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What CMx2 Module would you like to see

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Ah - another good point illustrated. In a modern game, we've got TONS of primary resources to draw from. Actual people who have humped over the land and maintained the exact same weapons portrayed. Something, sadly, we're losing from our WWII comrades.

I myself also have many pictures of my time as an infantryman in Germany and Kuwait to contribute if required.

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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

Maybe the Korean War just needs it's version of Saving Private Ryan? A piece of media which tells a heroic, epic, if inflated, story?

Try the movie Tae Guk Gi. It has subtitles, but otherwise should fit everything you might be looking for. </font>
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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

Well, if BFC needs any info on 2nd ID or Korea,I could help. I have detailed pics of both the US Army equipment, ROK army, and local enviroment.



Wow, whose Sprite mod are you using?

My vote goes for Russia 1939-1940. Poland, Russia, Finland and Japan for major forces. Invasion of Poland 1939, Winter War, and fictional combat with Japan. Will be a treat not to have to listen to those hammy English speaking voice actors. Lots of Finns on the board to help with research. Finland was by far the most interesting area of conflict anyway. And no need to catalogue 7000 German AFV types.

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I very much disagree with WWI, or at least WWI in France. On the tactical level, I would think that many infantry charges against dug-in machine guns would get boring really fast. Maybe WWI East Front, with fewer perma-trenches and Somme slaughters. Of course, WWI is not big money, and East Front is not big money, so combine them...

The only WWI I could see working would be Gallipoli / Middle East. Having Ottoman camel riders charge across the desert... it'd be aight.

And yet another shameless plug for fytinghellfish's awesome idea. Lest anyone forgot it, it was '06 Korea, and it rocked.

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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

I wouldn't mind a game or module of Von Lettow-Vorbeck in East Africa for WWI, but other than that... whats the fun in trenches, mustard gas and month-long artillery bombardments?

This is why the constant CMX2 discussions are pointless.

a) What you don't know about World War One could fill a book - do a google search on Vimy Ridge sometime and tell me how the battle on 9 April 1917 was won. It was primarily an infantry platoon and section commander's battle. Um....sorta like the scale CM portrays. The bombardment was a week long, of course, but there was no poison gas and the wire was largely cut by the barrage. Trenches weren't as important as the concrete blockhouses the Germans had - oh, there was even a limited cavalry attack and exploitation. Great stuff.

B) Eastern Front 1939 is the only real option for CMX2; Finland's mastery and skill at arms make them the prime test bed for the new engine. A limited cast of characters (Poland, Finland, Russia and possibly Japan - perhaps Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia also for even more fictional fun) means no waiting for months as every conceivable German AFV is researched, modelled and skinned.

c) My ideas for theatre are better than yours so nyah nyah nyah

I think most arguments tend towards © so feel free to respond in kind. BF.C will no doubt see the logic of adopting the 1939 test bed model; I for one am looking forward to it.

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Bah! I think your so-called "battle" (if it did, indeed, actually happen) was a fluke. And while I am completely ignorant on most aspects of WWI, I can assure you that the vast majority of the war was stupid.

Except the whole German East African thing.

So there. tongue.gif

Bring on Korea 2006!

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Korea Conflict:2006 sounds like a great module. Here are some toys we could play with






Originally posted by MikeyD:

Anyone notice the horizon distance in M1A1Tankcommander's photos? So much for those legendary 120mm gun 4,000m engagement ranges! :D

Engagements that long are not realy common place in Korea- terrain is too hilly. In the desert though....

Here is a photo of a tank range between mountains in South Korea near DMZ


[ July 20, 2005, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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Are you too embarrased to admit you were drinking 7Up and not a good modded Sprite? You can duck the question all you want, it makes me no never mind.

Anyway, back to Finland 1939 - I agree that it is the only real choice for the first CMX2 module, even if, as has been intimated, horses will or will not be included. Also - no motorcycles to inventory, another point in favour.

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Dorosh- what are you drinking?

hellfish- I was in Korea in 2001 - I dont remember every single army acronim. It might have been MPRC, it does sound familiar. Its about 10 miles south of DMZ. Ive been to many ranges

More pics from Korea:




[ July 20, 2005, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

I very much disagree with WWI, or at least WWI in France. On the tactical level, I would think that many infantry charges against dug-in machine guns would get boring really fast.

I was thinking of a module covering only 1914. Germany pushed pretty deep into France and threatened Paris until the Battle of the Marne. Then the Allies and Germans tried to flank each other until they reached the coast in what is called "The Race for the Sea."

I think it would make a great module for CMx2, have no idea if it would come first or not, but I'd enjoy playing it.

The West Front wasn't ALL trench warfare.

Maybe WWI East Front, with fewer perma-trenches and Somme slaughters.

The East Front in 1914 would be very cool, as well.

Of course, WWI is not big money, and East Front is not big money, so combine them...

And ...you would have a great game.

The only WWI I could see working would be Gallipoli / Middle East. Having Ottoman camel riders charge across the desert... it'd be aight.

That would be fun, too.

I have a feeling that whatever module the game ships with, it will be fun!

And yet another shameless plug for fytinghellfish's awesome idea. Lest anyone forgot it, it was '06 Korea, and it rocked.

I don't like hypotheticals very much, so I would prefer something based on a historical event.

But thats me. I'm buying it no matter what theater it covers.

[ July 20, 2005, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: V ]

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I'm not saying that WWI couldn't be a great game. You are correct that the first few months of the West Front would be very good; an oversight on my part. ("The Guns Of August" by Barbara Tuchman is an excellent book on the subject)

But you have to admit that, especially compared to other possible subjects, large parts of WWI wouldn't be too fun. And while I think a WWI game could be very, very good, it would one: have to be targeted on short, specific time periods and areas and two: it probably wouldn't bring in as much $$ as, as WWII Normandy. And unfortunately, BFC isn't funded by an anonymous billionaire and they actually have to make money on their games ESPECIALLY on the first launch module. Maybe once the engine is established they could do that, and I hope they do, but not to start.

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