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The Peng Challenge Remembers Jim Boggs


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

...Her Royal Highness...

Point of protocol: A queen is not referred to as "Her Royal Highness". That title is reserved for royal princesses. A queen is referred to as "Her Royal Majesty". Just to avoid confusion and messy beheadings, etc.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

...Her Royal Highness...

Point of protocol: A queen is not referred to as "Her Royal Highness". That title is reserved for royal princesses. A queen is referred to as "Her Royal Majesty". Just to avoid confusion and messy beheadings, etc.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

...Her Royal Highness...

Point of protocol: A queen is not referred to as "Her Royal Highness". That title is reserved for royal princesses. A queen is referred to as "Her Royal Majesty". Just to avoid confusion and messy beheadings, etc.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

...Her Royal Highness...

Point of protocol: A queen is not referred to as "Her Royal Highness". That title is reserved for royal princesses. A queen is referred to as "Her Royal Majesty". Just to avoid confusion and messy beheadings, etc.

Michael </font>

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Without wanting to drift off into the existential questions, but... What the fook am i?

I mean, well.. i've written a song about it :

(to the music : little Buttercup of the "HMS Pinafore")

Once i was nothing, but a lost soul on the Net,

(times i look back at with regret) *- it rimes!

Then onto this forum i lept

(but it's most evil thread , from myself it was still kept) *- it still rimes, but makes less sense!

Then , woooo that faithfull day, i got Penged !

*- no rimes what so ever

At first i was a NoOoOB ,still ignored until;

that beautifull day...

After a fierce fight in the land of Fiefdom i was made a Knight, by fair Queen Emma herself!

Finally ! I could get noticed without farting in public or walking around naked on fancy dinners!

But alas! Grumpy Old Men, took away my Knighthood, their rules and regulations were great, their penisses small.

There i stood, naked and alone , in the rain and a sad song playing in the background, and there were fluffy bunnies too.

But, out of the blue, a gentleman, ehrm, gentle Gnome took pitty on my twisted personality. While fondling me all the way home , he made me his alter boy.

So there i am, and i am amazed by my wonderous destiny, that has arranged as such : i am screwed by Grumpy Old Men both in real- as in virtual life!

[/end horrible singing]

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Guest konrad

Zo,joe show , traitour ...

There is some evil thing in your nature..

By force and not by right you are depriving me (and the others )of the rigts of knigthood (too low I I I am for you robberish website?)..


go with God ,go along ,do you worst.

and for the weeping dalem.. so ,you stinking boor ,are you feel insulted?

I'll have your head ,if I never touch food again!

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

What the fook am i?

Good question. We have our molecular biologists working on it day and night, but the necessity to use total biological isolation is slowing research. So far, every sample of your tissue has proven fatal to the culture medium.


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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

By force and not by right you are depriving me (and the others )of the rigts of knigthood (too low I I I am for you robberish website?)..

Oddly enough, I seem to recall you were made a knight at some point in the dim and distant past
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am surrounded by those who wish me harm, beset by the baying crowd calling for my head and not one soul calls HOLD and stands with the Justicar in his hour of need and despair ... woe is me.


Oh, just stop it, Blanche! I said I agreed with you less than two whole pages ago!

<small>...feckin' drama queen...</small>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

What the fook am i?

Good question. We have our molecular biologists working on it day and night, but the necessity to use total biological isolation is slowing research. So far, every sample of your tissue has proven fatal to the culture medium.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Zo,joe show , traitour ...

There is some evil thing in your nature..

By force and not by right you are depriving me (and the others )of the rigts of knigthood (too low I I I am for you robberish website?)..


go with God ,go along ,do you worst.

and for the weeping dalem.. so ,you stinking boor ,are you feel insulted?

I'll have your head ,if I never touch food again!

Okay now...let's keep this civil.

You *are* listed on the Members page, but he has yet to link you to the "Knights in Ordinary" page.

So...both of you have some work to do.

lenakonrad, you send Joe a proper pic of yourself and Joe, upon his return from his trip, will update your info and linky you over to the Knights' page.

