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The Cheery Wafflers Deck the Halls... GRAR RAR RAR RAR RAR, RAR RAR RAR RAR!!!!


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Originally posted by Mace:

I was initially wondering why the winning team in it celebrated their victory by apparently beating the crap out of each other, because that's exactly what it looks like they're doing in that picture.

Because we raise 'em tough up here. :mad: :mad:
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<font size=5 font color=yellow>Good Friday Morning Waffles!!</font>

I find myself having to leave work at 1015 today to finish using my vacation time for the year. The sacrifices I make as a dedicated public servant... :D:D

Originally posted by Axe2121:

Because we raise 'em tough up here. :mad: :mad:

Not too bright, but tough. :D:D
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You wired me awake

And hit me with a hand of broken nails

You tied my lead and pulled my chain

To watch my blood begin to boil

But I’m gonna break

I’m gonna break my

I’m gonna break my rusty cage and run. :mad: :mad:

Ever hear the Johnny Cash version? Too awesome.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

You wired me awake

And hit me with a hand of broken nails

You tied my lead and pulled my chain

To watch my blood begin to boil

But I’m gonna break

I’m gonna break my

I’m gonna break my rusty cage and run. :mad: :mad:

Ever hear the Johnny Cash version? Too awesome.

I have Cash's American Recordings. Excellent. One of my favorites is "The Man Who Couldn't Cry."

There once was a man who just couldn't cry

He hadn't cried for years and for years

Napalmed babies and the movie love story

For instance could not produce tears

As a child he had cried as all children will

Then at some point his tear ducts ran dry

He grew to be a man, the feces hit the fan

Things got bad, but he couldn't cry

His dog was run over, his wife up and left him

And after that he got sacked from his job

Lost his arm in the war, was laughed at by a whore

Ah, but sill not a sniffle or sob

His novel was refused, his movie was panned

And his big Broadway show was a flop

He got sent off to jail; you guessed it, no bail

Oh, but still not a dribble or drop

In jail he was beaten, bullied and buggered

And made to make license plates

Water and bread was all he was fed

But not once did a tear stain his face

Doctors were called in, scientists, too

Theologians were last and practically least

They all agreed sure enough; this was sure no cream puff

But in fact an insensitive beast

He was removed from jail and placed in a place

For the insensitive and the insane

He played lots of chess and made lots of friends

And he wept every time it would rain

Once it rained forty days and it rained forty nights

And he cried and he cried and he cried and he cried

On the forty-first day, he passed away

He just dehydrated and died

Well, he went up to heaven, located his dog

Not only that, but he rejoined his arm

Down below, all the critics, they took it all back

Cancer robbed the whore of her charm

His ex-wife died of stretch marks, his ex-employer went broke

The theologians were finally found out

Right down to the ground, that old jail house burned down

The earth suffered perpetual drought

*sniff* Just beautiful

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I find myself having to leave work at 1015 today to finish using my vacation time for the year. The sacrifices I make as a dedicated public servant.

Such dedication to the Public Servant credo brings a tear to this fellow Public Servant's eye!

*wipes away tears*


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

You wired me awake

And hit me with a hand of broken nails

You tied my lead and pulled my chain

To watch my blood begin to boil

But I’m gonna break

I’m gonna break my

I’m gonna break my rusty cage and run. :mad: :mad:

Ever hear the Johnny Cash version? Too awesome.

Pfffft, Soundgarden did the best cover of this song! :mad: :mad:


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I'm thawing out, and ANGRY OUT LOUD!!!!!! Two days with no electricity in an all electric house will do that to you. Mother Nature smacked the crap out of our power feed lines. Mostly by dropping ice-covered trees on oh, every single above ground line for miles. Spent every waking hour averting disaster, and woke up every two hours to gas the generator to run the sump to keep from floating away.


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Originally posted by Snarker:

I'm thawing out, and ANGRY OUT LOUD!!!!!! Two days with no electricity in an all electric house will do that to you. Mother Nature smacked the crap out of our power feed lines. Mostly by dropping ice-covered trees on oh, every single above ground line for miles. Spent every waking hour averting disaster, and woke up every two hours to gas the generator to run the sump to keep from floating away.


Sounds to me like Gaia has already slapped you silly - again. Remember the old margarine commercials with the line "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!" Threatening Gaia is even worse.
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Stuff TNT, maggot! :mad: You go months without sending a turn. I'm just getting my @$$ unstuck from a metal toilet seat and you wino for an email filled with bodies and the hacked limbs of your hapless Boy Scout wannabees. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

I'm thawing out, and ANGRY OUT LOUD!!!!!! Two days with no electricity in an all electric house will do that to you. Mother Nature smacked the crap out of our power feed lines. Mostly by dropping ice-covered trees on oh, every single above ground line for miles. Spent every waking hour averting disaster, and woke up every two hours to gas the generator to run the sump to keep from floating away.


