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Ghastly Mud Bale's Throat of Weary Truffles

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I can't believe you are all whining like Mary-Queens about Inferno. That's the angriest scenario I've ever made! There's more face-melting molten TNT in one turn of that scenario than in an entire game of someone else's. :mad:

Of course, it's deranged and should only be played whilst seriously under the influence, but isn't that what fun is all about? :mad: :mad:

Ohhhh the humanitteeeee!!!! :mad:

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Can we be certain MasterGoodale (the maggot) didn't move to England to escape the mold and ants? Soddball sounds more and more like him every day. :eek: :eek: :eek:

One sure test - get Soddball to play the Germans against the Soviets in CMBB. MasterGoodale would have died before fighting against his beloved Russians. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Soddball, you're absolutely right about Inferno. The volume of fire in it puts every other scenario to shame. Can you imagine how this battlefield would look with dynamic lighting?

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Soddball, you're absolutely right about Inferno. The volume of fire in it puts every other scenario to shame. Can you imagine how this battlefield would look with dynamic lighting?

I'm sure we'd be blinded, and hot, angry light sources would be coming in from 360 degrees. :mad: :mad:
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Oh my God, this place is just as bad as they say. I mean, do you really have to explain what a huge manatee is? It's 2004, man, everyone knows about the manatee. Seriously, raise a hand if you don't know what a manatee is. Yeah, that's what I thought. What're they gonna mistake it with, a saltwater platypus? What'll ya parenthesis next, the little-known and exotic woodpecker?

Frickin' morons, I've seen better wit on the value menu at Carl's Jr.

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Meeks .. you poor excuse for Jack Sparrow... *sigh*

be still my beating heart...

What the hell are you playing at eh?

Am I to find you popping up in every thread I visit?

You are not having back MY CROWN ... Savvy?

Damn....You look so handsome in that uniform..

Still.. I can always pass it on to Leoo just before my men cut off your head...

Which brings me to the point of my post...

When did you become a pirate?

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*Relaxes in her chair with this months cosmo*

Hmmmmmmm what's this on the problem page!

Dear Cosmo

After months of therapy I feel I am now ready to

return to my homeland amongst the other Cheery Waffles

but I can't seem to find them. Do you think it's possible

that they bailed ship while I was in recovery?

Lost and Worried



Shame on you Soddball, you know how difficult it is for MG to find this thread even when it does have waffle in the title.. I suspect an attempt of mutiny..

Of course.. I no longer blame you..

I blame MEEKS ..

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For the nostalgic among us --

Listen up Brood!!

I'm only gonna post this once you vile pod of maggot fesces! :mad:

If you are my PBEM opponent and you don't want me to treat you like the maggot pouch that you are in personal emails you need to tell me via personal email right away!! I don't want to offend anybody or get some kid in trouble! Some of you don't post your birthdate so for all I know you're just a young kid and I would talk to you differently if I knew that!! MMMAAAAGGOOOOTTTS!!! DaveH I know you've been called worse in the courtroom you maggot. BogBoy you're a beancounter and they tend to be "sensitive" (you want a tissue?) :mad:

Snarker you crack me up with your insults so I'm not gonna change a thing unless you ask(nicely). Some good stuff coming out of your maggotty, sh*t-speckled little mouth lately. :mad:

One thing I don't do is swear (if I have let me know). And it's never personal. All maggots get treated the same. :mad:

So if you're age is lower than the size in inches of that new arsehole I popped in your foreskull (about 18 inches) and you have mommy and daddy looking at your emails JUST TELL ME!!!(and I'll pop them a new arsehole too! ) :mad:


From May 22, 2003. Wolfe was wrong, you can go home again. Although that house may be filled with mice, ants and mold.
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

For the nostalgic among us --

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Listen up Brood!!

I'm only gonna post this once you vile pod of maggot fesces! :mad:

If you are my PBEM opponent and you don't want me to treat you like the maggot pouch that you are in personal emails you need to tell me via personal email right away!! I don't want to offend anybody or get some kid in trouble! Some of you don't post your birthdate so for all I know you're just a young kid and I would talk to you differently if I knew that!! MMMAAAAGGOOOOTTTS!!! DaveH I know you've been called worse in the courtroom you maggot. BogBoy you're a beancounter and they tend to be "sensitive" (you want a tissue?) :mad:

Snarker you crack me up with your insults so I'm not gonna change a thing unless you ask(nicely). Some good stuff coming out of your maggotty, sh*t-speckled little mouth lately. :mad:

One thing I don't do is swear (if I have let me know). And it's never personal. All maggots get treated the same. :mad:

So if you're age is lower than the size in inches of that new arsehole I popped in your foreskull (about 18 inches) and you have mommy and daddy looking at your emails JUST TELL ME!!!(and I'll pop them a new arsehole too! ) :mad:


From May 22, 2003. Wolfe was wrong, you can go home again. Although that house may be filled with mice, ants and mold. </font>
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

For the nostalgic among us --

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Listen up Brood!!

