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Imagine... Instant Karma In The MBT... Power To The Peng Challenge Thread.....


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Originally posted by Mace:

So you're posting here because you had an instrument failure?

Mace [/QB]

No, I'm posting here because I'm at work on a sunday afternoon!

Now away with you!

I have businees to attend...ie. putting 23 yr old gunner off until tomorrow night so tonight can be spent with 31 yr old as tomorrow the 31 yr old's hubby is back in town. Therefore leaving tomorrow night free for 23 yr old.

Simple huh?

As for 34 yr old, by leaving mobile switched off and my answering machine on, I can hopefully 'slip off the radar' until tuesday night.

Why oh why didn't I think of this earlier?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"!

"Driver! Jagdstaffel 21! and don't spare the ersatz petrol!"

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My "luck" with women remains...

Bizarrely, consistantly, and yawningly...

Strange. I think I hate whoever is in charge of my life. Berli? P'raps he delegated it to Seanachai? That would explain the "last ten minutes of 2001: A Space Oddysey" weirdness.


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I must admit, that stream of Cess-emails is quite entertaining!! I chuckle at all the people who beg to be taken off the list. hehe

Here are some gamey updates:

Yeknod I'm wondering if we are even really playing a PBEM.

Boo Radley Refuses to play any more because I hurt his feelings a while back.

Lee Oh He's Italian and about to lose alot because I'm Merkin' and better looking.

Dalem His Ubertanks go boom boom and die.

I would love to try out some of the new TCPIP scenarios from Boots and Tracks (gods among men) but have run out of opponents. Ah, me.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Stands at the top of the back porch steps staring at the four parking spots in back of the apartment building

From that point on I was with you all the way.. I felt your sadness, confusion, anger and pain, at the loss of your wee car... you sir are a genius.. to write with such feeling and to have the power to write words that make some people actually LIVE what you have been through.. Well Sir.. you are wasted here.

Go finish that book as I for one want to read more of you.

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Aint Google Great?

Especially for Seanacoochie .. with all my love and affection...

Now a joke is a joke and fun and games are chill

But this isn't funny this is straight up ill

Now there's a limit to humour and this is gone too far

I ain't laughing no more y'all now who stole my car

I don't know man

I don't know if y'all ever had a car stolen before

But it's a real crazy feeling when you walk out the door

And you don't need a map or any kind of chart

That your standing in the spot where your car used to be parked

Now you know you parked your car there but yet you keep looking

Cause your mind didn't except yet that somebody took it

So your scratching your head and trying to get things clear and there's always some idiot who says

You sure you parked here

To call the police would be the move that's smart

But instead you keep looking where you know you didn't park

Searching for reasons like maybe tickets you owed

Something to justify that maybe it got towed

But not stolen naa never forget it

But then you ask yourself well where the hell is it

If there was a prize you'd win dummy of the year

Cause you looking somewhere else when you know you parked it here

So to never never land you find yourself strolling

And when you finally except that its stolen

You call the police and they come and say

That's the 437th car stolen today

As if that's something that he really needed to mention

Then they start asking you real dumb questions like

When's the last time that you saw it

You idiot right before they stole it

Now your mad this cop is talking to you

And somebody's in your car heading to kalamazoo

Officer fool or whoever you are can you please get off your butt and find who stole my car

