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This is the Peng Challenge that never ends....It goes on and on my Friends....

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Boo Radley the time has come to take your bullet out of your pocket yet again.

As the designee for the office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread it falls to you, in your capacity as the Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread to take up the awesome burden of this office whilst I am out of town.

I'll be in Des Moines basking in the admiration of my co-workers and the knowledge that, when I return, I shall have the adoration of my brand new granddaughter, Morgan Ainsley Shaw, 2 whole days old today, who is awaiting my return on Wednesday.

She's terribly bright and beautiful of course, she comes from sound stock after all. As to her intelligence, it's clear that she's SEVERAL pegs above the rest of the nursery ... of course I'm used to you lot so that may have lowered my expectations of average intelligence.

Speaking of low expectations ... do try not to get flim-flammed out of the office furniture again Boo Radley because if ANYTHING is missing when I return it'll be coming out of your paycheck.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Looks like advanced water retention to me.

I bet his ankles are swollen as well.


btw red thinglet and blue background thimply wont do! *sniff* </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I get paid?


You get exactly half of what I get paid lad, pretty good deal huh?

Change your sig line and remember ... ONLY THE ONE BULLET IN THE GUN.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley the time has come to take your bullet out of your pocket yet again.



Joe, we've talked about this, and I thought you at least would honour our policy on this sort of behaviour.


It could take a while to get Boo to realize his previous orders have been countermanded.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley the time has come to take your bullet out of your pocket yet again.



Joe, we've talked about this, and I thought you at least would honour our policy on this sort of behaviour.


It could take a while to get Boo to realize his previous orders have been countermanded. </font>

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wine is a mocker, strong drink is ragin'!

That bloody Peng. Get's you involved with pointless pissant bastards every single time!

What is this barrold...thing that I should have to listen to his rather pathetic attempts at homophobia?

I mean, really. That horrible bigot swine Gunslingr is at least what he is. Barrold...puddle o' piss, and no mistake.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now see, I'll bet that others here got the Deputy Barney Fife reference.


Yes. Joe, dearest of Justicars, most priceless of enemies, the day that I consciously find that I've clutched myself with a giggle, and an 'ooh, that's a Mayberry RFD reference!', is the day that I absolutely fecking want to die.

Joe, I feel increasingly drawn into the Wasteland. That's where my peers await me. I see the flickering of their fire, even now. I am held here by very tenuous links. I hang on in hopes of some worthy SSN. Some good thing that might still come of...all this.

But as the others depart, one by one, and as the light fades...I can only see a circle of fallen trees, a crackling fire, and the jug that circles endlessly...

I need...I need spirits that burn bright, Joe. It's not simply that the Other Two call out to me...it's more that the Other Two call out to me: 'What the feck's wrong with you, you stupid bastard, what are you doing, wasting your time there; here, is that a Laphroaig 20 year old? When was the last time we had one of those, eh...'

And similar things. They're not particularly coherent, but they're pretty emphatic.

I thought...I thought for a while, that I might find a new Mortal Enemy. Oh, not one like Peng, that I could journey through the ages with. Not a brother, necessarily.

Actually, everything has been disappointing, lately.


Now, people who can barely do their zipper up without flinching and making little whimpering noises wander in here and try to face me down. And they think they're doing well, which is the saddest thing of all, of course.

I think that the whole 'god' thing was a tremendous mistake. I mean, I already had everything required for a sense of achievement and peace of mind. I was an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread. The whole attempt to declare myself a 'god' was...well, 'wrong-headed'.

It also made me feel all...icky.

Bugger it. I'm returning to my roots.

That is, being your moral, intellectual, and spiritual superiour, without any need to get all stuffy about it.

Now, bring me an SSN. I feel quite revitalized!

Anyone? Boo? Do you have anything to show me?

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Several things:

Seanachai, it wasn't a "Mayberry RFD" reference, it was an "Andy Griffith Show" reference.

If you're going to mock it at least get it right.

Also-ly: You wail and moan that there aren't any here who measure up to your lofty status and then you hit us with pee-pee comments???

Right. May we all reach your Olympian status if we lower our sights.

Get over yourself, you're a wee Gnome in a corrective hat.

Hand-ily; Someone take this JRK fellow, or whatever his name is, and maim him. It shouldn't be that difficult as he's a Texan. Just throw some ribs on the grill and put up a "Texas Bar-B-Q! All you can bob for!" sign and let nature do the rest.

Wear-ily; dalem, "Dang mosquitos"? What are you? A Minnesotan Hillbilly in the German Luftwaffe?

