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I beg Your Pardon, Madmatt Never Promised Us A Peng Challenge Garden


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai ... HERE I AM {taps toe in frustration}

Am I to wait on YOUR leisure, at YOUR beck and call, at YOUR pleasure ... there IS something wrong with that actually ... I'M BUSY DAMNIT ... WHAT!


Er...relapse...feel like ****e. Going home, going to bed early. Sorry, Joe. We'll do lunch.

Boo, be a good thug, would you, and give the Justicar cab fare home.

[ January 21, 2004, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Its good to be back. Think I missed out on 3 or 4 deaths and rebirths of the MBT. I see the Cherry Wafflers survived a near species extinction...hmmm. On the one hand, not such a bad thing. On the other, refugee problems. There is never enough space to fit them all in, and no matter the improvement over their past condition, they still gripe.

Have I told you how much I hate comptrollers. If you have been, are, or are currently planning to be one of these horrible creatures formed from the leftover smegmatic mass deposited on a tree branch after a male oppossum low crawled by, there is a special corner reserved just for you, your black heart, and even blacker soul in the deepest pit of HELL!!! Tell Beelzebub I said hey, and ask for the special.

On to more interesting stuff

The battle with Berli continues. Think we are up to turn 30 or so. His tanks still roam free and tiny little feldgrau bodies litter the outside of my factory complex. In what I thought was a sneaky move, I took to the sewers. In an even sneakier move, the little bastards got lost (or deserted...). A pleasant surprise was the one squad that popped up about 100m away from where they were supposed to be. Twits were too busy high fiving about making it out and haven't noticed they are surrounded. I think their life expectancy will be very short. Juries still out on this one folks, but it aint looking good for the home team.

Nidan1, after giving me a blistering in our last game, graciously offered a rematch a little North of Anzio. Just when it was getting interesting, comms go dead. Non, nere, nunca...not an email to be had. Send the turn you pitiful twerp...I want to watch your crews bail out of their burning tin cans, then cackle gleefully while mowing them down with some well aimed Vickers fire. By the way... INCOMING!!! Feel the fury of my response after that pitiful prep fire. Hope you got more ammo, you'll need it.

Stalin's Organs or Mike of the Waffles and I continue. Files are starting to get bigger which show's some promise. His first two uber KV's are sitting in the middle of the road useless. Just goes to show, "The easy way is always mined". There is movement off to the NE but am not sure what it is. We are ready to receive his assault. He might have learned his lesson and be leading with engineers.

Has anyone seen that scraping from the inside of a Mouse's rectum, tiny twinki, or is he still using the lame excuse about his comp being on the fritz?

Hey Kitty...

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Mincing Pikers Who Owe Me Turns

by Boo Radley

Leeeeeo. Come on lad, send me another 2mb file. It gives me a chance to do chores while I'm waiting for it to download.

MrSpkr. What? Are you working on the website? Yeah, like that'll happen.

Noba. I know it's summer down there, but that's no excuse. Neither are you, but we work with what we have.

Nidan. Getting tired of whupping me silly? That makes two of us.

Seanachai. Yeah, I know...take a number, the line forms on the left.

Mike-The-Squire. You've been AWOL for some time, laddie. What's the story?

Good grief, the feckin' <small>goddamers</small> send turns more regularly than you lot!

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Originally posted by YK2:

And I thought I had worries with my twitch...

Trust me, ain't nothing wrong with your twitch.

No, come on, Dalem, baby, that wasn't sleazy, that was, uh, grape. Yeah.

So get with it people, I'm here for one of my thrice yearly visits (Or is it seasonal? {Not that, I know that's seasonal, I mean my visits}) so get me up to speed while I slog through Peng Thread CXLIII. Who's come, who's gone--now dammit, Dalem, I typed COME, you're jumping up like Bauhaus, that's not sleazy, it's just good English, baby.

