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MasterAle's Good Waffle of Cheery Thread

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My game vs Hortlund has kicked off to a frisky start, even though the terrain stinks. My game vs that whining fairy Eddie Windsor remains harsh, yet fair, with MasterGoodale's map providing me sufficient cover to ensure I reach 30m of my objective before being cut to ribbons by elite SMG squads.

If any of you biatches are planning a challenge, I now have two (count 'em!) scenarios ready to rock and roll. Volunteers?

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I volunteer for the better of the two scenarios Sodball! :mad: , I need another scenario to play Parabellum in. Send it on over I'm the Ruskies. . .

make sure it has some TNT Chuckers in it! :mad:

One is entirely balanced, but particularly brutal. The other involves a German attack on a Russkie position, and is far from balanced but has particularly cool and groovy terrain. Take your pick, biadge.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

why isn't the second one balanced? Why would I want to play a scenario I know is impossible to win for one side?

It's not "impossible to win" - it's just fundamentally impossible to create a scenario which is this full of savage, molten TNT face-melting death and make it even! :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

:mad: :mad: :mad: Send me that one maggot!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll send it to you once I've got myself an ice cold, TNT-packed face-melting BEER! :mad:

Who do you want to play as - the evil, face-sucking Nazi PigDogs or the evil, face-sucking Commie Pigdogs?

Jeez, I shouldn't get this pissed and then post.

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I've decided to join the "Wives" club and make some of you my bitch. From now on (excluding my defeat to Parabellum since that was over before I made this decision that's right maggot you'll have to do it again if you want this piece) I will be the "hard-banging daddy" of those I defeat (including all current games: Hortlund, Thermo, Wallybob) and I will be the wife or "bitch" of those who are lucky enough to defeat me! :mad:

Let the TNT fly you sluts! :mad:

Oh and if you lose to me you must put in your sig "Master Goodale is my hard-banging, tnt-chucking daddaayyyy" and I will list you in my "Harem" AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAH!!! and if you beat me I will list you as my daddy or whatever floats your boat. The sigs must be agreed upon in advance.

Current Wives: NONE

My Harem: NONE (yet)

[ December 23, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I've decided to join the "Wives" club and make some of you my bitch. ...

There are some members who posted in the now-locked "Gay" thread on the General Forum who may want to discuss this with you. Especially one calling himself BulletRat who has some strong opinions on this behavior. :mad: :D
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

hehehe!! :mad: . . .I wonder if Snarker and Stalin's penis are having a "blast" playing "The Wall". . .

You puerile pubescent pillock!!

Firstly an organ is a musical instrument capable in skilled hands of making the most fabulous sounds you'll ever hear. Or a Soviet rocket launcher.

If you can think of anything else then toodle off to hte Peng thread.

Lastly we've only had hte damned thing 17 hours and it's Christmas - give us a little slack to get things moving!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I want the Ruskies you amoeba worshipping, turd sucking, punk-rocking-elvis-wannabe, parent-hating, ungrateful, worthless piece of toe-jam-eating, maggot-banging, fat-spawn-producing, lard-assed, unpatriotic lazy scumbag that uses the american flag to wipe his aaaaassss!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm English, you twat. Wiping my arse with the American flag is my idea of quality time.
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Just popping in to say that the red hordes were last seen running to the east, right after the few survivors nailed their supreme commander, known as Sister Goodale to the hull of a burned out KV I.

After a short break over the next few days we will start posting our AAR, a great story of success, tactics and bravery (on my side) and on his side, well... you guess it...


Merry Christmas!

PS: GRRRRRRRRRRR! :mad: :mad:

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Maggots!! :mad: Parabellum said he's too scared to play me for a couple of weeks so I need a new victim - hopefully one more challenging than he (poor guy, I felt bad when I had to send a few human waves into MG fire to make him feel better). Soddball is sending me a setup (he better that tnt-lacking, sniveling little snotbag! :mad: ) so anyone who has a face made of leather that can withstand furious blizzards of molten TNT just let me know and we can play that scenario. In the meantime I'll continue to hammer away at Lt. Wannabe Hortlund, Thermoass and Wallybob (no need to construe this name).

GGAGRRGRGAGRGRAGRAGR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

My game vs that whining fairy Eddie Windsor remains harsh, yet fair, with MasterGoodale's map providing me sufficient cover to ensure I reach 30m of my objective before being cut to ribbons by elite SMG squads.

I don't know about "Operation Black Forest" … it's more like the bloody Amazon rainforest out there.

I think MasterGoodale could quite easily lose the map west of the airport and start a vigorous deforestation programme in what remains – if he felled half the trees he’d still have enough left to build something very big and woody indeed (and it might just give me a few firing arcs).

My brave boys can't even see Hitler's secret hideout, which they're supposed to be defending, let alone pop along to the Fuehrer’s “sanctuary” for toilet and tiffin breaks.

Plus their supply of G&Ts is getting dangerously low … I’m seriously worried what affect this will have on their morale.

I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

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HOLY CRAP SLIMEBALL!!! :mad: :mad:

You have more TNT chucking ability than the great MasterGoodale TNT Chuckers themselves ever get!! You need to learn the true techniques of TNT-CHUCKING and you;'ll be fine! Of course it's woodsy out there it's a secret hideout in the middle of the forest!!

Nevertheless, any honest feedback is good feedback so thanks for that maggot! :mad:

I really liked that scenario, or at least the premise behind it so maybe I'll modify it per you people's criticism and send it to some other victims!! :mad:

[ December 23, 2002, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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All I know maggot is this scenario better give me sufficient molten TNT to sling back in the general direction of my enemy!! :mad: NOBODY leaves MasterGoodale's TNT Chuckers defenseless!! :mad: :mad:

By the way scumballs I'm working on breeding a whole new generation of TNT Chuckers the likes of which has never even been in your worst nightmares!! :mad: I will hopefully be unleashing them on my next opponent!! :mad:


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