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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

...now that I'm Caeser and all.

Mark my word well. Property values in the MBT are about to plummet like pregnant polevaulters. Before long, we'll be receiving Care packages from third world countries. Our pets will leave us to go live on the street because it's a more stable environment.

To paraphrase CCR, "I see a bad Meeks on the rise."

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

shall I produce the red-hot pokers

No, no, Shaw's a self-starter, says so on that resume he's always passing around. Save the pokers for that Malakovski idiot who thinks there are no rules. Read the post you, you, argh! we still have no term for your kind, there are rules, and the rules are based on my whimsy. Here's one of them:

There will be no posting in the manner or form of stuttering boobs like Malakovski. Any such occurence shall be punished with +150% forces for anyone who wishes to engage in PBEMs with said offender. Granted, it's like butchering a side of bacon, but it'll do.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

See, that's pluck, I always liked you Shaw,

Really? I've alwyas thought of you as a FILTHY SPLITTER WHO TRIED TO DESTROY ALL THAT WE'VE WORKED SO HARD TO CREATE ... of course that's just one man's opinion.
so tell ya what, you come up with a good set of rules, something a little more fun and hip, something that doesn't read like a damned chart at a community pool,
Oh really, didn't care for this lot then I presume? Well perhaps, and I'm just talking off the top of my head you understand, perhaps if YOU HAD BEEN AROUND ANYTIME DURING THE PAST YEAR YOU'D HAVE SEEN SOME OF THE MANY RULES I AND OTHERS HAVE POSTED ... of course there's no guarantee they'd have met your high standards.
something suitable and I'll implement it.
Will you indeed, how very kind of you, how munificent of you, may I be allowed to bow and scrape my way from you presence now? OR SHALL I JUST SCRAPE YOU FROM THE SOLE OF MY SHOE LIKE SOME FOUL RESIDUE I PICKED UP WHILE WALKING WHERE DOGS NORMALLY RELIEVE THEMSELVES?

You sir are an abomination and a stain upon the Sacred Traditions and History of the Mutha Beautiful Thread and I'll not rest, I'LL NOT REST I SAY, until you are exposed for the scum you are. I've known Kings sir, (a fine example of Husky he was too) and you are NO KING. Begone foul splitter, there's no place for you here.

If you need any help in your task, oh my overly conservative, counterreformative, Smokin' Joe Shaw, feel free to gut this CMPlayer chap and use his entrails for inspiration.
Mind you you've hit the target on your analysis of CMPlayer ... not especially difficult of course.

Lads, now is the time and this is the place. If you value all that the CessPool has become, if you honor the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread and if you would be counted as a true patriot to the MBT, then TAKE ARMS WITH ME and FIGHT THIS FOUL ATTEMPT THAT WILL, DEPEND UPON IT, SPELL THE END OF THE CESSPOOL.

TAKE ARMS! ... may I suggest the left arm of the redhead stenographer, it's especially shapely.


[ January 17, 2003, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Boo_Radley pronounced:

Mark my word well. Property values in the MBT are about to plummet like pregnant polevaulters
Well you got that right (not a difficult thing to get right, mind you).

In place The First, the Olde Farts allow the palace to be overrun with SSN gypsies while The Justicar is absent.

Place The Second; same senile, weak, unimaginative Ancient Sticks in The Mud trot out some pretender I've barely heard of and crown the toothless sod King of the MBT! Well all hail her ladyship Lord Meek (not).

When will you people start taking responsibility for your own actions? Eh? Hmmm...? Clean up your own messes (The stables of House Shavian not applicable, dat's my yob)? Stop hiding behind these pretenders and sound off like ya gotta pair ! In closing: Wimps

Place The Fifth: Our learned Justicar has decreed:

Lads, now is the time and this is the place. If you value all that the CessPool has become, if you honor the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread and if you would be counted as a true patriot to the MBT, then TAKE ARMS WITH ME and FIGHT THIS FOUL ATTEMPT THAT WILL, DEPEND UPON IT, SPELL THE END OF THE CESSPOOL.
So count me in on that fight. Stand Back rascally varlets, lest I smite thee with the terrible, triple-tined, trident of the Shavian Stables!



I'll fling horse manure at you as well, and boogers too if you force me!

Edited to remind Qbert I haven't forgotten him...

[ January 17, 2003, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Well, now, I have to say, this is troubling. Not Ol' Stalin's Penis up there, showing the benefits of a public education, or how you say, Cliff's Notes and Cosby Show learning, but this unusually worked-up Joe Shaw.

