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My Fear Made Me Buy CMAK

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I had been happily playing CMBO and CMBB for about a year now. I felt no real need for CMAK. After all, it was just $40 for CMBB with Africa and Italy, and that didn't really seem that important to me. I was happy to wait for CMX2. Then I looked at these forums (as I occasionally did before as a lurker) and read the recent developments. I was stunned. CMX2 might not by WWII ETO? I might not get my West Front fix?!?! Anyways, I bought CMAK right quick, to ensure happy non-CMBO West Front playing for a while. It's good, but I was happy with CMBB, and I feel almost cheated. Now, don't get me wrong. I think the whole "module" thing rocks pretty hard, but I think it would be almost... blasphemous for the first module not to be WWII ETO. Call me a bloodthirsty sicko if you will, but I think WWII was one of the most interesting things to happen in a long time. WWII is an almost endlessly deep topic that can be explored incredibly deeply by modders, scenario creators, authors, researchers, and whomever should take an interest. And not only is it a great subject for any game, but BFC has already done a bunch of research on the subject. Let's pretend for a moment they hadn't picked a first subject yet and our thoughts might actually affect their decision. Now, it seems to me that any CM game by definition must be meticulously researched. And wouldn't they already have oodles of information on WWII ETO vehicles, weapons, etc.? There's no need to figure out the exact armor thickness of a Panther VA's side turret because they already did. And wouldn't less research time mean an earlier CMX2? And isn't that what everyone, BFC and customers alike, want? (Assuming, that is, that BFC doesn't derive some sick pleasure from stringing us along and actually isn't making CMX2 and is just making stuff up to get a rise out of us.) Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I see several strong advantages to WWII ETO:

1. It is perhaps the most awesome and deepest conflict ever to ocurr between humans

2. It needn't by researched as much, leading to an earlier game

3. Assuming the CMX2 engine is at least kind of similar to CMX1, we know they would work well together. (Example: it matches the armament used and the forces of the war. Frankly, I really can't see Space Lobsters)

4. Built-in GUARANTEED market. Everybody loves WWII ETO!

Now, I ask you, what are the drawbacks of WWII ETO. It's been done? What hasn't? I understand BFC wants to do something new, but with the module system they'll get to do all sorts of cool stuff. They can try Space Lobsters after CMX2 is a little more established.

Anyways, I am getting down on my knees and begging for WWII ETO. And I bought CMAK just because I was afraid of Space Lobsters, so my opinion matters more than any one else's. In the Universe. Thank you, and good night.

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Guest ExplodingMonkey

They're not going to abandon WWII. They love it as much as we do.

I for one look forward to other wars and other fronts. A break from WWII would be nice. I'd like to see Napoleonic era as well as the Korean War.

Some hypothetical cold war stuff would be cool too.

Just please no Afghanistan (Soviet conflict) or Vietnam! Please no. :mad:

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Y'know, we speculate about historical theaters for CMx2 but if you take a look at their last few offerings (yes i know, 'only' pubished by them) you see these games have pretty much abandoned strict historical reinactment for ...how shall I put it... weapons fighting.

In Dangerous Waters you're as liable to be hunting mini-subs off Japan as ex-Soviet 'boomers' off Iceland. In Balkans on Fire you've got accurate tanks, but the 'Balkans' part of the game could just as easily be named Fredonia. With Drop Team they've abandoned historical reality entirely with an off-world tactical game!

The point I'm trying to make is BFC could very well abandon the strictly historical genre. If they create a game called 'Green Beret' or 'SWAT' then we might find ourselves following U.S. special forces into a variety of semi-historic tactical setttings (generic jungle, generic desert, generic urban, etc.). What's to stop them from creating a game using accurate Centurions, Leopard 1s, and AMX-13 light tanks with late1960s Cobra gunships for support and call it "Invasion force: Weebleburg"? ;)

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Full Spectrum Warrior with more than eight guys... interesting...

MikeyD makes a good point, and his theory is one that jives with the "Korea '08"-type modules. I personally have never seen a really realistic near-future combat wargame on the CM scale. This means that there might well be a niche to be filled. On the other hand, current and near future Spec Ops is perhaps the only game subject that's been done more than WWII. And by the way, I was aware that the Space Lobsters were of the Doom variety. I didn't say Doom because Space Lobsters of Doom actually sounds cool and I was arguing that it wasn't. Anyways, I've calmed down a little and I actually am starting to think and a near future war sim be a lot of fun. Plus, it would be nice and easy to do research for historical battles because... well, there aren't any!

