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Eichenbaum's Operation Storfang released!

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How can I get Shockwave if the computer I am playing on is not connected to the web?

Where do I go to get a full install versions of Macromedia players?

As far as I can see the Macromedia site will only install over the web.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Eichenbaum please tell us what your operation overwrites in the CMBB game folder. My guess is that, at a minimum, a number of BMPs have been changed. Secondly when you uninstall your operation, do the original CMBB files return to the CMBB file? Perhaps this can be accomplished in a manner similar to using a mod manager?

Thanks for your answers and all your creative work.

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No, they don´t. I realised that the hard way. I had to rename a copy of the BMP folder for CMBB and to copy and paste all bmps from my original one (most of them modded) into the new one. Only after this procedure I was able to start CMBB (CM2). 11001, 11002 missed, along with some 6000s (houses and fabric), some buttons...

Is there a OSF version for CM2 users (the european one), because all folders and registers created by the downloaded setup for OSF1 have English names. Imagine to have a folder named "Scenarios" and one named "Scenarien".

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Eichenbaum please tell us what your operation overwrites in the CMBB game folder. My guess is that, at a minimum, a number of BMPs have been changed. Secondly when you uninstall your operation, do the original CMBB files return to the CMBB file? Perhaps this can be accomplished in a manner similar to using a mod manager?
Operation Storfang does not overwrite any files. If you start up OSF from the 'Start Menu'; textures and scenarios are 'switched' with a temporary version. When you close OSF; everything should be in place again like it was before. Regardless the state of CM, clean or extreme modded, you should be able to play it without the OSF style.

Uninstall OSF does not change anything then only you won't be able to play it anymore.

Already 196 bitmaps are changed when you start OSF 1.0 and the amount will grow with the future releases of OSF scenarios. A mod manager is not an option because every scenario will have its custom mods. Like the objective flags are different with every scenario you'll play because it contains an access code.

Is there an OSF version for CM2 users (the European one), because all folders and registers created by the downloaded setup for OSF1 have English names. Imagine to have a folder named "Scenarios" and one named "Scenarien".
You have completely surprised with this one. I have never known that CDV translated the names of folders in CM's file structure. We do not have the luxury to test OSF on all localized versions released by CDV. The UK version of CDV and Battlefront's version worked perfect on various systems. When CDV has renamed the folders for every localized version then we have a problem here.

My advice is to Not run OSF when you have a localized version installed. You can have a look at the 3d menus with the 'Career' function but do not start 'Battle' because the structure of CM might get damaged. You do not need to worry if files are overwritten or deleted because OSF does not function like that. Give us the time to create patches that handle CDV's versions of CM. The English version (UK) should function without any problems.

Now we need to know the file structure of CDV's localized versions of CM. If you could provide the information we would be very grateful. Like the folder name 'Scenarien' instead of 'Scenarios'. After all we only need to update about 10Kb to make OSF work also with these versions of CM.

We're truly sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you.

Please do not experiment with OSF because it make things worse then it already is.



[ June 17, 2004, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Thanks for posting the full version of Flash Player. One small thing, when I downloaded it from the forum link the .exe entension was missing.

Could you let me know where the full Macromedia installs come from as I would like to get the shockwave player as well, and be able to update in the future if necessary.


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Originally posted by Lucho:

The folder descriptions of the german CDV version:


Thanks Lucho. That is very useful info. I'll create a German patch a.s.a.p.

Originally posted by markl:

Thanks for posting the full version of Flash Player. One small thing, when I downloaded it from the forum link the .exe entension was missing.

Could you let me know where the full Macromedia installs come from as I would like to get the shockwave player as well, and be able to update in the future if necessary.

The server I placed the files on removes the .exe when it offers it for downloading. You can rename the file or go visit Macromedia website for the original locations.

You can find the links to the setup files at MacroMedia's support centre. Follow the topics 'Trouble Installing'. It should be there somewhere.

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Mr. Eichenbaum

IS there some problem with using Opera as your browser? I can open up the app, but when it gets to the point where i am supposed to be able to look at your "map" it's just black. I can view the intro movie fine, but i have to hit CTRL-W to get out of the blank screen. Certainly not trying to devolve this into a tech support session, but i really want the whole thing to work, as i am assuming that i will lose out on "campaign" feel of it. thank you


i should say i have installed all files and supporting programs successfully. And to further clarify i was wondering if the Cortona app was what wasn't performing well with my Opera browser. thanks

[ June 18, 2004, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Bartokomus ]

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Originally posted by Bartokomus:

Mr. Eichenbaum

IS there some problem with using Opera as your browser? I can open up the app, but when it gets to the point where i am supposed to be able to look at your "map" it's just black...

OSF always starts the Ms Internet Explorer for the 3d menus ("Career"). The setup wouldn't have installed OSF if you don't have Explorer on your system. Other browsers are being ignored.

You could try install the Cortona vrml engine manually: <u>Click here</u> to download the setup file (1.58MB)</a>. I beleive this could solve your problem.

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Hi, eichenbaum

I downloaded the campaign and I could not get it to work, despite having all the requirements. However that is not what I am worried about, my regular CMBB doesn't work anymore. "Cannot initialize DirectX Graphics" I unistalled your campaign, then reinstalled CMBB in a new directory and it still will not run citing the same DirectX difficulties. I know I probably just did something wrong or am missing something however, I would appreiciate your insight as I have never had problems with CMBB before this incident.

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Eichenbaum, please forget my last post. It appears that my problems have more to do with the fact that my PC is a remarkable machine, that is if you consider a remarkable machine to be a worthless peice of debris that is about to meet the barrel of my pistol and the gates of hell, than anything that happened with your campaign. As you can see by the other posters, your campaign is superb and it would have been a pleasure to play. I am deeply sorry to trouble you in any way.

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Originally posted by XI_Legion_Nrth_Afr:

Hi, eichenbaum

I downloaded the campaign and I could not get it to work, despite having all the requirements. However that is not what I am worried about, my regular CMBB doesn't work anymore. "Cannot initialize DirectX Graphics" I unistalled your campaign, then reinstalled CMBB in a new directory and it still will not run citing the same DirectX difficulties. I know I probably just did something wrong or am missing something however, I would appreiciate your insight as I have never had problems with CMBB before this incident.

DirectX problems cannot be caused by OSF since there were no modifications with the installation of OSF.

GJK is right about updating DX, though it's wise to this before you install CM.

You could also check the shortcut that you use to startup CM. Sometimes 2 files are not being removed with the uninstallation; CombatMission2.exe and OpenPlay.dll (CDV version)

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I seem to be having a problem starting the campaign.

Probably something I am doing. Are we supposed to be using the Career or Battle sections?

If I try the career section it tells me it is loading the 3D environment then drops out. If I start the battle section I filled in my name then pressed start and a dos box came up decompressing files. I had to close this twice when it stopped.

The CMBB then started with your splash screen, but there only seems to be a quick battle option.

I must be doing something wrong, can you point me in the right direction.

I noticed in the registry values you have the CMBB exe as "combatmission2.exe mine is

"Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" so I changed this value but it still works the same with both values.

Most people seem to be having no trouble so I am guessing I must be selecting something wrong somewhere.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the help guys, for whatever reason even though it said "Cannot initialize DirectX Graphics" I never even considered checking on my DirectX componenets...Hmm... redface.gif ...ANYWAY, that remarkable machine of mine appears to be somewhat stable, that is after screaming at it and threatening it with severe pain and complete destruction. Thanks for setting me straight and I am sorry to have bothered you.

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