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Originally posted by dalem:

I feel the call of my muse again.

That either means I need to duck into the loo or I will be versifying again later tonight.

So prepare the appropriate incense and oils.

Either choice on your part brings the same end product.
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Originally posted by dalem:

I feel the call of my muse again.

That either means I need to duck into the loo or I will be versifying again later tonight.

So prepare the appropriate incense and oils.

If you versify again I WILL be incensed and the oil will be boiling!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I feel the call of my muse again.

That either means I need to duck into the loo or I will be versifying again later tonight.

So prepare the appropriate incense and oils.

If you versify again I WILL be incensed and the oil will be boiling!

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Breakthrough:

I'll have you know that I have been thrown out of some of the finest Clubs in New York!

I was once thrown out of the 'Nite City Disco' in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

The only other person thrown out was a drunk Indian in a torn flannel shirt and dirty jeans. I felt in good company. Everyone inside had been dressed like a casting call for 'Saturday Night Fever'.

Everyone in 'Eyes Wide Shut' were perverts. And not even particularly interesting perverts.

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climbs a chair to administer a resounding 'slap' to the back of Boo's head

slides glasses down to the end of his nose to peer over them at Joe Shaw in a pointed manner

Halitosis. Bathing habits. Boring.

What would Marcus Aurelius have said about the two of you? Probably nothing.

So let us turn, instead, to that most discerning of literature's philosophers, Mr. Kurtz:

"The horror, the horror...exterminate the brutes!"

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Originally posted by 37mm:

I want to be a Baron at the very least… the promotion system here is ridiculously frustrating.

This place just isn’t meritocratic enough.

In any 'Meritocracy', any rank of merit is soon up for sale.

There is only one 'rank' here: Knight. Any title of standing is an illusion. The 'Olde Ones' aren't a standing, they're a state of being. The Seniour Knights are simply 'the forefathers' of contemporary idiocy. There are offices held, whose duties are often vague, bizarre, or completely insane. They are held by Knights.

SSNs are simply tourists. Serfs are tourists who decide they like life on the shores of the Cesspool. Squires are Serfs willing to go swimming. Knights are Squires who've learned how to maneuver a boat.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

I want to be a Baron at the very least… the promotion system here is ridiculously frustrating.

This place just isn’t meritocratic enough.

In any 'Meritocracy', any rank of merit is soon up for sale.

There is only one 'rank' here: Knight. Any title of standing is an illusion. The 'Olde Ones' aren't a standing, they're a state of being. The Seniour Knights are simply 'the forefathers' of contemporary idiocy. There are offices held, whose duties are often vague, bizarre, or completely insane. They are held by Knights.

SSNs are simply tourists. Serfs are tourists who decide they like life on the shores of the Cesspool. Squires are Serfs willing to go swimming. Knights are Squires who've learned how to maneuver a boat. </font>

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Here it is, election day in the ol' US of A...

While waiting in line to cast my vote, I was tired of trying to decide between the lesser of two evils (sorry, Berli wasn't in the running)... so I decided to try and simplify my problem and dropped the evil part... then the epiphany struck... why, if I was just interested in choosing the lesser, who else could it be?

*cut to Tom Brokaw*

"On this eve of election results, we cannot forget that the election is more than just a two party process. The Consititutional Party had their candidates, as did the Libertarian Party. Often overlooked are the write-in candidates... from Northern Virginia comes one of the strangest write-ins we've ever seen... a vote for someone called Seanachai, Gnome of the Cesspool"

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

climbs a chair to administer a resounding 'slap' to the back of Boo's head

slides glasses down to the end of his nose to peer over them at Joe Shaw in a pointed manner

Halitosis. Bathing habits. Boring.

What would Marcus Aurelius have said about the two of you? Probably nothing.

So let us turn, instead, to that most discerning of literature's philosophers, Mr. Kurtz:

"The horror, the horror...exterminate the brutes!"

