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It's a Challenge to tie a Pengeroo down, sport !

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Which part of NO don't you understand? You left. You gave up any rights, previous ownership or...rights to the title when you left us to drift in the malestrom known as life. I usupr...ursurp...grabbed the title for myself, changing it to better reflect my own inestimable personality.

THEN you came wandering back, saying, "Hullo...wot's this then? Nope, nope, nope. Won't ever do." and then YOU demanded that I send you a set up.

If not for the title of the position, then what? To see who is the better man?

Pah! I say! Pah and Mah, too! I play no pointless game with YOU, Sirrah!

If the title be that important to you then FIGHT for it!

I'll not play word games with you. Nor will I play board games, especially games like "Mystery Date" or"Mouse Trap", although a rousing game of "Kerplunk!" might be enjoyable.

Quit your prevaricating and send me a move!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Which part of NO don't you understand? You left. You gave up any rights, previous ownership or...rights to the title when you left us to drift in the malestrom known as life. I usupr...ursurp...grabbed the title for myself, changing it to better reflect my own inestimable personality.

THEN you came wandering back, saying, "Hullo...wot's this then? Nope, nope, nope. Won't ever do." and then YOU demanded that I send you a set up.

If not for the title of the position, then what? To see who is the better man?

Pah! I say! Pah and Mah, too! I play no pointless game with YOU, Sirrah!

If the title be that important to you then FIGHT for it!

I'll not play word games with you. Nor will I play board games, especially games like "Mystery Date" or"Mouse Trap", although a rousing game of "Kerplunk!" might be enjoyable.

Quit your prevaricating and send me a move!

Your move has been sent, but you are wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

I stated that the Best Man would bear the title, CLEARLY that is I ... especially since the jury is still out on whether you're even human.


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What is this work crap that has deluged me lately. It sucketh mightily I say.

Got one hour for lunch, must use it wisely, but where to start?

1) My Dear Lady Persephone. I had considered sending pictures of moi to you directly, but then realised you would think that I had substituted my picture with some Movie Star Studly Dude, when in fact it is truly my picture. Therefore, I will await the arrival of the Lars and allow him to authenticate my true manly profile.

2) Yes Joe Shaw did win our little match, but only after he promised that if I would let him win, I would never have to play him again! Needless to say, this was too good to pass up. And yet despite everything that I did to throw the fight, it still took him 27 of the 30 turns to eke out a narrow victory. I will say that losing to Joe was THE most challenging fight I have ever had, I almost thought it was impossible, but somehow, he managed to limit his mistakes to a less than twenty.

3) Now then, I would suggest that you two nongs (Joe & Boo), refer any discussions regarding Radley's sig line to the soon to be owner. ME!

4) Berlichtingen, I realize that you do not post here because you fear that I will have to chastise you for your colorful language. I understand your fear. It is well placed. Seanachai has informed me that he is still quivering. However, I am a fair man and realize that even you deserve a second chance. I am willing to work out an arrangement:

Currently I am involved in two of your scenarios. One from East Africa and the other a little patrol action in Italy. Now then, the maps for these little tussles seem to be of an...uh... unusual nature.

Now then, if you were to divulge what the hell you were drinking when you designed these maps, I would be more than willing to welcome you back with open.... well, welcome you back.

What could be more fair?

[edit]-As a sign of good faith, I have removed the censored tag from your nom de plume. Sometimes, I am just too nice. Almost sissyish. Unmitigatingly speaking of course.

[ April 09, 2004, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by dalem:


Chapter the Eleventeenth: I Play Lars and Make Him Into My CM Love Slave

An over-the-horizon shot from the mighty 75mm/L38 takes down another clankety Hunwagon!

Hmmm, perhaps I should wander into the GF and post your statement above ... that should give a WHOLE 'nother outlook to your rep over there.

Jim Boggs, perhaps you'd like to elaborate on the degree of my "narrow" victory over your forces? I'm specifically thinking in terms of how many clankety things you have that are (a) not burning or (B) still functioning ... any guesses gang? Maybe we could start a pool?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Jim Boggs, perhaps you'd like to elaborate on the degree of my "narrow" victory over your forces? I'm specifically thinking in terms of how many clankety things you have that are (a) not burning or (B) still functioning ... any guesses gang? Maybe we could start a pool?


