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Originally posted by mike the wino:

...the finest lingerie I had ever seen.

...Beside which was the largest collection of porn i have ever seen in my life!Sex toys worn down to mere nubs.S&M toys,whips,chains,handcuffs.I then heard a commotion behind me,as i turned i saw two more females,both identical twins.Beautiful and bisexual with really big thingies :D ,as one sealed the door to the loft and the others approached,i heard really cheesy porn music start playing.It was then that i realized...

[ February 21, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

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Originally posted by Ares_the_Great:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike the wino:

...the finest lingerie I had ever seen.

...Beside which was the largest collection of porn i have ever seen in my life!Sex toys worn down to mere nubs.S&M toys,whips,chains,handcuffs.I then heard a commotion behind me,as i turned i saw two more females,both identical twins.Beautiful and bisexual with really big thingies :D ,as one sealed the door to the loft and the others approached,i heard really cheesy porn music start playing.It was then that i realized... </font>
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...that all this is hologram ,the famous "wunderwaffell",probably transmitted by Tiger Commander ...

My instinct didn't failed me .I started to run...

...up the staircase and on down the hall,

out the second story window, 10 feet did I fall..

across the lawn, through the shrubbery...

farther did I run until my legs became all ...rubbery?...

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

. . . and then I woke up.

"Whoa, what a dream," I said. "I really have to stop eating those burritos before bedtime."

I then sat up, stretched, and . . .

...went to fed the horses.Was almost 5 in morning... I get some fresh milk from Gabriela ,the milk-maid ,and sat on veranda..

"what a beautifull day.."I said to my Angel,who was sitting right by my side.Looking into his eyes,I experienced a shock of recognition.He kiss me...

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Originally posted by lenakonrad...

...went to fed the horses.Was almost 5 in morning... I get some fresh milk from Gabriela ,the milk-maid ,and sat on veranda..

"what a beautifull day.."I said to my Angel,who was sitting right by my side.Looking into his eyes,I experienced a shock of recognition.He kiss me...

...but before our lips could touch, I recoiled in horror. "Ppppptttthhhhwwww!!! Ewwwwww Yech!!!" The realization that I had just drank unpastuerized milk dawned in my head. There is nothing worse than having unpastuerized milk breath. Damn that Gabriela! Damn her and her evil, vile, despicable farm fresh cow milk. What treachery!!! What treason!!!! I stood up, wringing my hands in a furious rage and ....

[ February 25, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]

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...paced violently back and forth on the sturdy wooden porch. My blood boiled, my hands sweat, my face was all aflush... I could feel the hair on the back of my neck rise up in anticipation, my nipples pressed hard against my blouse, the foul taste welled up in my throat and I feared I would wretch.

He stood up from the gently swaying bench concerned with my behavior, his presence commanding, he opened his mouth to speak and...

[ February 25, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: -HoTBoX- ]

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Originally posted by -HoTBoX-:

...paced violently back and forth on the sturdy wooden porch. My blood boiled, my hands sweat, my face was all aflush... I could feel the hair on the back of my neck rise up in anticipation, my nipples pressed hard against my blouse, the foul taste welled up in my throat and I feared I would wretch.

He stood up from the gently swaying bench concerned with my behavior, his presence commanding, he opened his mouth to speak and...

...uttered words of soothing consolement which carressed my seething temper. Slowly but surely I began to calm down. Gabriela who...? But no sooner had my mind been set at ease, then the spell of tranquility was negated. For there, off in the pasture I spied a female figure waving an empty milk bottle in one hand, and gesticulating with a certain finger of the other hand. It was Gabriella...Gabriella Milchhexe thats who. The rage overtook me again...forgotten were the soothing words and the peace they had brought me. Now all I saw was a blood red fury, my will bent with a frenzied ire towards that...that...vile creature who tormented me. Striding down the steps of the porch I set off to...
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Originally posted by DBaron:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by -HoTBoX-:

...paced violently back and forth on the sturdy wooden porch. My blood boiled, my hands sweat, my face was all aflush... I could feel the hair on the back of my neck rise up in anticipation, my nipples pressed hard against my blouse, the foul taste welled up in my throat and I feared I would wretch.

He stood up from the gently swaying bench concerned with my behavior, his presence commanding, he opened his mouth to speak and...

