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Peng, why hast thou forsaken my challenge?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Thank you. Thank you, one and all.

Even little konrad whom I find more than a wee bit disturbing.

But, rest assured that tonight when I am deep in my cups, I'll raise a glass to the members of the Mutha Beautiful and thank all the odd gods of the galaxy that none of you are here.

Are those A-cups or B-cups?

Steve </font>

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Oh, no need to start bawling and git all sentimentally with me, Boo. There's nowt you can do about turning 65 now is there? Just GRIN like the CHIMP you really wanted to be and bare it!



PS: Send a TURN you twittering TWAT!

[ February 12, 2003, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Speaking of Patch's Poignant Pics, perhaps the 'Pool is in need of further illumination. I am yet to see imagery of Faithful Squire lenakonrad, Loiter-Ant Hurthand, Nidan1 or even Permanent Serf of the 'Pool SgtGoodness-Gracious-Me!

I DEMAND these chappies BE FORCED AT GUNPOINT if necessary to send suitably peurile piccies poste hasty to Persephone aka Patch for pixelization and posting pronto.

Chop, chop!

Sir AJ

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

Speaking of Patch's Poignant Pics, perhaps the 'Pool is in need of further illumination. I am yet to see imagery of Faithful Squire lenakonrad, Loiter-Ant Hurthand, Nidan1 or even Permanent Serf of the 'Pool SgtGoodness-Gracious-Me!

I DEMAND these chappies BE FORCED AT GUNPOINT if necessary to send suitably peurile piccies poste hasty to Persephone aka Patch for pixelization and posting pronto.

Chop, chop!

Sir AJ

But why , SIR ,why ?...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Sir Apple Jelly

I humbly point you to my home page (you can click on the little house thingy on this post) for a pic of me on a good day. You don't want to see me out of sorts.

And now for something completely different...

All games have been thrown into a bit of a quandry because of the recent patch but there is some progress being made.

Sir Apricot Jam has tricked me into playing one of his creations. Forrest, mines, and shrecks. Nevertheless I shall crush him.

Squire Lemoncrabs has just spent the entire yearly budget of the Red Army on mortars for his opening bombardment. To no avail as I shall crush him as well.

Lt. Heartthrob has actually set up his forces on another map and has offered my heroic warriors no resistance as we crush him.

Sir Nightstand has managed to move our battle from the eastern front to a large pool table with some lego blocks in the middle. A waste of effort as it turns out for I shall still crush him.

Last and surely least Tonkablob has yet to respond to my challenge (actually that would be he has failed to follow up on his own challenge) and seems to have dissappeared in a puff of hot air.

[edited to keep Denise Richards from noticing Hortland]

[ February 12, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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Seems to me that good King Meeks brought the Justicar back. That decision was accepted by the Olde Ones. So, it stands to reason that the Justicar IS back. Now, my question is this (assuming all of the above is true)...


Yeah, I see you over there Boo

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Turns are out, mostly. If not, suffer. This means you, law-dog.

I would like to know: since our on-again, off-again, on-again Justicar is back, do I get to keep my title? What about separation of church and state? How do we reconcile conflicting decisions?

I'll tell you right now, that if I'm to be the drain clearer, and he's going to sit and "manage", you can have it back. Joe can use that trident thingy of his instead of waving it around like some sort of spiked crop.

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

I am yet to see imagery of Faithful Squire lenakonrad, Loiter-Ant Hurthand, Nidan1 or even Permanent Serf of the 'Pool SgtGoodness-Gracious-Me!

Sir AJ

Wrong again, AJ, you incomparable nincompoop. (But, like, who didn't see that coming?)

My former squire Nidan sent his piccy to Persephone many months ago. He was featured in a blonde curly wig and a Dolly Parton-esque balcony that you could have done Shakespeare from. Well, YOU couldn't have done it since you're illiterate and don't understand English.

But I remember when I saw that mug under the wig and over the huge rack. My inner scream was loud and really quite long.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

My former squire Nidan sent his piccy to Persephone many months ago. He was featured in a blonde curly wig and a Dolly Parton-esque balcony that you could have done Shakespeare from. Well, YOU couldn't have done it since you're illiterate and don't understand English.

Take you me for a sponge, thou errant pox-marked varlot!? I breathe defiance to thine ears!!

Yet, be that as it may thou art clearly older and none the wiser. Would'st thou please rewind the tape, for I did'st miss this folly episode...

Sir AJ

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

I DEMAND these chappies BE FORCED AT GUNPOINT if necessary to send suitably peurile piccies poste hasty to Persephone aka Patch for pixelization and posting pronto.

Chop, chop!

Sir AJ

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />But why , SIR ,why ?...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Seems to me that good King Meeks brought the Justicar back. That decision was accepted by the Olde Ones. So, it stands to reason that the Justicar IS back. Now, my question is this (assuming all of the above is true)...


Yeah, I see you over there Boo

And just which heads would you have adorning the outerwalls pray tell? If it were up to ME ... well, I think I've expressed my views often enough on that subject.

I serve at the pleasure of the Olde Ones, but note you Berli, at the pleasure of ALL the Olde Ones, not just some alcohol besodden wretch ... no, hang it all, that pretty much covers ALL of you doesn't it. Okay then not at the pleasure of any ONE of you alcohol besodden wretches.

So ... pick a head ... any head.


[ February 12, 2003, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Turns are out, mostly. If not, suffer. This means you, law-dog.

I would like to know: since our on-again, off-again, on-again Justicar is back, do I get to keep my title? What about separation of church and state? How do we reconcile conflicting decisions?

I'll tell you right now, that if I'm to be the drain clearer, and he's going to sit and "manage", you can have it back. Joe can use that trident thingy of his instead of waving it around like some sort of spiked crop.

