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Cheery Waffles hate angryolized Maggots like you. Yes you.


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Originally posted by Becket:

Anyone read...?

'Stupid books'

Bart Simpson

Seriously, who has time to read? Still working my way through 'Every Spy a Prince', in 15 minute intervals....even less time if it's all ready stewed to perfection and starts poking a turtle head out. :D

I d/l the new subbie game. So far I can sail, change course, depth and battle stations. Don't know what half the crap is for. May have to buy just to say I played it. And after T-72 hits the homestead, gonna be AWOL til I work that one out of my system. Be thee warned.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Still working my way through 'Every Spy a Prince', in 15 minute intervals....even less time if it's all ready stewed to perfection and starts poking a turtle head out. :D

WAYYYYYYY Too much information. :mad:

I d/l the new subbie game. So far I can sail, change course, depth and battle stations. Don't know what half the crap is for. May have to buy just to say I played it. And after T-72 hits the homestead, gonna be AWOL til I work that one out of my system. Be thee warned.

The Sub-game does not interest me in the least. I'll have to see aboot this tank sim.... Proof is in the demo....

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Er, don't worry, we're well conditioned.

Too bad you can't be house-trained you sackless, goat-humping nong.

As to the subby bit, I find it appeals to my nature. Lying at the bottom of the ocean. Awaking enough to skitter to my next hidey-hole. Striking from the dark recesses and slipping away...kinda like the punkings I give Watson & Crick which make him all twitchy and garnered my reputation as uber-gamey. You maggots lack the guile necessary for more than the drunken blundering of a T-34 driver into battery of ATGs...oh wait, that's SOP for you knuckle-dragging homers.

As to Pseudonym shouldn't you be at a bar chasing coeds? What's wrong with you? Other than the whole Canadian thing, of course.

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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

For those of you I just surrendered to, setups, now!! :mad:

You walrus humping harlot! I picked (or should I say was chosen by Rune) the last scenario. Also, LOSERS (I.E YOU) are 'sposed to pick the scenario. :mad: </font>
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Mwahahaha!! Despite losing to Watson & Crick and PseudoSimonds they both sent me setups.

They bent to my all-powerful will.

Fitting, since I just bought Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic yesterday.

Now, if I could just persuade them to send me money as well....

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Mwahahaha!! Despite losing to Watson & Crick and PseudoSimonds they both sent me setups.

They bent to my all-powerful will.

Fitting, since I just bought Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic yesterday.

Now, if I could just persuade them to send me money as well....

BZZZZZZZZZZT! Wrong answer Sparky. We just enjoy beating you senseless. :mad:

So is this game any good? Star Wars Battlefront was definitely not worth it.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

They bent to my all-powerful will.

Fitting, since I just bought Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic yesterday.

Pffft, I already finished KOTOR2 for the Xbox. Your powers are insignificant compared to my level 24 Jedi Sentinel Watchman. I bet you don't even have your lightsaber yet, ya wee prancing padawan! :mad: :mad:

I thought the plot wasn't quite as epic as the first game but the dialogue is well done. Don't Autolevel your party members. Spread out the skills amongst the ones you're most likely to use because you will need them later. There's a nice huge battle that was very cool. It really highlights the power of your character. Bwaaaahahahaaa!!

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Originally posted by Becket:

"My Book Report, by PseudoSimonds."

Gold star for you!

What's it with you and books? You got a librarian fetish? Or just old ladies in general? :( :confused:

Aren't you actually supposed to play some form of CM to post, or are we letting any limp-wristed, book-club nancy in here? :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ March 01, 2005, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Promises, promises. You guys are sounding and acting more and more like Goodale and Sockeye. :mad: Knowing you maggots, I'll receive turns and set-ups after I leave on Thurs. night and come back on Sunday to a thread full of whinging, whining, and mewling about how I'm a no good turn-sending buzzard. No matter. It will prolong your slow inevitable death.

And yes, I'm going on another snowboarding trip to New Hampstah. This time I'm bringing the girlfriend. She moved here in August of last year from San Diego/LA-where she has lived all but the last few months. I'm not so sure I can get her to play in the snow because she kinda hates the stuff-just like I hate you. :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

All true, but you'll still get your setup.

Typical maggot-minded planning with the girlfriend btw. She'll be a happy camper in the Sunny North East, I'm tellin' ya. :mad:

GRRR! She just got back from San Diego. A vacation in the sun away from me! Now she has to suffer. tongue.gif Friday is a company ski/snowboard holiday. A fair number of peeps (myself included) are staying the weekend. I asked her if she wanted to go (I was going regardless) and she said yes. There was no coercision-like required for you maggots and turns. Can I help it if she like me?
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I've muttered it before, and I'll mutter it again. [mutter] There is no accounting for the generousity of women.[/mutter] :mad:

You setup is out. 'Queen of the Dessert Chows on Angryolized TNT' or sumfink. You're the cake eating Queen. Shouldn't be a hard stretch. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I stand by my book-club nancy statement. :mad: :mad: :mad:

BTW, there is a new CMAK version of 'Inferno'...are ye up fer it? Haven't given it a go but I know Sockpuppet hasn't lost his 'splodie flair.

I haven't actually got CMAK installed right now, just CMBB. Are there T-34s in the new patched version of CMAK? smile.gif

Now that World at War is gold, I expect to be PBEM'ing more of those games (the last months of testing I've just been playing AI games). Still, I could probably handle at least one more CMBB game. I'm Soviets.

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GRRRRR! Received. :mad:

BFC needs to model Bubba the uber terrestrial lobster for SLoD. Think homeworld hero vs extraterrestrial evil. After reading this article, I'm going to join PETA. Yep, People for Eating Tasy Animals. :mad:

Snarker, you should go visit your fellow crustacian Bubba at the Pittsburgh zoo. I'm sure you too have a lot in common, besides being old, nearsighted, crusty and overweight. :mad:

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