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Worst idea yet for a scenario

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Truck & bullets

May 1943

Conscript Romanian trucks try and advance over mixed terrain against a crack force of Russian Partisan snipers.

..you did what to that chicken?

Unfit and untrained German Luftwaffe troops fight tooth and nail for an unclean chicken farm on the outskirts of some unpronouncable Russian village.

They take on the tactical stylings of a battalion of bogged SU-76 crew members.

Barbed wire and brumbar

2 battalions of green soviet SMGers try to storm a bridge over a flaming moat of lava covered with barbed wire and defended by a platoon of elite Brumbars. This is a three battle operation, 20 turn each. The three battles are code named, "Ducks", "Flame" and "Barbeque".

Drive me to drink

A battle where you drive and fight to exit. Both sides are equipped with jeeps and kubelwagons and try to exit from each others start point. 3000 points each, 2500 for aircraft.

FO, I see you

December 1944

Each side on a flat treeless steppe has 8 FOs, last man standing wins.

Objectives galore

This unique but tiny battle in points has a 4 x 2 kilometer map, heavy woods, 100 points of HMGs for each side and 24 objectives. A challenge in planning.

Big town brawl

This 2 x 2 kilometer square of a QB town on mountainous terrain. Both sides have a recon platoon with limited ammo.

River surge

The historic Troili'ske May 1942 floods are recreated in this scenario which consist of each side having a mechanized battalion with heavy tanks and SPs on a terrain of deep fords. Each side defends it one dry hex.

Parachute drop to hell

Soviet airborne drops onto an abandoned slag heap encrusted with anti-personnel mines. They must fight to stay against a vicious counter-attack by Italian tankettes.

Sniper vs Sniper

1 x 1 kilometer heavy woods in modest hills, two snipers hunt each other in this 8 battle, 25 turn destruction operation. For the tough minded only. Each side receives reinforcements of TRPs and roadblocks.

Blocking the catch

German SS Panzers vs Guards Mechanized over the frog harvest in a swamp, on a dark and foggy night

Please add your never to be forgotten best of the worst scenarios

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Battle of the Baltic Sea

Soviets have a company of Marines vs the Germans company of disbanded naval troops. Each side is equipped with enough assault boats to carry all the troops. They start at their respective ends on a 1 k.m. by 1 k.m. map with the major objective in the middle. Only catch is the entire map is water.


Jim R.

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Night of the living Uber-Tank:

An entire Crack German Company Tank finds itself in the middle of a night time Soviet airborne landing. Soviet forces consist of nothing but RPG grenade equiped Tank hunter teams.

Mud in your eye:

German Jadtigers fight a meeting engagement with Soviet T-26s during a rainstorm. The catch? Ground conditions have been set to "Deep Mud".


A Divsion of Soviet M17s vs a Divsion of German HT mouted Quad 20mm cannons.

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A question of command.

Every enlisted mans dream. Two German vs. Two Soviet infantry battalions. Only HQ units used. No ammo, at night, deep snow, everyone fatigued(to simulate age).

Mudding for the Fatherland.

Huge map. Completely flat. Deep mud. One VL in center. Two battalions of trucks for each side. You get the picture.

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Make mine historical.

The 3rd Soviet Byelorussian front versus the newly created, poorly-armed Volksturn units in East Prussia.

Soviets get 3,500 points of veteran units, armour, air support and a whooping amount of artillery.

Axis gets 500, all to be spent in green VS infantry.

Season: October 1944.

Terrain: rural, some small urban areas. Doesn't really matter.

Weather: doesn't matter.

Time of day: ditto.

Game length: painfully long for the Axis.

In an operational game, the defeated VS can try to guard a convoy of fleeing civilians through rural countryside infested with Polish partisans, as the Soviets pursue.

Well, it happened....

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Quarterback Sneak:

Companies of pioneers face off against each other on a flat map. No rifle ammo, but maximum number of grenades, molotovs, and satchel charges. Map is 100% wheatfield.

Mortar Golf:

Map is a full 18-hole golf course. Players have mortar teams, and they may not move to the next hole until one team has landed a round directly in the cup. Player with the most ammo at the end of the game wins. (Game length: 400 turns.)

Bounce the Rubble:

Large map, fully urban. Players have 12 teams of 300mm rocket spotters. Player with more buildings left standing on his side of the map wins.

