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Before Goodale, we never had a Cheery Threat; after Goodale, we never had a Waffle

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Well, if this doesn't beat all. Not that I had any illusions that the lot of you wouldn't try to sell me out -- especially AxeTwoLossesToBecket. Yes, I see you over in the corner, hoping I won't smash more of your feeble armor.

In any event, someone tell Seanachai (I'm pronouncing it "Seen-uh-chay") that unlike MrSqkr, I'm not for sale.

Unless there's scotch involved. That would be a different story entirely.

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Originally posted by Becket:

Well, if this doesn't beat all. Not that I had any illusions that the lot of you wouldn't try to sell me out -- especially AxeTwoLossesToBecket. Yes, I see you over in the corner, hoping I won't smash more of your feeble armor.

In any event, someone tell Seanachai (I'm pronouncing it "Seen-uh-chay") that unlike MrSqkr, I'm not for sale.

Unless there's scotch involved. That would be a different story entirely.

Laphraoig 16 year?

Mind, you're probably not worth it, but it will annoy the Justicar. And all our lawyers are in jail. What good is having Satan posting without any lawyers? His evil looks so toothless without the bite of true corruption.

And it's pronounced Shawn-a-kee, you expectorated burst of throat gargle.

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Originally posted by Becket:

I'm not for sale.

Unless there's scotch involved. That would be a different story entirely.

I knew I liked the lad for some reason. Never could put a finger on it but now I know.

Now Becket I never would have offered you up like the cheap harlot your profession makes you out to be if you hadn't been dragging your privates through the Peng pool. Now you should feel ashamed for slumming. Wash MasterGoodale's ants, polish his maggots and fertilize the mould in penance.

Et tu Beccus?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Laphraoig 16 year?

Is that the same "alleged" bottle that was offered for a certain writing contest? Normally, a "PAH!!!" and/ or a "feh" would be in order but you are der Uber Gnome. As such I can only offer you this...

Come to the dark side. Hatred abounds. Juvenile vitrile lurks around every corner. You could be a man among maggots. Come on, you know you want to...all the other Pengers are doing it. Look over there, it's Poo Standing and next to him is Gear. Cole Slaw was here earlier but that one beer set off his bladder like, well...the ole man that he is. You seek hatred from the forum? Get it in every post.

Just a taste...the first one is free.... :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Now Becket I never would have offered you up like the cheap harlot your profession makes you out to be if you hadn't been dragging your privates through the Peng pool. Now you should feel ashamed for slumming.

You started it.

Never fear, like the prodigal son, I return. Unless they scrounge up a Lagavulin.

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Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Now Becket I never would have offered you up like the cheap harlot your profession makes you out to be if you hadn't been dragging your privates through the Peng pool. Now you should feel ashamed for slumming.

You started it.

Never fear, like the prodigal son, I return. Unless they scrounge up a Lagavulin. </font>

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[... and with heavy steps something grey and heavy ambles forward from beyond the East]

I justed wanted to say hello. Not that it matters. Not that it matters in the least.

[fixes the place with a gloomy stare]

I don't see a paddock. One should have a paddock for visitors and the like... for special visitors under burden... see, I've got a burden... it's on me back where one normally keeps burdens.

[swishes the tail towards a rather humungous and tatty hump]

I'd just point out me hump on account that it has been carried for a long time. Not that I'm complaining, 'cause, see camels have humps... they use it for travelling long distances and being that one has travelled for not a short period of time... that makes me a camel... in disguise.


.... trading Boos for carrots.


[ September 05, 2003, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Paddock? Um, paddock?

*scratches head*

Sorry no paddock. But if you head out back the lawn is tall. Don't mind the mess, MasterGoodale has been working on that Ranchero since the mid-80s....if I was you I wouldn't stand under that engine hanging from the tree. The water is on but MG has had a myriad of excuses to not mow it. And his pet goat ran off inexplicably just recently.

*scratches Yeknodathon*

Aaahhh, doesn't that feel good? I would offer you a carrot but the only fruits and/ or vegetables that I stock are fermented and bottled. But doesn't that lawn look yummy?

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What the bloody buggery hellfire is this? We've got Seanypoos posting like a regular, and a friggin' donkey doing doings all over the place.

Watch it, donkey. You read that thread in the forum? Well, there's plenty of people here that'll "comfort" you if you start leaving donkey gifts around. I'm going first. I don't want donkey sloppy seconds.

Jim Boggs - welcome back. I suppose that, given that we still have at least three months until the arrival of CM:AK, I can finish my game with you. Send me the latest one you've got.

Snarker and I are close to finishing this snow-filled smegma pit of a map. Jeez. What a drag. He has been a total jam-monkey with his Panzer-IVs and I've been reminded exactly why playing as Russians can make you feel as though you're trying to direct a bunch of tuba-playing mongoloids in an orchestra.

I forgot to send turns to Wallybob and Mike the Wino. Sorry, I think. Been a bit tizzy lately. You'll get some.

All your other people can just push off back to your pit.

In other news - I got two big, fat cheques from two tight-arse customers yesterday. They have gone in the bank (the cheques, not the customers) and in a few days I will be able to breathe more easily, since 'bankrupt' will no longer be tattooed across my forehead. It was a close-run thing, though. Bastards. :mad:

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You talkin' to me pus munch?!!? :mad: You wany a piece of this maggot-stomping ass!? :mad: Then shut your sh*t hole and slither away you slope-headed flint-chipping root-digging primate! :mad:

Grarargagrarrrr! :mad:

You'll be receiving an angry setup from me after I flick a few more maggots off of my plate - and you won't like it dingleberry lips :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Keke:

Prinze Eugen just learned how to lose an at-gun to an out-of-LOS direct fire weapon.

Tee Hee. joy.gif


Hahahah, that's one of my favorite little nasty tricks. I once used an 88 to area fire at the foot of an out of LOS T-34. After three big nasty BOOMs the tank crew decided they would be better off bailing. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

What an awful night. Between the head cold, cold medication, and that big glass of whiskey I ended up dreaming all night that I repeatedly posted in the Master Goodale thread...




It was no dream. We'll save some room for ya when wino's package is finally delivered.

See ya then!

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Originally posted by Keke:

Prinze Eugen just learned how to lose an at-gun to an out-of-LOS direct fire weapon.

Tee Hee. joy.gif


At this moment of loss, what could describe my feelings better than this immortal quote from our friend, MastahG :

Originally posted by MastahG:


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

What an awful night. Between the head cold, cold medication, and that big glass of whiskey I ended up dreaming all night that I repeatedly posted in the Master Goodale thread...




It was no dream. We'll save some room for ya when wino's package is finally delivered.

See ya then! </font>

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Today is the Feast Day of St. Magnus of Füssen. This German monk was said to have rid a town of snakes and slain a dragon. He still serves as a patron to farmers and is believed to safeguard against a host of woes, ranging from inclement weather to insect invasions.

No word on mold though.

On your knees Goodale, and not for the usual reason.

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So, this is where all the Pengers come to see how the other 1/8th lives? Hmm, that is alright I guess, I peeked in as well a while ago, and picked up a game with Prinz Eugen and Axe1212. I did expect better from SeanaChia-Pet though, mainly because I thought he was too short to climb from one thread to another.

What have we sunk to my fellow Poolers? Really, Aren't you worried about Blood Borne Pathogens? Especially with Master Goodale "lathering" everyone up, it reminds me of that St. Bernard from the movie Beethoven.

Boggsy !!!!! Welcome back, I hope everything is alright now, and you owe me a turn maggot.

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