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Veteran CMBO Player starting out with CMBB

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So, I just received CMBB (and the strategy guide). Of course, I am reading the manual and the strategy guide now.

However, I have always considered these forums to be an invaluable resource. Does anyone have some good links that cover what a CMBO player should know when they begin playing CMBB? (I recall discussions I had seen regarding machine guns, soldiers running, waypoint delays, etc...)


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Hi Mark

The main items to be aware of are the various states of your command (soldiers) as they need careful handling in the field or you will end up with either exhausted troops or routed/paniced ineffective ones. Proper movement orders and use of terrain for said movement are all the more important in defeating the enemy. CMBB affords users more realistically modelled fire suppression especially MG supression. Furthermore CMBB provides users many more command modes ie, advance, assault, withdrawl, human wave that are different from CMBO if I recall it correctly. It is all the more important to handle your units with proper recon and battlefeld situational awareness. I look forward to CMAK so we who enjoy The West front allies equipment will be able to enjoy the improvments CMBB gave us both outwardly as well as under the hood.



[ May 06, 2003, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: Waycool ]

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My biggest mistake from CMBO to CMBB was my overuse of the old run command. The penalties in CMBB are severe. It took a while to learn when to use contact, advance, and assault.

But have fun learning.

[ May 06, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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I second that Waycool. Now that is going to be the game! I'm just afraid the modders will all be worn out after CMBO & CMBB. :( I sure hope not. This game just wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for them. Great games don't get me wrong but those mods are superb and just make the game look so much more realistic.

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Since you're a CMBO veteran there's some differences with vehicles between the two games but the largest difference is the depiction of infantry. No more super-infantry and MGs have great suppression.

While in CMBO you can try rushing that sMG42 a la SPR and succeed. In CMBB you'll wind up with scores of dead or panick stricken men.

I believe there to be 2 big differences with infantry between CMBB/CMBO, other than additional commands:

- Fatigue

- Morale

You've got to walk a fine line in how far and how long you're going to push your troops, especially on the attack.

P.S.- Well placed, entrenched defenders can be a huge pain in the butt. Time to bring the big guns!

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My best piece of advice is forget all the "not so realistic" tactics in CMBO. Approach CMBB thinking that things will work how they actually did. CMBB rewards solid combined arms tactics.

One more thing, learn how to use ALL of the support weapons, they all "work" in CMBB and are critical to success on the battlefield.

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Don't forget the tanks! You'll find 'Shoot & Scoot' a very useful command, and you'll find the 'death clock' both frustrating and HIGHLY entertaining! No more (or very little) knocking out PzIVs with Stuarts.

German 88-armed tanks have become the long range killers they should've been in CMBO.

Tank platoons is a way of working you'll have to get used to, especially radioless tanks.

And after considering the 75mm gun Sherman a piece of junk in CMBO, wait til you've done your share of fighting with T34-76s with their 2 man turrets. When you get a Sherman platoon in a Quickbattle you'll rejoice to see 'em!

[ May 07, 2003, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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I just thought.

Want a real tutorial on the difference between CMBB and CMBO? Hunt down the old CMBO demo scenarios redone for the new game. 'Chance Encounter CMBB'. It's a hoot to play and a real eye-opener!

[ May 07, 2003, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

I just thought.

Want a real tutorial on the difference between CMBB and CMBO? Hunt down the old CMBO demo scenarios redone for the new game. 'Chance Encounter CMBB'. It's a hoot to play and a real eye-opener!

Oh yes!

I second that the CMBO demo scenarios in CMBB are a real eye opener

and FUN too!

there are a few GOOD variations out there!

hunt them down and play them if you are good at CMBO and New to CMBB.

and yes 2 man turret radioless Russian tanks SUCK


the 88 mm main weapon is now the LONG RANGE laser beam Death Ray it should have been in CMBO.

all good points

-tom w

[ May 07, 2003, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Another point: after playing CMBB for a while, you may begin to think that attacking is IMPOSSIBLE. It isn't, but you need to relearn how to do it. Part of the trick is to recognize that along with significant new advantages, such as the suppressive power of support weapons like HMGs, defenders also pick up some disadvantages that you, as attacker, can learn to exploit. For example:

1. Just as HMG fire on your attacking infantry has a significant suppressive effect, so will HMG fire on defenders. Even area fire on sound contacts at long range can really keep defenders heads down.

2. The defenders are also less mobile. The defending infantry too, for instance, has more limited 'Run' capabilities. In CMBO I used to run my defenders back and forth behind cover to meet emerging challenges. You can't do that nearly so easily in CMBB, because they become exhausted. And you can't just blithely run your reinforcements across a street that's covered by an HMG or tank. In CMBO, they'd be across before the covering unit caught up with them. In CMBB, they'll all have their faces down in the asphalt.

3. ATGs get more quickly supressed once they open fire, and they can be killed by area fire near to the gun, by tanks just out of LOS.

4. Tanks on the attack have less to fear from hand-held AT weapons. The Russians have no zook equivalent and the Germans don't get shrecks till '44, so, while tank hunter teams and infantry squad can kill tanks, you don't have to worry about ranged fire from infantry units, unless you're Russians post-44.

5. In scenarios, the attacker generally receives significantly more detailed and reliable information than in CMBO--info on enemy dispositions, one's own forces, and the composition and timing of reinforcements.

6. The attacker also generally gets more time. Use it wisely...you'll need every turn.

[ May 07, 2003, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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sorry, never played CMBO but i imagine a real difference would be the variable game ending. i find if i'm the attacker the game always finishes too early & if i'm the defender it finishes too late.

as flags are taken the game length increases. this stops the player having a concrete end point to aim for. it's a great innovation & helps prevent/reduce 1 aspect of "gameyness".

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