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Disatisfaction with QB's

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Having enjoyed CMBB's QB's against the AI, I am wondering why I don't enjoy the QB's in CMAK. I realy like the pre-made battles but everytime I play a QB it just 'feels' artificial. Due to the amount of points I have the forces that I buy feel artficially contrived. Also, I think this has to do with the random maps the AI makes. The maps never end up looking like Italy-Sicily or any town I have seen. CMBB Qb's really made you feel like you were fighting in the Eastern Front, good randomn forces and maps. But I don't know what exactly it is, but QB's in CMAK lack a certain something. Let me know what you guys think.

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Really. I find myself enjoying AK QB's (set in Italy, of course) much more than BB's, though I do agree with you about the randomly created maps. For a fun time, try setting Force Mix, Nationality and Quality to "Unrestricted". Give the AI at least 25% more troops, then allow the computer to pick BOTH sets of troops. You'll want to play the assualting side, of course. Depending on the map, it can be quite challenging to employ troops that you haven't hand-picked.

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For me, it's the complete opposite. I prefer QB maps to man made ones because they feel more natural. When I play on maps made by people, I always wonder about things like: "was this bump in the terrain specifically placed there by the author so I could assault this position more easily" and such. The computer is much closer to nature's way of placing things. The only inconvinient is if you choose a town or large town setting, then you can end up with silly roads and buildings setup.

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  • 5 months later...

i second that. i just tried letting the computer buy my units, and it made some odd choices, but i got to try some stuff i would not have bought ordinarily. i was reading this old thread because i was looking for a way to save QB maps if i like it, and use it again. its always a crap shoot what sort of terain u will get, and as an earlier poster said, it would be nice to know the map a bit first, so i would not buy useless stuff. some indication if the enemy has air support would be nice too. i dont want to always buy some AA unit just because maybe...

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Instead of the computer force selector, we would need a repository of Quickbattle maps and a bunch of people who volunteer to place forces for other people

Those volunteers would make sure both forces make some sort of sense, and could optionally tune them a little towards taste and you would still be forced to play with what is given to you (without being stuck with half your points in halftrack APCs on the defense).

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Originally posted by securityguard:

Has anyone released a large map pack for CMAK?

I´ve just uploaded, under my CMMod handle Chrushtshov, my second mappack to the Combat Mission Mod Database. It contains fourteen maps, all playtested, all ME´s .

Hope you enjoy them ...

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Scheer, I just downloaded your maps and look forward to giving them the old once-over tonight!

One thing that's often jarring for QB map players when importing 'real world' terrain is the scale. It can sometimes be quite a hike from the river ford into the city center! It might be a good idea to open the maps in the editor first* just to check the setup zones to make sure your QB all-infantry forces aren't separated by a twenty minute forced march!

*A small note of caution if people try editing 3rd party maps. On several occassions I've had the map editor bring the map up under what I supose is their 'initial' working title ('NW1' for instance) instead of their current correct name. So be sure to double-check the map's title before hitting 'save'.

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I tried a QB after reading some of these threads. A company and some armor on both sides. Deep snow, extreme cold, ME. I moved across the map for 30+ turns of a 40+ turn battle before contact 3/4 way across the map. The battle ended around 40 and I looked at the map. The AI was wandering nowhere near a flag facing all different directions. A single contact was all I ever got.

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Junk2drive, that was a common complaint with the big (and beautiful) 3rd party CMBB maps, ESPECIALLY when you're marching infantry through snow. It's often best to open in the editor, pick a pleasant looking 3,000x1500 area to fight in, redo the setup zones, and resave under a different name. That way you can get 3-4 useful QB maps out of the same terrain. A good map's a valuable item!

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IIRC it was a map from the cd, a river through the middle, a bridge, ME.

I was working with some winter mods and wanted to see them. I knew it would take a long time to cross deep snow. I made it 40+ turns for that reason. I also made it frozen so that the river could be crossed. If I could cross 3/4ths of the map, why couldn't the AI find his way across 1/4?

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Originally posted by Omi:

For me, it's the complete opposite. I prefer QB maps to man made ones because they feel more natural. When I play on maps made by people, I always wonder about things like: "was this bump in the terrain specifically placed there by the author so I could assault this position more easily" and such. The computer is much closer to nature's way of placing things. The only inconvinient is if you choose a town or large town setting, then you can end up with silly roads and buildings setup.


Using QB maps also seems to be a fairer way for two human players, the luck of the draw.

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