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The Sun Never Sets On the Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by YK2:

Nice start to a New Thread..

Both Croda and my Long Lost Bro AJ posting...

Welcome Home

Speaking of lost titles.. If I am Queen and AJ is my Long Lost Bro, wouldn't that make him a Prince or somefink?

Pretender would be more apt, my Queen.


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Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Speaking of lost titles.. If I am Queen and AJ is my Long Lost Bro, wouldn't that make him a Prince or somefink?

The Duke of Yuck?

The Dork of York?

Or just grant him a ducky, preferably rubber.

Lurk </font>

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To Arms! To Arms!

Thy Waffle Thread posters crawl from their dens;

Their mouths produce drool, their eyes, a blank stare;

If dullness be wealth, the Waffle thread wins;

If wits be art, thine galleries lie bare.

I have seen forum posts with wit and style,

But I see no such posts from that dull place;

No cleverness, no panache, wit or guile

Rather, bathroom humor is more their pace.

I enjoy this forum -- yet well I know

Some Threads draw witless mouth-breathers inside;

The Waffle posters can nowhere else go --

This Thread, the Cesspool, is where I reside;

To post in the Pool is beyond their ken

The concept of taunting, too much for them.


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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Come again???



yet another sign that the end times are upon us and that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypso will soon be making that little "writing" gesture in the air over their heads as they call the waiter to bring them their check at the end of the universe dinner we all call life...or somefink...

because is it not written:

"And in the end times, that what was gone will come back for awhile and caper and gibe and generally annoy the bejeesers out of all right minded folk and all who are near will grow sad, or corn, depending upon their needs..."

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Seanachi wrote in the Gawdawffle thread:

Fold now thy tents, and like the furtive Bedouin make thy way to the abode of Peng. An early application for a visa will not only reflect well on your intelligence, but stand you in good stead with the Justicar.

Is it my understanding that in the midst of rightly prophecying doom upon the heathen usurper thread (and nicely done, though it could have used a bit more in the wailing and gnashing of teeth department), that you issued an invitation to come HERE?

Have you gone completely off your bleedin' rocker?

We need to be very clear about our purpose. There's no Statue of Liberty in Peng harbor, there's a feckin big neon <font size = 10> SOD OFF! </font> sign! Letting that shaggy in-bred brood of unwashed refugees in here flies in the face of everything this glorious thread stands, or in Bauhaus's case, sits for. We don't even want half of the people who *are* here, here!


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Come again???



yet another sign that the end times are upon us and that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypso will soon be making that little "writing" gesture in the air over their heads as they call the waiter to bring them their check at the end of the universe dinner we all call life...or somefink...

because is it not written:

"And in the end times, that what was gone will come back for awhile and caper and gibe and generally annoy the bejeesers out of all right minded folk and all who are near will grow sad, or corn, depending upon their needs..." </font>

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So anyway.

It is probably time for me to return to the CessPool. I would first like to tell you all how much I have missed you all. But we all know what a horrible lie that would be. Maybe a white lie of sorts...but still a lie... on par with the good 'ol "dont worry honey, I promise I'll pull out in time".

I'm gonna search the catacombs of my mail to see if there are any old turns there waiting to go out. I remember giving MrSpkr a sound thrashing, I dont remember the details though. And of cource Lars was perfecting the art of losing Tiger I's to an opponent fielding nothing but T-34s, 45mm guns and conscript russians. hehehe poor Lars in our first battle I thrashed him using Italian cavalry (! I thought it was hardcoded into the game that Italians always must lose) and now he is wrecking his über-panzers.

In case any other Knights are of the opinion that I owe them a turn or something, I'm sure you will let me know.

Anyway, I cant say that I'm looking forward to going to the desert. In fact, I dont think anyone would want to go to the desert... only sand and snakes there. But hey, its a dirty job, but someones gotta do it. SOOO CMAK preordered and all. With my luck it wont arrive until 2004 though.

Oh...one more thing


Hail to the Queen!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ahem. I am proved a prophet.

Well, I would be proved a prophet if I hadn't, in fact already declared myself a god,

By God, and St. Bauhaus, mount up! We ride to battle with the Goodalers! There can be only one thousand!

I'm praying to a dwarf, elf or whatever ye call yerself these days. Oh my God....oops, Oh my Seanachai. Is it getting warm in here?
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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

... carminative...

Wow, I've always wanted to be carminative. Maybe I'll wait just to be as carminative as I can be.

Noba, I always remember you as funny-looking. Are you still funny-looking, Noba? </font>

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

So anyway.

It is probably time for me to return to the CessPool. I would first like to tell you all how much I have missed you all. But we all know what a horrible lie that would be. Maybe a white lie of sorts...but still a lie... on par with the good 'ol "dont worry honey, I promise I'll pull out in time".

I think it's cute that you named your Inflate-A-Mate "Honey".
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Originally posted by Croda:

No, not the whales!

Personally, I think this was a result of all the damned singing in here. Makes me want to kill myself.

Really? Maybe this will help:

If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,

Injurious taunting should not stop my way;

For had a waste of space like you I taught,

From limits far remote, would I then stay.

No matter then although my foot did stand

Upon the nearest Cess alongside thee;

For nimble thought can jump both sea and land,

As soon as think the place where he would be.

But, ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,

To leap large lengths of miles when thou art here,

But that so much of earth and water wrought,

I must attend time's seconds as a year;

Receiving nought by elements so slow

But tears, badges of my trial and woe.

There, all better now, right?


[ November 25, 2003, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Croda:

No, not the whales!

Personally, I think this was a result of all the damned singing in here. Makes me want to kill myself.

Hmmm...Its like history repeating itself. 230 years ago you have a looney Englishmen and all his lemming buddies beaching themselves, now the whales...the wonders never cease to amaze.
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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Hmmm...I was reading somewhere that there has been a new discovery about the end time. Its called the First and Only Kazoo, apparently it falls between the the 6th and 7th Trumpets...

The sixth-and a-half angel, a being of small stature, pointy hat and foul temperment, sounded his kazoo, and I heard a voice. It said to the sixth-and a-half angel, "Release the Gnomes who are a great irritant to our most holy self and need to be someplace else." And the Gnomes, who had been chomping at the bit for this very opportunity, were released and did descend upon the earth, their number too vast to count. I heard their shrill cries of glee and in my vision they looked like this: Their hats red and pointy, corsettes of plaid, hot pink with lime striped breeches, and yellow Chucks upon their feet. The faces were...uhm...just plain disturbing, and out of their mouths came spittle and breath so foul as to peel paint. A third of the Howler Monkey host of the earth were violated that night. The remainder cried to heaven as one...ooh ooh ooh, aah aah aah, eeh eeh eeh (trans: My God, my God, why have you visited this Gnomish plague upon us; we have done you no wrong)...and so they did lament as they witnessed their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, best friends, significant others, and passing aquaintances fall before the hoard, again...and again...and again. (Revelations - Addendum)


Take him for squire, or by G... by Go... DAMMIT, I WILL!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Speaking of lost titles.. If I am Queen and AJ is my Long Lost Bro, wouldn't that make him a Prince or somefink?

Doesn't that make him somefink like the Duke of Pork? </font>
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