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The Peng Challenge Remembers Jim Boggs


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Swedish Beer? Questionable would be my guess.


They make a brand named "Crocodile", for cripe's sake. What do pale, wintery, far northern hemisphere inhabitants know about tropical fauna?

It'd be like the UK marketing a brew called "Good Dentition".

It just makes no sense.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What do pale, wintery, far northern hemisphere inhabitants know about tropical fauna?

The scabies they bring back from their charter vacations? I dunno, ask Geier. For flora, according to the newspaper, tsunami survivors have been developing all kinds of tropical rashes and crotch-rot. It didn't show up until the beet-red sunburns wore off.
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Originally posted by Mace:

And I think our fine ladies have their ear as well.

I think we all have at least two!

P.S. Rob..

We have TIM TAMS in our local supermarket!

Due to the very high FAT content I declined this time although I did buy some nice little rice crackers also imported from Aussie land they are called Snak-a ta (Barbecue flavour)tasty little snack and 92% Guilt free ...

Well... it says so on the box so who am I to argue!

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Originally posted by yet another pretender, then quoted by dalem:

Seanachai had been drinking heavily all night...

--Comrade Marstov

Gosh, there's a shocker.

Hey, Moretoes, I know you're new here and all. Plus you're clearly an idjit.

However, I feel compelled to mentioned that if you want to relate a story which occurred at a specific point in time, you'll need to time stamp it using something other than Seanachai's propensity to lap up all the available alchohol at dalem's. (Be it Rum, Whiskey, rubbing, or some variety dalem produced accidentally while attempting to mix up a new batch of napalm.) Because that could mean pretty much any night.

And speaking of the Garden Gnone, where is he indeed? A bet is, after all, a bet. Surely the diminutive one is not planning to weasel out of his obligation...

After all, it's not like I'm going to serve my 25 days in the detention center alone. Nor do I intend to go without the comforts of home. No indeed. I need my prag! He has to earn me some currency.

Seanachai! Front and center, lad. You've a pack of smokes to "collect" from a certain one-eared "gentleman" named "Turk".

And don't forget the sig line.



Boo is a wanker.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

The reward is a crate of Swedish beer.

How cruel. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

The reward is a crate of Swedish beer.

How cruel. </font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nor should you

Actually he should.

My understanding of the initial decree defined 'senior-kinniget' as anyone who posted in the initial 100+ page Peng Challenge and who continued posting from then on......and let's face it, we Aussie's persist like a blowfly around dung.

So Stuka is a Senior-Kinniget! *razz*

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nor should you

Actually he should.

My understanding of the initial decree defined 'senior-kinniget' as anyone who posted in the initial 100+ page Peng Challenge and who continued posting from then on......and let's face it, we Aussie's persist like a blowfly around dung.

So Stuka is a Senior-Kinniget! *razz*

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

So watchhoo gonna do Joe? raise me to my lofty (not to mention rightfully earned/deserved status) or will you surprise us all (yeah right) and introduce some back dated and hithertoo unmentioned pre-election legislature that somehow wiggles you free of neccessity to explain your actions re your obvious, nay blatant display of anti-Stukaism?

You naughty man.


Never, ever, EVER use the word "wiggle" in anything having to do with (ugh) Joe again, on pain of having me fly all the feckin' way over to Oz and beating you over the head with a sack of brass doorknobs until the bright light of reason illumes that sack of pus you call a brain (Hopefully through a large crack in your cranium).

Comprendo, Bozo?

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Boo is a wanker.

Now there's a bulletin.


I've concluded Radley is the kind of guy who would drop acid and then watch his screen saver for three hours. I suppose if you live in Ohio you have to take your thrills where you can find them...


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I decide to lower myself and take a look into the Cess on account of the memorial to Boggsy theme, and what do I find? Shoddy workmanship, that is what. I know that accurate records might be a bit too much to ask of a mortgage banker, but the glaring errors and omissions in Red Jo Xia’s site truly indicate how far he has slipped into his dotage. Among the many errors:

1. CMPlayer is indeed a kanigget in the House of Ruin. He was sponsored by none other than myself in a moment of weakness. What can I say, he made me laugh. Once.

2. Capt. WildMan, our valiant man in blue, serving his country, and protecting us from terrorist, or papercuts, or somefink. Another Ruined Knight.

