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Appear Neither Void Nor Empty In the Sight or Presence of the Peng Challenge

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Beeble babble

This is not some mud, you idgit, there are no *actions*, or #actions# or @actions@ or whatever signals actions in interactive text adventures (My knowledge of such goes only so far as Zork, as Mace's position as Grue should demonstrate). You can't pick up Mace, he's a slavering Grue of the 'Pool. He exists only in the most ethereal manner, much like Mr. Shaw's position as Justicar.

You have an enormous amount of support, Mr. Shaw, but methinks its mostly orthodoxy that's latched onto you as a symbol of the old, and need I mention corrupt, old 'Pool. Think about it, whose side do you want to be on, mine or some nincompoop named Gaylord Focker who writes short posts about picking up on Mace? Look at him, he's pathetic, over there licking himself and gibbering. I doubt he'd know a Grue of the 'Pool if it bit his bum off.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Oh bugger......

We DO NOT need a new Justicar.

Joe is, and always will be the Justicar of the MBT.

Even as king, Meeks can't and won't be allowed to do that.

Yes, I know I helped raise Meeksy from those murky waters to bring some order to the MBT, but there are some rules which will never change, and Booting out Joe is not going to happen.


*Boy I hate it when my feathers get ruffled*

Never let it be said, Dear Dame YK2, fair Emma, that I stay when I'm not wanted, but there is a larger truth at stake here than one man ... be he ever so righteous. And despite your eloquent statement (for which I shall ever be in you debt), no defense is necessary. For see you, Meeks (not bolded because he's ... well Meeks for one thing but NOT King for another) is not yet ... anything at all!

Oh yes, Berli and Seanachai have, for their own nefarious purposes (I've no proof mind you but do any of us REALLY doubt that liquour was involved) PROPOSED him as King. But it's not been ratified nor even agreed to by we who would be ruled. Now doubtless one or the other will claim all sorts of endless rights and privileges as Olde Ones and I would point out that NO ONE has been more respectful of their place of right than I, BUT, while this may not be a democracy ... without the consent of the ruled there can be no ruler.

As Thomas Paine wrote in "Common Sense",

"Meeks is a right idiot and no error. That boy couldn't USE a ruler, let alone BE one."
Who are WE to quibble with Paine I ask you?

I was annoited as Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner BY the Olde Ones and should they suggest that these titles be stripped from me it PROVES that they are now in the pay of Meeks and their edicts are null and void.

As to the supposed Match to determine my fate, I reject the entire premise since {Dipsey) Meeks ain't King and {12345) even if he was he has no jurisdiction.

I note with approval the support given me in this vitally important conflict ... just as I note with pen in hand and black book opened those who would side with the Apostate Splitter. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has a long memory ... and a longer arm.

Furthermore I have the Stenographers while Meeks has ... what DOES he have anyway, has anyone found ANYTHING of worth that he brings here?


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Originally written by Thomas Paine in "Common Sense":

"Meeks is a right idiot and no error. That boy couldn't USE a ruler, let alone BE one."

Oooo, that Paine, he always had it out for me, ever since I critiqued his position on the French Constitution as being deist unto itself.

When I get my time machine working again, I'll show 'im what for.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Furthermore I have the Stenographers while Meeks has ... what DOES he have anyway, has anyone found ANYTHING of worth that he brings here?

Pomp, wit, looks, brilliance, effervessence, cool titles for my supporters, unlimited bile for my opponents, auburn locks, bedroom eyes, top-quality crochet skills, three dozen empty artillery shells suitable for carrying chemical payloads, a cat named 'dog', a dog named 'gasendhuit', a 39" verticle leap, an enormous member, writing talent, creative talent, talents (Useful for religious lessons), acknowledged superiority, inventiveness, consideration, chumchucks, polysyllabic intercourse, photosynthesis, a crack shot, Mandarin, hoop skirts, higher education, drugs, pugs, mugs, thugs and the occasional tree full of small, insane, yet cute mammals.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Furthermore I have the Stenographers while Meeks has ... what DOES he have anyway, has anyone found ANYTHING of worth that he brings here?

Pomp, wit, looks, brilliance, effervessence, cool titles for my supporters, unlimited bile for my opponents, auburn locks, bedroom eyes, top-quality crochet skills, three dozen empty artillery shells suitable for carrying chemical payloads, a cat named 'dog', a dog named 'gasendhuit', a 39" verticle leap, an enormous member, writing talent, creative talent, talents (Useful for religious lessons), acknowledged superiority, inventiveness, consideration, chumchucks, polysyllabic intercourse, photosynthesis, a crack shot, Mandarin, hoop skirts, higher education, drugs, pugs, mugs, thugs and the occasional tree full of small, insane, yet cute mammals.</font>
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Joe I know how proud you are, and also know that you will NOT be dictated to by anyone.

