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Moving right along!!!!..... I am happy to inform you losers, that today my wife and I are celebrating her birthday by going to the Big Apple to see "Spamelot" on Broadway, and enjoy a fine, overpriced dinner at Sardi's.

All of you who live in such backwater places as Minnesota, Ohio, Texas and of course Europe and Australia, should be suitably impressed that I am venturing out to visit the "Capital of the World", to rub elbows with illegal aliens and tourists, in order to provide my wife with the pleasure of my company on her birthday.

I must say now, that I have not been to the city since the attack in 2001 when I worked at ground zero for a couple of days. It should be a fun day.

There now... I have given you more than enough straight lines and fodder for quick, witty comebacks....so if you are in the mood...have at it!!!

I won't hate you any less for trying.

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Where to begin?

Joebob Shaw, yes, I should of assumed with your advanced age, that you forgot I have a wife and Children. Remember, Chris was making scenarios 5 years ago at the age of 11, and they ARE STILL BETTER THEN ANYTHING DESIGNED BY YOU. [Ahem] Isn't it time for you to go get your dopamine pill? As for wife, I have a saint to put up with me, and she isn't a Mormon wife.

Lady Moraine, of course I still love you, as you are one of the Ladies of the Pool. I admire the way you carry on, while having the baggage known as Hiram about your neck, like the old man of the sea.

No Good Cavscout, ye who comes from the land where cheese is not a food, but a wearable hat, how could I forget you? [Not that I haven't tried in multiple bouts with alcohol, but it only dulls the senses, kinda like being 37mm. Talk to your commander, how often does one get to drive a T72, while drinking beer and NOT be in the Russian Army?

Seanachai, the Illinois National Guard, State Police, and Chicago Police have all been notified, and roadblocks are being planned. Let me know the exact date you are approaching this fair city, so that I may sound the air raid sirens and the people can take cover. If you won't be around on the 19th, just let me know and I will allow the home to be used for a party sooner, and warn the wife and Elvis. Elvis, not you of the bolded name, but the Shar Pei my wife had rescued was named that. Old, wrinkley, it seems to fit.

Berli, let me know if you are coming on the 19th and or maybe sooner if we get a schedule from the gnomish one. Failure to show, and I could be bribed to give the bottle of Scotch, which cost more then Joebob makes in a year, to the gnomish one.

Bauhaus, come out of hiding, now is your chance with the gnome.

Nidan1, First, it is an excellent comedic musical, it got the Rune's thumbs up. However, may you take a taxi in NY, and that is all that needs to be said.

Anyone else in the Chicago area check in so that I may make arrangements.

Ahhhhhhhhh....almost forgot, speaking with Steve and the Brain in the Jar, we have determined a way to place anti-gnomish code into CMX2. The point was brought up how do you make someone that sucks playing suck even more, but we have a plan, and no, it does NOT involve sheep [sorry Mace}


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Thus spake The Abomination rune: Ahhhhhhhhh....almost forgot, speaking with Steve and the Brain in the Jar, we have determined a way to place anti-gnomish code into CMX2. The point was brought up how do you make someone that sucks playing suck even more, but we have a plan, and no, it does NOT involve sheep [sorry Mace}
Ah yes, the NDA King is amongst us again lads. He who HAS the knowledge but can't, of course, share it due to the NDA donchaknow.

"Well I DO know of course but of course I can't tell ... but I DO know ... you dare not doubt me because I DO know and were it not for the NDA I'd tell ALL ... but of course I can't."

Reminds me of a line about catch and release fishing from my days as a fly-fisherman ... "Therefore", said the author, "If I Catch ... Release ... or possibly NONE of the above is nobody's damn business but mine."

Not that we DOUBT the Abomination rune ... certainly not that we doubt him.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Moving right along!!!!..... I am happy to inform you losers, that today my wife and I are celebrating her birthday by going to the Big Apple to see "Spamelot" on Broadway, and enjoy a fine, overpriced dinner at Sardi's.

All of you who live in such backwater places as Minnesota, Ohio, Texas and of course Europe and Australia, should be suitably impressed that I am venturing out to visit the "Capital of the World", to rub elbows with illegal aliens and tourists, in order to provide my wife with the pleasure of my company on her birthday.

I must say now, that I have not been to the city since the attack in 2001 when I worked at ground zero for a couple of days. It should be a fun day.