Don't you be peering at me in a pointed manner lad, I won't be having it. YOU were the one who recommended him you know. Had I known that he'd be such an incompetent and disloyal sidekick I'd never had chosen him ... he's from OHIO ... did you know that when you suggested him?

Boo Radley, referring to Harv as "Noble" completely invalidates the rest of your post.


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Originally posted by dalem:

I feel the call of my muse again.

That either means I need to duck into the loo or I will be versifying again later tonight.

You aren't allowed to versify on election night!

If that rule isn't already in the official Election Night Rules, then the rules are buggered and I hereby proclaim a new rule. Namely, no versifying for dalem on election night.

(Give me a few hours and I'll come up with another rule for why dalem is not allowed to versify on the day after election night. Or the night after election night. Or ever again. Take your pick.)


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In other words, you're too wimpy to deal with things that might put up a fight.

Dear MrAmbulanceChaser,

And that would be an excellent reason for you to send me a setup.

Much as I'm sure it soils my reputation as a gentleman, I am forced to admit that I enjoy a good tossing of a lamer under the treads of the nearest AFV. Especially if I get to swat them about a bit while listening to them whimper. No doubt this can be attributed to some aspect of my inner child that yearns to express it's felinity.

Something in Italy or Crete should do nicely. The desert air parches our throat and drys our skin. Also I don't want to burden myself with working up a sweat under a hot sun while putting you to the sword.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Don't you be peering at me in a pointed manner lad, I won't be having it. YOU were the one who recommended him you know. Had I known that he'd be such an incompetent and disloyal sidekick I'd never had chosen him ... he's from OHIO ... did you know that when you suggested him?

Boo Radley, referring to Harv as "Noble" completely invalidates the rest of your post.


You know, you might be well advised to try some ginko biloba, or whatever that stuff is that supposedly improves memory, because yours is as full of holes as your Mormon issued underwear.

Seanachai NEVER suggested me. Making me the Auxillary Pro Tempore Du Jure Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread was your stop gap measure to attempt to mollify me after you robbed me of the title of Head Justicar when you changed the fine print on our bet!

Remember now, Josephus? It was after you had gathered up your petticoats and scarpered off leaving the MBT (And it will always be here) unprotected until I, yes I, Boo Radley, with no thought at all for myself or my safety, donned the mantle of Justicariousness and saved the day.

Sidekick, indeed!

If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even have a pot that could be accused of calling a kettle black!

You OWE me, Shaw! And I won't be taking any post dated, out of town, third party checks this time!

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I feel the call of my muse again.

That either means I need to duck into the loo or I will be versifying again later tonight.

You aren't allowed to versify on election night!

If that rule isn't already in the official Election Night Rules, then the rules are buggered and I hereby proclaim a new rule. Namely, no versifying for dalem on election night.

(Give me a few hours and I'll come up with another rule for why dalem is not allowed to versify on the day after election night. Or the night after election night. Or ever again. Take your pick.)

Papa </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Under Martian Law all proclamations by Papa Khanns and other Wizards are punishable by repeated viewings of The Man From Atlantis.

That would be a terrible threat indeed...if you were able to enforce it. Of course instead the world laughs at your impotence. May dachshunds nibble on your genitalia.


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Gentlemen! (and I use that term loosely)

Firstly, there are Ladies present here! (Well, okay, just me, but that's close enough.)

Secondly, I do believe you are breaking one of the most sacrosanct of the rules of the 'Pool here. Not that anyone's bothered to post the rules properly of late. That notwithstanding...you boys have been here long enough to know better than to discuss things such as dalem's genitalia here!

Whatever happened to "spout off like you have a pair, but don't spout off ABOUT your pair"?

Sheesh! As if any of us wish to discuss, much less THINK on dalem's genitalia!

dalem's genitalia, in particular should be a subject verboten here in the MBT.

Shame on you ALL!

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