I don't really see any issue here. The Drains of the CessPool are both, at one and the same time, a religious artifact and a very real system with real time functionality. Think of it like ... the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It's a site that is clearly holy and sacred to most (probably all) Christians, but at the same time it's undoubtedly rat infested and bubblegum encrusted. It NEEDS both Religious and Secular overseers and care.

In other words, I'll keep the drains flowing and you can keep the donations flowing ... mind you if a certain amount doesn't slip through your fingers now and then I can't guarantee that the worshippers won't get their totsies a tad damp.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R_Leete:

Turns are out, mostly. If not, suffer. This means you, law-dog.

I would like to know: since our on-again, off-again, on-again Justicar is back, do I get to keep my title? What about separation of church and state? How do we reconcile conflicting decisions?

I'll tell you right now, that if I'm to be the drain clearer, and he's going to sit and "manage", you can have it back. Joe can use that trident thingy of his instead of waving it around like some sort of spiked crop.

I don't really see any issue here. The Drains of the CessPool are both, at one and the same time, a religious artifact and a very real system with real time functionality. Think of it like ... the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It's a site that is clearly holy and sacred to most (probably all) Christians, but at the same time it's undoubtedly rat infested and bubblegum encrusted. It NEEDS both Religious and Secular overseers and care.

In other words, I'll keep the drains flowing and you can keep the donations flowing ... mind you if a certain amount doesn't slip through your fingers now and then I can't guarantee that the worshippers won't get their totsies a tad damp.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Vadr:

The Justicar spoke thusly:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> So no, Mister MacHinery, I'll NOT be playing you. I DO, however, have a fine young Squire Vadr who WILL thrash you to within an inch of your life.

I was soooooo hoping you'd say that, my Liege.

The file wings it's way to the little twit even now. Trouble yourself not the more Sire. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And just which heads would you have adorning the outerwalls pray tell? If it were up to ME ... well, I think I've expressed my views often enough on that subject.

So ... pick a head ... any head.

Joe [/QB]

Well, If I were to say, which I do not (but will anyway), I'd vote for <font size = -2> Senechai </font>. As he has risen me to serf, his entire instruction and training has amounted to "Don't post while drunk." (which obviously didn't work) and "You write funny."

The most uninstructive and sorry excuse for training, from a solid kanigget, I've to witness in years of observation.

The pool is lesser for his contribution.

Don't send me a setup. I'll learn it on my own. Mind you, the suffering will be prolonged for the others, but what do you care anyway?

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The infinite dance of life, death

and chance, takes another turn.

My Dad-In-Law Tom is not going to make it. We are now told that he has extensive fast spreading secondary cancers in the lungs as well as the main sites in his liver and a kidney and has only a matter of a week or two at most to live (if not days).

He was told this sad news this morning, after having collapsed, been rushed to hospital and almost died from low blood pressure last night. He is now in deep shock, having thought that the bastard "C" might be operable. He is not wanting to talk to anyone for now. I guess his mind is running full steam, wanting to remember a lifetime now cut shorter than hoped for.

My dear wife Joan (his favorite daughter) is going home on tomorrow's midnight flight to Melbourne, to stay for as long as it takes and comfort him in his final days then arrange for her Mum to be placed in a nursing/retirement village. Did I tell you she has Alzheimer's and can't look after herself and Joan's mentally disabled sister Michelle properly? Well, Tom was taking care of all that up until last week. **** it. Talk about when the **** hits the fan...

I know when the final moment comes, that I will get that mule kick in the guts and my heart will wrench with sorrow at losing a beloved 'mate'. But for now I am doing my best not to get too depressed. Forgive me if I spout even more rubbish than usual, but my mind is also a bit hyper right now. There will be only one more short scribbling from me on this emotional (from where I'm sitting) subject. And you will know when that time has come since it will be simply titled *THE LAST POST*

"Thomas Beazley - At Ease, Soldier...."


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Originally posted by aussiejeff:


The infinite dance of life, death

and chance, takes another turn.

"Thomas Beazley - At Ease, Soldier...."


And yet, it is such a beautiful place.

Apologies to all, posters, opponents, friends, enemies, and quite likely any number of mentally deficient hopefuls who're after posting recently.

I know that I'm not missed, but I miss being not missed.

The UberGnome is as sick as he's been in several years. Coughing. Fever. Lungs erupting and attempting to crawl out the body via the mouth. I'd say good luck to them, and wave them on their merry way, but the one thing I have a true horror of is not being able to catch my breath.

Turns went out on Monday, or so, but not since, and may not until I can sit at the computer without running out of breath.

You're all very good lads and lasses. Some of you, in your own disturbing way.

AussieJeff, let me be the first to give a salute to your wife's old fellow. Tell him 'thanks', from someone who grew up laying cardboard pieces labeled 'Aus' on a map of North Africa, and trying to envision what their lot was like.

You lot watch over yourselves until I cough up this f'ing terrier, or die. In the snow.

edited to say that I hate running a fever.

[ February 13, 2003, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

My Dad-In-Law Tom is not going to make it. We are now told that he has extensive fast spreading secondary cancers in the lungs as well as the main sites in his liver and a kidney and has only a matter of a week or two at most to live (if not days).

Sorry to hear that Jeff. The world will no doubt be a lot poorer loosing someone of your father-in-law's calibre.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The UberGnome is as sick as he's been in several years. Coughing. Fever. Lungs erupting and attempting to crawl out the body via the mouth. I'd say good luck to them, and wave them on their merry way, but the one thing I have a true horror of is not being able to catch my breath.

Didn't your mom (spelt the American Way so Seanachai can understand) ever tell you that a good night's sleep is essential when you're sick?


(and give our eyes a rest)


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