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I Peng You Everyday in Public and All You do is Challenge Me

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Ahem. I digress. Lastly, why not call the worthless, timid, trepidating newbies SCUM SUCKING NEWBIES. Now THERE'S an original idea if I ever thought of one. And, when they have managed to survive a few months gasping for air as they go down for the 666th and last time and actually begin to show some promise, they get promoted to the lower underclass of FLUFFY.
You idiot ... opps, sorry, have to be a bit more specific I see. AussieJeff you idiot, what in the world do you suppose a SERF is? Think carefully now ... yes, I see the light dawning upon you ... or perhaps it's just that the angle of your head aligns your ears with the lightbulb burning behind you.

SSNs who are held in slightly less disgust than most are promoted to the rank of Serf of the CessPool. From the ranks of the Serfs come the Squires and from them are Knights made. Of course now and then errors are made ... I can think of one immediately.


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A man walks into a bar,

There is a parakeet, a lobster, and a walrus sitting down having a drink.

The man walks up to the bartender and says, why are people still reading this awful joke?

The bartender says, cause obviously their complete and utter morons, who in their right mind would continue reading anything that began with a bird, a lobster and a walrus hanging out together of all places at a bar??!?!?

The man says, i know, any kind of jack ass who would throw out all reason and logic like that must fit the profile description of someone very easily amused.

The bartender replies, yeah, they probably have every episode of America's funniest home videos recorded.

The man answers, i would'nt doubt it! If they expected to find the punchline of a joke that started out like that, then Bob Sagat must their favorite comedian!

The bartender says, i wonder if those fools are still reading this?

The man says, i'm sure they are, the realy imaginative readers are probably picturing some guy in a bar actualy talking to a bartender too!!!

The bartender says, well this joke is so awful i refuse to be any more a part of it!

The man replies, well then i guess this is goodbye.

The bartender replies, indeed it is, farewell most foul of all jokes!

The man replies, after awhile crocodile!

[ February 09, 2003, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Egbert:

<font size=-1>If I owe you a turn older than a week, send me a post. Your last turn was lost in storms at sea.</font>

<font size=-1>You told me your dog ate it.</font></font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ahem. I digress. Lastly, why not call the worthless, timid, trepidating newbies SCUM SUCKING NEWBIES. Now THERE'S an original idea if I ever thought of one. And, when they have managed to survive a few months gasping for air as they go down for the 666th and last time and actually begin to show some promise, they get promoted to the lower underclass of FLUFFY.

You idiot ... opps, sorry, have to be a bit more specific I see. AussieJeff you idiot, what in the world do you suppose a SERF is? Think carefully now ... yes, I see the light dawning upon you ... or perhaps it's just that the angle of your head aligns your ears with the lightbulb burning behind you.

SSNs who are held in slightly less disgust than most are promoted to the rank of Serf of the CessPool. From the ranks of the Serfs come the Squires and from them are Knights made. Of course now and then errors are made ... I can think of one immediately.

Joe </font>

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According to my supremely accurate SENT ITEMS e-mail log, the following gits <U>OWE ME TURNS!</U>. So stop with th' sleeping crap, get to your PC's chop - chop, and SEND NOW!

In no particular order:

Lars, Joe, Dalem, Croda, Noba, Boo, Snarker, Sgt Goody, Bauhaus, OGSF {MIA}, Simon Elwin {MIA}, Peng {MIA}, Egbert, Nidan1.

Roight pillocks the lot of you....

Except of course for faithful Squire lenakonrad who actually knows which buttons to press to send and receive mail.

Sir Flamin' AJ


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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

According to my supremely accurate SENT ITEMS e-mail log, the following gits <U>OWE ME TURNS!</U>. So stop with th' sleeping crap, get to your PC's chop - chop, and SEND NOW!

In no particular order:

Lars, Joe, Dalem, Croda, Noba, Boo, Snarker, Sgt Goody, Bauhaus, OGSF {MIA}, Simon Elwin {MIA}, Peng {MIA}, Egbert, Nidan1.

Roight pillocks the lot of you....

Except of course for faithful Squire lenakonrad who actually knows which buttons to press to send and receive mail.

Sir Flamin' AJ


Check YOUR inbox. The last one you send turned up as gobble-de-gook. A lot like your posts.

Some Updates:

AJ is losing one of his creations, and an ASL creation I foisted upon him in retaliation.

Newly appointed Kanniggett Nidan1 is losing even with King Tigers and Panthers.

Boo is experiencing my usual carefull build up to his disection. The fool purchased IS122's .. we all know they don't fire at Tigers, don't we fellow grogs. The weather must have freezed his brain pan - or somefink.

athlatakakakaka is slowly being eaten by my Sturmgruppen... probably a draw. (How anyone can buy a pillbox with an almost impenetrable shield is beyond me. Six squads took 4 turns and many broken fingernails getting inside the damn thing.) I think OGSF had something to do with it. He probably got the shield where the mad Scot got his laser designator.

PondScum is walking calmly into the carefully laid trap.

Snarker , has gone missing. His FOO can't tell left from right. Twice he has shelled his side of the map. I surmise the FOOl has run out of shells.

ps. Don't tell his Panther that shelling empty ground for 6 turns is not helping the Reich Armaments factories get ahead !

pps. Helpfull hint #33...infantry sneak away and laugh at the holes being created where they USED to be.