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Given the great reputation the company has built on the Combat Mission series, it doesn't make sense not to cash in on that reputation with their new game engine. However I guess that it is possible that an intial WWII module (like D-Day or something) may be followed by a long line of games on other conflicts, including cold-war hypotheticals.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

but I think it would be almost... blasphemous for the first module not to be WWII ETO.

I might have to find a way to add that to my all too busy and over bloated sig line..

maybe its time for a change... (in my sig line you ninny!)

"but I think it would be almost... blasphemous for the first module not to be WWII ETO. "


-tom w

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What if they did them in some sort of chronological order? WWII first, then Cold War, then near-future, then SLoD? It would be like crappy, crappy Empire Earth, except good and several games. And, if they wanted to add some lame-o RPG character progression element, they could! As in, your sergeant in WWII is a major in Cold War, and is the name of a mega-space-super-battlecruiser in the future! Wow! It would be like the Sims! I think they pretty much have to do this now, as I think it is the best idea of all time. Ever.

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Yeah, but how are they going to find out the thickness of the front fur coat of the Ugg Mk. VII? Or the flight velocity of a Type IIA Rock? And historical accounts? Forget about it! I'm not about to try to recreate an accurate battle map from those little cave drawings. Dinosaurs, on the other hand...

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CM:TF? I'm not so sure. After all, whichever side got MadMatt would totally dominate. Think about - not only is he indestructible, he can kill just about anyone with one shot. And can you imagine trying to control JasonC? "Captain Cawley, advance to that copse of trees over there." "But sir, blah blah blah oh too later it doesn't matter now." I can only think of two upshots: Endless ressurections (for some) and sending Seanachai on suicide recon missions. Watching the movie, zoomed down to view level one, replaying over and over that beautiful moment when his little figure falls down and gets a red "Eliminated" tab over it. Actually, maybe that would be a cool game. Wasn't there a CMBO mission like that?

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Nobody knows(except BFC and maybe someone else they let in on the secret). Correct me if I'm wrong, but Steve did say it was top 5 on their list of subjects. To be fair, though, with the module system it wouldn't be too long of a wait. Still... WWII ETO fo' life! (Thumps chest, gives peace sign). Speaking of which, we should make some sort of Combat Mission hand sign so we can identify fellow forum members. Like how the Bloods spell "blood" with their hands. Just "CM" would be kind of simple, but I'm sure if we put our heads together we can think of something cool.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Speaking of which, we should make some sort of Combat Mission hand sign so we can identify fellow forum members. Like how the Bloods spell "blood" with their hands. Just "CM" would be kind of simple, but I'm sure if we put our heads together we can think of something cool.

You want CMers to do some version of 'the Macarena'? Oy, vey, Vaco! You need to get a grip, eh?
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Originally posted by rune:

Actually it is CMPW. yes, Combat Mission Peng vs the Wafflers. Oh wait, mikeyD already mentioned that under the alternate title.


How in the world are they going to model the thickness of Axe's skull? Would that fuzzy bit hanging off his chin be modelled as a skirt? What about the skirt he wears? Yea, I know he calls it a 'kilt' but it's just a plaid, mini-skirt.
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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

4. Built-in GUARANTEED market. Everybody loves WWII ETO!

Hm. Shouldn't the West Front be abbreviated as NorthWesternEurope ?

If you say ETO, I understand it to mean the whole of Europe. That includes fronts such as Italy, the Balkans, the East, Finland...

There's more to Europe than just the bit where Normandy landings took place...

I know it's widely used, but I wonder where it came from... They used to use NWE before.

[ July 17, 2005, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen_2 ]

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You should pardon the pun, the WW2 coolness factor is driven by cool tanks, not theaters. Wargamers in their heart of hearts (be honest) just want to play with cool tanks.

As the coolest tank ever built was Tiger I, followed probably in equal coolness by Panther and Tiger II, BFI maximizes its profit by making sure Tiger I is in the first issue. It would be even better (for them) if they split up Panther to a separate module, but that won't fly historically. But certainly you can keep Tiger II out of an initial module.

After Tiger, the tank you must have to get the crowds in is Sherman.

What theaters of war/campaigns can we think of, that featured Tiger I and Panther fighting against Sherman, but NOT including Tiger II?

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