I remember my first car never forget it

A candy red apple irub windows be tinted

Talk about fast like a rocket to drive

When from zero to 60 in like 5 point 5

And matching red rims but that wasn't enough

It had a ca phone for when I wanted to reach out and touch

An alpine stereo that straight up rocked

With 12 inch woofers you could hear for blocks

The first day I got it I was fronting real hard

I could hear people saying damn look at that car

I was hyped and I wanted my friends to check it out

So I went to the spot where they usually hangin out

Just my luck nobody standing outside

I really didn't feel like parking my ride

So I honked my horn but nobody was coming

I said what the heck I ran inside and left it running

I was inside for 20 seconds that's all

I found my friends and said you gotta check this out y'all

But when we came back out the car wasn't there

Man you ain't buy nothing I did I swear

My friends went inside I was mad they didn't believe me

Now I'm standing outside at the spot my car used to be

It was hard to figure out what to do all alone

But then I got it call the car phone

Fresh princes car

Yo thief bring my car back now before I bust your

Hold up wait a minute pal

Seems like you kinda forgot the keys

I thought man he's right well bring it back please

Hello listen thief don't hang up

Then luckily jeff pulled up

I told him what had happened someone's stolen my car

I said come on jeff lets get him he cant be far

We rode around for about 20 minutes

When we were just about to say forget it

When I spotted him

I said jeff go get it

We pulled up behind him and man he jetted

He was driving all wild and fast like he was getting points for the stuff that he crashed

I called him on the car phone again and I said

Of course you realise when I catch you your dead

All through philly was a high speed chasin

Dude was playing around like he thought we was racing

A hundred miles an our and he lost control

And slammed my car into a telephone pole

I ran to the car I said man you okay

He said yeah so I punched him in the face

The cops came up as if it was my fault

They say me punch dude and charged me with assault

If his neck was closer I probably would have grabbed it

He told the cops that I said he could have it

I calmed down and they got things straight

I saw half my car in seventh street the other half in eighth

I wanna just jump in the ocean

My car looked like it was a leggo explosion

Why does life have to be so hard

Don't laugh next time it could be your car ...


And to think that is actually a song!!!

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Eagles are losing, I think one of you clods in here is a big Eagles fan, tough darts, thay are really sucking tonight.

Yeah, elvis went to the game and everything. He's really grumpy now. =)

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>I MADE THE QUEEN'S SIG LINE!</big></big>


Ahhh there you are Justicar....

You've been lacking in your duties to the OTT of late, and as a result we've had all sorts of nomads coming in here and spouting off with their hapless oneliners hoping to get some attention and trying to upset our Happy Little Hovel...

Everyone is entitled to a break now and again and seeing as you are usually so very true to the MBT I shall overlook your lack of interest this time... and I wont even chastise you for failing to wear the mandatory Justicar attire opting for boxers and sloppy t-shirt instead...

Just pull yourself together man.... I can't be having one of my most closest allies falling apart on me... can I?

I need my men to be Witty, Strong, Faithful and Loyal..but mostly.. you need to be Here. 95% of the time you are..

I may not always take you aside and tell how much I value your loyalty.. or at times even seem to be totally unaware of your presence.. But believe me Justicar I notice when you are not here....Just like I notice when Boo needs a hug or Berli needs to poke Seanacoochie in order to keep him on his toes.... or more to the point off his toes .. Yes I notice all the little things that only your mother would.. Hell I even notice when Elvis neglects to post and when Peng needs a holiday...

*Sigh* Holidays ........ everyone should have one..

So get on with whatever it is you do... and ain't it about time you started a new thread or somefink?

*Sigh* Sometimes.. just sometimes I wish I didn't care so much about you lot and this damned thread....

Hmmmmmmm BTW...is anyone else seeing all the Highlighted Links... I think I have a virus or somefink.. hell.... maybe those bloody Wafflers have bugged us... Yeah that's it... It's all their fault... I blame Snarker and Soddballfor this...

Yep.. this needs drastic action.....

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I knew it... This just reaks of Soddball .. he not only bugged me but looks like he's affected.. or should I say INFECTED the whole bloody Forum....


He's gone too far this time.... I'm off to fix him or do somefink... Where are you lot?

I may need help!!!

Infact..... I do need help... The annoying twitch has come back and I can't control it...

Ohhhhhhh they are coming.... I can see the white coats in the distance... Help me ... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee anyone??????????????????


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Originally posted by dalem:

Papa Khann and Lars left beer here last weekend. Hmm. Maybe I should go check on it, see if it's okay.

The hell I did.

Must be Papa Kahn's, he's that kind of idjit.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Open the casket for one last look.

Now sod off.

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This one is close enough to 300 to go ahead and close it up and have a new one started.

Remember, you losers and loserettes are allowed ONE thread to perpetuate with your cess influxed verbage. I am seeing more and more leaks lately and that makes me a sad panda.

Keep your mess confined to one spot or I will do it for you and you won't like how I do things.


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