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It's a Challenge to tie a Pengeroo down, sport !

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Originally posted by rune:

Bah! The two of you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. However, since the Justicar broke his own rule about bolding names, I will vote for Boo to replace Joebob. See, at least I bolded your name.

For the two weiners, a better punishment would be for them to once more engage in mortal combat in a blood hamster in none other then a new Rune scenario. I happen to have one hot off the presses.

Last, I did NOT hear from Lurkur


Dear Rune,

I can understand your anger. I feel your pain. Knowing that one of your "creations" might actually have been sort of balanced could possibly give you a bad name.

How would it be if sometime down the road, two CM gamers were heard talking and the conversation went something like this:

"I played A Rune scenario the other day."

"Really? How was it?"

"It didn't suck."

So much for your reputation. No more pain. No more torture. Soon you'll be designing scenarios with bunnies and cute little mice wearing hats.

Paints a pretty gruesome picture, doesn't it?

Maybe this was just an anomoly. Or perhaps, for one brief moment in the grand scheme of things, Boggs and I played so well that we transcended even one of your bowel clenching horrors.

Something to think about while you decide whether Mr. Mouse looks better in a fedora or a straw boater.

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Originally posted by rune:

Bah! The two of you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. However, since the Justicar broke his own rule about bolding names, I will vote for Boo to replace Joebob. See, at least I bolded your name.

For the two weiners, a better punishment would be for them to once more engage in mortal combat in a blood hamster in none other then a new Rune scenario. I happen to have one hot off the presses.

Last, I did NOT hear from Lurkur


Oh me oh my, it DOES appear that I've hurt the Abomination rune's feelings by NOT bolding his name, oh me oh my, what is to become of me, surely I'll be forced to jump from the 37th floor of my hotel (and a lovely plummet it will be too, why I'll probably have one, maybe two seconds to admire the delicate, shell like coloration of the sky whilst I shed a tear or two over having hurt the delicate, shell like feelings of the Abomination rune ... or not.)

Shut up Noba ... my, my ... it's been too long lad, that really felt good, thanks for the opportunity.


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Shut up Noba ... my, my ... it's been too long lad, that really felt good, thanks for the opportunity.


Think nothing of it, Joe....wait on...naaaah.

Now that you are su-per-flew-ouse to requirements around this hole, what will you do, post exclusively on the general forum ?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

A quick joke from a friend of mine:

The difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers is that mechanical engineers build weapons and civil engineers build targets.

Ever notice all the jokes people tell you are rather quick?

No, probably not...well, here's a joke specially designed just for your limited attention span then.

Q: What's the difference between an Engineer and a toilet?

A: The toilet only has to deal with one *sshole at a time.

There, think upon it Seanachai.

No, no, not literally, sheesh...

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Everyone please note that the use of the term 'Abomination' is strictly the province of the Church of Seanachai, and unauthorized bandying it about may result in severe penalties.

Whether Rune and his various 'whoopy cushion' scenarios should be considered 'Abominations in the Eyes of Seanachai' is still under review.

Until such time as the Church makes an official pronouncement on Rune's status, please refrain from designating him as an 'Abomination'.

Remember, here at the Church of Seanachai your Spiritual Needs are important to us, and will be addressed in the order in which they are received. Please remain dangling until Seanachai is available to manifest himself unto you.

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Speaking of which...

Seanachai , did you get the scenario in the email? tradition dictates you actually acknowledge that you got it. Keep this up, and I will rate you as high as Joebob in the senility scale.

Joebob , let us know when you plan on throwing yourself out the hotel window. I would like to arrange to have it filmed to keep for pos...post... a long time. I may be able to sell tickets to it too. Heck, your landing cannot be any worse then watching you land in IL2.


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Originally posted by rune:

Speaking of which...

Seanachai , did you get the scenario in the email? tradition dictates you actually acknowledge that you got it. Keep this up, and I will rate you as high as Joebob in the senility scale.