Back to slogging, as you see I made it as far as Emma's twitch before I was forced to respond. Bummer about the car Seanachai, nice to see ya got it back (I expect to find out more regarding its condition in future {for me, past for yous guys} messages).

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I missed a crusade??? That, Berli, needs, viagra, to carry out? What the hell? When did the morons with the smilies become important enough to hate? I thought they just typed gobbledygook while listening to acoustic remixes of Erasure all the time.

And Lorak left? Like, three minutes before I showed up? Bad form, sir. I'll have you know that, as a Raiders fan who grew up in the other Carolina, I commiserate, especially if it has to do with screwing Philadelphians. ****in' city hasn't done but naught since breaking that bell (Our bell, let me remind you, and as a citizen of these United States, I demand that it be repaired, and at a good metalsmith, like they've got up in New England, not some drunken, cheesesteak-sweating, parka-dowered, shovelhead named Hiram.

You all, especially the sick one, could learn a thing or seven from good ol' American-style football, like when you don't give a rat-damn about either side, root against. Yeah, and when did YK2 become Queen? And how? And is she shacked up with Berli or is that just colorful innuendo? And when did Dalem flick the switch from asshole to bugnuts? And a billion other questions, that I seem to be asking, in an empty hall.

...empty hall.

Pick up platinum bar

...pick up platinum bar

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Originally posted by dalem:

I think it was a Thursday morning, sometime last Spring. Yeah. That could have been it.

Oh thank God. I've been sitting here, alone, for what seems like eons. I, well, I thought about following the princess but then I remembered that I'd all ready roasted the unicorn and served it up to, well, nevermind that, it's just, this place is kinda scary when nobody's here, I never realized, because, well, you remember, it was always a bustle. Gads, when did they drain it? I never realized how deep it was, and those pillars, makes ya think a Balrog's gonna jump out at any moment, or at least that they're gonna start storing old model starfighters for a final battle against--oh, listen to me babble, you know, it's nice to be back, surrounded by, um, people, that, I, always, hated.

Well, still, nice to be back in the sanctuary, ya know. So tell me, what's happened? Who's the, hey--Dalem? Dalem?! Helllooooooo?



Cess Valve C

This is the tertiary release valve for the Mutha Beautiful Thread, built during the first thread to maintain a constant flow of putrescence. It's been closed and painted pink, with a note reading, "Thank you, but we've remodeled, hope you like the decor, don't try anything." There's graffiti on the valve.

read graffiti


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Yeah, and when did YK2 become Queen? And how? And is she shacked up with Berli or is that just colorful innuendo?

I think it was sometime after they dethroned you!

Although there has been no Coronation as such..

I hope you don't mind Meeks but I re-decorated the Royal Bedroom.. It was kinda depressing for my tastes except of course for that great big self portrait you had hanging above the 4 poster.. Tis of you on a horse.

Am I shacked up with Berli?

*Looks around the Royal Bedroom*

Well my bed does seem very tousled this morning..

Oh yeah... whatever do you mean by colourful innuendo? *Smirks*

P.S. Welcome Back...

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Ah Gentlemen and Berlichtingen

It is time for my yearly visit to this sad place to taunt the survivors and then spurn you for yet another year. This is an odd post prandial desire which causes me to visit you once again, against my wishes.

However I once told an old girlfriend that life without me would be hell for her. To know what the rest of her life must be like I visit here to feel the ultimate in suffering.

God she must be weeping now!

Carry on and I'll see you next year

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Originally posted by Hans:

Ah Gentlemen and Berlichtingen

It is time for my yearly visit to this sad place to taunt the survivors and then spurn you for yet another year. This is an odd post prandial desire which causes me to visit you once again, against my wishes.

However I once told an old girlfriend that life without me would be hell for her. To know what the rest of her life must be like I visit here to feel the ultimate in suffering.

God she must be weeping now!

Carry on and I'll see you next year

I've seen you somewhere before. That's why I don't go there any more.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Make animal noises in libraries.

Now sod off.

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