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Joe Has A Heart,Boo Has A Soul,Whatever Happened To Nip And The Peng Challenge Thread

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

<font size=-1>Ah! Now there's a face I recognize... and regularly have nightmares about</font>

I know, Hello Kitty! phones do that to me too.

[ October 28, 2002, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

If anyone is looking for a fine restaurant in the Twin Cities to take a Lady with great gams to, may I recommend Ciao Bella in Edina.

Having won her affections, it's time to pay the check, hand the Lady into the car, and head back to the bachelor pad to ignore a movie...

{This date brought to you as a public service. I know you are all a bunch of tossers who have to live vicariously through other people. I'm still rather tired.

Only one blonde, eh Lars?

Bloody amateur!

On a side note, OGSF and Gamiejeff, turns will be delayed for some days as I'm busy right through to the weekend and then I'm off up north with the girls for a couple nights of R & R.

Deal with it.

(I know I will)

*edited because I out-Ubered myself*

[ October 28, 2002, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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How about a nice cup of vicarious revelry at the expense of the less fortunate?

Well then, here we go:

Papa Khann, well, how do I say it? He stained his already dubious honor, and possibly his knickers too, by prostrating his mighty Russian horde at my feet in ignominious surrender. Barely a drop of blood spilled, and he ran up the white flag of shame, announcing my TOTAL VICTORY.

BooBoo has likewise begged for terms, though has yet to strike his colors, waiting with bated breath for the next orders phase so that he might let his white liver see the light of day. He is beaten like an ugly stepchild, and will not cling to hope much longer.

Nidan who has not sent a turn, your MLR is a myth. It doesn't really exist. I'm more likely to stumble into Nessie in that village than an organized defense.

Berli, stung to his black, black core by his first defeat at my hands offered as rematch to defend against my Red menace, from the comfort and safety of a little crossroads town, ringed by nice open fields in which to slaughter my troops. HA! Already reeling from a prep barrage, his defenses now crumble under a massive armored attack.

Last, and indeed least, Little Heinz, unlike his fine namesake is plodding his way across the map. Sucking the blitz right out of the krieg. Even if the map were undefended he probably wouldn't reach the flags before the clock ran down. Yaaaaawn.

Herr Oberst, the Oft-Taunted and Tardy of Reply, how would like to die? Choose your poison, and drink it. Then send me a setup.

Curses and ill-fortune on you all!

(ladies excepted, of course)

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Originally posted by Lars:

We start with a cocktail at the bar. Try the Chocolate Martini. Vodka and Godiva Chocolate Liquor. Sets the mood for pleasant conversation.

Christ on a crutch, throwing up left-handed, but you drink the worst ****e in the known Universe when it comes to serious alcohol!

Your choice in wines, is a matter of taste. The fact that you chose two bottles is a good indication of your low-animal-cunning ability to realize that the 'Young Gary Shandling of Minnesota look' will only take you so far, and that insufferable, bestial drunkenness is far more likely to make your goofy-arsed smile suddenly seem charming.

The food seemed interesting. Dessert was very bright on your part. Induce near coma levels with alchohol, and then apply massive amounts of sugar and chocolate.

Can you say 'I'm female, witlessly drunk, but suddenly and unintelligently energetic'? Oh, wait! Is that a Lars I see before me? If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly

Not a problem for Lars, I'm sure.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

How about a nice cup of vicarious revelry at the expense of the less fortunate?

Berli, stung to his black, black core by his first defeat at my hands...

This is insufferable.

Although my own Squire, I find his dubious boasting about allegedly having defeated the Dark One unbearable.

I demand a setup.

I'm not having this one turn out like Panzer Leader.

Spare the unbelievable brutality, and spoil the Squire, as they used to say.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I find his dubious boasting about allegedly having defeated the Dark One unbearable.

But it is true. He has tasted defeat at my hands. Wish you a draught of the same?

I demand a setup.

So be it, liege. We will meet on the steppes, in '44. You will take the Huns so as to have no technological excuse for your defeat. We will choose exclusively gamey units, so you cannot cry "gamey!" when your tanks burn, for it is a given!

Hence go, check your inbox, and purchase as many superheavy tanks and airplanes as you can, for I have done the same. Then hug the map edges, scout with bailed crews, and make suicide rushes with MG jeeps. No matter.

Soon you will drink from the cup of defeat, thick with Berli's backwash.


{edited for pedants}

[ October 29, 2002, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Malakovski ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Here we go again, the thing with the sign name of Ug? has no profile, and it is violating the rules.

Hey, Nylon, what do you mean I have no profile? I set up all my info (well, not all at first). Maybe you just missed when you went to click on it.

[ October 29, 2002, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Huh? ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Malakovski:

<font size=-1>He has tasted defeat at my hands. Wish you a drought of the same?</font>

Draft. DRAFT of the same.

Lord knows, there's been enough <font size=-1>(draw)</font> of a drought <font size=-1>(draw)</font> of defeat at your hands <font size=-1>(draw)</font> recently.

<font size=-2>I'm still feeling very Russian about the whole thing</font>.

[ October 29, 2002, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Guest PondScum

This was... inflicted... on my consciousness by a now very VERY ex-"friend". So naturally I have to share it with you lot of piss-poor wasters, as punishment for not sending me a sodding turn.