Bwahahahahaha!!! There is a god.
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Originally posted by Snarker:

Stuff TNT, maggot! :mad: You go months without sending a turn. I'm just getting my @$$ unstuck from a metal toilet seat and you wino for an email filled with bodies and the hacked limbs of your hapless Boy Scout wannabees. :mad: :mad:

You know if you were smart you would have a fur-lined seat. I saw an infomercial on TV advertising a suitable product made from Canucki hides. I think the phone number was 1-800-AXE-HOLE. :mad:
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Snarker is about to be blasted by my hordes of salavating Finns. We're playing Honkaniemi Depot from Der Kessel:

Type: Finnish Probe

Forces: Soviet / Finnish

Date: 26 February 1940

Location: Honkaniemi

Region: Finnland

Weather: Dawn, overcast, snow, frozen

Terrain: Rural, town

Wind: Breeze

Turns: 45+

Play: 2 player or Finns vs AI


On February 26, 1940, the situation in the Honkaniemi-area had developed into a threatening salient, the commander of the II (Finnish) Corps, Lt. General Öhquist, attached the 3 Jäger battalion and the newly arrived 4th tank company with 13 Vickers tanks to the 23rd division, commanded by Col. Voldemar Oinonen. As the 23rd received these reinforcements, Col. Oinonen decided to destroy the the small salient east of Naykkijärvi. The commander of 3 Jager Battalion, Capt. I. Kunnas, and the commander of the 4./Pans.P, Lt. O. Heinonen, received the order to attack at 2215 hrs.

The original plan was to conduct a counterattack with 6 battalions, 3 artillery battalions and the 4th tank company. After the hurried preparations had begun, the units eligible for attack decreased to 4 battalions, 2 artillery battalions and the tank company. The plan was as follows:

After the JP 3 and the 4./Pans.P, with the help of I/JR 67 have penetrated the enemy line and reached the 1st objective, two battalions (II and III./JR 67) would carry the attack on to the 2nd objective and straighten the line.

On the night of the 25th/26th, the JP 3 was transferred by trucks to Heponotko (the road on the map leads to it, 3 km NE from the Honkaniemi depot) and skied to the starting point, arriving at 0400 hrs. The tank company arrived 30 minutes later, after making a 50 km march. The march in bad conditions, cost the tank company 5 tanks to various reasons, mainly engine failures. Capt. Kunnas divided his tanks into two sections, 6 tanks to support the 2nd and 3rd Jager companies and 2 tanks to support the 1st company securing the left flank. The attack was decided to begin at 0500 hrs, but as the communication link to the artillery failed, it was decided to try again at 0615. As the preliminary bombardment started, some of it fell on the starting points inflicting a total of 30 casualties (dead + wounded), so the attack was postponed again by an hour.

The defending forces were lead elements from the 84th division which, as usual, were supported by T-26 tanks.The Soviet forces were preparing an attack on that same day (started around noon), so the opposition was stronger than expected, since the units that were ordered to attack had taken their positions along the front.The Soviet tanks, that the Finnish 4./PansP faced, were tanks of the 112th tank battalion of the 35th Light Tank Brigade, the brigade being commanded by Col. V.Kashuba.

After a short artillery bombardment by the attached artillery the attack began. The Finns encountered problems right from the start. Only 6 tanks managed to join the attackers, as 2 tanks suffered technical problems. During the battle, the lack of radios was painfully realized (the tanks were purchased from the UK without guns, optics and radios, and some even without the driver's seat, in order to save money). As communications between the individual tanks was impossible, all tanks were acting with their own initiative, according to the original plan. The 4th tank company had a sad day. One of the tanks got stuck in a ditch, and the turret was damaged, later returning back to the starting point of the attack. All the other tanks were lost in the concentrated fire of T-26's and 45 mm AT guns. Only 3 tanks managed to break into soviet positions before they too were destroyed.

This time, however, I will change history and slay the Russian Bear in this battle. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Not right away, I'm not. More ice, more trees down. I blame you, Axe.

This is most likely a temporary respite, so before I lose power again, I want you all to know I hate the maggot that made us so dependent on electricity. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Not right away, I'm not. More ice, more trees down. I blame you, Axe.

At least this part makes sense. Everyone knows that if it wasn't for Canada the northern US would enjoy mild winters like Mace and his Aussies do. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

This is most likely a temporary respite, so before I lose power again, I want you all to know I hate the maggot that made us so dependent on electricity. :mad: :mad:
I'll bet Thomas Edison is spinning in his grave, knowing he made Snarker growl and show his teeth. :D:D
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