Very sad, people. Very, very sad.

Remember, there's a new Justicar in town, so click it or ticket...or somfink.

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Pointless drivel...

Artless prose...

Hark back to my childhood fart jokes...

Endless ASL poetsmeary...

Now where do I get a CMAK PBEM game with an experienced player?

Oops, probably not supposed to ask directly. (The instructions are vague on this thread)

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After the first decent weekend we've had in six friggin months I can now declare boating season open.

It has been raining for the last month and a half, the lake has come up about two feet, and I spent the weekend getting the dock up one foot above that.

So, it is hereby time for the Minnesota Miscreants to load up the coolers full of beer and go out and take a slash in some rich bastiche's high priced view of the water.

Private E-mail to follow.

{btw, MrSpkr, the water temp is about 55F...}

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They could have been written in fiery letters in the sky, backed up verbally by a choir of heavenly hosts and induced directly into your brain with a Vulcan Mind Meld and still you'd stand there like a deer caught in the headlights with it's pants down and say, "Huh?"?

Let's see, E-mail? Check.

Location? (Such as it is. I mean, really. Another Worst Coaster? Shouldn't you be reciting your mantra or somfink?)


Wit, style, panache, verve, bile, loathing, vituperativness?

Nope. Just a bit of basic Smug 101. Not very promising. And he's either in advertising or publishing...hmmm.

Well, that ups his evil potential, sure, but it also lowers his possible intellegence.

Well, what the heck? Any of you youngsters out there want to bite his pointy little head off and bat it around for awhile?

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Originally posted by willbell:

Pointless drivel...

Artless prose...

Hark back to my childhood fart jokes...

Endless ASL poetsmeary...

Now where do I get a CMAK PBEM game with an experienced player?

Oops, probably not supposed to ask directly. (The instructions are vague on this thread)

Ah! There you are!

"Endless ASL poetsmeary..."?

Rather at a loss over that one.

We don't have 'experienced' players here, Willbell. That rather self-righteously demands that people somehow 'excel', and to the standards of the questioner (who is suspect from the get-go). Seriously, it's like walking into a brothel and shouting 'I've got a great big tonker'. No one cares.

We are simply 'players'.

I'd be happy to give you a game.

And after you defeat me, you can stand up proudly and say: "Er...I made fun of that lot in the Peng Challenge Thread, eh? And then I went and played a game with one of them, and I won!"

And they will inevitably ask you: "What did you win?"

To which you can reply: "Well, ummm, nothing. And I think they found out where I live and ate my pets. But I by God won!"

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Interesting inference, I think "experienced" is not the same as "expert," or "beginner" (as in Auto-Surrender learning curve). But I would be happy to take a game, even with a commander who starts off assuming surrender.

ASL poetsmeary: ASL is American as a Second Language, which is a humorous (by West Coast standard?) variation on ESL, which is English as a Second Language (mentioned in earlier post, you have to follow the thread), which is a particular education track in the public schools (of which I am a victim; of the schools, not the track). Poetsmeary? A word born of artistic license, Poets (obvious), smeary, think... what do Pengers usually smear all over these posts?

As for the game, are there special rules? From the posts I'm under the impression that there are.

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Originally posted by willbell:

Boo R

The game?

Yeah? What about it?

I'll tell you what about it!

Seanachai, probably the most daft among us (and he's not even Australian!) has offered to play you.

Do you know what that means?

Have you any concept of how this will affect your philosophy, Horatio?

You'll sit by your computer, thinking, "Where's me feckin' turn?", for days on end and when you finally receive it, blow the dust off and remove the questionable labels that say, "Tiajuana: C.O.D.", you'll find something that can only be played as a pre-patch CMBB set up.

And I haven't even mentioned the verbal abuse that will surround said turn like some loathsome, bilious wrapping paper.

You'll read things that look as if they were quoted verbatim from Dennis Hopper's dream journal.

With one hand he'll tousle your hair and say, You're a good lad." and with the other hand he'll be pinching your wallet, slapping on the "Kick me" sign and slipping in the shiv.

Or he could play it straight, don't expect me to understand the idjit.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by willbell:

Boo R

The game?

Yeah? What about it?

I'll tell you what about it!


Do you know what that means?

Have you any concept of how this will affect your philosophy, Horatio? </font>

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Oh, and where's Hortlund? I'm not up for fighting with the bastard on the GF anymore. I prefer to fight with him in here, where we can take time out for folk-dancing and the occasional heartfelt stare into each other's eyes.

Gods damn you, Hortlund, you might work out as a Mortal Enemy. You're showing something very like promise.

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