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Seriously: Why Are Peng Challenge Women So Cool?

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Still puzzling over Breakwind's post. "Do they ever play a game????" I can only assume he means the women of the ping thread and playing CM. The answer is yes, you gravy swilling, donut eating, Joisy putz. And not only do I play but I do it so well that I'd beat your scabby arse 'til the pus stops running out of all the zits on it, and make you type it all in your signature. :mad:

Now if you'll excuse me I think I just made myself sick.

OK, a simple medium type battle of your choice. CMAK or CMBB. I prefer Allies. Let your conscience be your guide. I have no zits.. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by rleete:

Oh, sure, save the hard part for the next poor sap. Well, you can both go pound salt, I ain't doin' it. I get paid to be creative, so for free you get diddly.

dalem, you want a setup or not?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I will drive to your house, set it on fire, and kill you with swords as you run from the flaming ruin for saying that, you vile slug.

Why? Because he doesn't like the whining, grating audio torture that is Dylan? So, you'd kill him for wearing sensible shoes and not tormenting small animals, too? Avoiding really annoying music seems to me to be a positive trait.
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They have police in Australia?? I thought it was all like some kind of Mad Max vigilantism down there.

Speedy , if you bothered to send a turn occasionally, instead of getting falling down drunk every night, you wouldn't be having run-ins with the law.

Many happy returns to the future Mr and Mrs Hiram .

[ July 25, 2004, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Hey Rich, you flatulant flatfoot!

You have owed me a return on a game for months now, where the hell have you been?

Watch out for Kitty , she goes right for the private parts...somewtimes the gonads even.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Ye gods, but I hate listening to Bob Dylan.

I will drive to your house, set it on fire, and kill you with swords as you run from the flaming ruin for saying that, you vile slug. </font>
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Speaking of blowing, I seem to remember a scenario that Rune tried to foist off on me. Care to try it?

Hey, Rune, a couple of lives over here to destroy. Send it on. Nothing too large, please. My computer is getting a bit long in the tooth, and tends to choke on bigger battles.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Looks like the only challenge there is getting you to understand the rules, copper. Sit on your nightstick, and think about it.

Just because I dont have one of the typical Penger occupations (street mime/panhandler, mattress tester, rubber in massage parlor etc., that doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with mine. :cool:
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Never said there was, awfulsir. It was your lack of paying attention that was the issue.

Posted by Boo on page one:

"Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn."

So, are you naturally dense, or do you practice?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


And you've been on the dole for how long?

I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh?
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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


And you've been on the dole for how long?

I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh? </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


And you've been on the dole for how long?

I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh? </font>
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Originally posted by Breakthrough:

OK, a simple medium type battle of your choice. CMAK or CMBB. I prefer Allies. Let your conscience be your guide. I have no zits..

You have no zits? I have no conscience. I will consult with my attorneys and get back to you with a setup in the next few days. It won't be today though because I have to study for a test tomorrow and a test on Tuesday.

Plus my basement is filled with mold, my house packed with ants, and I'm rebuilding my kitchen which I burned down last weekend . . . oh wait. Those are the excuses I use in that other thread.

But anyway, I'm busy this weekend and the rest of the week. How's next weekend for you?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


And you've been on the dole for how long?

I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh? </font>
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Originally posted by rleete:

"You want fries with that, lard-ass? How's about I super size them so your arteries harden faster?"

If that ain't customer service, I don't know what is!

I could see you working at this Arby's I stopped by last week. Here's the conversation:

Me: "Hi, I'll have a Market Fresh roast beef and swiss combo, with Homestyle fries for here." (Notice how all the necessary information was given with no need of prompting?)

Service Moron: "What sangwich you want?"

Me: "Market Fresh Roast Beef and swiss."

SM: "You want anything wit dat?"

Me: "Yes. Make it a combo with Homestyle fries, please."

SM: "What kind of fries you want wit dat?"

Me: "Homestyles. For here" (That last bit of conversation was to head her off at the pass.)

SM: "Is that to go"?

Me: (With a bemused expression,) "No. For here."

SM: "That'll be $6.40."

Me: "Here's a ten...and forty cents. You owe me four bucks back.

SM: (Look of total confusion on her face) "Wha...?"

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