I'm only gonna post this once you vile pod of maggot fesces! :mad:

If you are my PBEM opponent and you don't want me to treat you like the maggot pouch that you are in personal emails you need to tell me via personal email right away!! I don't want to offend anybody or get some kid in trouble! Some of you don't post your birthdate so for all I know you're just a young kid and I would talk to you differently if I knew that!! MMMAAAAGGOOOOTTTS!!! DaveH I know you've been called worse in the courtroom you maggot. BogBoy you're a beancounter and they tend to be "sensitive" (you want a tissue?) :mad:

Snarker you crack me up with your insults so I'm not gonna change a thing unless you ask(nicely). Some good stuff coming out of your maggotty, sh*t-speckled little mouth lately. :mad:

One thing I don't do is swear (if I have let me know). And it's never personal. All maggots get treated the same. :mad:

So if you're age is lower than the size in inches of that new arsehole I popped in your foreskull (about 18 inches) and you have mommy and daddy looking at your emails JUST TELL ME!!!(and I'll pop them a new arsehole too! ) :mad:


From May 22, 2003. Wolfe was wrong, you can go home again. Although that house may be filled with mice, ants and mold. </font>
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Originally posted by Mike:

Is this supposed to be a cheery waffle thread? without a shred of Cheery Waffle in the title?

What sort of blasphemy is this! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Mike! , you twittering little nancy boy, quit wasting time running your sewer about shredded Waffles and send me my turn. I havent finished laughing at your two KVs that seem to be experiencing technical difficulty. :D :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I get it now. This is like some kind of discount, knock-off Cesspool. Like Hello Cat clocks that look mysteriously like a Japanese icon of a similar name, right? So are all you guys made in Taiwan, or is it just a theme that you adopt because your neurons are wound a little loose?

But why, pray tell, are there Poolers in here? When did it start? What's the history of this mystery, I ask. And why on God's green earth haven't you guys started pairing up (No not like that, Bauhaus, oh, hey, there you are, you know Dalem's in the Pool doing the same act. Oh, that's why you've come over here... Have you tried to talk about it? Really? Ew. Sit down.) and fighting for honor, glory and cheesecake photos of the Queen, who shall die a thousand deaths if I have anything to say about it, what with her dethroning, dismounting, destabilizing and wearing white after Labor Day (Well, yes, I know it was white lingerie, and quite fetching, Emma, but certain fashion mores are unquestionable). Hunh? Who's in charge here, anyway? The manatee? The tattoo? Hmmm, The Tattoo and the Manatee, I see a promising Ludlum-esque espionage flick in the making...

Ahem, arrrr.

Edited for a slightly more manly, Arrrrrrr!

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Actually, EM until the penguins decided to backup into this thread, it in no way looked or smelled like the 'cess. The thread originally housed one frothing at the mouth CM looney by the name of MasterGoodale who will undoubtedly reappear as suddenly as he disappeared, not unlike yourself.

So enjoy your stay, growl and use smilies to your hearts content, and remember the only rule - there are no rules (excepting BFC's of course).


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

(snip)But why, pray tell, are there Poolers in here? When did it start? What's the history of this mystery, I ask.

Ask the <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>. A few of the more discriminating just started dropping in, and we welcomed them as we welcome everyone. We could only assume they were trying to get away from something. :D

And why on God's green earth haven't you guys started pairing up and fighting for honor, glory and cheesecake photos of the Queen, (snip)
Actually Soddball and Seanachai did start a PBEM. Sometime near 2010 we may find out who wins, if Seanachai keeps up his torrid pace of sending turns. Or maybe not. :D
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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Mike! , you twittering little nancy boy, quit wasting time running your sewer about shredded Waffles and send me my turn. I havent finished laughing at your two KVs that seem to be experiencing technical difficulty.

Any technical difficulty suffered by KV-1's was entirely the fault of the scenario author!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

you'll get yours when I'm rady to do it, and not a second before - now go back to sleep and stop disturbing the cosmos!

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