I'm afraid that I must now publicly strip you of all titles, Shaw. You're no longer Justicar, now you're just a Shaw. I place the lot of shame upon you, you've besoiled your knighthood, and I take from you the mantle of Sir. Your commission be torn up and your house condemned. I have no place for raving traitors in my realm, only raving patriots (Like Mannheim Tanker).

This adherence to the past, this memory of yours is an ugly habit, much like those of Rumanian nuns, and I'd be wary of continuing it, for your future could be filled with trials not only of fortitude but of viccissitude. It took time, dear Shaw, and it took the reduction of the Pool to a pathetic state, but the heresy is gone. There can be no heresy because there is no heretic, there is no splitting and no split, there is only the one, the true, Mother Beautiful Thread, and it's mine.

Now scrape that feces off your shoe and get me some grapes and virgins before I force your former squires to perform monologues on Star Search.

[ January 17, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Read the post you, you, argh! we still have no term for your kind, there are rules, and the rules are based on my whimsy.

I did read the post, Meek King, and I am not a nuclear submarine. I seem to have gotten attached to this little gnome who lives is a bloody cold place somewhere up North. Calls me his squire, he does.

Anyway, you rescinded the old rules, so until your whimsy generated new ones, which at the time of my post, it hadn't, there were, temporarily, no rules.

Thus I humbly suggest to the new King, in the interest of persecuting people, that anyone who ignores my general challenge on the basis of the old rules, be considered in violation of the first royal edict and hanged.

Or shot.

Or something.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Well, now, I have to say, this is troubling. Not Ol' Stalin's Penis up there

He's not?



My Liege, can't we just take him down to the lower depths of the dungeon and throw him in the Iron Maiden for half an hour...all in good fun of course.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lads, now is the time and this is the place. If you value all that the CessPool has become, if you honor the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread and if you would be counted as a true patriot to the MBT, then TAKE ARMS WITH ME and FIGHT THIS FOUL ATTEMPT THAT WILL, DEPEND UPON IT, SPELL THE END OF THE CESSPOOL.

I'm with you Lord Dread Protector!!!

He, Meeks, has sinned openly, so he should be tried, sentenced and executed in the face of the world, and not secretly made away by poisonings and other private deaths (although that would be ok with me). He was trusted with a limited power to govern by and according to the laws of the land, and for the good and benefit of the Cesspool.

Meeks, J'accuse , of a wicked design to establish an unlimited and tyrannical power to rule according to his will.

Regicide! I call for Regicide!

Or at least a trial.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lads, now is the time and this is the place. If you value all that the CessPool has become, if you honor the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread and if you would be counted as a true patriot to the MBT, then TAKE ARMS WITH ME and FIGHT THIS FOUL ATTEMPT THAT WILL, DEPEND UPON IT, SPELL THE END OF THE CESSPOOL.

Hmm. On one hand we have the honor of the MBT

On the other, we have a tyrant who no doubt now controls the mechanism of governance and is not afraid to use torture and beheading to push through his reforms.

Guess his most Royal Highness wins.


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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Anyway, you rescinded the old rules, so until your whimsy generated new ones, which at the time of my post, it hadn't, there were, temporarily, no rules.

Thus I humbly suggest to the new King, in the interest of persecuting people, that anyone who ignores my general challenge on the basis of the old rules, be considered in violation of the first royal edict and hanged.

Or shot.

Or something.

Well, you've got a point, yes, yes, quite a point. No, we can't have everyone required to respond to your general challenge, too cheeky and cumbersome after all, and for being such a sot and pointing out that I would be wrong in the mortal sense (But not in the regal sense, for my word is always right, how could it be wrong?), you should be cut into thirds. However, you've got a mind for politicking, and justice, and since there's a vacancy, you may take over Shaw's post as Justicar. That is, of course, if you can defeat him or his chosen champion in some suitably slanderous match.

And Mace, well, I'm afraid my bag is empty, we have no lands and titles are getting out of hand, but since I have no suitable Wizard of Oz joke, and since you're from Oz or thereabouts, you can be the Grue of the 'Pool. You must practice your slavering, lad, and gnaw on the members.

As my first, truly official act, the preceding being merely a comfortable papal purge, I propose a solution to our problem of interlopers. This seems to be the most pressing issue, ignoring the calls for my abdication and quartering.

I say that the Grue of the 'Pool be our gatekeeper. Mace, being our first Grue of the 'Pool, is to fight anyone who wishes to enter these environs. If they cannot defeat the Grue, then they are ignored. If they manage to overcome the Grue, then they may be selected by the grimy hands of some Knight to be a Squire of the 'Pool. The scenarios do not need to be even, and should all take place at night, in fog, as that is the Grue's environs.