There now... I have given you more than enough straight lines and fodder for quick, witty comebacks....so if you are in the mood...have at it!!!

I won't hate you any less for trying.

You have to go to New York to see Spamelot? All I have to do is read my email. Of course we're much more cultured here in Europe.

<font size=0> I claim the lamest joke of the month with this one </font>

[ March 05, 2005, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]

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Leeo dear, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough go of it of late. I wish there were something I could say that would make it all better, but just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I hope things will start looking better for you and yours soonest.



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

... how 'bout Boo and I sing a duet of 'You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings' to you?

Or we could eat a lot of boiled cabbage before we come over and just give you a lot of wind.

Leeeeeeo, sorry to hear about all the unreal reality that's been thrust upon you this winter.

If I'd known that stuff in your car was important, I never would have taken it.

Nidan. If, while you are at Sardi's, you happen to see a book named "Off The Wall At Sardi's", it was authored by a good friend of mine from high school, Tom West, who is now a playwrite in NYC.

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Notice, Ladies and Pond scum of the MBT, that instead of taking his medication and trying to remember something, Joebob Shaw just rambles on in a different direction. This just proves that Logan's Run was correct, and Joe should be put out as a target to shoot at.

Berli, I know I expect a lot from pure evil to actually read, but it has been posted all over. The 19th I will have a get together at my home to demonstrate T-72 and to drink alochol and kick Seanachai in the nads, depending on when he arrives in Chicago and if he can break the roadblocks.


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Originally posted by rune:

The 19th I will have a get together at my home to demonstrate T-72.


Oh, big deal! He probably doesn't even have it on his computer. He's most likely going to demonstrate it with cardboard cut-outs and finger puppets! He'll be crouched down behind his couch acting out another of his lame scenarios, while everyone sits in stunned silence, drinking warm, watered down Kool-Aid and trying to gag down generic Cheez-its.

"See? Here comes the big, tough T-72, clanka-clanka-clanka... and here's the brave resistance fighter, with his AK-47, Brrrrrpppppp-ka-PWING!"

His alleged wife and kids shrinking with embarrassment, because they didn't even know he'd invited over a bunch of his drunken acquaintences (I'd say friends, but come on... it's Rune!). They thought they'd have a peaceful night at home while Rune was off working at Chucky Cheese, but now they're trying to devise a plan to get his Lithium into him without having to resort to gang tackling him and using the miniature blow gun... again!

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Seanachai I may be the Messiah & you may be a fecking wi… a feckiwi… a feck wit… but I understand my weaknesses & my strength’s & I understand your own… I don’t have many of the former of course but I do know that you understand hatred.

It began… I don’t know a few months ago… twas an initial fling really at first a slap, a tickle, a giggle… but oh how has it developed.

I’m consumed Seanachai… totally

Last night I couldn’t sleep… every synapse, every space of my being was full of sheer, complete, total & absolute loathing…

I don’t understand… we’re talking about ME… the fecking Messiah

And v42below… the… the thing… that has a… v… in its name

Why can’t I hate you or Joe or my liege or that triple damned Nu-Yoika?

Why can’t I hate someone deserving of my hate?

The twisted ‘my 56mm penetrating column is impotent’ feckwit Grog’ole Dorosh or perhaps… I don’t know… that Belgian (I know, I know he may be a piece of hippy Eurotrash but still… compare that fecker with v42below) or maybe… that other person… the one with the limp…

Oh who am I kidding… I don’t CARE about any of those skidmark sniffing grave diggers… I ONLY care about v42below

and WHY?



How can such an unworthy *sigh* man *sigh*… deserve so much WASTED hatred?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I may be the Messiah

Ok, Seanachai, you get to be Pilate this time. Quick, wash your hands so we can jump straight to nailin' his dumb ass to the cross </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I may be the Messiah

Ok, Seanachai, you get to be Pilate this time. Quick, wash your hands so we can jump straight to nailin' his dumb ass to the cross </font>
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AAR on "Spamalot"

For those of you in the NY area, if you can get to see it, its a must. Especially if you enjoy silliness and Monty Python in general.