But I would love to see you kick Malas ass and send him fleeing for cover.

Accept the challenge Joe just this once, and show Meeksy the real reason we want YOU as Justicar of the MBT.


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My Dear Dame YK2 how could you doubt me? I refer you to the original introduction of the Stenographers to the Traditions of the CessPool:

The Stenographers of the CessPool

As to the so called Challenge of Meeks (not bolded because he's far to timid to be bold), I can NOT accept the challenge without accepting that he has the AUTHORITY to issue such a challenge. HE DOES NOT ... my hands are tied.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, and won't Meeks need an heir? Should be someone with some resemblance. Meeks is crazy as a tree ful of hamsters... how about someone that is as crazy as a tree full of rats?

Long live the tree in which the rats dwell! I hereby proclaim my support for Prince Mensch. Pythonesque visions of "trumpets in bums" seems fitting.

And, being in agreement with Mace (hey, it's been a bad week all around), I've changed my sig. I suggest it is every kniggits duty to proclaim their loyalty to the MBT in this fashion.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My Dear Dame YK2 how could you doubt me? I refer you to the original introduction of the Stenographers to the Traditions of the CessPool:

The Stenographers of the CessPool

As to the so called Challenge of Meeks (not bolded because he's far to timid to be bold), I can NOT accept the challenge without accepting that he has the AUTHORITY to issue such a challenge. HE DOES NOT ... my hands are tied.


Well let me untie them for you then, for they have been bound much too long.

I know all about the traditions, hell I had to sit and watch while those mini skirted Stenographers weaved you under their spell.

It's time the truth be outed Joe .

You see..... that nice Red Headed Stenographer, the one who kept flirting with you, was none other than Meeks sister..

She knew how loyal you would be to anything set down in print and used her feminine charms to have you eating out of her hands.

Remember how I kept trying to warn you?

It was no use, you were totally bewitched by her.

Snap out of it Joe as Meeks is fully aware of your loyalties. He's offering you this one on a plate, fully aware you wont accept because of that bloody Red Headed Stenographer.

Why else do you think he would suggest a game you could not lose?

Call his bluff Joe show him what you're made of.

GO JOE GO..............

And I know it's not quite the same, but I'll even take notes and wear that little Stenographer skirt if only you will play this GAME.

What say ye Justicar

Are you the man I think you are or the fool Meeks would have us all believe.

Show them who's Boss around here...


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Well, Mr. Shaw, your ploy worked only too well, I read through that thread, wherein it was Law and Order night at the 'Pool, and promptly fell asleep. Only now have I arisen, royal drool still fresh on my keyboard. Pretty amazing, that part where MrSpkr claims you're in cahoots with me, everything comes full circle, I suppose.

Why don't you come clean, Mr. Shaw, it's been a while since we've had a look at those 'Stenographers'. Oh, you've always had reasons for keeping them in that padlocked iron box, kegel exercises, studying, but why don't you tell us the truth, hunh, Joe Shaw. Thought you could forget about your past, didn't you, but the plastic surgery didn't hold, especially for poor Odioma and Hesupetta. No, these 'stenographers', before the pectoral implants, the chest implants, the calf implants, the thousands of dollars of reconstructive surgery, were none other than














The Mormon Wives!!!!!!!!!


[ January 17, 2003, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

Except for that Redhead of course..

Well, yes, except for my sister, who is neither Mormon nor wife. But the two lads, the oiled up Greek boys, they were Mormon Wives, you could tell by their bonnets, and the fact that their names were Josephrania and Melvaleen.

On a slighty more wistful note, while finding the old Mormon Wives, I had a chance to read through some of the original 'Pool, and it really is as witty and original as I remember.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Mr King Meeks check your in box if you dare.

Edited to ask: Do you have an EMail address that someone could actually send mail to?

You moron, that's just the auto-reply I have set to keep unwanted idjits like you and Seanachai from bothering me. I got your little setup, and I'll return it when the mood suits me. Christ, if you people read your E-mail with any kind of intelligence, you'd see there are three dead giveaways that the message is a fake. Moron. Dunderhead. Fool. Pengsnot.
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C'mon Joe, I worked pretty darn hard on putting this scenario together.

I've decided to call it, let me see here . . um, "Kursk You Red Baron". It has lots of 'splodey and burning things in it.

As an additional sharp pointy stick in Maalox-moment's eye, I will require he be the Germans and give the proud Red Army forces to you, Joe.

ALso, I require Malakovski post a full, turn by turn AAR (with pictures, of course).


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