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Seriously: Why Are Peng Challenge Women So Cool?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

You call Arby's a RESTAURANT!!!

When you go out for a nice dinner do you stop at Taco Bell???

Main Entry: res·tau·rant

Pronunciation: 'res-t(&-)r&nt, -t&-"ränt, -"tränt, -t&rnt

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from present participle of restaurer to restore, from Latin restaurare

: a business establishment where meals or refreshments may be purchased

So, you see, oh dense one, who probably has his photo plastered on hundreds of hot dog carts through the city with words of warning, "If not closely watched, attempts to launder clothes in hot dog water.", by definition I was correct, whereas, by definition, you are a tool.

Oh, and DanglingDave, we ignore those with no E-mail address in their profiles. So, whatever you do, DON'T put in an E-mail address!

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Originally posted by dangerousdave:

Peng or Waffle .... Which has cooler chicks?

You obviously didn't read the rules, or Radley screwed it up again , either you're an idiot and he's a ninny.

So let me S*P*E*L*L it out for you, here are no "chicks", only ladies, ladies carrying medieval hurt thingies, ladies who know where it hurts.

Now sod off, you're boring me.

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So, just because someone doesn't have the ducats to afford a monthly internet connection at home, they are not allowed to post here.

What a snobbish, high-falutin, bunch.

But don't worry, if you run out of bread, you can always eat cake.

PS-I chose my sig line to make it easy for the lackwits amongst you to fire back a snappy retort.

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Originally posted by Lioneyes:

So, just because someone doesn't have the ducats to afford a monthly internet connection at home, they are not allowed to post here.

What a snobbish, high-falutin, bunch.

But don't worry, if you run out of bread, you can always eat cake.

PS-I chose my sig line to make it easy for the lackwits amongst you to fire back a snappy retort.

That about sums it up, genius...no Email, no post, simple enough for even you to comprehend.
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Originally posted by Lioneyes:

So, just because someone doesn't have the ducats to afford a monthly internet connection at home, they are not allowed to post here.

We just don't like having to send PBEM turn files to your local library.

Librarians are cranky enough.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Main Entry: Boo Radley

From Old English: Boo=moronic or clown-like

Radley:Celtic: verb-one who prattles, noun form=brain damaged, or idiotic.

That's not bad. A little contrived, perhaps, but with you our expectations are never that high.

(non-existent segue)

I was surfing a while ago and came across a website for "Plan 9 From Outer Space", a movie that I have never, ever seen without being heavily under the influence of something or other and I saw that one of the actor's name was "Dudley Manlove" and I thought, "If that's a stage name, then the actor was either extremely, mind-numbingly clueless, or his decision making ability was at one time cataclismically altered, perhaps in an accident involving a front end loader and a banana peel."

From now on Nidan, oh former squire, whenever I think of the name "Dudley Manlove", I'll think of you.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

From now on Nidan, oh former squire, whenever I think of the name "Dudley Manlove", I'll think of you.

Well Nidan, that about sums it up. Simple enough for ya?

another reason NOT to have internet at home.

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Originally posted by Lioneyes:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

From now on Nidan, oh former squire, whenever I think of the name "Dudley Manlove", I'll think of you.

Well Nidan, that about sums it up. Simple enough for ya?

another reason NOT to have internet at home. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

No internet at home,


no E-mail listed,

Ergo, eh?

no location listed...

DUH! I'm right here.

sigh... Oh, Simonize, Simonize, you're battin' a thousand.

Simonize a floor wax and a desert topping!

Not to worry, I shall bid you all adieu, as the footsteps of an approaching Justicarrot have driven me MAD WITH FEAR!!!!

*welcome sound of door slamming behind me*

PS-No it didn't hit me in the #$$, so sorry.

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Originally posted by dangerousdave:

What about "chicks with tanks," hmmm? "Ladies with tanks" just doesn't have the same ring.

Shall I dispense a thrashing to you and prove who is right?

It's Chicks With Tanks 'cause I ain't no lady.

Yes, hurt me. Beat me. Rape me. Treat me like the whore that I am!!

Just email Mace with your ideas, he handles all my dates, and I'm sure he'll be able to set up an interview between you and him to work out the details.

Trust me. >=)

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Originally posted by Noba about my map of Tasmania:

When I met you last year I didn't know the reason you walked all funny and had a high, squeakey voice was due to THAT !

(You do mean between YOUR legs, don't you ?)

Now what the 'ell would I be doing with an Atlas stuck between my legs?

You are a very strange fellow.

As for the walking funny, and high squeakey voice....I'm normally like that.


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Just email Mace with your ideas, he handles all my dates, and I'm sure he'll be able to set up an interview between you and him to work out the details.

Trust me. >=)

*readies the knuckledusters and cricketbat for the appending meeting*


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Mace, my ICQ is broke. Please arrange the above date for us. =|~

Yes mamm >=|~~~~~~

For the meeting, should I first break DangerousDave's kneecaps with the cricket bat, or rearrange his face with the kunckledusters?

Oh and mamm, don't forget you have an appointment with that copper bloke, 'breakwind'.. errr 'breakdance'... err *reads notes* 'breakthrough' this coming weekend. I think reporting him to internal investigation with a false claim will suffice, rather than the physical violence?

Want me to sit on your lap for this evening's dictation?


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Originally posted by Mace:

For the meeting, should I first break DangerousDave's kneecaps with the cricket bat, or rearrange his face with the kunckledusters?

Kneecaps first I would think.

Then you could just beat him with the cricket bat at your leisure while sitting around drinking beer.

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I'm playing something like a dozen PBEMs against you flock of flaccid ninnies, and there isn't one single turn in my In box.

Shaw, dalem, Leeeeeeo and Lars

Wear taffeta in Biker bars.

Boggs, Hiram and Nidan, too

Have reflexes just like half dried glue.

Malakovski! And you too, Kahn!

My interests are beginning to wan.

And finally, finally, what about Seanachai?

Hell, I don't know. He's a tittering, daft bugger with more vocabulary than sense, who owes me a return file in a brand new battle where, once again, I will pound him into a find white powder, mix it with water, sugar and eggs, pour into an ungreased pan and bake at 350F until a toothpick comes out clean. Daintily frost him and then feed him to the neighborhood dogs.

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I have no doubt that Hell is wallpapered sloppily.

And the Drudgework of the Damned is peeling the stuff off and prepping the surface for paint, only to be forced to re-wallpaper again. Sloppily.

Kind of a pasty Sysiphus.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

It's Chicks With Tanks 'cause I ain't no lady.

Yes, hurt me. Beat me. Rape me. Treat me like the whore that I am!!

Just email Mace with your ideas, he handles all my dates, and I'm sure he'll be able to set up an interview between you and him to work out the details.

Trust me. >=)

My comments were directed at Pixie, but if you insist....

Mace? You mean that stuff that you carry to spray at muggers? I snort that stuff for a stimulant.

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