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Life's just like a box of Peng Challenges

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The following layabouts and nincompoops are hereby officially PATCHED with the V1.02 rocket and as such have NO FURTHER LIMP EXCUSE to escape A HUMILIATING DE-FEET at the hands of Force Floss!!:






Move it, MOVE IT!!!!

That is all,

Over and out,

Roger dodger,

ermm ... and stuff...


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Originally posted by auSSiejeff:

Pray tell, Faithfull Squire, how go

eth the battles with yon infi

dels? Mayhap you cans't post

eth here the gory details of the

ir impending defeats thus far, for the com

pletion of FIVE {4} battles against worthy opp

onents shall entitle you to consider

ation for further eleva


sIr auSSiejeff [/QB]

I don't really want to bother you SIR

with my exploits.

And I will be far away from calling my opponents


I'm not for elevation,nor want that..

A free man ,Sancho Panza philosophically followed Don Quixote on his crusades, perhaps out of a sense of responsibility , and thus enjoyed a great and profitable entertaiment to the end of his days.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AU(military organization of morally mixed and significantly conflicted issues)IEJEFF

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by auSSiejeff:

Pray tell, Faithfull Squire, how go

eth the battles with yon infi

dels? Mayhap you cans't post

eth here the gory details of the

ir impending defeats thus far, for the com

pletion of FIVE {4} battles against worthy opp

onents shall entitle you to consider

ation for further eleva


sIr auSSiejeff

I don't really want to bother you SIR

with my exploits.

And I will be far away from calling my opponents


I'm not for elevation,nor want that..

A free man ,Sancho Panza philosophically followed Don Quixote on his crusades, perhaps out of a sense of responsibility , and thus enjoyed a great and profitable entertaiment to the end of his days.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AU(military organization of morally mixed and significantly conflicted issues)IEJEFF [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Less than you'd think. 'Patch' is the name of Persephone's dog. And, apparently, he's no Hellhound. Berli always speaks of him in terms of 'that silly little dog'...

That's 'silly little rat dog'... and she has been a bit... off since Bauhaus' last visit
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Joe Dirt, Chief Wanker er, Justicar of the Peng Thread, it seems your squire has sodded off into oblivion.

I can only assume that despite the "scenario"* you sent along, the desperate charge by my brave Italians and their rattle-top tanks have crushed the Communist Horde and sent them fleeing.

Vorpatril must be off crying in his beer somewhere, as he has yet to send me the second bloody file.

*if you can describe a file that lacks things like infantry, artillery, elevation changes or terrain features as a scenario

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

Joe Dirt, Chief Wanker er, Justicar of the Peng Thread, it seems your squire has sodded off into oblivion.

I can only assume that despite the "scenario"* you sent along, the desperate charge by my brave Italians and their rattle-top tanks have crushed the Communist Horde and sent them fleeing.

Vorpatril must be off crying in his beer somewhere, as he has yet to send me the second bloody file.

*if you can describe a file that lacks things like infantry, artillery, elevation changes or terrain features as a scenario

McGillicuddy, don't lie like that . . . there are trees. A building, too. ANd even some terrain elevation changes, rocky spots, maybe even some rough.

It is pitiable when one attempts to mask poor play by blaming the scenario.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mcgivney:

Joe Dirt, Chief Wanker er, Justicar of the Peng Thread, it seems your squire has sodded off into oblivion.

I can only assume that despite the "scenario"* you sent along, the desperate charge by my brave Italians and their rattle-top tanks have crushed the Communist Horde and sent them fleeing.

Vorpatril must be off crying in his beer somewhere, as he has yet to send me the second bloody file.

*if you can describe a file that lacks things like infantry, artillery, elevation changes or terrain features as a scenario

McGillicuddy, don't lie like that . . . there are trees. A building, too. ANd even some terrain elevation changes, rocky spots, maybe even some rough.

It is pitiable when one attempts to mask poor play by blaming the scenario.

Steve </font>

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Ode for Boo / Leutnant Hortlund - strike whichever fits your taste.

"Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.

I may make you feel but I can't make you think.

Your sperm's in the gutter -- your love's in the sink.

So you ride yourselves over the fields and

you make all your animal deals and

your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away in

the tidal destruction

the moral melee.

The elastic retreat rings the close of play as the last wave uncovers

the newfangled way.

But your new shoes are worn at the heels and

your suntan does rapidly peel and

your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick."

I've just realised, sitting here processing endless hours of traffic video footage for the Guvment of WA, listening to the blasting sounds of Messrs Tull and his wily son Jethro, that the lyrics contained within this classic of classics are sooooooooooooo pertinent to this place. Almost every stanza might refer to a member of this Holey place. Why, it's almost konradesque, you might say. You may expect to see more than this mere snippet. At my whimsy...


[ February 15, 2003, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: AuSSiejeff ]

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Originally posted by Stardog765:

Ok I know i am not a Pengonite but let me just say you lunatics crack me up...

Please never get help because these threads make my day and if they ever put any of you one the medication that you so obviously need god help us.

Admit it, your Mace under the guise of a noob alias.

There's no way in hell that any sane person would rate the horribly inbred "peng" concept hilarious.

[ February 15, 2003, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]

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Ok this is getting just a little confusing..

Hands up all ye REAL women!!!

Konrad/Lena are you female?

If so maybe we could chat sometime...

Moriane please don't tell me you are Hiram!!

Oh dear, I need a coffee..

Names not bolded because I can't be bothered..

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Great festerin' snot gobblin' patootie slappers!

Noba, cam here tae mae laddie....thas at, a wee bit closer.....*swish* *THWAPPP!!*


Ye owe mae a stankin' setoop as waill.

Owwwwie ! What setup ? Hmmm, scratches around in the diary.....noo-nee-noo, Oh ! THAT setup.

All right you waxed legged, under-arm plucked, eye-brow-shaved, groin tatt-ood weirdo. You shall have your mangy setup.


[ Welcome Fair Lady Moraine. Take no notice of the Faux Scotsman. He knows nothing about interaction with the fair sex. Come to think about it, I heard that the Wee Span'l is a bitch, so that might not be entirely correct.]


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Originally posted by YK2:

Ok this is getting just a little confusing..

Hands up all ye REAL women!!!

Konrad/Lena are you female?

If so maybe we could chat sometime...

Moriane please don't tell me you are Hiram!!

Oh dear, I need a coffee..

Names not bolded because I can't be bothered..

Fair Lady. It is enough that you are confused for me to explain that there are many self professed males in this dank hole that would qualify for a quick, snip and tuck at little time and expense, that would make them perfectly suited to the "other side".


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Originally posted by YK2:

Ok this is getting just a little confusing..

Hands up all ye REAL women!!!

Konrad/Lena are you female?

If so maybe we could chat sometime...

Moriane please don't tell me you are Hiram!!

Oh dear, I need a coffee..

Names not bolded because I can't be bothered..

Mah' dearrrr d'factoo-sis,

Hoo's yer-r-r weee Boonie Scootlund gewin' than fair-r-r lassie?

Ah wood soogest tha' ye shood gew wi' yer-r-r wooomanlee instinc's, ah wood..

Ah'ts boond tae bae tha' r-r-reet choyse!

Wha hey!!


Hoots mon! - mah scoot's bluud ah's r-r-reesin!

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Originally posted by Noba:

Fair Lady. It is enough that you are confused for me to explain that there are many self professed males in this dank hole that would qualify for a quick, snip and tuck at little time and expense, that would make them perfectly suited to the "other side".


Perfectly suited!

There's more to being a woman than a little snip and tuck Noba. But you know that.. roight? :D

I would just like to wish Seanacoochie the speediest of recoveries. It's great to see you posting again, and I trust that means those anitbiotics are working well.

You see Noba!!! No nips and tucks anywhere to be seen in the Bards posts.

Any woman would know he's the real thing just by reading him.

