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Riding the Range with Peng, Challenged by the Whispering Wind

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Makes me wonder though, why do idiots always have to announce in public they are leaving? Can't they just go and leave me to run the forum the way I like it? Do they have to unveil the secret deal that Steve and I struck, that the forum is mine to do with as I please, and Matt is my henchman? *SIGH*

Anyway, now that the ferret is out the bag, you lot can start wearing something warmer, to put it into the German vernacular. Either you get a bit funnier, or it is the chaingang for you sorry excuses for Pengthread dwellers.

Get a move on.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Anyway, now that the ferret is out the bag, you lot can start wearing something warmer, to put it into the German vernacular. Either you get a bit funnier, or it is the chaingang for you sorry excuses for Pengthread dwellers.

Get a move on.

Piss off mate. My Godlike member number allows me to do whatever I please!

It is good to be king

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Either you get a bit funnier, or it is the chaingang for you sorry excuses for Pengthread dwellers.

I'm sorry, but I had my funniest bone removed shortly after hatching. Therefore, whil I can occasionally feel funny, I cannot, per se, be funnier. Deal with it, you macroencephalitic reject from a Mensa-sponsored slave sale.

[Edited to make sure I spelled a word wrong, to fly in the face of everything that is Andreas. Oh, and to give props and a shout out to that suited-monkey, Hiram, who can now die in a state of bliss since the <small><small>Eagles</small> managed to squeak by the <small>Redskins</small>]</small>

[ October 05, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Seanachai, you horrid little toad!

Pull your head out of the Bushmills for the 4 seconds it will take for you to SEND MY FREAKIN' TURN!


Send you A Turn!!! Who cares about your stinkin turn? I'm trying to get him to let me stalk him and you're worried about a turn?

The smeely feelow seems to be ignoring me though. I dunno what it is...perhaps it's because I neglected to send him a postcard and/or one of his beloved loonies for the Save Seanachai Fund. I don't mind being ignored so much, but I really hate it when nobody pays attention to me.

Oh well, his loss at any rate. Maybe I'll stalk Grog Dorosh instead. He is from Alberta, so he truely (falsly?) deserves it.

Harv66 - Professional Deranged Canuck Stalker looking for victim...apply within.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Hey, I just read that Berli is "untouchable".

Maybe that's why I want to just poke him with a pointy stick.

Kewl! Did ya read where good old carboozle66 refuses to participate until he gets an apology from Steve? All we need to do is snip that 200 mile modem wire (quote) Mr. Grammont (end quote) has running from his cabin in the middle of nowhere back to civilization and we'll never have to hear from carbohydrate66 again.

And as an added bonus I'll get to stalk Seanachai by default. Now if only Wildman would fall face first into a food processor I'd be able to die a happy man.

One thing I gotta know from his complete, total and embarrasingly public meltdown...if I repeatedly insult his (italics added by author) country, but that is also my (italics added by editor) country, and/or if someone insults our (italics adde...nevermind) country and I ask/provoke them to do it again, is there a problem?

The lives of thousands of mosquitoes (and a couple of sheep) depend on the answer.

Harv66 - Now accepting donations for the Stalk Seanachai fund

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WTF. do we now have Q's in the BFC forum?

We lowly humans will never be able to live up to the lofty requirements set by Andreas, Berli, Seanachai, et al. Goody, that will only annoy them no end.

[ October 06, 2003, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Is it possible that I've made a poor judgement lads?


He has sent PBEM turns ... WITHOUT COMMENTARY! Not a sentence, not a word accompanies his turns. SILENCE ... and THIS from a Knight of the CessPool and, to my shame, a member of the Shavian House.
You want a list of all the people I've received turns from without commentary? Careful... you might be on that list, old man.

I've taken him to task both privately and publicly but he IGNORES my entreaties.
Of course I do. I'm a knight now, so you can just go stuff those treats where the sun doesn't shine. Try fooling some of the small raccoons around your garbage, they're not too bright. Wait, you said entreaties. Oh.

Anyhoo, I posted some commentary on the board. A thread or two back. Including a reference to our so-called wargame. (I usually don't consider playing hide-and-seek with squirrels a wargame).

Why don't you spend some of your retirement boredom by looking up that post, and then basking in the intelligence and witticisms contained therein?

LAD, young Sir SirReal, do your duty lad, send a PBEM turn WITH a message. I need not be anything too massive, a simply statement of confidence in the outcome and a word of hatred for me will confirm that it's a CESSPOOLER I'm playing and not some simpering outerboarder too busy playing the game (as if THAT matters) to even correspond.
Oh, all right. Just to get you to stop nagging. Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all you ever do. Nag.


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Originally posted by Harv:

Now if only Wildman would fall face first into a food processor I'd be able to die....

We'll hold you to that.

<font size = 1>Quick! Send someone with a blender to deal with Wildman. I think it's a self-sacrifice he'll be willing to make for the benefit of mankind, ......and us.</font>


[ October 06, 2003, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by SirReal:


....you are the biggest twit to ever be spawned in the Kingdom of Sweden. DONT YOU OWE ME A TURN?

I know I have completely demolished two or three companys of your Russian Armor, and I am now mopping up the nakedly exposed infantry like spilled soup, but its only battle number one. I am sure there will be more T-34s for my Panzers to turn into scrap. Get with it laddie, you know you want to.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Undoubtedly.

....you are the biggest twit to ever be spawned in the Kingdom of Sweden. DONT YOU OWE ME A TURN?