The Operational Art of War:

Axis has one Tiger tank. Allies have 100 jeeps.

Mines of Moria:

Wide map divided by huge mountain range (maximum height, 5m slopes). Each player has one nine-man squad who must find a way to exit the opposite map edge. Heavy stone buildings at the base of each mountain side allow sewer movement.

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Operation: Has luck replaced skill?

5x5km map.

3 Russian TRPs vs. 3 German snipers. Manage to place all TRPs on top of a sniper and win the jackpot.

After 100 attempts tournament rules allow Italian Snipers instead of Germans although non-historical. Purely for variety´s sake...

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Dog Day Afternoon (or, Fetch Fidopov, Fetch)

Gather resources and see Soviet mine dogs and German "Goliath" tanks marmaduke it out on an island shaped like a human skull!! Not for the elderly or weak of heart!

("Mine Dog" and "Goliath" Special 1.03 patch by CDV available only in Continental United States. Available ONLY in a store near you. As part of the acceptance of your terms of purchase, you are legally bound to make no mention of this "special patch" to friends, neighbors or representatives of Battlefront.com)

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Originally posted by Martyr:

The Operational Art of War:

Axis has one Tiger tank. Allies have 100 jeeps.

Priceless!! :D

Did you know that Talonsoft never patched the German version? You had to use the bug-infested 1.00 all the time. To make up for it, the US version was cheaper. Only problem was that you couldn't get it in Germany. :rolleyes:

Never, ever will I buy a game from that company again.

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Go Sooners!!!

Sorry back to the thread....

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

2 companies T34s must cross 1km bridge against a battalion of 81mm mortar spotters. Axis has 10 TRPs.


One Allied sharpshooter must cross 2km of open ground. Axis forces consist of 4 flights of Stukas. (actually happened to me but the Stukas were OH58s :D )

Wacht am Rhein...

Poorly supplied but well armed Panzer troops must push through hilly, wooded, muddy terrain against thin defensive line before the skies clear and Allied bombers blast them back to the stone age...

oh wait this has already been done. :D

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Originally posted by Foxbat:

Mission Impossible

Finns vs Russians, frozen plains. One Finnish Suomi submachinegunner vs a battalion of russians, player must play the russians of course.

Hey, I´ve done that already! Do you want me to post the AAR? And I´m not kidding (well for the latter part I am). :cool: :D
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Stalag 13:

(Operation: 52 battles of 30 turns each) Map represents large POW compound. Allied player must sneak one unit out of the wire to the map edge *and back* without casualties. Heavy fog simulates unfit axis Security unit's propensity to "see NUT-zink!" Attached mods includes thigh-slapping dialogue, oompa-oompa theme music, and .avi's of Bob Crane's home movies.

Wag the Dog:

The only scenario to simulate the logistical tail inherent in modern mechanized warfare! Player's force consists only of trucks, jeeps and superfluous HQ units. Recommended only for play against the AI, whose force consists entirely of the weather.

Conference at Yalta:

Southern Crimea, February 1945. Three Supreme Command HQ units meet to determine set-up zones for Combat Mission 5.

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The Somme (sort of)

A division of Green russian infantryarmed only with rifles, grenades and with only Maxim guns as support.


500 Regular and veteran Schwarloze MG's (to simulate German Maxims of 1916), with 1000 ammo each and hiding in/behind 2000 pts each of barbed wire and trenches.

terrain is muddy, damage level is extreme, few or no elevations, map is 1000m wide, 1000m deep

Brusilov's Offensive (revenge for above):

A division of regular Russians, armed as above but with 4 76.2 and 2 122mm observers and 12 TRP's attacks a battalian of Green Hungarians armed as the Russians but with only half as many trenches as they need and NO command elements.

Starting point for the Russians is 100m from the Hungarians, whose setup area is 1 tile deep band across the whole board.

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Operation Schuhmacher

Dimensions: 3km east-west, 200m north-south. Featureless map with the exception of two paved roads leading totally straight from east to west. Exit zones on both sides.

Germans: 1 Kübelwagen

Russians: 1 Truck

The player who exits first will win.

As the operation progresses the player will experience all possible weather conditions.

Kübelwagen Mods Bridgestone, Goodyear, Michelin will be available shortly and weather dependent rulesets will reduce micromanagement for tuning.

Strategy Guide "Race with the Devil" will soon be available.

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