See. Problem solved.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Zo,joe show , traitour ...

There is some evil thing in your nature..

By force and not by right you are depriving me (and the others )of the rigts of knigthood (too low I I I am for you robberish website?)..


go with God ,go along ,do you worst.

and for the weeping dalem.. so ,you stinking boor ,are you feel insulted?

I'll have your head ,if I never touch food again!

Okay now...let's keep this civil.

You *are* listed on the Members page, but he has yet to link you to the "Knights in Ordinary" page.

So...both of you have some work to do.

lenakonrad, you send Joe a proper pic of yourself and Joe, upon his return from his trip, will update your info and linky you over to the Knights' page.

See. Problem solved. </font>

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Well, you can revoke my licensure that you gave me, but you cannot take away my Justicariatessness!!!

And you can't have Bill back, either! I'm keeping him! *pats her pocket affectionately*.

But you can have back the chaps! *throws them on Joe's desk*

And the spurs! *tosses them in the garbage can next to the desk*

And the shirt!...oh wait, that was mine to begin with...*puts shirt back on*

I was tiring of your sick, perverted games of "chase the Trainee around the office" anyway.

Oh...and since you didn't bother to read and take note...your stone tablets full of "rules" were smashed in an unfortunate accident during your absence so you'll have to start all over with them.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

But you can have back the chaps! *throws them on Joe's desk*

And the spurs! *tosses them in the garbage can next to the desk*

And the shirt!...oh wait, that was mine to begin with...*puts shirt back on*

I was tiring of your sick, perverted games of "chase the Trainee around the office" anyway.

Hmm, I'd advise you to file a sexual harassment suit, but it's Joe. One look at the Mormon Wives and a jury would never believe anything to do with sex could ever be involved in his life.

Maybe you should just go with harassment.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Well, you can revoke my licensure that you gave me, but you cannot take away my Justicariatessness!!!

And you can't have Bill back, either! I'm keeping him! *pats her pocket affectionately*.

But you can have back the chaps! *throws them on Joe's desk*

And the spurs! *tosses them in the garbage can next to the desk*

And the shirt!...oh wait, that was mine to begin with...*puts shirt back on*

I was tiring of your sick, perverted games of "chase the Trainee around the office" anyway.

Oh...and since you didn't bother to read and take note...your stone tablets full of "rules" were smashed in an unfortunate accident during your absence so you'll have to start all over with them.


Tut, tut, your Ladyship. This is most unseemly, almost bordering on unLadylike. The simple fact in the matter is that Joe...well, sometimes Joe has a little problem getting going in the morning, if you know what I mean [nudge, nudge]. And it makes him grouchy and more than a little hasty in his judgements.

If you'd take a little hint, you might try baking him something. Say, oh, a prune danish or two [wink]. Once old foul Joe gets back on his regular track [wink, wink] all should be sweetness and light once again. Well, maybe not sweetness exactly.


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I will take your advice to heart, Lars, and look into that. Thank you.

Mr. Emrys: I just don't know. This level of ingratitude is completely unacceptable. He refuses to see how Her Majest and I were trying to *help* him and has now affronted me. I don't think that baking him anything will help matters.

Besides, the thought of being an outlaw is rather appealing to my nature.

I shall consider your words during Joe's absence. Perhaps, after I calm down a bit, I *may* bake him something nice for his return.

Anyone seen my "Arsenic and Old Lace Recipes Down Through the Ages" cookbook?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

And back when he used to insult people for no reason.

Reason? Who needs a reason to insult you?

This was an unitentional agreement with Joe. It won't happen again </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

and for the weeping dalem.. so ,you stinking boor ,are you feel insulted?

I'll have your head ,if I never touch food again!

Hey, ass, go stuff it. </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

and for the weeping dalem.. so ,you stinking boor ,are you feel insulted?

I'll have your head ,if I never touch food again!

Hey, ass, go stuff it. </font>
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