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Worse Combat Mission momments

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well this topic idea just spawned itself after I just lost 14 tanks in less then 3 minutes .

The plan very simple, 3 wooded passes which open up into 3 towns.

5 Mark IV's (bar 1 platoon which is a tank short) assigned to each pass (as well as 2 other tanks, but they dont take part in this action other then firing smoke rounds).

They open fire, firing smoke rounds into the town enterance ahead of them.

If you can just picture the road for a second, the fire pattern from the 7 tanks was something as follows.

. .

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supporting these smoke barrages was an 82mm mortar (1 for each pass).

After a few minutes a pretty good rectangle of smoke has been created. The tanks now have cover upon leaving the woods and into the town where the sides of the buildings will protect them agaisnt enemy tanks.

And so off they go, they make it. The next set of orders is for them to leave the cover of the smoke and dart off into the side roads. They will then be able to get the jump on confirmed american tanks which have there backs to them.

Before they go however, american infantry appear ... throwing grenades and firing rifle grenades. The tanks leave cover ... AT guns open up.

As the Mark IV's make it down side roads and between buildings they take there sweet time aiming and firing there guns ... the Shermans toast them.

In less then 3 minutes all 14 tanks have been wasted ... some havnt even fired there guns other then firing the smoke rounds piror to the 'assualt'.

Some spend lengthly periods of time just aiming at the shermans ... the shermans reloading several times infact and the mark ivs do not fire.

in the end ... i believe this momment qualifies itself as my worse CM momment.

So everyone ... what is yours?


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Originally posted by the_enigma:

In less then 3 minutes all 14 tanks have been wasted ... some havnt even fired there guns other then firing the smoke rounds piror to the 'assualt'. Some spend lengthly periods of time just aiming at the shermans ... the shermans reloading several times infact and the mark ivs do not fire.

Which is why i prefer CMBB to CMAK. Dust thrown up by missed shots from the shermans is why they aim and lose LOS and not fire at all. Although your example is probably in the extreme(very bad luck), but it certainly does happen. It's kinda cheesy for tank battles to be decided by who gets lucky missed-clouds-of-dust shots.

That sure is a good example of a bad CM moment though. I don't have any bad CM moments myself, since i never lose and hardly take any casualties. :D;)

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My worst CM experience:

A TCP/IP game, I had a priest that starts reversing after spotting a Jagdpanzer at about 500m, my priest shoots and hits the Jagdpanzer frontally knocking it down. The turn finish and a window appears saying "Lost connection to the opponent, you can resume blah blah blah". I contact my opponent in msn and resume game BUT the JgPz is still there. Again my priest reverse but is destroyed. My opponent told me that this wasnt very fair as I KO his tank and he's going to send it to the village I hold with my infantry so I can destroy it. As soon as his tank gets in hte village starts using its close defense mortars killing one bazooka and most of a squad. I send one more squad to kill it but it routes, the flag goes "?" and next turn the game finish.

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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

My worst moments actually tend to come from here (the BFC forum) during tourneys or similar (like Sie Kommen now) where I've done my best, it hasn't quite worked out, and then you find out that every other B**d on the same side as you absolutely ruled in that scenario redface.gif:(:rolleyes: :mad:

Nah, I just got lucky as hell. Does that mean I'm a B**d? :eek:
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Ouch! This strikes me as being an ironclad argument against committing armor unsupported by infantry. Smoke is concealment, BTW, not cover. Big difference! Believe the Sherman's turret traverse rate is faster than the Panzer IV's, too, and if they were IV Js (manual traverse only), hands down faster.

Don't know whether you can replay the situation, but Cover Armor arcs might shorten the engagement cycle for your Panzer IVs, greatly improving their effectiveness.


John Kettler

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In the salute to the dead(armour only one) I lost my entire left flank of about 20+ tanks in 2 and a half turns to about 10 German tanks for the loss of about one. Only 6 or so of my tanks(stuarts) probably got a shot off. My right flank units made a try and ended up like their left flank counter parts except they got the lucky shot. After that I had about 10 or less tanks left who could only scratch the paint if lucky.

After that I never tried a tank vs tank battle again.

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My worst moment was one of carelessness. I always play with landmarks turned on, but it just so happened that the scenario I selected was so busy with little white names - totally unnecessary as well - that I got sick of them and turned them off.