It was wonderfully done, and all of your favorite characters were there. Tim the Enchanter, the Knights who say NEEEEE, and my personal favorite the killer rabbit. That scene had my sides splitting. Don't miss it.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Seanachai I may be the Messiah & you may be a fecking wi… a feckiwi… a feck wit… but I understand my weaknesses & my strength’s & I understand your own… I don’t have many of the former of course but I do know that you understand hatred.

It began… I don’t know a few months ago… twas an initial fling really at first a slap, a tickle, a giggle… but oh how has it developed.

I’m consumed Seanachai… totally

Last night I couldn’t sleep… every synapse, every space of my being was full of sheer, complete, total & absolute loathing…

I don’t understand… we’re talking about ME… the fecking Messiah

And v42below… the… the thing… that has a… v… in its name

Why can’t I hate you or Joe or my liege or that triple damned Nu-Yoika?

Why can’t I hate someone deserving of my hate?

The twisted ‘my 56mm penetrating column is impotent’ feckwit Grog’ole Dorosh or perhaps… I don’t know… that Belgian (I know, I know he may be a piece of hippy Eurotrash but still… compare that fecker with v42below) or maybe… that other person… the one with the limp…

Oh who am I kidding… I don’t CARE about any of those skidmark sniffing grave diggers… I ONLY care about v42below

and WHY?



How can such an unworthy *sigh* man *sigh*… deserve so much WASTED hatred?

With the experiment now complete it is time for the implant to come out. Please go out and purchase some of that lovely potion that is 42below and consume the bottle on your front porch. Once you pass out my evil minions will do the rest. You will wake up with ignorant bliss. True, you will also lose all capability for thought and speech but unfortunately that is an unavoidable side effect and, given your current state, the change will be an improvement.
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Seanachai I may be the Messiah & you may be a fecking wi…



How can such an unworthy *sigh* man *sigh*… deserve so much WASTED hatred?

Wow! That was wonderfully incoherent. Your Analyst must be a favourite at parties.

Hmm, hmm, hmm, scrub, scrub, scrub...

He's all yours, Berli. Don't forget to use square-headed nails.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

For those of you in the NY area, if you can get to see it, its a must. Especially if you enjoy silliness and Monty Python in general.

So, my youngest sister calls me Saturday night, and leaves me the message that her middle son, Joey, who's 9, came to her and said: 'Mom, I want to see that movie Viper's Holy Grail'.

So she thought for a minute and said: 'Do you mean Monty Python's Holy Grail'?

And he said, 'Yeah, yeah! Let's go rent the video Burmese Python Holy Grail'.

When she called me, she said her sons were watching it and laughing hysterically.

I have to call her to find out if Joey was disappointed because there were no reptiles in it...

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Originally posted by rune:

Seanachai, the Illinois National Guard, State Police, and Chicago Police have all been notified, and roadblocks are being planned.


This weekend I witnessed a young girl being saved from a life of reckless behaviour, cigarette smoking and casual sex by Paul Anka singing 'Ave Maria'.

You probably just sat around watching Reality TV programs and shouting at your terrified, brutalized children to get you another beer.

I'll get you the exact dates I'll be in Chicagoland in the next few days.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Wow! That was wonderfully incoherent. Your Analyst must be a favourite at parties.

Hmm, hmm, hmm, scrub, scrub, scrub...

He's all yours, Berli. Don't forget to use square-headed nails.

You're just jealous I've got the closest thing to a mortal enemy since you had Cabron69 and a Knight of the Pool, no less. Well actually he is less than that, much less. If only Joe had a spine, I wouldn't have to avoid typing that idiot's name (not Joe's, the fact that Joe is an idiot goes without saying) so as not to give him the honour of bolding it.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I for one simply can't condone ANYTHING that might suggest that 37mm would come back after he's dead and that whole Messiah reference and cross thing is too damned close.

Oh, I plan on covering the cave in cement. He may come back, but he'll stay in the hole where he belongs
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Originally posted by v42below:

I've got the closest thing to a mortal enemy since you had Cabron69

Ah, but there's the problem... he never had Cabron for a mortal enemy. Cabron barely noticed him. In fact, Seanachai has never had a mortal enemy... closest he's gotten is Gaylord, and that's more of a mortal bore
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I for one simply can't condone ANYTHING that might suggest that 37mm would come back after he's dead and that whole Messiah reference and cross thing is too damned close.

Oh, I plan on covering the cave in cement. He may come back, but he'll stay in the hole where he belongs </font>
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