Some on the other hand, tend to make one wonder.

Being female on the net can be quite disturbing at times, so much so that I have come close to throwing my comp out the window on more than one occasion.

I hate mind games.... I don't mind playing along with someone I know is for real, it can be fun. But there is something extremely disturbing about holding a conversation with someone in chat that is pretending to be female.

So forgive me Lena/Moraine if I doubt you, It's just a female thing......

That said....

I would LOVE to chat with either of you wether male or female. Just as long as I know for sure before doing so.

Get Well soon Seanachai

A little snippet from something lovely...

She said "Pray, sheathe thy silvery sword. Lay down thy rowan shield

For I see by the briney blood that flows you've been wounded in the field."

And she stood in a gown of the velvet blue, bound round with a silver chain

And she's kissed his pale lips once and twice and three times round again

And she's bound his wounds with the goldenrod, full fast in her arms he lay

And he has risen hale and sound with the sun high in the day

And she said "Ride with your brindled hound at heel, and your good grey hawk in hand

There's none can harm the knight who's lain with the Witch of the Westmoreland."

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Yes Fair Lady. There is indeed more than a snip and tuck to being female. (Although SOME snips and tucks do a lot in the roight direction, too !

As to the Bard and his posts. They would be vastly improved if they were totally snipped.


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Originally posted by AuSSiejeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Ok this is getting just a little confusing..

Hands up all ye REAL women!!!

Konrad/Lena are you female?

If so maybe we could chat sometime...

Moriane please don't tell me you are Hiram!!

Oh dear, I need a coffee..

Names not bolded because I can't be bothered..

Mah' dearrrr d'factoo-sis,

Hoo's yer-r-r weee Boonie Scootlund gewin' than fair-r-r lassie?

Ah wood soogest tha' ye shood gew wi' yer-r-r wooomanlee instinc's, ah wood..

Ah'ts boond tae bae tha' r-r-reet choyse!

Wha hey!!


Hoots mon! - mah scoot's bluud ah's r-r-reesin! </font>

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It being nearly full moon AND tomorrow not being a worthy day to spend at the beach...


The kannigetty type person Noba, shall ascend to the dizzy heights of the "Darling Ranges" and visit the abode of Sir AussieJeff. This samely named person has deigned to 'lay on the grog' (where is SIMON FOX nowadays ? - he could come along too) and to this end I say, "make it a cider!" for I shall drink your cellar dry and drive home afterwards in my Daughter's Commodore SS V8, no less !

Now if by chance the rarified atmosphere and slightly radioactive rocks, make me forget things like, where I live...you can be assured I will not forget you snivelling idjits - Ladies excepted, of course. No that's not right. I won't forget you either. Now, where was I ?

I will be able to regale you tales of.... (hmm. Perhaps I might edit them first. You can't trust these video people.)


This edit was brought to you by the letter 'e'...and when I catch it, i'm going to wack it a real good'un.

[ February 15, 2003, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

Thanks for the advice AJ I'll be weel warned as you might say.

Nice to see you haven't lost that Rutherglen dialect that we Scots know so well..

You got that Rrrrr thing down to a T.

Remember this... I am thinking about you and yours Bro...

God Bless from all us Scots.

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Originally posted by AuSSiejeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Thanks for the advice AJ I'll be weel warned as you might say.

Nice to see you haven't lost that Rutherglen dialect that we Scots know so well..

You got that Rrrrr thing down to a T.

Remember this... I am thinking about you and yours Bro...

God Bless from all us Scots. </font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

Ok this is getting just a little confusing..

Hands up all ye REAL women!!!

Konrad/Lena are you female?

If so maybe we could chat sometime...

Moriane please don't tell me you are Hiram!!

Oh dear, I need a coffee..

Names not bolded because I can't be bothered..

*raises hand high*

Suffice it to say that I think I've provided adequate information in the last few posts to assure people here I am who I say I am.

If you'd like to chat, I have AIM and my ID is in my profile.

Noba: Thanks for the welcome.

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