I couldn't work out whether I should dedicate it to Lars, who might find the imagery stirs vague racial memories, or dalem, who'll probably get down to the music. So I gave up, and dedicate it to the Ladies of the Pool instead because, hey, cute kittens! With battle axes!

Either way, ALL OF YOU must watch it all the way through, till they get to the amphibious kitten landing on a hostile shore bit. I am not kidding.

I give you Viking Kittens

[ October 29, 2002, 02:30 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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On this day of our Cess, 29 October 2002, the forces of good, niceness, apple pie and sheep (Mace US Force) defeated those of incessant talking, and sand, lots of sand (AussieJeff Kraut yappers).

Axis Attacker: 561 Casualties (112 KIA)

32 Captured

2 guns destroyed

29 vehicles knocked out

Men OK : 166

Score : 41

US Defenders: 236 Casualties (68 KIA)

8 mortars destroyed

7 guns destroyed

7 vehicles destroyed

1 plane shot down

Men OK : 259

Score : 59

Allied Minor Victory, Victory made even sweeter in that it was an AussieJeff sanctioned version of 'King of the Castle'.


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Originally posted by Mace:

On this day of our Cess, 29 October 2002, the forces of good, niceness, apple pie and sheep (Mace US Force) defeated those of incessant talking, and sand, lots of sand (AussieJeff Kraut yappers).

Axis Attacker: 561 Casualties (112 KIA)

32 Captured

2 guns destroyed

29 vehicles knocked out

Men OK : 166

Score : 41

US Defenders: 236 Casualties (68 KIA)

8 mortars destroyed

7 guns destroyed

7 vehicles destroyed

1 plane shot down

Men OK : 259

Score : 59

Allied Minor Victory, Victory made even sweeter in that it was an AussieJeff sanctioned version of 'King of the Castle'.


.... and YOU'RE the "Dirty Rascal"!! hehe...

*AHEM* {Official Sanctioned Cesspool Proclamation follows...}

"Now, from this day fourth, <U>let the outcome of this battle for "The Citadel" be a lesson unto all unbelievers</U> - that I, Sir Flamin' Aussiejeff be declared "The Fairest, Most Generous Designer of CM Baettles That Could E'er Be Found In This Land".

Yea, and e'en when the winds of hatred doth fog thy mind and wrench wrath from thy bosom whence Sir AJ happenstance to whip thy butt-ocks in yon fairly concocted joust, rememberest this day and bow thy head in acknowledgement at THE TRUTH!"

Geez, guys. That was swell! Thanks for writing that speech, Macey.

*sniff* I love you's all!! I'm so overcome, I'm going to create some more beautifully balanced scenarios for you to <STRIKE>choke on</STRIKE> check out...



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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

On this day of our Cess, 29 October 2002, the forces of good, niceness, apple pie and sheep (Mace US Force) defeated those of incessant talking, and sand, lots of sand (AussieJeff Kraut yappers).

Axis Attacker: 561 Casualties (112 KIA)

32 Captured

2 guns destroyed

29 vehicles knocked out

Men OK : 166

Score : 41

US Defenders: 236 Casualties (68 KIA)

8 mortars destroyed

7 guns destroyed

7 vehicles destroyed

1 plane shot down

Men OK : 259

Score : 59

Allied Minor Victory, Victory made even sweeter in that it was an AussieJeff sanctioned version of 'King of the Castle'.


.... and YOU'RE the "Dirty Rascal"!! hehe...

*AHEM* {Official Sanctioned Cesspool Proclamation follows...}

"Now, from this day fourth, <U>let the outcome of this battle for "The Citadel" be a lesson unto all unbelievers</U> - that I, Sir Flamin' Aussiejeff be declared "The Fairest, Most Generous Designer of CM Baettles That Could E'er Be Found In This Land".

Yea, and e'en when the winds of hatred doth fog thy mind and wrench wrath from thy bosom whence Sir AJ happenstance to whip thy butt-ocks in yon fairly concocted joust, rememberest this day and bow thy head in acknowledgement at THE TRUTH!"

Geez, guys. That was swell! Thanks for writing that speech, Macey.

*sniff* I love you's all!! I'm so overcome, I'm going to create some more beautifully balanced scenarios for you to <STRIKE>choke on</STRIKE> check out...



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Originally posted by Huh?:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Here we go again, the thing with the sign name of Ug? has no profile, and it is violating the rules.

Hey, Nylon, what do you mean I have no profile? I set up all my info (well, not all at first). Maybe you just missed when you went to click on it.</font>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo you insufferable lying GIT! It was 55-45 a DRAW! Sheesh, he will sink to Mrspkrn levels to eek out the slightest advantage.

Wrong-O, Pansy Eater, the AI in it's infinite wisdom, saw fit to award me a <big><big>Minor Victory</big></big>.

I can send you a screenshot if you so wish.

I wondered why all your MG's were plumb tuckered out. That's what happens when you force them to run over hill and dale with nary a rest stop. How is it that you haven't been fragged yet?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, check again. (Not that there's anything wrong with loosing, but I DIDN'T.)

Zed) I don't need to check it again (Not that I could right now, I'm at work), I got a Minor Victory. I'll send you a screen shot, you whinging poltroon. How dare you cast aspersions or even asparagus on the venerable House O' Croda (Haircuts while you wait!) If I had a horse, I'd horsewhip you!

Alpha) Learn to spell lose.

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