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The Peng Challenge as requested by Noba


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Wow that's the third time i've been made serf, fourth time free massage?
Stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) I believe that IS part of Prime Nocte, at least as Seanachai employs it, but you'll find out if and when you're actually taken to Squire ... and I do mean taken.

Clearly one of two things happened previously ... either YOU were so lackluster in your Serfly duties that, not to put too fine a point on it, no one NOTICED OR the appointment to Serf wasn't done in the proper fashion. If there was no Official Posting of Notice then you weren't a Serf regardless of what some neer-do-well posted. And I'm the buckeroo that would have done the Official Posting of Notice. That ALSO means one of two things ... either I didn't actually perform an Official Posting of Notice, and there are two possible reasons for that, specifically that I missed the posting requesting such Official Posting of Notice OR, alternatively, I forgot in which case, tough beans to you, NOW the second possibility for the first of the two pairs of choices is that I DID make the Official Posting of Notice but as I said previously your performance simply didn't move your sponsor to propose you for Squiredom in which case, tough beans to you.

So ... my recommendation, young Serf stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) is that you buckle down to your Serfly duties, perform them with vim and vigor and the odd cash bonus to Seanachai and hope that he stays sober long enough to notice that you are applying yourself.

In short, stop whining unless someone gives you the ***BOOT*** in which case the odd whine is not only acceptable but expected.

Here, allow me to demonstrate ...


Now let's hear a PROPER Serfly whine out of you lad, jump to it, with a vengance and be sure to end on a rising note.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now let's hear a PROPER Serly whine out of you lad.


Is that supposed to be "serfly whine" or "surly whine" or have you been drinking your aftershave again?

(Edited to note that Joe actually went back and corrected his abysmal spelling. Were you able to discern your mistake by yourself or did your four month old grandchild point it out for you. Again.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now let's hear a PROPER Serly whine out of you lad.


Is that supposed to be "serfly whine" or "surly whine" or have you been drinking your aftershave again? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now let's hear a PROPER Serly whine out of you lad.


Is that supposed to be "serfly whine" or "surly whine" or have you been drinking your aftershave again? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Wow that's the third time i've been made serf, fourth time free massage?

Stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) I believe that IS part of Prime Nocte, at least as Seanachai employs it, but you'll find out if and when you're actually taken to Squire ... and I do mean taken.

Clearly one of two things happened previously ... either YOU were so lackluster in your Serfly duties that, not to put too fine a point on it, no one NOTICED OR the appointment to Serf wasn't done in the proper fashion. If there was no Official Posting of Notice then you weren't a Serf regardless of what some neer-do-well posted. And I'm the buckeroo that would have done the Official Posting of Notice. That ALSO means one of two things ... either I didn't actually perform an Official Posting of Notice, and there are two possible reasons for that, specifically that I missed the posting requesting such Official Posting of Notice OR, alternatively, I forgot in which case, tough beans to you, NOW the second possibility for the first of the two pairs of choices is that I DID make the Official Posting of Notice but as I said previously your performance simply didn't move your sponsor to propose you for Squiredom in which case, tough beans to you.

So ... my recommendation, young Serf stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) is that you buckle down to your Serfly duties, perform them with vim and vigor and the odd cash bonus to Seanachai and hope that he stays sober long enough to notice that you are applying yourself.

In short, stop whining unless someone gives you the ***BOOT*** in which case the odd whine is not only acceptable but expected.

Here, allow me to demonstrate ...


Now let's hear a PROPER Serfly whine out of you lad, jump to it, with a vengance and be sure to end on a rising note.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Shaw? Sure. He's the patron saint of gormless berks. And they'd be spot on in their assessment.

Gormless? Do you have any evidence? Where's the links? I hate to rain on your parade, Boo (actually, I'd rather set up a Vickers and mow you down as you march down the center of Main Street), but where is the proof? It ain't in the pudding, because I ate that already, and there wasn't a bit of proof in it at all. Damned Jello, ought to be a law against proofless puddings. It's an outrage.

I, for one, think Old Foul Joe is more likely a collector of gorms. Probably has stacks of discarded gorms just laying about. Some without the authentic trim, others with missing buttons, split seams and the like. But loads of gorms everywhere, hardly room to walk. I'll bet he even has pet names for some of them, and sleeps with his favorite gorm tucked in the crook of his arm like a gorm teddy bear.