Oh that is lovely! Hoisted on his on petard as it were. I suspect the Church of Seanachai will now see clearly the groundswell of popular disgust.

Oh and rune(or is it Rune?), you have all small letters in your screen name, but insist on capitalizing the "R" when you close your posts. Now I wouldn't suggest that perhaps you have a serious identity crisis.....

Anyway, clearly by your own hand confusion has been sown. That the poor mentally deficient Justicar cannot remember to bold your name probably stems from the fact he cannot remember which name is to be bolded.

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Originally posted by rune:

Bah! The two of you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. However, since the Justicar broke his own rule about bolding names, I will vote for Boo to replace Joebob. See, at least I bolded your name.

For the two weiners, a better punishment would be for them to once more engage in mortal combat in a blood hamster in none other then a new Rune scenario. I happen to have one hot off the presses.

Last, I did NOT hear from Lurkur




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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Oh and rune(or is it Rune?), you have all small letters in your screen name, but insist on capitalizing the "R" when you close your posts. Now I wouldn't suggest that perhaps you have a serious identity crisis.....

Anyway, clearly by your own hand confusion has been sown.

He likes to maintain plausible deniability.
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Originally posted by rune:

Lurkur ,

Is it really you, or is Boo dressing in drag again?


It's really me. Boo would never be able to pull off the whole strapless gown and dangly earrings thing, though lord knows, he tried constantly.

I have been really busy, but promise to e-mail you soonish, with or without scorpions, comments from the game Boggs and I played.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Lurkur ,

Is it really you, or is Boo dressing in drag again?


It's really me. Boo would never be able to pull off the whole strapless gown and dangly earrings thing, though lord knows, he tried constantly.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Just got back from a three hour torture session on the GF, man its ponderous over there, why do I get sucked in all the time?

Because the GF sucks HARD. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Just got back from a three hour torture session on the GF, man its ponderous over there, why do I get sucked in all the time?

Because the GF sucks HARD. </font>
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To late, I already did...

Remember that old Doonsebury cartoon with Phred in the jungle when one of his V.C. mates comes up and starts rambling off the "running pig dog lackeys of the colonial-imperialist oppressors" jargon?

And Phred says "Man, I forgot we talked that way..."?

That's how I imagine some poor guy in Vietnam reading Frunze's stuff today.

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I met a real Communist once. Guy I worked with, seemed pretty normal for a college town guy. Then at the Art Fair I saw him running the Communist Party Booth.

me: "Jim, what are you doing there?"

Jim: "Well, I'm a Communist."

me: "No, really. Is a buddy at lunch or something and you're just filling in?"

Jim: "No Dale, I'm really a Communist."

me: "No way! Why would you do that?"

It was sort of surreal.


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Originally posted by dalem:

I met a real Communist once. Guy I worked with, seemed pretty normal for a college town guy. Then at the Art Fair I saw him running the Communist Party Booth.

me: "Jim, what are you doing there?"

Jim: "Well, I'm a Communist."

me: "No, really. Is a buddy at lunch or something and you're just filling in?"

Jim: "No Dale, I'm really a Communist."

me: "No way! Why would you do that?"

It was sort of surreal.


Because you thought they all looked and sounded exactly like Boris and Natasha, right?
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Originally posted by dalem:

They are all too busy groping themselves and back-slapping. I'd just get in the way.

I tried very hard, but I couldn't avoid finding this statement morally culpable. That would be one lunatic leftist group-hug thread compared to the several thousand right-wing jackal arse sniffing and tail wagging festival threads, then, eh?

At least, Dalem, I avoided using some variation on the 'pot calling the kettle' cliche.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

They are all too busy groping themselves and back-slapping. I'd just get in the way.

I tried very hard, but I couldn't avoid finding this statement morally culpable. That would be one lunatic leftist group-hug thread compared to the several thousand right-wing jackal arse sniffing and tail wagging festival threads, then, eh?

At least, Dalem, I avoided using some variation on the 'pot calling the kettle' cliche. </font>

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