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There is no Peng Challenge thread, it is all in their sick minds I tell you

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>Why is lenakornrow posting family pictures? Anybody?</font>

I think he's pining for the fjords.
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>Why is lenakornrow posting family pictures? Anybody?</font>

I think he's pining for the fjords.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

What do we have here, European history lessons? Talk about booooringggg.... konrad Sweden and Poland actually went to war against each other? I can see it now...

You illiterate toad! Read Henryk Sienkiewicz, and you'll have read a real war story!
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

What do we have here, European history lessons? Talk about booooringggg.... konrad Sweden and Poland actually went to war against each other? I can see it now...

You illiterate toad! Read Henryk Sienkiewicz, and you'll have read a real war story!
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Sae thas bastard were drivin' a flock o' penguins oop fraim Philip Island tae tha Melbourne Zoo whain hae cops a flat tire on haes truck. Hae hops oot an' begins tae change tha tire, frettin' cos haes gwintae bae late deliverin' tha penguins. Tha penguins are hangin' oot o' back o' tha truck, peerin' doon at tha driver as hae begins tae jack oop tha truck.

Along comes another truck, empty, an' tha bastarrd wi' tha flat tire flags haem doon. "What's up, mate?" says tha driver o' tha emtpy truck. "Ah've go' a load o' penguins an a flat tire mon. Ah need tae gi' these buggers oop tae Melbourne afore noon. Wid ye noo tak tha wee fellas wi' ye tae tha zoo?" "Sure, no wuckas!" was tha reply.

Tha ramps are lowered an' tha wee penguins march doon holdin' flippers an' oop aintae tha noo truck. An' off they gi, peerin' oot o' tha slats ain tha back o' tha truck, wavin' "good-bye" as tha original trucker returns tae changin' haes tire.

Eventually at's done, an' hae drives off aintae Melbourne. He arrives ain toon aboot 4PM, an' as drivin' doon Collins' Strreet whain hae sees tha other truck driver walkin' doon tha footpath wi' all tha penguins followin' along baheend. Hae's holdin' wun penguin bah tha flipper, an' they all have ice-creams an' balloons. A squeal o' brakes an' tha truck driver leans oot haes cab an' yells at tha bloke wi' tha penguins, "Och Jimmy, wha's ye game laddie!!??? Ah told ye tae tak tha wee buggers tae tha feckin' ZOO!!!"

The other trucker replies, "Yeah, Oi took 'em to the zoo already, mate. Now we're off to the cinema!"

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Sae thas bastard were drivin' a flock o' penguins oop fraim Philip Island tae tha Melbourne Zoo whain hae cops a flat tire on haes truck. Hae hops oot an' begins tae change tha tire, frettin' cos haes gwintae bae late deliverin' tha penguins. Tha penguins are hangin' oot o' back o' tha truck, peerin' doon at tha driver as hae begins tae jack oop tha truck.

Along comes another truck, empty, an' tha bastarrd wi' tha flat tire flags haem doon. "What's up, mate?" says tha driver o' tha emtpy truck. "Ah've go' a load o' penguins an a flat tire mon. Ah need tae gi' these buggers oop tae Melbourne afore noon. Wid ye noo tak tha wee fellas wi' ye tae tha zoo?" "Sure, no wuckas!" was tha reply.

Tha ramps are lowered an' tha wee penguins march doon holdin' flippers an' oop aintae tha noo truck. An' off they gi, peerin' oot o' tha slats ain tha back o' tha truck, wavin' "good-bye" as tha original trucker returns tae changin' haes tire.

Eventually at's done, an' hae drives off aintae Melbourne. He arrives ain toon aboot 4PM, an' as drivin' doon Collins' Strreet whain hae sees tha other truck driver walkin' doon tha footpath wi' all tha penguins followin' along baheend. Hae's holdin' wun penguin bah tha flipper, an' they all have ice-creams an' balloons. A squeal o' brakes an' tha truck driver leans oot haes cab an' yells at tha bloke wi' tha penguins, "Och Jimmy, wha's ye game laddie!!??? Ah told ye tae tak tha wee buggers tae tha feckin' ZOO!!!"

The other trucker replies, "Yeah, Oi took 'em to the zoo already, mate. Now we're off to the cinema!"

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Let this be a lesson to Seanachai - don't piss off your future drinking partners by declaring jihad on them. It's time for our little gnome to find a new target for his wrath.

My gods, but you're hopeless sometimes!

Why would you drink with anyone you hadn't declared jihad on? I don't want their goddamn friendship. I don't want their bloody smiles and slaps on the back. I want their sodding HATRED!

Awash in their loathing, I can finally feel clean. Do you think I want to suffer through the slime of their affection? The degradation and filth of their approval? Must I be tormented with the vileness of their camaraderie?

No, Pondscum. I will drink only with those who long for my death, who toast to my torment, and whose fondest daydream is to see me driven, broken, naked, and bereft, across the wasteland. After all, it is what I long for as regards them.

Except for the jolly sing-songs. I'll bloody well sing with anyone.

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