As to the berk part, I'll reserve comment. Berks are pretty rare these days, but back in Joe's time I bet they were everywhere. So, he could be one, but it's even money he hasn't paid his dues in years.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Hate is such a nice, clean emotion.

As you wish. Name the game: BO, BB, AK?

I'd suggest AK, as then one of us has the possibility of randomly being the Italians, and we all know how much that makes on squirm on the hook... </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

I had to turn the damned heat on this morning.

I blame all y'all.

We opened the windows -- then turned on the AC for added effect.

We'll keep it that way until January 5th, turn the furnace on until about January 9th, and go back to enjoying God's corner of paradise until he leaves for his summer break (around July 15th).

Must suck to be a Yankee.


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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Shaw? Sure. He's the patron saint of gormless berks. And they'd be spot on in their assessment.

Gormless? Do you have any evidence? Where's the links? I hate to rain on your parade, Boo (actually, I'd rather set up a Vickers and mow you down as you march down the center of Main Street), but where is the proof? It ain't in the pudding, because I ate that already, and there wasn't a bit of proof in it at all. Damned Jello, ought to be a law against proofless puddings. It's an outrage.

I, for one, think Old Foul Joe is more likely a collector of gorms. Probably has stacks of discarded gorms just laying about. Some without the authentic trim, others with missing buttons, split seams and the like. But loads of gorms everywhere, hardly room to walk. I'll bet he even has pet names for some of them, and sleeps with his favorite gorm tucked in the crook of his arm like a gorm teddy bear.

As to the berk part, I'll reserve comment. Berks are pretty rare these days, but back in Joe's time I bet they were everywhere. So, he could be one, but it's even money he hasn't paid his dues in years. </font>

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I Sir Nidan1 being a Knight in good stead, and being of sound mind, and not believing or understanding a single word of the gibberish spouted by the eternally verbose and flatulant Justicar Joe Shaw do claim the Serf, heretofore known as stikkypixie, as Squire. This I have done months before, but as usual the ever blockheaded and previously mentioned Justicar was either A. Not paying attention or B. Not paying attention.
Nidan1 it is through YOUR neglect then that stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) was sent BACK to the pool of SSNs to be claimed by one who might actually pay some attention to the poor lad ... if only for Prime Nocte.

Had you ACTUALLY raised him to Serf, and mind you I see no evidence of that, then you could have taken him to Squire at any time BUT YOU FAILED IN THAT AS IN MOST OF THOSE TASKS YOU SET FOR YOURSELF!

Provide the evidence that you did in fact sponsor the lad and I'll take it under advisement, else he's Seanachai's sponsoree ... sponsorette ... whatever and Seanachai has first rights of refusal.

Boo Radley you insufferable bore, you have no way to PROVE that I edited my post and I hereby deny, deny, deny AND that's before the cock crows too if you'll notice (gratuituos jjr reference tossed in for giggles).

You lot are as putty in my hands ... actually more like play doh ... homemade play doh, the smelly stuff that never quite turns out the same and leaves stains on your hands and is finally relegated to those little lumps that harden into rocks behind the sofa.

I'd respond to your post ... but I have no idea what you're going on about (And is it not written that "We'll not be having any of that, now."?).

You should really moderate your chuffing of spray paint. Maybe cut yourself back to just 8 or 9 cans a day.

Alternatively he could just "cut himself" ... as long as one of the major arteries is involved I'd be happy with that.


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Here is your evidence Joe . Of course what you decide to do with it is your right as the Justicar and Grand Bombast of the Cesspool , but I believe the lad is mine to abuse, er......... to raise.

Originally posted by Nidan1:

Since I sponsored said stikkypixie, I claim the first right to take him to Squire as set forth in the rules???? of the MBT .

Said stikkypixie has endured the slings and arrows, and returned in kind, not to mention he does have a slight modicum of wit about him. The fact that he is from Belgium, not his fault I'm sure, and Vietnamese, well again not really his fault , should not be held against him, after all we have Ohioans and Minnysotans.

I call on the Justicar for an ofal, I mean official ruling. (There could be a set up in it for you Joe )

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

MACE! I'm talking to you, bush ranger! This Thread title sucks.