My next game was the St Naz scenario, and if you've played that game you'll realize how necessary landmarks are. Much of the scenario is contrived to represent things in RL, for example HMS Campbeltown is represented by a bridge stuck in the middle of nowhere. I thought it was strange, but I thought to myself "must be the drydock" and completely screwed up the setup because I didn't realise where the crack commandos would come pouring forth from. A couple of moves into the game I only cotton on to my mistake after an e-mail exchange with the organizer. Oh the embarrassment!

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It's the variation that throws me sometimes! Last night I played the Hill 52 scenario where there are three parallel roads through a wood, with an inn halfway down the middle one. I held back to allow my reinforcements to arrive, sent 4 M4s and an M10 down the right road, where they creamed a bunch of Stugs, turned into the woods, broke through behind the village and toasted 3 or 4 Pz IVs between them. I lost the M10, eventually.

Meanwhile a mix of M4s and Firefly on the left caught 4 more Pv IVs on the left and toasted them all too! I couldn't believe my luck! Swung right to join up with the rest of my M4s to assault the village from two sides simultaneously, and lost EVER SINGLE TANK! 1 Panther and one Pv IV took out at last 10 between them, in a matter of two or three moves. I had already dealt with the AT on the left, there was another on the right but it was silenced; maybe it took out two of the M4s. It all happened so quickly...


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In an armour meeting engagement I planned to push a two Soviet heavies up a slope to provide a head-on holding defence while sweeping a mass of T34's right around the advancing German flank. The timing wasn't quite right, though, and the T34's were spotted crossing an avenue of open ground and decimated. It would have been fun if it had worked. ;)

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


Ouch! This strikes me as being an ironclad argument against committing armor unsupported by infantry. Smoke is concealment, BTW, not cover. Big difference! Believe the Sherman's turret traverse rate is faster than the Panzer IV's, too, and if they were IV Js (manual traverse only), hands down faster.

Don't know whether you can replay the situation, but Cover Armor arcs might shorten the engagement cycle for your Panzer IVs, greatly improving their effectiveness.


John Kettler

well this is the 2nd time ive played the scneario, the 1st time round the infantry attacked from the woods when the tanks moved in.

The result, infantry with the tank support where able to take portions of the towns ... the tanks took out some of the americano's and there tanks but in the end where wasted ... however the reinforcments which arrived where able to rid the towns of the remaining tanks and then support the infantry in capturing the towns.

I thought i go about it slightly different this time and well as you can see above it horribly failed ... even the reinforcement tanks (heavies) have taken a beating :(

The infantry have faired better, inflicting heavy losses on the americans but its turned into a battle of attrition ... and am losing it.

all in all, a bit of bad jugment and alot of bad luck has brought me defeat this time round, however i will cont the fight and attempt to salavge something ... and then next time round ... not send the tanks in alone.

yep i tihnk using cover arcs may have helped, tanks aiming the wrong way to shoot at mg on the other side of town etc

Smoke is concealment, BTW, not cover. Big difference!
Ah right ;) thanks smile.gif
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Also a RoW moment.

I am playing the end half of "Loaded for Bear" That is the game is halfplayed for us and the players finish it off. I read the briefing and note the Russians get some tanks to the rescue so play accordingly. After many turns have passed I realie the briefing is for the whole game and I ain't getting no more.

Of course if I had checked what I started with on board to what I thought was coming later ..... hindsight is wonderful.

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In an own designed CMBB operation played head to head with a good friend, of a series of chronological ones that we play , as german player I overrun my foe´s mechanized forces, and in the very last battle, two german support aircrafts - I forgoted they were in the reinforcement schedule- came after MY forces and reduce them to ashes. A mixed panzer-motorized infantry column and almost half an infantry company were almost destroyed. Following that, it was quite easy for my foe´s last two T-34´s to counterattack and won the day. That was the worse but not the only time that I suffer such treatment from my comrades...

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

If you want to talk 'worst' worst, that would be when I played CMBB Russian infantry attack in heavy snow - during a blizzard. Exhausted all my men in short order and never did find anyone to shoot at! That was 'worst' in the 'most pointless' meaning of the term :rolleyes:

lol ... now thats funny tongue.gif
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