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Sock It To Me, Peng Challenge!

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Sure I know her, she was the raven haired beauty with the two dogs.

"raven haired beauty with two dogs"

When was this happening?? I like dogs. I like raven haired beauties.

How did I miss this?</font>

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Originally posted by dalem:


....then the enraged and depressed (and a little bit strange) Dalem puts on his musketeer costume and gets his favorite pearl handled rapier and sets off after Xyphorus.....um.....whoever that is....



[Edited because I spelled my name wrong...oops!]

[ August 20, 2003, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I find the entire concept of you guys bird-dogging the chickas as something worthy of a comedy of errors. Tell me, how many times did Lars run the boat up on rocks as he stood there trying to look dashing for a Minnesotan bathing beauty?

I mean, we are talking about babushkas and bikinis, aren't we?

Boo, you would have wet yourself over the sort of beauty talent we were constantly exposed to. Minnesota, actually, has many beautiful women. We are a healthy, robust, dairy-farming State, after all.

And Lars does not hit rocks. After years and years of drunken meanderings, he knows every contour of that lake the way your dinners are intimately familiar with every twist of your intestine. And that analogy is disturbingly apt. I'm sure there are any number of late weekend nights when Lake Minnetonka has said to itself 'Damn, when am I going to pass this Lars?'

Besides, this is a weak-kneed southern Minnesota suburban lake (although quite large). There are no damn rocks, and the few there might once have been the municipalities have all gone out and rooted up and placed them in parks somewhere or something.

Not like Lake of the Woods, the Terrestrial Paradise, where one minute you can be cruising along with the engine wide open, and the next minute your lower housing is waving at you from 60 yards back and the boat is slowly coming to rest, staining the waters around you with essential fluids.

[ August 20, 2003, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Yes, just walk down that road, it's only a short hike back to your car, thanks for leaving the champagne behind, no really, it's faster than taking this boat with the 225 hp all the way around, only 96F out, you'll be fine, can't be more than 400 feet...

Now sod off.

You vicious bastard. We all agreed that you only sent us along the right road to get back to the car just so we could appreciate how much you'd lied about how far it was.

And me limping along on a foot that had only recently recovered from nothing particularly embarassing at all, while a cross-section of your many, many cousins drove by us in pickups and SUVs honking, shouting insults, and throwing empty budweiser cans at us.

By the way, is there a great deal of drug smuggling on Lake Minnetonka that requires your cousin to have a monstrously over-powered, flat-bottomed piece of nautical ****e that only rides well if you're idling or going full throttle? I mean, really. There was no way to 'adjust' the speed. You either went flat out in a bid to win free from Coast Guard spotlights and deliver the cargo to the docks in Orono, or you growled slowly along to dock.

The damn engine was a 250, not 225 HP, and about the size and build of a short Harley rider.

It was, of course, a treat to go frisbeeing across the lake with all the feeling of control that comes from the knowledge that the boat you're in is designed to convey the idea 'large genitalia' to awestricken young women who will never be found face down in the water because of natural buoyancy, rather than an actual ability to handle the medium of 'water'.

[ August 20, 2003, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Texas Vs. Georgia

All the elements of the Special Olympics without any of the pathos, nor triumph of the Human Spirit.

A contest where one can, without feelings of shame, sit back and mock the spastic, witless efforts of the participants. </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Jealousy doesn't become you.


No, but I wear dismissive and casual arrogance like one bred to it, don't I?

I was born out of my century. When I was young, I could have been D'Artagnan. Now that I'm old, I can do an easy, smiling Richelieu.

I continue to cast my pearls before you swine in the hopes that someday I'll come in here and find your little trotters clicking as you learn to string them together to grace your bristled throats.

Worry not, MrSpkr. I forgive you, my son.

[ August 21, 2003, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I continue to cast my pearls before you swine in the hopes that someday I'll come in here and find your little trotters clicking as you learn to string them together to grace your bristled throats.

Oh, thse were pearls. That's less disgusting.

Word of advice: Omaha High-Lo Split is a cruel mistress.

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Boo? Art there, oh Boo?

Someone bring Boo before me. I wish to elevate him. After much pondering and reflection, not to mention a lot of thinking about things, I have decided to make Boo Radley an Official Minion.

Oh, I realize that Boo is already a Knight of some lesser house (House Croda, or something awful like that?), but I wish to make him an honourary member of the Bardic House, and to second him to the Grue in the role of large, thuggish enforcer.

