturbating for a week

[_] Read every group you posted to for a week

[_] Give up your AOL account

[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it

[_] Tell your Mommy to up your medication

[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)

[_] Actually post something relevant

[_] Read and memorize the FAQ

[_] Print your home phone number in your ads

[x] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[x] Bite Me!

[_] Get a clue

[_] Get a life

[_] Go away

[_] Grow up

[_] Never post again

[_] You need to seek psychiatric help

[_] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...

[x] Take your gibberish somewhere else (permenantly this time!)

[_] Go back to school and actually learn something

[_] Learn how to post or get off the site

[_] I don't like you

[x] All of the above

[ December 04, 2002, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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