As I still controlled two of the three VL's, despite my best efforts to give them up, the only way in which you had any chance of winning was if I allowed you to blow-up a few vehicles. EVEN THEN, when I parked them in the open, you took the whole game just to get five.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Jim Boggs, perhaps you'd like to elaborate on the degree of my "narrow" victory over your forces? I'm specifically thinking in terms of how many clankety things you have that are (a) not burning or (B) still functioning ... any guesses gang? Maybe we could start a pool?


As I still controlled two of the three VL's, despite my best efforts to give them up, the only way in which you had any chance of winning was if I allowed you to blow-up a few vehicles. EVEN THEN, when I parked them in the open, you took the whole game just to get five. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your move has been sent, but you are wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

I stated that the Best Man would bear the title, CLEARLY that is I ... especially since the jury is still out on whether you're even human.


Well, I'm glad to see that we are finally in agreement on this. Our game will decide whether you remain the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread or if I will stay as the Justicarious Expialidocious of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Honestly, Joe, sometimes talking to you is like talking to a three year old. And not a very sharp three year old. An Oddstralyun three year old, if you know what I mean.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


Chapter the Eleventeenth: I Play Lars and Make Him Into My CM Love Slave

An over-the-horizon shot from the mighty 75mm/L38 takes down another clankety Hunwagon!

Hmmm, perhaps I should wander into the GF and post your statement above ... that should give a WHOLE 'nother outlook to your rep over there.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

drawing it out to the bitter end and killing each and every one of your FREAKING PIXELS IF I HAVE TO TO PROVE THAT I STOMPED YOU INTO THE GROUND AND THEN SOWED THE FIELD WITH SALT!


Three turns remaining, I accept your offer. You had the last turn sent to you last night. SEND IT!!!! And save your salve, you're gonna need it.


Oops, break over, gotta go.

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Originally posted by dalem:


Chapter the Eleventeenth: I Play Lars and Make Him Into My CM Love Slave

An over-the-horizon shot from the mighty 75mm/L38 takes down another clankety Hunwagon!

Why does everybody get fricken laser sights on their tanks but me? Gamey dalem has nothing but Stuarts and Shermans for Fred's sake that are picking off 1000 meter one shot kills. In fact, every single game I've got going lately has shown the most amazing one shot kills from impossible ranges.

Except Boo's, of course.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your move has been sent, but you are wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

I stated that the Best Man would bear the title, CLEARLY that is I ... especially since the jury is still out on whether you're even human.


Well, I'm glad to see that we are finally in agreement on this. Our game will decide whether you remain the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread or if I will stay as the Justicarious Expialidocious of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Honestly, Joe, sometimes talking to you is like talking to a three year old. And not a very sharp three year old. An Oddstralyun three year old, if you know what I mean. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I don't know what you mean.

I know, Joe, so I'll try to explain as I go along.

As to the title of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, that title was bestowed upon me by decree of the Olde Ones ... no game devised by man can strip me of that title.

Well, we'll see what we shall see and when we see what there is to see, then we'll have seen it all and we'll have seen what there was to be seen.

And we'll see, won't we?

I'd suggest, however, and I think you'll agree, that Mace is an idiot and Kitty must have been drunk when they designed that horrible, horrible scenario they foisted upon us.


Drunk, stoned, deprived of oxygen, hung over, emotionally stunted from watching hours upon hours of network TV, bitter and resentful from always being picked last for team sports and picked first in Geometry class, confused, morally bankrupt, suffering from the bends, the ague, a bladder infection, the terminal crankies...

Yeah, I think that about covers it.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Drunk, stoned, deprived of oxygen, hung over, emotionally stunted from watching hours upon hours of network TV, bitter and resentful from always being picked last for team sports and picked first in Geometry class, confused, morally bankrupt, suffering from the bends, the ague, a bladder infection, the terminal crankies...

Yeah, I think that about covers it.

You forgot stood up at the prom by a farm animal.

Meaning Mace, of course. I'm sure Kitty had no such problems.

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