Pondscum may cackle on about being an 'evil genius' (not that he's either, of course), but what, in the end, is an 'evil genius' worth?

Sod all, frankly. Attention Deficit obsessors who create overly-elaborate plots for dealing with the most mundane of chores.

Now, Boo...he is a simple soul. Give him a belt-sander, and a clear set of instructions, and let him go about his business, and Bob's your uncle.

And he understands the references. When he's likened to 'Lenny' from Steinbeck, he knows that he's being likened to 'Lenny'.

At any moment you expect to hear him suddenly mumble "eh, Juicy Fruit", so you can stare at him in amazement before fumbling for another piece of gum to give to him to see if he says it again.

So, Boo Radley shall be a large, thuggish, deceptively simple Minion of the Bardic House so long as the rivers run and the grass is green.

So it is written at great and somewhat aimless length, so it shall be done.

[ August 21, 2003, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>Pondscum may cackle on about being an 'evil genius' (not that he's either, of course), but what, in the end, is an 'evil genius' worth?

Sod all, frankly. Attention Deficit obsessors who create overly-elaborate plots for dealing with the most mundane of chores.</font>

Well someone's got to keep track of the plot around here, and it certainly isn't you, you embarassingly lame pond-skimmer. Despite your best efforts to send me turn 3 again, I'm having none of it, you hear? I sent you turn 4 lo these many moons ago, and I'm holding out for turn 5.

If nothing else, endless wittering about turn numbers will cause another bout of apoplexy in Elvis, and the resulting ruckus is always good at shutting up the squires for a bit.

<font size=-1>Now, Boo...he is a simple soul. Give him a belt-sander, and a clear set of instructions, and let him go about his business, and Bob's your uncle.</font>
What? I gave him clear instructions. Belt-sander and then salt for Uncle Joe, I said. Did you hear the screams? No, me neither. I rest my case.

[ August 21, 2003, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I think that the Ubergnome's foot may have overheated on Saturday. It was about 12 billion degrees out and we had to carry Seanachai on our shoulders back and forth from the boat to the island.

I suspect Seanachai may be a robot - he is clearly afraid of water. Or he could be a Ringwraith. Or a Wicked Witch. Or made of sawdust.

Is that it, UberDryGuy? Are you a Robotic Sawdust Golem?

No, I simply enjoy being carried from place to place on the shoulders of you, Lars, and Papa Khann. Although for our next trip I may see about having some sort of palanquin knocked together and delivered to Lars' boat.

It makes me feel regal, being bourne from place to place on the shoulders of sweating minions, pointing out bathing beauties and shouting "That one there! Bring me that one, the sultry wench with the fire in her eyes!" </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

By the way, is there a great deal of drug smuggling on Lake Minnetonka that requires your cousin to have a monstrously over-powered, flat-bottomed piece of nautical ****e that only rides well if you're idling or going full throttle? I mean, really. There was no way to 'adjust' the speed. You either went flat out in a bid to win free from Coast Guard spotlights and deliver the cargo to the docks in Orono, or you growled slowly along to dock.

The damn engine was a 250, not 225 HP, and about the size and build of a short Harley rider.

It was, of course, a treat to go frisbeeing across the lake with all the feeling of control that comes from the knowledge that the boat you're in is designed to convey the idea 'large genitalia' to awestricken young women who will never be found face down in the water because of natural buoyancy, rather than an actual ability to handle the medium of 'water'.

I thought allowing the Ducati-crazed Frenchman to drive was a touch of genius.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Get a backseat driver’s license.

Now sod off.

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Away with you, you little flutterers. I look upon you with condescending pity. Mice, Swedes, what are these to me? Small, furry vermin, and nothing more.

Today I am in a mood of great joy and inner peace.

My new Mac computer will be delivered within a matter of hours. Airborne Express's online tracking system has told me so, and they would not lie to me, an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Mouse, Swede? Resume your small chittering. You are forgiven, my children.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


....then the enraged and depressed (and a little bit strange) Dalem puts on his musketeer costume and gets his favorite pearl handled rapier and sets off after Xyphorus.....um.....whoever that is....



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Originally posted by Lars:

I thought allowing the Ducati-crazed Frenchman to drive was a touch of genius.

Oh, yes, very nice.

"Me, I like to go to fast, you know? Very fast! If you Americans can have guns, why can not I go as fast as I like, eh?"

When he first began the drive in I thought my life was passing before my eyes. But after a few minutes the action was so dull and incomprehensible that I started paying closer attention, and realized I was simply channeling syndicated reruns of Dalem's weekends.