I insist you retitle it: Mace Pitches the Peng Challenge Because Noba insisted on Being at Bat

You bloody, useless, awful, horrible, drunken Aussie pillock.

How have you been?

Retitle the Thread now. If you need help in figuring out how to do that, simply post here: Duh?


Shut up you poxyfied Little Imp. What would you know about being at bat ?


(I can here Dice rolling.....)

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Alternatively he could just "cut himself" ... as long as one of the major arteries is involved I'd be happy with that.

Sheesh. And after all I did to defend you against the resident lout. Olde farts thers days, no appreciation at all.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley you insufferable bore, you have no way to PROVE that I edited my post and I hereby deny, deny, deny AND that's before the cock crows too if you'll notice (gratuituos jjr reference tossed in for giggles).


Hear me now, Saint Shaw, The Patron Saint of Gormless Berks and the Cataclysmically Obtuse, if thou wilst but take thine hands and turn the dial on your aid of hearing to the "ON" position thee will know that I have already lifted up mine eyes to heaven and rolling them in a gesture of disbelief, have already spake of this matter. And when I spaked, I spaked truly, spaking, "Oh, Ye of little annoying habits, no one cares and no one listens when you deny thricely, or even twicely, your mistakes! We know thee as the men of Sodom knew the other men of Sodom ... the ones with the over the top fashion sense, but not in quite such an icky manner! And we know that, even as your words break like a thunderous wind over us all, when push comes to shove, you'll have to try your loathsome wares next door, Sparky, cuz we aint buying it here!
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I'd respond to your post ... but I have no idea what you're going on about (And is it not written that "We'll not be having any of that, now."?).

Boo, 'tis sad. I was trying to reach you. To make that mental connection (Oy, what was I thinking?) that transcends the space between us. Trying to get you to "think outside the box".

Not THE box, that would never do. First, you have to find the frigging box, and that would be a task in itself, seeing as the Ladies haven't been around to tidy up in ages (where the HELL are Y2 and Patchy and Kitty et al, anyway?). But if you found the box, it'd have to be just the right one, or you'd never know what was inside or outside of it. And "they" haven't even adequately defined what is the damn box, so we even know which one to look for. Besides, it's probably full of dalem's broken models (he blamed it on the cat, can you believe it? The BASTARD!), and that isn't even the point.

No. No. No.

It's all about image. Thuggish oafs and Justicarrots and grammer grogs and Bards and all the rest is all well and good. But this is the new age, and we've gotta get with the times. Give the stockholders something they can sink their teeth into. New and improved (were we all using "old and outdated" before?), the bestest and mostest. It's gotta have snap. Be catchy. This is the age of X-treme, babe. We gotta get it.

So you see, Boo, you hafta go with the flow. Do you wanna be a Thug forever? Or do you want to move into the new age of enlightenment (and corporate greed) to put us back on top? Let's capitalize on our strengths and focus on our core values. We can optimize our market share, and maximize the positive cash flow, while minimizing the marginal product lines.

Or, we can just all hate Seanachai. It's what he wants, anyway.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Here is your evidence Joe . Of course what you decide to do with it is your right as the Justicar and Grand Bombast of the Cesspool , but I believe the lad is mine to abuse, er......... to raise.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Since I sponsored said stikkypixie, I claim the first right to take him to Squire as set forth in the rules???? of the MBT .

Said stikkypixie has endured the slings and arrows, and returned in kind, not to mention he does have a slight modicum of wit about him. The fact that he is from Belgium, not his fault I'm sure, and Vietnamese, well again not really his fault , should not be held against him, after all we have Ohioans and Minnysotans.

I call on the Justicar for an ofal, I mean official ruling. (There could be a set up in it for you Joe )

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Originally posted by rleete:

Boo, 'tis sad. I was trying to reach you. To make that mental connection (Oy, what was I thinking?) that transcends the space between us. Trying to get you to "think outside the box" ... And "they" haven't even adequately defined what is the damn box...

If it concerns you, it's no doubt the litter box and since that's where you do most of your "thinking", just stay in the box, okay?

No. No. No.

Your lips say, "No. No. No.", but your eyes say, "Read my lips".

Do you wanna be a Thug forever?

Hey! It's good work if you can get it!
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