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ATLCTNBTMAGA=All The Little Conflicts That Nobody Bothers To Make A Game About

Wouldn't it be cool to have a game that wraps up the Falkland War*, the little civil wars in Africa, Kosovo, the war wher Croatians attacked Yugoslavians (?) and took back what Yugoslavians captured in the previous war between them*, other Balkan area wars, drug wars, Chechnya* and various commando raids around the world.

* These wars aren't really little, they just aren't as big as other wars, or ones that people don't hear about, or aren't as important.

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Originally posted by yacinator:

ATLCTNBTMAGA=All The Little Conflicts That Nobody Bothers To Make A Game About

... the war wher Croatians attacked Yugoslavians (?) and took back what Yugoslavians captured in the previous war between them*,

Which war do you have in mind? Oh, and before WW2 Yugoslavia was Kingdom of Slovenes ,Croatians and Serbs. Yugoslavia become after WW2. And all Slovenes, Croatians,Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegros,Macedonians and Albains(Kosovo) becomes Yugoslavians. ;)
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Originally posted by yacinator:

ATLCTNBTMAGA=All The Little Conflicts That Nobody Bothers To Make A Game About

... the war wher Croatians attacked Yugoslavians (?) and took back what Yugoslavians captured in the previous war between them*,


Which war do you have in mind? Oh, and before WW2 Yugoslavia was Kingdom of Slovenes ,Croatians and Serbs. Yugoslavia become after WW2. And all Slovenes, Croatians,Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegros,Macedonians and Albains(Kosovo) becomes Yugoslavians.

i meant the one in 95 between serbs and croatians
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We are not sure that we approve of anything called 'yacinator', which sounds like a character in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie that does very unpleasant things to Tibetan ruminants.

But we are very sure that if this 'yacinator' character continues to post topics like this one, we will hunt him down and chop any number of various dangly bits off him with a scout axe.

If we permit subject posts with things like atlctnbtmaga in them, it's only a matter of time before singing nannies and chimney sweeps show up to give everyone the red arse with endless big production song & dance numbers, and I, for one, do not wish to see an all Cheery Waffler musical number.

You can see what I'm afraid of, can't you? Axe2121, Dave H, Soddball and all that lot wielding needles and singing while stitching together a ball-gown for Master Goodale?

I think I'd rather reach down my own throat and pull my heart out.

Yacinator, get a new hobby. Car detailing, or model ship building, or actuarial science, or something. Anything.

I love CM as much as the next man, but when I wake up in the morning with certain...urges to get to know my self better, I picture women, not the CM features I want in the next game.

Perhaps a solid program of exercise and team sports?

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Originally posted by yacinator:

**** u seanachai

Ah! Garden fresh hate! Rather bland, of course, and without a lot of character...but Hate, nevertheless. Still...is this the sort of Hate one can build upon? I mean, there's almost no fiber content. This is not the sort of Hate that would keep one regular.

Yacinator, while coming up with ever more interesting, complex, and, indeed, Baroque suggestions for Combat Mission, try and flesh out your Hate a little more. I mean, that was piss poor Hate, lad. Oh, refreshing in its way, I suppose, but...dull.

I mean, if you can picture the Next Engine with flying monkeys playing the organ as the sound backdrop while each individual cow wanders across a field relieving itself with the dung splashing just so on the hand sculpted terrain tiles before an on board indirect fire artillery strike hits, with visuals through the azimuth finders of the individual Fire Control Officers, then surely you can come up with something more imaginative than:

"**** u seanachai".

I mean, you could at least actually write out 'you', and you could capitalize my name.

I mean, if you would even make that much effort, I would be happy to crouch at your feet, like Lear's Fool, and instruct you in the ways of having a sense of humour.

Merry, Nuncle, why is an arrogant man angry with a fun house mirror?

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I've noticed yacky tends to get a bit snarly when anyone challenges his position or method...



And who wouldn't?! But, do you know, I tend to question here, or there, as the mood takes me...

And I have this Ideal...let us call it 'Annoyance'.

It's that moment when I ask someone who posts constantly about whatever drives them (and this, from all the evidence, can be something on the level of 'I eat babies in pursuit of my CM requirements') what it is that they want.

Yacinator, my dear young fellow. Everything you may have to say, everything you may want, everything you may demand...well, it still has to pass by the laughter of people like me.

You need to get over yourself as a spokesman. That's why I'm going to keep this thread on top, until you acknowledge that you're neither the alpha nor the omega of the CM forum.

I know that I'm an idjit, lad.. But, really. '**** u seanachai'?

Get a fecking grip.Why should anyone take you seriously with a come-back like that?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I mean, you could at least actually write out 'you', and you could capitalize my name.

Well, do you really think you are worth the effort of digging out the dictionary and looking up the spelling of 'you'? Personally, Seanachai, I think you have an inflated opinion of yourself. I mean, really, why capitalize your bloody username... that would require pressing the shift key, and do you really believe you are important enough to take the left hand away from what its doin'?
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Heh. He does need a team of good writers, doesn't he? Maybe once he gets out of highschool and goes to college he'll do what we all did and start cribbing lines from a better class of author.



Now, Michael, we don't know that he's that fecking stupid.

Although I can't help but notice that he hasn't had the hair to respond to me...after saying '**** you, seanachai'.

Now, I've been told the same by many people, and I've often had to acknowledge the point and the justice of what they have to say.

But what I'm seeing from this 'yacinator' is a massive lack of 'balls'. I mean, his last remark to me is '**** you seanachai'. And I was simply doing my usual bit of dancing about and juggling concepts of humour. And I get his...well, I think I can best characterize it as 'abusive' response.

Yacinator! Where are you, my little lad? I haven't seen a post from you since you told me to '**** off'.

Are you so weak, useless, and stupid that a simple 'humourous' post from me is sufficient to make you cower and go off and lick yourself rather than post again in response?

I don't know....I think that endless discussion of what should be in the next engine is interesting...but I think that anyone who begins multiple threads about it shouldn't be such a fecking arrogant child that anyone responding without bowing and scraping shouldn't be subjected to mindless abuse.

Hey, yacinator. Let's make peace, eh? How 'bout you tell me that I'm an annoying bugger, but you acknowledge my clownish sense of how fecking self-important some posters can become in their endless posts about how they know what the game should be, and I acknowledge how those posters can come up with some brilliant ideas?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Are you so weak, useless, and stupid that a simple 'humourous' post from me is sufficient to make you cower and go off and lick yourself rather than post again in response?

Could be. He accused me of "suppressing" him and acted real hurt when I suggested in the most polite way that it would be more appropriate (i.e., better received) if he posted some of his more far-out ideas (i.e., most of them) in the GF.

Gee. Think of that. I suppressed him and didn't even work up a sweat. They don't make punks the way they used to in my day. No stamina...


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