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The Sun Never Sets On the Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Surely his compassion and generosity in offering us refuge in the MBT redeems him in your eyes?

Surely it makes us want to cap the bastard </font>
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I like a nice waffle now and then. Never with Cherries tho. No. Maybe some cherry pie once a month. But never cherries on my waffles. And I don't really like waffles that much. Too much... oh I don't know... not pork fat in them for them to be really breakfast. I mean, sure, one can eat a waffle if one is so inclined, but really, all a waffle does is take up valuable stomach and gullet space that is better suited to bacon, sausage, pork roll, scrapple, kippers maybe, and corned beef hash and well, you know MEAT. What's the point of another starch at brekkies? You can have a muffin, or some toast with butter and marmalade - I like marmalade - or maybe a bit of hash browned potatoes or some homefries (with some pork gravy) or biscuits with butter (and plenty of pork gravy) or maybe even {shudder!} grits (!?) [feh! (mentioned only to endear me to the swine-eaters from the southern parts of the USA)] with lots of butter and Pork gravy.

Have I mentioned yet that the calories provided from flour that makes waffle batter probably could be got by consuming a bit of suasage? Or Bacon. Nice crispy pork belly fried in its own fat - then just take a slice of good crusty wheat or rye and fry THAT in the bacon grease. Who the hell needs a damn waffle - especially one tainted with fruit (sorry Bard I know yer feelin a bit tetchy aboot 'fruit' these days - yeesh!) when you can have a perfectly sodden bit of rye toast that's been done up in a mess of bacon or sausage grease, eh?

WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME THE VALUE OF A WAFFLE OVER PORK-FAT FRIED BREAD? HA! You can't because there is none! I run rings round you logically and gustatorially as well.

SO, what this all means is that wafflers are as thier name implies - prone to waffling. While those of us who prefer a dead pig to just aboot anything else in the world are inherently superior beings. (unless of course you eat grits too.)

Sausage Stuffing for your Turkey anyone?


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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

<quote>Did you know that Boo Radley is the wind beneath all our wings?


Wrong again.

For the record.....

Did you really know that Boo Radley is the funny smell from our collective armpits??

HRH Ponce AJ - At Your Service

psst: I love you too, Boo ;)

pssssst: WOW! I replied to myself! Great conversation we had too.....

[ November 26, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Not an edit Nor a double post, just an after thought. Has anyone ever seen a dead pig eat a waffle?


Has anyone ever seen a dead pig use an emoticon? OR a waffle for that matter? I mean has anyone ever seen a waffle use an emoticon? No.

Wafflers use em [emoticons] all the time tho, again showing that they are, indeed, inferior beings. Lower than pigs, which when one thinks aboot such things, means that perhaps, we could, while eschewing the waffle, chew the wafflers!

But, I bet they are stringy and unpleasant tasting.

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I just wanted to say that I have thistles for breakfast, mid morning elevenses... and luncheon and afternoon tea and super and the odd wild midnight snack.

I don't have waffles or a dead pig and their many various and interesting forms that may be presented for consumption. And I wouldn't be particularly cheery about a waffle or a dead pig. And I don't suppose the dead pig would be cheery either. I should think it would be particularly miserable.... which is just as well. One can't be having happy pigs.


No, its plain thistles for me. Thistles, thistles, thistles. One can ring the changes... thistle soup, curried thistle, thistle pizza, thistle en croute, thistle Kiev, baked Alaskan thistle (for dessert), thistle boiled, fried, poached, roasted or just plain, boring thistle al fresco.

Okay, I lied. Its just plain, boring thistle. Not that I'm complaining really... I mean if one were to come across a miserable, dead pig firmly planted in the ground and presenting its trotters in way that indicated that it was thoroughly dead and not just burrowing to Austria I might give it a good go... but its not going to happen...

... and waffles are fairly Belgium... which explains a lot in many ways. And anything Belgium needs lashings of mayonnaise... or was that just lashings?


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Have been reading thru 4 pages of posts since getting back from the pub and I think that Seeinayecat fellow is piss funny. Godlike. ROTFLMOA. Hey Mace, aussie Jif and that other fellow can we make him an honourary Odstralian? He can swear and he's got a sense of humour. Got my vote.