...uttered words of soothing consolement which carressed my seething temper. Slowly but surely I began to calm down. Gabriela who...? But no sooner had my mind been set at ease, then the spell of tranquility was negated. For there, off in the pasture I spied a female figure waving an empty milk bottle in one hand, and gesticulating with a certain finger of the other hand. It was Gabriella...Gabriella Milchhexe thats who. The rage overtook me again...forgotten were the soothing words and the peace they had brought me. Now all I saw was a blood red fury, my will bent with a frenzied ire towards that...that...vile creature who tormented me. Striding down the steps of the porch I set off to... </font>
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Originally posted by Leaningkorndog ;)

...place with low hills with outcroppings of limestone ,ideally suited for ambush.I select a narrow valley between the slopes strewn with limestone boulders.Rocky terrain is the best for mortar attacks...Concealed behind boulders ,I settle down to wait...
...and I set up my mortar, and cleaned my rifle, knowing that Gabriella would eventually have to pass through the narrow valley to perform her evening milk deliveries. And when she did, she would get hers then by God!! Oh how she would suffer! All through the late morning and afternoon I thought up countless ways to make her pay for her atrocities to help pass the time. Soon the sun had sunk low in the evening sky, and my pulse quickened for the time of my retribution was at hand. Peeking over the top a boulder I spied a figure coming into view at the entrance to the valley. My eyes straining in their sockets I saw...

[ February 27, 2003, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]

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...a slim figure casually trotting up the dusty road. I squinted my eyes to narrow slits and craned my neck to get the confirmation I desired. And there swinging gently by her side and timed with each stride she took... the metal milk carrier! I could almost hear the glass bottles gently tapping the sides of their metal basket. She appeared to not have a care in the world. Her head thrown back in the air, nose pointed to the sky, and... was she?... Yes! She was even whistling some benign tune, casually strolling, her arms swaying to and fro. Gently gliding right to her doom!! But why was she so carefree? So self assured!? So careless?! And then, from the horizon line a glint of metal shone brightly in the morning rays. She was not alone... in fact she had been followed... followed by a...

[ February 27, 2003, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: -HoTBoX- ]

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Originally posted by -HoTBoX-:

...a slim figure casually trotting up the dusty road. I squinted my eyes to narrow slits and craned my neck to get the confirmation I desired. And there swinging gently by her side and timed with each stride she took... the metal milk carrier! I could almost hear the glass bottles gently tapping the sides of their metal basket. She appeared to not have a care in the world. Her head thrown back in the air, nose pointed to the sky, and... was she?... Yes! She was even whistling some benign tune, casually strolling, her arms swaying to and fro. Gently gliding right to her doom!! But why was she so carefree? So self assured!? So careless?! And then, from the horizon line a glint of metal shone brightly in the morning rays. She was not alone... in fact she had been followed... followed by a...

...rather disshelveled looking man. He was dressed in an old tattered brown raincoat, with rags wrapped around his feet. In his hand he wielded a shard of glass, a shard of glass that looked suspiciously like it had come from a broken milk bottle. How perfect I thought! The milk witch would be doomed by the very tool of her own treachery!!!! Yes, yes! There is justice in the world! However, this did not explain her care-free attitude. Pffft, its probably because she is using a new shampoo or something, I figured. No matter. Her time was drawing near, for the ragged man had crept closer, almost to withing striking distance. My body became tight with tension, as every fiber of my being willed the man on. Just a few more feet, come on, just a few more... you can do it, almost there...almost...just one more step...and then...
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Originally posted by moi

...rather disshelveled looking man. He was dressed in an old tattered brown raincoat, with rags wrapped around his feet. In his hand he wielded a shard of glass, a shard of glass that looked suspiciously like it had come from a broken milk bottle. How perfect I thought! The milk witch would be doomed by the very tool of her own treachery!!!! Yes, yes! There is justice in the world! However, this did not explain her care-free attitude. Pffft, its probably because she is using a new shampoo or something, I figured. No matter. Her time was drawing near, for the ragged man had crept closer, almost to withing striking distance. My body became tight with tension, as every fiber of my being willed the man on. Just a few more feet, come on, just a few more... you can do it, almost there...almost...just one more step...and then...

