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Air Strikes

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Sorry I meant to elaborate some but had to actually go do a little work...

AA guns, flak vehicles, and certain tanks with MGs (coaxial?) are the only ways to combat air strikes. I belive the more firepower you have shooting at the plane the less likely it'll score any hits and the more likely it'll leave early, though I may have that wrong.

Usually it isn't a bad idea to grab a 20mm AA gun or two. They are helpful if there is an air strike and if not they can be used against infantry. If you are on the attack grab an AA vehicle to keep up with the advance and it'll also be ready to defend your men if an enemy plane should appear.

In my experience putting your vehicles in scattered trees doesn't have much of a difference. It might but it seems the AI knows that the vehicles are there no matter what. Your best bet is to pray to the CM Gods that the planes do a little friendly fire instead of dropping on you. Rarely does my opponent's planes miss my guys but I sure have a lot of luck with my planes dropping bombs on my tanks.

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Originally posted by BigDork:

AA guns, flak vehicles, and certain tanks with MGs (coaxial?) are the only ways to combat air strikes.

"Coaxial" refers to MG's that aim in the same direction as the main gun. You probably mean top-mounted MG's. (Sorry I can't come up with the correct phrases, my version is localized... ;) )
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Originally posted by Leopard_2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BigDork:

AA guns, flak vehicles, and certain tanks with MGs (coaxial?) are the only ways to combat air strikes.

"Coaxial" refers to MG's that aim in the same direction as the main gun. You probably mean top-mounted MG's. (Sorry I can't come up with the correct phrases, my version is localized... ;) ) </font>
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Yeah, the truck thing is pretty "cheesy". I hate trucks anyway, those dang drivers panic and run away from everything. The game I'm playing right now, if the stupid drivers would keep going they would be safe, instead they've thrown it into reverse and are being destroyed. It's a rather narrow window of death, and they just stopped right in the middle of it.

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Wow, that's pretty impressive. I need drivers like that! Do you know which division they were from? Is there any chance of having a few transferred to my command??? My drivers do not display enough national patriotism. I'm just about ready to line up all my drivers and execute every last one of them... They were supposed to rush ahead and secure the town, but now that all the trucks are destroyed or in full reverse, my infantry must proceed on foot.

More on topic: Does the experience rating for aircraft greatly increase/decrease their effectiveness? I've never played many games with aircraft, but I can't seem to notice a difference in their performance, no matter what the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate aircraft:( I just don't like having things which are so uncontrollable, and very random. I've had very little success with AA guns, since its so hard to cover a large enough area with them to protect everything. I suppose it might be worth it, but to be honest, when I hear the roar of aircraft overhead, I just race my tanks in opposite directions and into cover like scattered trees. Hope that helps a bit.

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AA guns may not 'shoot down' as many aircraft as we'd like but they do a pretty good job of decreasing the plane's accuracy. I've seen (heard) planes abort straffing runs when AA opens up, and I've seen bombs that would've otherwise destroyed my tank land way off in the next field because an AA gun was targetting the plane.

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I think there is no perfect solution, but in general the more lead you can send skywards, the less of a pain aircraft are.

I just got finished playing the Boots and Tracks Death of the Titans Scenario (and a lot of fun it was too) and I think I am probably not giving things away by saying that I was Germans with a bunch of panzers, I had a Wirbelwind (4 x 20mm)

There also was an airplane buzzing around, and since it was 1944 I figured odds that was the Luftwaffe were pretty low, so I parked the AA vehicle as far away from the action as possible.

A couple of turns later a Hurricane indeed made a pass and attempted to bomb the Wirbelwind, which was fairly well hidden (I thought) but at the same time ignored several other armored vehicles. The bombs missed big time, more than 500 meters, althogh an unlucky infantry squad got bracketed and died outright. The Wirbelwind shot back, obviously.

So far so good. Eventually a Sherman popped the Wirbelwind, and two turns after that ANOTHER Hurrican dropped two eggs on one of my main fire positions, taking out one panzer, immobilizing a second, and killing the TC in a third. (They were pretty close together.)

Lesson: If you have AA pointing towards the sky, the airplanes tend to leave your other stuff alone.

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I just lost an entire platoon of T34/85s to a Henschel 123.

Really? My Henschels only seem to be a threat to large empty fields of wheat


Really? My Henschels only seem to be a threat to my SPW's 250's fully laden with PzGrenadiers!


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