Hey aussie Jif are you schitzo or something? I see your posts and then the next post is you answering yerself. Weird. Have a beer. Then we'll go piss on that lawn gnome, Queenie has in her front yard....

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Originally posted by ozi_digger:

[QB] I think that Seeinayecat fellow is piss funny. Godlike. ROTFLMOA. Hey Mace, aussie Jif and that other fellow can we make him an honourary Odstralian?

I like that. Seanachai becomes what he hates.

He wouldn't be able to live with himself.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ozi_digger:

[QB] I think that Seeinayecat fellow is piss funny. Godlike. ROTFLMOA. Hey Mace, aussie Jif and that other fellow can we make him an honourary Odstralian?

I like that. Seanachai becomes what he hates.

He wouldn't be able to live with himself.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by ozi_digger:

Dear Kitty,

Hey, my missus just walked a mile down the road to buy me more be beer while I played thru on the CMAK demo.

Does that mean she luvs me or she's seein' anutha fella?



(pet of the cesspool).

If tha missus comes back early and sober, yer in like Flynn.

If she comes back late and pissed, yer cactus mate.....

psst: I love to edit my posts. Gives me such a thrill....

[ November 27, 2003, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

I say he doesn't get Honourary Ocker status until he can:

(37.5) Chug 6 yard glasses of Tooheys Old in under 5 minutes without throwing up,

(part the 4th) Devour 6 Big Ben pies in 5 minutes without throwing up,

(hut!) Recite Advance Australia Fair backwards whilst blindfolded without throwing up.

Any natural-boern Aussie can achieve all these important manly goals by the age of three.

So NYET to tha notion of an UBEROCKERGNOME from moi until he can prove his woith. Fat chance. Fatter gnome. *snicker*

Geez, aussie Jif yor bein' a bit harsh on the gnome fella.

It was just 'onarary status, after all.

But, I respect your judgment as an eldar. If 'e is jus' an ol' fart who carnt handle 'is piss, then wot good is he? Jus' a septic with too much time and too much money is wot I reckon.

BTW Seeinayecat, were's my turn from yonks ago?

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone, being that this is the one true Merkun holiday...(excepting 4th of July...sorry Poms, you had your chance but blew it), all the Yanks in The Cesspool should adopt a non-American for the day, preferably one from that Wiffle thread, invite them for turkey dinner, stuff them with turkey and all the fixens', pumpkin pie and whatever alcholic beverage they prefer. Let them watch American football on the couch until they doze off....then fire up the chainsaw (another truly American thing), cut them into tiny shreds, and sprinkle the remains in your garden in preparation for next springs flowers.

Say Soddball , want to come over for dinner?

[ November 27, 2003, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, being that this is the one true Merkun holiday...(excepting 4th of July...sorry Poms, you had your chance but blew it), all the Yanks in The Cesspool should adopt a non-American for the day, preferably one from that Wiffle thread, invite them for turkey dinner, stuff them with turkey and all the fixens', pumpkin pie and whatever alcholic beverage they prefer. Let them watch American football on the couch until they doze off....then fire up the chainsaw (another truly American thing), cut them into tiny shreds, and sprinkle the remains in your garden in preparation for next springs flowers.

Say Soddball , want to come over for dinner?

Blah Blah Blah.....etc.

Don't you send turns at the end of a game - when you are about to lose ?


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Dame Kitty, you've returned thank heavans *executes appropriate forms of obeissance and groveling* this lowly one awaits your guidance.

The dust has settled, its amazing how you can go from villain to hero with a simple phrase such as: "Its ok honey, we'll just order a pizza." Politeness has been restored.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the US types out there, and even the non-US types. Got 20lbs of bird burning in the oven and am prepping the dull knives for my annual hack job. Each year, I like to reflect on what I am most thankful for, and each year its the same...So, here's to the Church of England. Thanks for being so lax that my forefathers decided to pull chalks, go elsewhere, and birth this wonderous holiday. Now, time to go find some pants a couple sizes too big and empty out my hollow leg, by the smell of things, I will need all the space I can get.

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

<quote>Did you know that Boo Radley is the wind beneath all our wings?


Wrong again.

For the record.....

Did you really know that Boo Radley is the funny smell from our collective armpits??

HRH Ponce AJ - At Your Service

psst: I love you too, Boo ;)

pssssst: WOW! I replied to myself! Great conversation we had too..... </font>

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