3. Chuppacabra, and he may even be a Seniour moment Knight.

4. Jshandorf, of jdmorse linage.

5. The lawyer known as Lawyer.

Don’t make me have to straighten you out again Jo.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I decide to lower myself and take a look into the Cess on account of the memorial to Boggsy theme, and what do I find? Shoddy workmanship, that is what. I know that accurate records might be a bit too much to ask of a mortgage banker, but the glaring errors and omissions in Red Jo Xia’s site truly indicate how far he has slipped into his dotage. Among the many errors:

Marlow, what an unpleasant surprise. The site wasn't created for YOU but for those who are STILL constant to the vision that is the Peng Challenge Thread. You are NOT HERE, you are Absent, you are Gone, you are an ex-resident, you have, in short, gone to that great outerboard and haven't darkened our door lo these many months ... let's try to keep it that way.

1. CMPlayer is indeed a kanigget in the House of Ruin. He was sponsored by none other than myself in a moment of weakness. What can I say, he made me laugh. Once.
Yes, yes, but he IS from a goober nation and that, in my view, is enough to exclude him. However, I shall take YOUR advocacy of his Knighthood as the second confirmation and, as soon as technically practical, I shall list him as such ... much good may it do him or the goober nation where he resides.

2. Capt. WildMan, our valiant man in blue, serving his country, and protecting us from terrorist, or papercuts, or somefink. Another Ruined Knight.
On this I find you mistaken. Wildman was, most assuredly, a Squire, but he was MY squire when he disappeared ... unless I'm mistaken of course. In any event if he sprang from rune that's enough reason to disqualify him in my view and the view of all right thinking CessPudlians.

3. Chuppacabra, and he may even be a Seniour moment Knight.
And yet we find the goatsucker NOWHERE. He hasn't graced this greatest of all threads for YEARS! Shall I scribe the name of every neer-do-well who showed up NOW AND THEN ... like, for example, yourself?

4. Jshandorf, of jdmorse linage.
See above.

5. The lawyer known as Lawyer.
And yet Lawyer has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that he will no longer tread our soggy halls ... a course of action one might press on YOU as a reasonable alternative to griping and whining about those NOT shown when attendance to this the Mutha Beautiful Thread would have provided you with the plea from the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread to correct errors and provide photos of the missing. Said plea was not read by you since you ... WERE NOT HERE!

A day late and a dollar short Marlow ... as usual.

Don’t make me have to straighten you out again Jo.
Bah, you found the wit somewhere to stumble back in here ONCE ... I doubt that you'll be sober enough to find it again.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

unless you're from a goober nation of course.

Well thats that then eh? Theres nothing gooberie about Australia is there mates?

Lets not forget that both the land of Oz and the land of 'Murka are ex colonies. Ergo we are brothers...chums...pals to the nth degree!

I've always liked you too Joe and thanks for the hug, just keep your hand off my butt next time ok?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Never, ever, EVER use the word "wiggle" in anything having to do with (ugh) Joe again, on pain of having me fly all the feckin' way over to Oz and beating you over the head with a sack of brass doorknobs until the bright light of reason illumes that sack of pus you call a brain (Hopefully through a large crack in your cranium).

Comprendo, Bozo?

Whatever makes you happy monkey-boy...just remember that while you and your sack are getting all sweaty....you're buying the beer.

Of course I am perplexed at how you plan to actually afford the air ticket to OZ. Have you been saving the nickels the good people throw into your tin cup as you bang it on the pavement whilst slurping lighter fluid from a paper bag and calling yourself Jesus?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Never, ever, EVER use the word "wiggle" in anything having to do with (ugh) Joe again, on pain of having me fly all the feckin' way over to Oz and beating you over the head with a sack of brass doorknobs until the bright light of reason illumes that sack of pus you call a brain (Hopefully through a large crack in your cranium).

Comprendo, Bozo?

Whatever makes you happy monkey-boy...just remember that while you and your sack are getting all sweaty....you're buying the beer.

Of course I am perplexed at how you plan to actually afford the air ticket to OZ. Have you been saving the nickels the good people throw into your tin cup as you bang it on the pavement whilst slurping lighter fluid from a paper bag and calling yourself Jesus? </font>

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

P.S. Rob..

We have TIM TAMS in our local supermarket!

Due to the very high FAT content I declined



These are Tim tams! TIM TAMS, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!!!

And you forwent them?!!! TIM TAMS?!!!!!!



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