I know I have completely demolished two or three companys of your Russian Armor, and I am now mopping up the nakedly exposed infantry like spilled soup, but its only battle number one. I am sure there will be more T-34s for my Panzers to turn into scrap. Get with it laddie, you know you want to. </font>

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Originally posted by Harv:

And as an added bonus I'll get to stalk Seanachai by default. Now if only Wildman would fall face first into a food processor I'd be able to die a happy man.

Wild Thang, you gamey, ear licker of the canine variety. don't you even think of starting this monstrosity of a game and then wandering off! I better see moves and moves a-plenty boyo, or I'll sell the land rights out from under you until the

Cannuckian Gubmint can shout, "All your Minot AFB belongs to us!"

So take some time off from wearing your ewe costume with the deep, plunging neckline, gazing into your full length mirror and saluting yourself to send a turn, you pillock!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people

Is this some sort of self-condemnation from an Advertisers Anonymous meeting???

"Hi, I'm Boo Radley, and I lie for a living. Oh not the big black lies that make you end up mucking out nightmare stalls at Berli's house, but the little grey lies that, well, make people buy things, thinking that they are getting a great deal. Kind of like the 'Buy this worthless trinket for 3 easy payments of $99.95, and we'll throw in this plastic back scratcher valued at $39.95'.

Well, the only reason it's valued at $39.95 is because a headhunter shaman in the remote Amazon saw one once when National Geographic did one of those famous documentary films. One of the film crew had one, the kind that looks like a little hand at the end of a stick,and the shaman was ready to trade his whole village for the thing.

So we sent one of our market researchers down there to see what the village really looked like. He guessed what the value of a bunch of gourds, dead animals, and shrunken head or two would be worth, and presto! $39.95 came out of the Excel spreadsheet. It might not be worth $39.95 to you, but it sure was to that Amazon tribe!

Well, it used to be worth $39.95 to them, but that was before the tribe all got sick and died from a virus transported to their remote place by our researcher. As the tribe members fell ill, the shaman killed the researcher, and shrunk his head hoping that it would make the bad spirits go away... didn't quite happen that way though, poor sods. We're saving our new advertising line for the winter marketing campaign... "Three easy payments of $99.95 and we'll throw in these TWO backscratchers!!! People are losing their heads over this deal! Act now!"

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Originally posted by Mouse:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people

Is this some sort of self-condemnation from an Advertisers Anonymous meeting???

"Hi, I'm Boo Radley, and I lie for a living. Oh not the big black lies that make you end up mucking out nightmare stalls at Berli's house, but the little grey lies that, well, make people buy things, thinking that they are getting a great deal. Kind of like the 'Buy this worthless trinket for 3 easy payments of $99.95, and we'll throw in this plastic back scratcher valued at $39.95'.

Well, the only reason it's valued at $39.95 is because a headhunter shaman in the remote Amazon saw one once when National Geographic did one of those famous documentary films. One of the film crew had one, the kind that looks like a little hand at the end of a stick,and the shaman was ready to trade his whole village for the thing.

So we sent one of our market researchers down there to see what the village really looked like. He guessed what the value of a bunch of gourds, dead animals, and shrunken head or two would be worth, and presto! $39.95 came out of the Excel spreadsheet. It might not be worth $39.95 to you, but it sure was to that Amazon tribe!

Well, it used to be worth $39.95 to them, but that was before the tribe all got sick and died from a virus transported to their remote place by our researcher. As the tribe members fell ill, the shaman killed the researcher, and shrunk his head hoping that it would make the bad spirits go away... didn't quite happen that way though, poor sods. We're saving our new advertising line for the winter marketing campaign... "Three easy payments of $99.95 and we'll throw in these TWO backscratchers!!! People are losing their heads over this deal! Act now!"


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Originally posted by Andreas:

Makes me wonder though, why do idiots always have to announce in public they are leaving? Can't they just go and leave me to run the forum the way I like it? Do they have to unveil the secret deal that Steve and I struck, that the forum is mine to do with as I please, and Matt is my henchman? *SIGH*

Anyway, now that the ferret is out the bag, you lot can start wearing something warmer, to put it into the German vernacular. Either you get a bit funnier, or it is the chaingang for you sorry excuses for Pengthread dwellers.

Get a move on.

Well, I, for one, am sorry to see carbone resign. The guy had the stamp of comedic genius!. The bearlickthatagain was a classic and his final farewell in which he twisted the knife deep into The Bard by totally ignoring him in his list of distasteful posters on this Board shows an almost instinctive ability. As his anger rose, so did his humorous postings. He was a natural.

I'm telling you the guy was a comedy genius and nobody realized it.

Not even the genius himself.

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How to Clean a Grouse:

(Start) – Step on both wings with your muddy boots.

(Towards the begining of the middle) – Grasp tail feathers firmly.

(Little later in the middle) – Pull slowly until grouse turns inside out, ignore girlfriend's gasp {or laugh at her, your call}.

(Middle) – Throw that chunk of innards attached to tail into the woods for the carrion eaters.

(Moving to the end of the middle) – Pick up body by the breast, twist head off {note - pull tendons making beak open and close while chasing girlfriend, this is a must} and throw somewhere else in the woods.

(End of the middle) – Twist off wings from breast, toss in the remaining two compass points {or at girlfriend if you can still see her. Again, your call}.

(Beginning of the end) – Remove any remaining viscera, feathers, and other nasty bits.

(Middle of the end) – Place breast in plastic bag. Save for later use involving stuffing, bacon, and a bit of white cream sauce. And perhaps a nice bottle of vino.

(End) – Go find girlfriend {hint – she's probably already back at the truck, hope you were smart enough to keep the keys on you}.

As you can see, I'm now ready to send out turns tonight. After dinner...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Master and practice your best wolf whistle.

Now sod off.

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