I may be a loon, but I know my precarious position of power, so I ask my noble subjects, does this Grue of the 'Pool sound good or is it no solution to our pains?

And, dammit, can't someone come up with an expression beyond Submersible Somefink Nukular for these mooks?

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

you can be the Grue of the 'Pool. You must practice your slavering, lad, and gnaw on the members.

As my first, truly official act, the preceding being merely a comfortable papal purge, I propose a solution to our problem of interlopers. This seems to be the most pressing issue, ignoring the calls for my abdication and quartering.

I say that the Grue of the 'Pool be our gatekeeper. Mace, being our first Grue of the 'Pool, is to fight anyone who wishes to enter these environs. If they cannot defeat the Grue, then they are ignored. If they manage to overcome the Grue, then they may be selected by the grimy hands of some Knight to be a Squire of the 'Pool. The scenarios do not need to be even, and should all take place at night, in fog, as that is the Grue's environs.

He has a Mace and he's not afraid to use it ...errr... me!


Malakovski, you piece of squire horsey doo-doo, why the hell don't you just learn to show respect to your betters. Especially our own very tyrant! *THWACK*

oh by the way, my MBT HRH, can you issue an edict that every sanctioned member record their title/status in their signatures. Makes life so much easier sorting the riff-raff from the rabble.


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Hmm. As the new Inquisitor and a neutral party in this matter (hey, EVERYONE needs my services at one time or another), I shall present the Match for the Justicariat of the Muthah Beautiful Thread.

I shall work on the thing this evening, and the setup shall be sent out by evening.

Oh, and Mace, if you use the iron maiden, be sure to clean it up when you're through. I just got finished oiling the hinges and have no desire to do so again.


[ January 17, 2003, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Oh dear....

Where's Peng with those tranquilizers?

Unless I have missed somefink then HRH hasn't been crowned HRH as yet.

Still, nice to see some stirring, it's just like the old pool.

And I do like Maces new title. It's long overdue, and a good idea to keep the SSNs at bay.

But SSNs they are and always should be.

Why change something that fits the bill so well?

Ermmmmmmmmmm I know I said "anything you want then just ask" and that still stands. But Can't we keep the SSNs as Scum Sucking Newbies. Please, please, pretty please.............

[ January 17, 2003, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Oh bugger......

We DO NOT need a new Justicar.

Joe is, and always will be the Justicar of the MBT.

Even as king, Meeks can't and won't be allowed to do that.

Yes, I know I helped raise Meeksy from those murky waters to bring some order to the MBT, but there are some rules which will never change, and Booting out Joe is not going to happen.


*Boy I hate it when my feathers get ruffled*

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Originally posted by YK2:

Yes, I know I helped raise Meeksy from those murky waters to bring some order to the MBT, but there are some rules which will never change, and Booting out Joe is not going to happen.


*Boy I hate it when my feathers get ruffled*

Hmm. On one hand we have YK2 with feathers ruffled.

On the other, we have a tyrant who no doubt now controls the mechanism of governance and is not afraid to use torture and beheading to push through his reforms.

Guess YK2 wins (never argue with a female).


[ January 17, 2003, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

Joe is, and always will be the Justicar of the MBT.

Even as king, Meeks can't and won't be allowed to do that.

Oh...can't we just put him out of office for a little while? Make him sweat a bit?

Then he can go right back to polishing bis baton of command or whatever it is he does as Justicar.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Joe is, and always will be the Justicar of the MBT.

Even as king, Meeks can't and won't be allowed to do that.

Oh...can't we just put him out of office for a little while? Make him sweat a bit?

Then he can go right back to polishing bis baton of command or whatever it is he does as Justicar.</font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

Nope, because if we do then what will come next?

I will fight tooth and nail yammer yammer yammer, blah blah blah, have you seen my nails, it's de Sade red, blah blah blah,

Oh, you'll see what comes next.

As a compromise, I propose that the Inquisitor skew the forces and victory flags to favor Mr. Shaw, so that only if Mr. Shaw is iniquitous could he lose. Hell, make the map one big slope and put Shaw on the top end.

I was happy with a justice office with Mr. Shaw at the head but he's been stumping for my execution, and that's a tad wrongheaded of him. Who knows, maybe Malakovski will need a Deputy Assistant to the Assistant Deputy Justicar, in which case Mr. Shaw has a fine list of credentials, which are obvious by that resume he keeps passing around.

Otherwise, if Mr. Shaw feels too scared by the prospect of trial by combat, he may plead and grovel before me and maybe I'll commute it. Until then, Caesar has spoken.

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