There was a bit with Sten the dog and Joe the cat that was kind of entertaining, but all the stuff about Dalem was tedious.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo? Art there, oh Boo?

(Ahhh, cripes...what's Pangloss want this time...)

Someone bring Boo before me. I wish to elevate him. After much pondering and reflection, not to mention a lot of thinking about things, I have decided to make Boo Radley an Official Minion.

"Official Minion"? Official Minion"? Great. More "cleaning up" the Olde Man's messes for the same pay. I feel as lucky as the guy who won the $3,000,000 Texas State Lottery and was told he'd collect $3 a year for a million years.

Oh, I realize that Boo is already a Knight of some lesser house (House Croda, or something awful like that?), but I wish to make him an honourary member of the Bardic House, and to second him to the Grue in the role of large, thuggish enforcer.

Yeah. 2nd in command of Grue is sort of like being Shemp's stunt double.

Pondscum may cackle on about being an 'evil genius' (not that he's either, of course), but what, in the end, is an 'evil genius' worth?

Sod all, frankly. Attention Deficit obsessors who create overly-elaborate plots for dealing with the most mundane of chores.

Now, Boo...he is a simple soul. Give him a belt-sander, and a clear set of instructions, and let him go about his business, and Bob's your uncle.

I was waiting for the gratuitous British slang reference. Glad I wasn't let down.

And he understands the references. When he's likened to 'Lenny' from Steinbeck, he knows that he's being likened to 'Lenny'.

...from Steinbeck. As opposed to Lenny from Laverne and Shirley

At any moment you expect to hear him suddenly mumble "eh, Juicy Fruit", so you can stare at him in amazement before fumbling for another piece of gum to give to him to see if he says it again.

...and Seanachai tosses out yet another semi-obscure reference, this one to "Chief Bromden" and Boo catches it behind his back, saying to Seanachai, I want you to hold the tuna salad between your knees.

So, Boo Radley shall be a large, thuggish, deceptively simple Minion of the Bardic House so long as the rivers run and the grass is green.

So it is written at great and somewhat aimless length, so it shall be done.

You can all go back to sleep now.
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I'm underwhelmed.

Boo, I would have expected a little more enthusiasm about this evolution of your status on this planet. I mean, it's like you've finally made the jump to 'mammal', but you grumble like a disgruntled amphibian.

Now, where's that bright smile and tail-wagging cheeriness that should accompany such an improvement of your lot?

Don't make me sing 'Wind Beneath My Wings' to you, Boo.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, I would have expected a little more enthusiasm about this evolution of your status on this planet. I mean, it's like you've finally made the jump to 'mammal', but you grumble like a disgruntled amphibian
Some creatures just cannot accept gratitude or praise. I believe you were quite generous in your allocation of species comparisons...I would more likey classify Boo into one of the invertebrate categories, however to each his own.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm underwhelmed.

That's what she said.

Boo, I would have expected a little more enthusiasm about this evolution of your status on this planet. I mean, it's like you've finally made the jump to 'mammal', but you grumble like a disgruntled amphibian.

Is someone who, for all intents and purposes, is nothing more than an emergency, backup Grue a mammal? A team of anthropologists spent six months in the Galapagos Islands wrestling with this very same problem. It was at this time that they realized that the large, guano streaked rock they were studying was not Grue at all and that he was in, of all places, Australia.

Saying, "Ta hell with tenure, no WAY I'm going to that stygian armpit!" they all left for a weekend in Key Biscayne and the study was never completed.

Now, where's that bright smile and tail-wagging cheeriness that should accompany such an improvement of your lot?

And which am I? White Fang or Black Tooth?

Don't make me sing 'Wind Beneath My Wings' to you, Boo.

Would you dress up like Bette Midler while singing it? That might be entertaining.
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A quote from the article posted by Sirreal:

"The Davis-Besse plant is operated by FirstEnergy, the Ohio utility company that's become the focus of an investigation into the northeastern US blackout last week. "

First Energy is headquartered in Akron.

I live in Akron.

I did not lose power, even for a second.

What should you learn from this?

Why man, I doth bestride this narrow world like a Colossus!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why man, I doth bestride this narrow world like a Colossus!

Indeed you do, Boo. A Colossus carrying a belt-sander with a keen eye for those who displease the Olde Ones.

Maybe we can have it grafted to your arm, and you can do a Bruce Campbell from the 'Evil Dead' sort of thing for the 'Pool.

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