... and then I watched as the mans scraggely arm reached out towards Gabrilla, grabbing her with a bony hand by the shoulder. Spinning around, Gabriellas hand flew to her mouth trying to hide her fear, and she stumbled back, falling to the ground. "Nestor!!!" She exclaimed, "you scared the living daylights out of me!" The haggerd man , taken aback, stammered out "Sss..sss.sssorry to sss..ssscare you m'lady, mmm....mmmee m'mmmilk bottle. It bbb..bbb...bbb" "Your milk bottle broke nestor? Why here, have another, in fact have two." replied Gabriella (useless do-gooder!!!). What was this??? Bah, I guess you can't count on a man to do a womens job I thought. Nestor, after sputtering out some thank yous, tottered back off the way he had come, with Gabriella looking on. With her back to me, now was my chance. Forgetting the mortar I had so carefully emplaced, and my rifle, I stepped out of my hiding spot and approached Gabriella from behind. No instruments of death would serve here, no I would do this the old fashioned way. It's the only way. My fingers trembled in excitment as I...
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...crept up on the balls of my feet. The sun was at my back, a subtle breeze caressed my face and the loud muttering of the old man let me approach undetected. I was right on her now... a simple twist of my wrist and her world would go black forever. And just as the moment arrived... she turned! There, with my hands outstretched and a murderous look in my eye, I saw something I had not taken into account. She was breathtaking at this range! An Aphrodite among the living. And something in her eyes reminded me of the French maid that I had lost in the war. Her hair was the color of honey, her eyes, like two flawless emeralds glimmering in the radiant sunlight. Her lips... ahh, her lips were full and inviting, and turned up ever-so-slightly at the corners... as if she had a permanent smile etched into her stoic face.

She was taken-a-back with my sudden presence there and let out an audible gasp and again covered her mouth.

My hardened look melted away into a boyish grin.

"C-can I h-help you?" she asked in a trembling whisper as she pulled her hand away from her face and slightly raised a honey-colored eyebrow.

I looked akwardly around and down at my feet, searching for a believable answer. I could feel the blood starting to rush to my face... and then it struck me...

[ March 01, 2003, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: -HoTBoX- ]

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Originally posted by -HoTBoX-:

...crept up on the balls of my feet. The sun was at my back, a subtle breeze caressed my face and the loud muttering of the old man let me approach undetected. I was right on her now... a simple twist of my wrist and her world would go black forever. And just as the moment arrived... she turned! There, with my hands outstretched and a murderous look in my eye, I saw something I had not taken into account. She was breathtaking at this range! An Aphrodite among the living. And something in her eyes reminded me of the French maid that I had lost in the war. Her hair was the color of honey, her eyes, like two flawless emeralds glimmering in the radiant sunlight. Her lips... ahh, her lips were full and inviting, and turned up ever-so-slightly at the corners... as if she had a permanent smile etched into her stoic face.

She was taken-a-back with my sudden presence there and let out an audible gasp and again covered her mouth.

My hardened look melted away into a boyish grin.

"C-can I h-help you?" she asked in a trembling whisper as she pulled her hand away from her face and slightly raised a honey-colored eyebrow.

I looked akwardly around and down at my feet, searching for a believable answer. I could feel the blood starting to rush to my face... and then it struck me...

....i had forgotten my line.As the director yelled "cut" and the cheesy porn music died down,the fluffers approached.I knew this was the pivotal moment of my porn career.I had the tool for the job ,i had the desire,i would not fail.The director,after ensuring that i was good to go, calls for the fluffers to cease and orders everyone to their places."Lights...Cameras...Action",she repeats her line"C-can I h-help you?".I take a deep breath and say, "Yes ma'am,you sure can...i noticed you looking mighty fine from that ridge over there,and well,i thought we might could get it on"Without a word from this beautiful creature with double D's,the answer was clear,we began to......


Take that and run with it by god!Muhahahahaha :D

Porn!Porn!Porn!Porn! :D

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by nevermind:

we began to...... :D

...to feeling a great drowsiness, after all this milk drinking,so we all lay down in the shade of a rock,Gabrielle with her head on my stomach and I in turn resting my head on old men stomach.The heat ,our full stomachs ,and the sound of gently lapping waves put us into a light sleep which lasted for about an hour.

We wake up...the breeze was rising and it was getting towards sundown.We make our way to the beach as speedily as possible .Old men kept us all laughing ,slashing with hiss cutlass at trees and branches with fierce snarls and pirate cries.

When we was back in the ship,sail was raised and we got under way...Next day we were capture by pirates...

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