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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Noba the half-wit:

<font size=-1>PondScum is walking calmly into the carefully laid trap.</font>

I think you might want to check your Fog Of War settings there, Sparky. Someone might be walking calmly into your carefully laid trap, but it sure as hell ain't me, because WE'RE NOT PLAYING A GAME RIGHT NOW.
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Originally posted by Noba:

Boo is experiencing my usual careful build up to his disection. The fool purchased IS122's .. we all know they don't fire at Tigers, don't we fellow grogs. The weather must have freezed his brain pan - or somefink.


And you might want to get your trifocals checked there, Sparky.

Are you absolutely sure those are IS122's?

P'raps you should look a wee bit more closely.

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AJ wants a caste system?

Let him move to India, I say -- it's not that far from where he is, and it will be a lot harder for him to get back on the 'Net.

Another win-win situation brought to you courtesy of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's Office.


[ February 09, 2003, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

AJ wants a caste system?

Let him move to India, I say -- it's not that far from where he is, and it will be a lot harder for him to get back on the 'Net.

Another win-win situation brought to you courtesy of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's Office.


Well it's about damned time you did SOMETHING! I tell you lads, the difference between the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and this ludicrous Inquisitor General's Office has never been more apparent.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

AJ wants a caste system?

Let him move to India, I say -- it's not that far from where he is, and it will be a lot harder for him to get back on the 'Net.

Another win-win situation brought to you courtesy of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's Office.


Well it's about damned time you did SOMETHING! I tell you lads, the difference between the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and this ludicrous Inquisitor General's Office has never been more apparent.

Joe </font>

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----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to air-na05.mail.aol.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<sgtgdy@netscape.net>

<<< 552 sgtgdy MAILBOX FULL

554 <sgtgdy@netscape.net>... Service unavailable

Oh, goody!


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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to air-na05.mail.aol.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<sgtgdy@netscape.net>

<<< 552 sgtgdy MAILBOX FULL

554 <sgtgdy@netscape.net>... Service unavailable

Oh, goody!


If you two are playing one of your "creations", I'll bet he let it fill up on purpose.

Bloody genius...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aussiejeff:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to air-na05.mail.aol.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<sgtgdy@netscape.net>

<<< 552 sgtgdy MAILBOX FULL

554 <sgtgdy@netscape.net>... Service unavailable

Oh, goody!


If you two are playing one of your "creations", I'll bet he let it fill up on purpose.

Bloody genius... </font>

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Turns out soon to everyone I owe. Moving this weekend. Oh, and shocking news - some of your txt files still went missing ( AJ I got your resend as a zip, thanks) despite my Dog Patch ISP claiming it's been fixed.

Noba, Mike I have nothing new from you - if you sent a turn, please resend as a zip.

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Noobie here....


3 games played

All vs. humans via TCP IP.

0-3 (never close)

Haven't played in 2 months due to severe weather, busy inspecting in Iraq, or hijacked and until recently locked in a container crate on an ocean going vessel... You pick...

Anyway, I hear that this is where noobies go to get opponents.

Sooooo, I'm here...

Any takers? OR is this the GIRLS locker room??




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Originally posted by TikiBob:

Noobie here....


3 games played

All vs. humans via TCP IP.

0-3 (never close)

Haven't played in 2 months due to severe weather, busy inspecting in Iraq, or hijacked and until recently locked in a container crate on an ocean going vessel... You pick...

Anyway, I hear that this is where noobies go to get opponents.

Sooooo, I'm here...

Any takers? OR is this the GIRLS locker room??




Oh joy, look lads, we've a newbie who asks a boon of us! What joy there'll be in the CessPool tonight eh lads, there'll be dancing in the shallow parts and no error.

Now obviously he hasn't bothered to read the rules or ... oh wait ... there, there ARE no rules are there! Our esteemed king (I never have been bothered to learn HTML codes but I REALLY liked the way someone used the really, really small font on king, that would be useful to know) didn't bother to use them, instead he choose some superficial and obviously useless "edicts" and by George didn't THEY work well. This may not have been a complete sentence.

Look TikiBoob, this is the Peng Challenge Thread and is NOT the place for someone who actually advertises that he's an aspiring chef ... if you'd said EXpiring chef you'd likely have had a better reception as it would have indicated that you finally tumbled to your worth and decided to end it all.

AND the clown lists his credits for the luv of Gawd! Like WE CARE!

Allow me to be the first to wish you a hearty SOD OFFFFFFFF!


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Good morning/day/evening/night


Monthly Frontline News:

Master Goodale :still under the open sky in a countryside in which nothing remained unchanged but the clouds,and beneath these clouds,in a field of force of destructive torrents and explosions,its the tiny ,fragile human body...Never have I seen a commander with such a genius for slaying his own men.

Leutnant Hortlund: at first I thought that his veterans against my conscripts did well.

But they seem to have little sense or discipline.Besides,Hortlund grown very big and fat and sleek.Probably he cannot fend for himself,and must be fed like children,and I doubt whether he can endure hardship of command.

Nidan1 :You will have to show me better sights than these to impress me.So far,even with the thunder-engines,I have seen nothing that frightens me and no forces with whom I could not cope according to my way of waging war.

In my spare time I pick-up on so call Gaylord Fanker .Nothing interesting happen yet.

Sgtgoody still hidden well.Looks mighty queer to me..

I must say it's nice to be home again,with hot water and a lovely shower just waiting for me...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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