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Oh The Challenge, My Heart Goes Peng for Thee


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Fiefdom is a text based strategy game. Settings are mostly for your own preference. Like your advisor can be a general, a priest, etc. Makes no difference. You can play for a while, then set everything to defend, and logout. Try it, it's pretty addictive.

When you do get there, send a message to Draco du Montfalcon (NOT Draco), which is Berli's name there. Ask to be let into the alliance (he controls it, and you have to be invited to join). Then check the local news (under "home") to find out who the latest target is.

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My dear Seanachai,

Your words, like a bad Mexican dinner, have moved me. To think that one such as yourself, shorter, rounder, younger, would wish to become my very own Da, fills me with such joy, that I know, that even as you care for me, so shall I, in your dotage, care for you.

Even now as I think of you, I can hear those two, magical words reverberating in my mind.

Rest Home.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Mercy killing means it's over too fast. I can just dump him in a poorly run rest home and let the thuggishly brutal attendants rough him up.

It's more entertaining that way.

Oh, Boo. I look forward to the day when the attendants you've personally selected for me force me to eat my meal of cat food on my hands and knees from a bowl placed on the floor, while mocking my age and infirmity. How I will glory in being strapped in for days at a time, while my bedsores become infected. How I look forward to that day when, having passed from this vale of tears, you discover that the last pennies of my worldly wealth were invested in a 'retribution' contract, and you find yourself knee-capped in the park with a sledge-hammer by two out of work, tattooed and pierced greaseballs, one of whom will (and this will be stipulated in the will) be wearing a Kurt Cobain t-shirt. They will then cut off both your big toes.

On this, your very most special of days, Boo, I want you to know that that's hanging over your head. Because even when I'm gone, Boo, I never want you to be bereft of my hatred. And, as you painfully hobble from place to place with the help of two canes (it's extremely awkward for a man to walk with no big toes), I want you to think of me every day.

Give us a hug, my beefy, brainless son of my soul!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Mercy killing means it's over too fast. I can just dump him in a poorly run rest home and let the thuggishly brutal attendants rough him up.

It's more entertaining that way.

Oh, Boo. I look forward to the day when the attendants you've personally selected for me force me to eat my meal of cat food on my hands and knees from a bowl placed on the floor, while mocking my age and infirmity. How I will glory in being strapped in for days at a time, while my bedsores become infected. How I look forward to that day when, having passed from this vale of tears, you discover that the last pennies of my worldly wealth were invested in a 'retribution' contract, and you find yourself knee-capped in the park with a sledge-hammer by two out of work, tattooed and pierced greaseballs, one of whom will (and this will be stipulated in the will) be wearing a Kurt Cobain t-shirt. They will then cut off both your big toes.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Boo, you can tell it's your birthday. You got off pretty lightly, everything considered. Check out the 'reply to all' email regarding the fabulous MrSpkr that I just sent off.

I did, and I have to say that it was quite beautiful, in a drunken, bleary, "Man, I love you-rough-punch-to-the-arm-homo-phobic" sort of way, that is (let's face it) a halmark of midwestern values.

It made me laugh, it made me cry. It made me get up and get another beer, walk around the room adjusting my shorts, while I looked for the coupon for the oil change from Midas.

And really, when all is said and done (even the household chores that you wish somebody else would just fecking DO for a change)... that's all that counts, right?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

..and a DVD of "Young Frankenstein".

I'd say that I made out like a bandit.

You'd think that Rose would just want to put the memories of your honeymoon into a locked room in her mind and spend the rest of her days repressing every image, rather than celebrating it. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You mean the part where the ceiling fell down in our hotel bathroom in Canada because the Okies upstairs over-filled their hot tub and it all leaked down to us?

Nah. We got a room upgrade for that.

Bugger. You'd think the much more devastating disappointment she suffered later that evening would have gotten her a husband upgrade.

But then, I imagine there's things that even the Canadians can't really make better.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It made me laugh, it made me cry. It made me get up and get another beer, walk around the room adjusting my shorts, while I looked for the coupon for the oil change from Midas.

Yeah, I extended myself a bit, but if anyone deserves it, it's MrSpkr.

Not sure who Keith Verble is, actually, but, hell, complete ignorance of another human being's life has never stopped me from abusing and mocking it.

You should go to a funeral with me sometime. I'm horribly inappropriate.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Boo, you can tell it's your birthday. You got off pretty lightly, everything considered. Check out the 'reply to all' email regarding the fabulous MrSpkr that I just sent off.

I did, and I have to say that it was quite beautiful, in a drunken, bleary, "Man, I love you-rough-punch-to-the-arm-homo-phobic" sort of way, that is (let's face it) a halmark of midwestern values.

It made me laugh, it made me cry. It made me get up and get another beer, walk around the room adjusting my shorts, while I looked for the coupon for the oil change from Midas.

And really, when all is said and done (even the household chores that you wish somebody else would just fecking DO for a change)... that's all that counts, right? </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

For he's a mighty dim fellow

For he's a mighty dim fellow

For he's a mighty dim felllllloooowwwww!

Which nobody can deny!

Hip Hip hooray!

Hip Hip hooray!

Hip Hip... <font size = 1> oh never mind. It's not as if I meant it.</font>

Happy birthday Boo! It's great to know there are others older than me!!!


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

For he's a mighty dim fellow

For he's a mighty dim fellow

For he's a mighty dim felllllloooowwwww!

Which nobody can deny!

Hip Hip hooray!

Hip Hip hooray!

Hip Hip... <font size = 1> oh never mind. It's not as if I meant it.</font>

Happy birthday Boo! It's great to know there are others older than me!!!

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

You are the iceberg lettuce of wit.

And I'm the big dollop of Mayonnaise. </font>
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Posted by a very relaxed Queen.

* Lies back and relaxes in her lovely hot bubble bath *

'Scuse M'Lady, *carefully averting eyes* - you seem to have dozed off, for a while..and, and,


..... but there is a wierd old guy hanging around with a stepladder, bucket, grubby hat and dirty chamois who says he's come to wash the Royal Windows. Specifically; them of the Royal Chambers. Muttered something about a tall old bloke, with glasses (and cut fingers he said he got from dropping a cutlery drawer) A "Banker" type of bloke, you know, up 'em selves an' all; hiring him for the job and giving him a camera to prove that the windows were REALLY CLEAN so that anyone could see through them... :eek:

Just thought you might like to know.

*Leaves quickly*


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I would love to go to one particular funeral with you there, IF you know what I mean, you horrible little gnome you.

Slightly confused. Do you mean Pawlenty's? By God, what a howler that would be! Good choice! </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

* Sob, sniff.... sob... sniff *

I've never had so many bruises....

*cough, splutter... sniff*

If only I can find the strength to.........

*Collapses of floor*


O, what has happened whilst I was away? The happy bubbles have yea been drained?


Yea, Verily! And forsooth!

Aroint thee, natty window washer, afore I set the dogs on ye'

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